NC, Uwharrie Work Day Apr. 17-17 Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Event Schedule » NC, Uwharrie Work Day Apr. 17-17 « Previous Next »

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Dan Ratcliffe (Dan_ratcliffe)
Username: Dan_ratcliffe

Post Number: 72
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 09:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

(complete details are available at )

Several times a year the Forest Service provides us an opportunity to work on the trail system in the OHV area.

The day starts by meeting at the Uwharrie Hunt Camp on the Saturday morning at 9:00 am. From there you will be assigned to a project, gather up tools and get ready to go. The work usually lasts until about noon - 1:00 pm. Leaving the rest of the afternoon for driving. Camping is available for FREE at the Group Camp site "C" as well. The projects include setting fences, installing silt filters to protect the stream, filling holes, and clearing trails etc.

What to bring?

Everyone should have a pair of gloves, sturdy shoes, and comfortable work/field clothing.

Please make sure you bring enough food and water to sustain you during a solid work effort.

Any tool such as shovels, sledge hammers, and saws are nearly always put to use.

Directions to the Hunt Camp from Raleigh Road using Highway 64

Take 64 west all the way to Asheboro

Once there, look for 49 west, stay on 49 when it splits from 64

Follow 49 for about 20 miles, looking for 109

Take 109 South to Eldoardo looking for Mullinix Road (SR1154)

Continue on 109 South to the Outpost gas station about 1/2 mile farther on the right (a great place for food and fuel)

Continue south past the Out Post turn right on SR 1153. Uwharrie Hunt Camp is on the right about 1/4 mile.

Directions to the Hunt Camp from Charlotte

Depart Charlotte, North Carolina US-74 E� Bear left onto SR-24 E to Troy, NC

At Troy turn left onto 109 North

Once on 109n continue north past the town of Uwharrie (the EXXON station is a good place for food and fuel)

Continue North past Uwharrie go over the bridge and turn left on SR 1153.

Uwharrie Hunt Camp is on the right about 1/4 mile.



Erik Olson (Jon)
Senior Member
Username: Jon

Post Number: 604
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 09:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I'll try to make this one - I've finally got my own post-hole digger! Maybe Hunter will make an appearance this time.



Dan Ratcliffe (Dan_ratcliffe)
Username: Dan_ratcliffe

Post Number: 78
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Sunday, April 11, 2004 - 05:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Here is an update for the weekend, from the Uwharrie Recreation Association.

Our April work weekend will consist of a few different
choices for those who attend... We have a group that will be
working on an ATV bypass for Daniel, some will get to help
the Rangers greet everyone coming into the forest to make
sure they are aware of the pass changes, and others will be
mending fencing that was torn down by the wind storm over the
winter... There will be a big group attending the same
weekend so it has been requested that no trails be blocked in
any way over the weekend... This same group has the "Badin
Group Camp" booked for the weekend so we will be camping at
the "Deep Water Horse Camp" for the weekend... (Located at
the end of FSR 576 Moccasin Creek road...)


We will be moving the "meeting location" back to "Uwharrie
Hunt Camp" because we are not allowed to post the work
weekend schedule otherwise...

April work weekend only,
Camping location will be changed from Group Camp to "Deep
Water Horse Camp" because of prior reservations...

Please see to it that these changes are given out...


We have found out that to have the adoptee groups use the
power tools on their adopted trails without a Ranger present,
there needs to be one person per group certified in "First
Aid" and C.P.R."... If your group splits into more than one
group to cover more ground faster there needs to be one
certified person per group... The U.R.A. is looking into
possibilities of getting a trainer for these
certifications... We will update you with what we find out as
soon as we come up with an instructor... In the meantime if
you have someone in your group who is certified and you wish
to work on your trail please notify us or Leigh Marston that
you wish to do so on a ceartain scheduled work weekend...

If you have any questions or comment please feel free to e-
mail us direct at this address... As always thanks for your
time and cooperation...

We hope to see you over the weekend...

Uwharrie Recreation Association

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