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Posted on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 - 03:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My girlfriend and i are already starting to plan our yearly baja run for this winter. usually we goright after christmas and spend the new year in mexico. if anyone is interested let me know. we go all the way down taking many side trips. this year we will most likely be there for three weeks just north of cabo. we know most can not go for three weeks, but if you are interested in driving down with us and seeing some incredible sights and spending sometime in southern baja let us know.

Grant Lawson (Grant)
Posted on Friday, January 31, 2003 - 11:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

would love to hear about it please contact me.

Posted on Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 01:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

grant, baja was incredible. Contact me via email at [email protected] and let me know what you would like to know. cheers

Jack Quinlan (Jsq)
Posted on Monday, February 03, 2003 - 02:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i'm starting a series of baja trips and would love to talk. I'm in SD and will be going from tecate/plaster city towards the eastern coast of baja. The first trip should be in a few weeks. Two discos and two honda XR 650 desert bikes. First one is just a weekend down and back to get the logistics figured out but then longer trips are in the works. All the trips will be all dirt the whole way.

Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 05:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

awesome. are these guided pay trips? if so what is your company?

anyway let me know what kind of info you are looking for. you can reach me at [email protected]

since you are going via the east side you should definitly hit up guadalupe canyon..the hot springs are great. email me and we will talk more. I am getting ready to go down again in april for a quick two week trip. we have some friends coming up from mainland through baja. talk to you soon

Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 05:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

one more thing why are you starting on the east side at tecate? there are some awesome off road trails from the west over to the east.

RJ Clayton (Tozovr)
Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 11:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post



Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
Posted on Thursday, February 06, 2003 - 08:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I might be driving down to Cabo in a couple weeks to pick up my wife who flew down there on Tuesday. I've never been south of Ensenada and I don't speak Spanish (gimme a break, I'm Canadian!) but I'm the adventuresome type so I figure what the heck. Since it sounds like you guys go down fairly often, do you have any tips for me? It might have to be more of a "road" trip due to time constraints but I'd like to do as much fun stuff as I have time to do.

I've almost done this sort of trip a few times now but something at the last moment always prevents me. Once we even made it 100 metres or so across the border before my JEEP broke down and sent us humbly back across the border into San Diego...

Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Username: Pmatusov

Post Number: 475
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 - 08:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LOL Andrew, my jeep at least made it to Puerto Nuevo :-)

i am potentially interested - although hard dates are difficult to set, i've spent four weekends wheeling since new year, and my better half isn't very happy.

JMON - are you going to Guadalupe Canyon? this is something i am definitely interested in.


Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 - 11:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Peter. Well I ended up not going due to $$ constraints. I REALLY want to do this trip though, so if you or anybody else are planning or interested in going in a couple months once I've managed to work and make some money, I'd be interested!

Peter, I don't think we've met yet?? I was hoping to go to Truckhaven but the date got moved from the 1st to 2nd weekend of March and that's my anniversary :-) so I can't go off-roading :-(

BTW I just had to mention my Jeep since RJ Clayton was the poster previous to me, haha

Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Username: Pmatusov

Post Number: 477
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 01:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

we may have met in 'coyotes after a sclr run - were you there?
i keep my eyes open for guadalupe cyn., but no definite plans yet.

RJ isn't a jeep guy. He's an XJ guy (IIRC), which is different :-)


Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
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Post Number: 259
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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 02:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Peter. I've only been on 2 SCLR trips - Big Bear last year and CORVA/Truckhaven. I only got my LR in June and was out of state/country from August-November so maybe you're thinking of somebody else?

BTW my jeep WAS an XJ - 1988 Jeep Cherokee Ltd. Stock except for a 2" body lift and custom Bilstein shocks. I don't miss it.

Keep me in mind if you're even interested in going down to Mexico (or anywhere else!)

Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Username: Pmatusov

Post Number: 480
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 03:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i had an XJ... miss 24 mpg!

RJ Clayton (Tozovr)
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Post Number: 302
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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 05:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Heh heh I miss 24mpg too!!!

Yeah, I'm an XJ guy, but I'm tolerated by Rover guys from all over! LOL! I just spent the weekend in Maine, wheeling with some of the best folks I've ever met at the Maine Winter Rover Romp.

I'm planning a trip out west...hit Baja then up towards Rubicon et all (surfing everything costal along the way up from Baja!)


Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Post Number: 482
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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 06:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I'm an XJ guy, but I'm tolerated by Rover guys from all over

you know why? 1000 lbs difference in curb weight :-)
i suspect it's the same reason K5 guys tolerate me in the Disco.

you've got some napoleonic plans for a trip out west... wish i had time to do ONE of your destinations!

Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
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Post Number: 260
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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 09:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah I live here and wish I had time to do all that stuff...

