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Posted on Wednesday, March 06, 2002 - 02:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Moved it up top - since it's probably cuase for a new string...

Hello everyone -
Just browsing around looking for feedback on the Freelander. I'm in the market for a mini SUV as a daily driver and the Freelander appeals to me. I don't mind spending a little bit more for something a little better than the Escape or Liberty etc. I havn't driven one yet - but have been through it at the dealer. I'm overall quite impressed but a couple of things are bugging me - and these have been reported in one or two articles, namely lack of side air bags and lack of arm rests on front seats. I don't think this will be enough to dissuade me if everything else is right about the car, but if these items were to appear in the 2003 model I might wait. Any comments about these items or the car overall compared to the Escape would be welcome from this prospective Landrover owner.
(P.S. I'm a Brit ex-pat so the thought of English engineering doesn't scare me off too much.)

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Wednesday, March 06, 2002 - 08:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I may be lynched for saying this, but it would make more sense as a daily driver than my Disco....

I've driven one a bit, a friend's... it's peppier than the Disco, instead of lumbering.... a little more nimble. Not it's not going to go everywhere a Disco can, but it's not supposed to... No, it's not a sports car, but it's still kinda nice, IMHO.

No side air-bags, but my Disco doesn't have 'em, either (a DI). Arm-rests are optional, I think...

If I had the cash, the wife would be driving one instead of her "skate-car"....



Posted on Wednesday, March 06, 2002 - 08:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You will be able to retrofit armrests as soon as LR gets around to designing a set.

I have driven them and it would be a great daily driver and seem quite tough. They also seem to have almost no problems yet. Could not say that about the DII

Posted on Wednesday, March 06, 2002 - 09:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, as a Sales Guide I get to drive a freelander daily. A few weeks ago I went down to the Jeep dealer down the street and traded him a freelander for a Liberty for a few hours. If you are tall, 6'2" or more, the Freelander will be a hard sell. Otherwise the Freelander is the best in almost all categories. The Escape I didn't compare b/c we don't hear too many people shopping between the two.

If there was room for our three rugrats and their car seats across the back my wife would already be driving one. I've considered using my demo allowance to drive one daily to save miles and $$$ on my Disco. We have an epsom green SE with a black Abar sitting about 4 feet from my desk. I have really grown to like the overall package.

Good luck,

Ross Edwards
Sales Guide
97 Disco LSE "ForSale" BRG, 2own,rec's,$13K,EC

Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2002 - 10:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am still considering getting one later in the year as a replacemant for my wife's car. She would be using it mainly for driving to work and going around town, so on road performance is more important than off-road ability in her case. We test drove one a few weeks ago, and really liked it. The Liberty is not an option, we just don't like the looks, and the Escape or Rav4 aren't really serious contenders, either.

Nick DeValera (Ndevalera)
Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2002 - 02:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have had an SE since the beginning of February.I have already put 3500 miles on it and have had no problems except the drivers side window fuse blowing out several times. Land Rover told me to put a higher amp fuse (25A) instead of the (20A) it came with . So far it has not blown.
All in all I wish it had a larger fuel tank, but other than that it is quick, sturdy and drives really well on these Colorado mountain roads. It has also been very capable in the snow. I think Land Rover has come up with a great new vehicle for everyday use and some weekend fun.

Dr. Bruce
Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2002 - 01:32 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My wife and I bought our first Land Rover last summer ('01 Disco II) and we both love it. Then the Freebie came out in December and she liked that one even better. She bought a black SE for her daily driver; I get to drive it once in a while (but I kept my Discovery!). I hate to say it but the Freebie has better highway manners and long-distance comfort (as evaluated on a 5-hour cruise to the Rockies). Peppier, smoother ride, and better gas mileage too. I do miss a center armrest, but that is a minor detail. The Harmon Kardon CD player is superb. It's been a great vehicle in our -25 celsius winter, and solid on snow-covered roads.

Before our first Landy we looked at the Toyotas and Nissans and Mazdas, thinking the LR too pricey. Then we actually drove one around for a day - no comparison. The clincher was taking the demo off-road - something the others wouldn't let us do with their demos!

Bottom line - if you haven't done so already, take a Freebie out for a long drive in town and on the highway...

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