Beware Davinci Resolve...


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
Apparently, to get any support at all, I need to use the forum.

The forum pompously requires your real name to be displayed, and publicly available, indexed by search engines, and scooped up by Facebook.

So, I've sent a PM about that, illustrating the issue. They claim you agree to it when you sign up. No. I did not agree to sharing my information with the world when I bought that stuff. Even after calling Singapore, they were not able to answer questions, and directed me back to the forum. These are simple questions...

I haven't needed much of any help, really, so it's been a little while; certainly outside of the return period of the vendors. We'll see how the guy responds, but...

If I don't like the response, I'm going to be pulling that money right back out of whatever hole they stuck it in.

This new world is unacceptable. I disapprove, and I damned well think this planet needs a cleansing, at this point. You can't get anything done nowadays.

All this technology, and everything only became more difficult.




Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
Odd. I haven't heard back from these people, either.

Well, just know that if you ever do need support for this software or hardware, it's not available unless you go public, and even then the question will be poorly answered by a bunch of idiots.

If you want a laugh, cruise the Blackmagic forums. Seriously. It's that bad.




Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina

"The requirement to use our forums is stated during the registration and also in the messaging regarding this. Other users do this in order to use our forums. If you wish to not adhere to the requirements set forth by management, we cannot approve the account/posts. I also do not see any attempt at posting/pending posts for the account. If it is a workflow related question, this or other avenues of websites/forums would be the way to go. Places like YouTube or even training courses in your region might be able to offer you help with whatever it is you are seeking. "

WRONG, asshole. Absolutely wrong! I can step in that forum and shit in your mouth if I want and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it legally. If I want back in, you HAVE to let me back in. Thank the stars I no longer want in.

Of course there are no posts... I read the fucking rules before posting anything, dumb-ass. He won't go for this, so fuck Blackmagic.

Selling the camera. I'm stuck with Resolve because I've got some projects locked up in there, but whatever.

I can use anything once I'm done with that, and then I'll SELL their damned license to someone else, too. In the meantime, Blackmagic is going to have some legal headaches. When I've got to spend money, open a box, call all over the damned world, and then sign up to a forum to find this nonsense...

The contract he seems to think protects that forum is void.

Oh. They'd be better off if I wasn't stuck at home, I can assure you of that. Now I'm genuinely pissed off, and the hands are idle.

Looks like it's the Devil's playtime.


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