BTW RJ just for the record: while my Jeep sucked big time that doesn't give me universal hate for all Jeeps. Mine was personally just a huge headache.

eduardo (Honus)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2003 - 10:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

guagalupe canyone rocks...rock paintings, hot springs...amazing sun rises. yes in april we plan on hitting guadalupe canyon on the way back up. are meeting friends at punta conejo about two hours north of la paz. im surprised at all the posts. i have posted my yearly winter trips the last two years in a row and very little response.

anyway let me know if you are interested. you know last year someone from so cal rover club wanted me to get them gps coordinates for trails around mikes sky ranch..sorry if you check this. I have no gps and no one else did either. I checked at mikes and ...well its baja! lobster burritos!!

Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
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Username: Aclarke

Post Number: 262
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 12:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Are you the same guy who posted the original trip (jmon)?

I'm interested in meeting for some wheeling, but I don't know if I'll be able to take a few days off in April. Tax time approacheth and I've already screwed off waaaay too much in the last year.

RJ Clayton (Tozovr)
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Post Number: 303
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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 11:17 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LOL, it's all good!
AV4x4 (and a wife who teaches) gives me plenty of free time to follow my wanderlust.

One thing we noticed this weekend was the lightweight XJ really excelled in the snow...only aired the TrXus down to 18psi and had very few problems...

I really can not wait to head out west for a spell!


Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Username: Pmatusov

Post Number: 489
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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 12:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

RJ, i've noticed that XJs are very nimble in snow. A guy flew by me one day a year ago on a steep grade, off-camber, ice/snow section of a trail, where my disco kept sliding off the road. The fellow had a 2001 XJ with street tires, and very few problems with handling in snow.

Eduardo, please post a link to your old trip reports. I don't think there's any need in GPS coordinates for trails near Mike's Sky Ranch, they all are right there. And the turn-off to the Ranch is very clearly marked.


eduardo (Honus)
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Posted on Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 05:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yes it is clearly marked..from the west side..also yes i am jmon. I tried to register using that name but for some strange reason it didnt work. Sorry I have no links to trip reports nothing is online yet. Would anyone be up for planning a trip to northern or baja south in the future?
anyone surf out there? many great hidden breaks. Theres no need for gps at all down there! thats part of the fun. Just make sure you carry lots of gas if you plan on doing long off road trips down there. if you dont have good direction sense its easy to get lost. none of trails are marked...except by km markers.

Todd Juneau (Toddxd)
Username: Toddxd

Post Number: 61
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Monday, March 03, 2003 - 04:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Did someone say Baja and Surf?

I have been driving into Baja for almost 12 years now for surfing, 4x4, motocross, and general beer drinking camping adventure. I have only been on the pacific coast side, and about as far down as San Quintin. Most of the spots I hit are about 4 hours from the boarder, or about 2-4 hours past Ensenada. I can definitely share many of the "to do's" and "NOT to do's" for that type of trip.

If you would like more detail, just drop me an email.

[email protected]

Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Post Number: 504
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Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 12:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Todd, just post it right here!

Todd Juneau (Toddxd)
Username: Toddxd

Post Number: 62
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 06:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well...this is going to be really long!

Here is what I have experienced:


1) Know approximately where you are headed or at least the closest city/village ahead of time. Many of the random Federale stops can lead to a series of nerve racking questioning or worse if you don't know where you are headed. They are looking for tourists who are not familiar with where they are headed to; to pick on - TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!

2) Have plenty of supplies like water, gas, food, camping gear, recovery gear (shovels and tow straps) for sand and mud, and at least one full size spare tire.

3) Stash some extra cash in different random places either in your gear, vehicle or anywhere else you can hide it. This can come in handy if you are stopped or harassed by the Policia or locals. The most you should have to pay to get out of just about any situation is $50 U.S. dollars. I typically bring an extra $100 in small bills.

4) Make sure you are very confident in your vehicle reliability, you don�t want to break down on that side of the fence. Jeeps are typically the easiest to repair and find parts for. In a Disco�forget about it!

5) Know some basic conversational Spanish, if you don�t know much, don�t use it at all.

6) Drive extra conservative � TRUST ME AGAIN! Obey all traffic stops, signals, etc.

7) Buy full coverage Mexican Auto Insurance � TRUST ME HERE TOO! Even with this, I know of some unfortunate problems that have happened to friends.

8) Most camping spots along the coast have a land owner and his dogs that you will get to know well and who can end up being your best ally down there. They typically charge $5 per night, be respectful and pick up your trash when you leave.

9) Bring a CB or even a cell will work down to Ensenda.

10) Use common sense, if you even have to think twice of what you are doing�don�t do it what ever it is.


1) Never go alone with only 1 vehicle, always have another vehicle/group as part of the trip�general rule of thumb is �the more the better�! Never drive on the highway roads at night!

2) Never speed, roll through a stop sign or break any common sense road rule in general. If you are in a town, you have about a 50/50 chance of being pulled over.

3) Don�t wear sunglasses when talking with Federale/Policia, they get suspicious for no reason, the last thing you want to do is piss off a 16 year old kid with an M-16 and attitude! Remember, they are looking for Guns, Drugs, Knives, or any paraphernalia that may be associated with the items mentioned. I have been held for a few hours just for having a fishing knife with fish blood on it!

