Another Craigslist ad worth the read


Well-known member
May 21, 2007
Nice try, too bad the seller has the literacy of a 5th grader.

This is vehicle for a man that sops up the blood from his steak on his plate using a dinner and thinks that is the second best part of the meal. This vehicle is for a man that has never squatted to piss and has wiped his ass with leaves more than once. A man that when hears the Stones or Widespread has an insatiable urge for straight whiskey and a cigarette. A vehicle made for a man that his killed, skinned, and eaten a wild animal. This not a vehicle for a man that has ever said "I think I'll just have a salad. Do you like golf, clear liquors, argyle sweaters, or shopping for slacks? If the answer is yes don't bother me unless you feel like being ridiculed and paying full asking price for things.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2006
Bristol, TN
Oh, come on...

"Do you like golf, clear liquors, argyle sweaters, or shopping for slacks? If the answer is yes don't bother me unless you feel like being ridiculed and paying full asking price for things."

That's funny!