4) Don�t drive on a road that does not look well traveled, especially if it is a farmer�s road that you unknowingly ended up on. Yes, I have been chased!

5) Be aware of the wildlife there, wild dogs, scorpions, and snakes. Don�t leave your shoes lying around at night, you may get a surprise in the morning.

6) If you do break down, never leave your vehicle unattended, it will be missing a few parts or entirely when you get back to it!

7) BE AWARE of any locals as you drive through small villages, if they are eyeing you like a hawk, you can bet they are thinking about how they can rob you! This is a subject I am very familiar with. Most of the spots I go to have small fishing villages on the way there. Most of these are the most beautiful places with the friendliest people. However, there are the few rotten ones as well. I have never been robbed (knock on wood), however several of my friends have been robbed at gun point at night�it is very scary and something you don�t want to experience! They typically want money, jewelry, gas, or any thing else they might be able to sell for quick cash. Don�t do or say anything stupid and give them what they want!

8) If you bring any medications, make sure they are in the original bottle or packaging. If you just throw some allergy pills or something in a ziplock bag, you are asking for it!

9) Don�t or try not to get gas at any station other than a Pemex station or your vehicle may not run the same ever again. Magna Sin is the good stuff.

10) Don�t drink the water!

I am sure I can think of more as specific questions may arise. All in all, I have never had a bad trip down there, some things have happened, however it is a beautiful place with great people.

Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
Senior Member
Username: Pmatusov

Post Number: 506
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, March 05, 2003 - 08:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LOL Todd, it is very much like driving in my homeland! Except for water, maybe...

thanks for posting it.

Eddie (Honu)
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Posted on Thursday, March 06, 2003 - 03:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

so who wants to plan a trip to baja? aka jmon/honu

Todd Juneau (Toddxd)
Username: Toddxd

Post Number: 64
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Thursday, March 06, 2003 - 05:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Eddie, can you tell me the origin of your (Honu) name?

Is it any relation to the Hawaiian/Ploynesian word for "Turtle"

Jack Quinlan (Jsq)
Username: Jsq

Post Number: 179
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Friday, March 07, 2003 - 06:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

eddie would go.

i just got back from maui.
some seriously unsuccessful reef spearfishing.
thinking of changin my username to "slippery Uhu"

I'm still interested in an Eastern Baja trip.
More offroading and most of the hazards todd described are much less prevalent. particularly, the being hassled by federales. offroad vehicles get preference at checkpoints and are often waved through.

i'll help plan it if anyone else is serious about a week long trip.
could even start out with a weekend for the local folk.
my trip with the XR650s sort of fell apart.
unreliable dirtbikers!

Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
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Post Number: 509
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Posted on Friday, March 07, 2003 - 06:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i know two hawaiian words - aloha and okole...
not sure what the first one means, though

Todd Juneau (Toddxd)
Username: Toddxd

Post Number: 65
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Monday, March 10, 2003 - 11:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Jack - I am up for an East Coast Baja trip, i just don't know when or for how long. I would with out a doubt bring my KTM 400 with me for some riding and scouting adventure...It would most likely be May before I could go.

Peter - "Aloha" means either Hello or Goodbye

"Honu" is the Hawaiian & Polynesian word for Turtle. My License plate just happens to say "Honuiti" which is Tahitian for "small sea turtle".

Eddie (Honu)
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Post Number: 27
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Posted on Thursday, March 13, 2003 - 08:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yep honu means sea turtle...most likely a green sea turtle. I used to live in hawaii for a bit of time. i love the ocean. i have seen lots of sea turtles all over the world in the water swimming, surfing, snorkeling. pretyy amazing little guys and they live forever. The federales and solider check points in baja are nothing to be worried about. they actually target "typical" gringos who have no idea and they know will pay. learn a bit of spanish. they like that. a week in the mountains in baja would be killer.

Paul Reyes (Paulr)
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Post Number: 12
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Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 - 11:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Guys,
Todd and Jack I think I already mentioned this to you but I'll be down in San Felipe this weekend (03/28-31st)so if anyone gets a wild hair....

Jack Quinlan (Jsq)
Username: Jsq

Post Number: 196
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 01:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm going to the Mojave otherwise I'd be there! I didn't make it out to AB with thos SCLR folks, but I think I'm going to go on the J-tree trip.

Todd Juneau (Toddxd)
Username: Toddxd

Post Number: 74
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 12:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Crap, sorry guys, I am headed out to Laughlin NV for the weekend. Not sure what is out there in terms of trails, hopefully I will find some to play on.

I am planning to head down to Baja sometime in mid to late April or early May, for a 3 day weekend trip. It would be on the Pacific side, probably 4-5 hours down to some surf spots that I frequent. I will plan to bring my dirt bike as well for some extra fun.

Let me know if you are interested in joining.


Jack Quinlan (Jsq)
Username: Jsq

Post Number: 199
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 01:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

you'll probably be going the same route to Laughlin that we'll be going to mojave. Keep a look out for a heavily laden white disco and a desert equipped XR650R.

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