One more thing on the spacers........... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 03:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ive read about people putting on lifts over 3" and having to change driveshafts,brake lines, and radius arms. I currenty have OME HD Springs F and R, w/bilstein shocks, on 265/75/16 BFG MT's on my 89 RRC. I bought some 2" spacers and was gonna put em on without doin any changes, except maybe the extended brake lines...Is this alright to do, cause I hear it's hit or miss on most rovers, depending upon how bad the vibrations are. I also read an article about breaking U-Joints and failing drive shafts with higher lifts which kinda gave me a scare cause i use this car on the highwway at 75mph + and don't need that happening. Just wanted some insight on what you guys think..........cause I know some of you have put spacers on before. These are front and rear spacers, with the 1" shock mount relocater in the front. Any input is appreciated as always.

Ben Ziskind

Will Bobbitt (Rkores)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 05:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

With anything over three inches you are going to have problems. You will probabley need new drive shafts, especially in the front for not only length issues but vibration as well. You will definately need extended brake lines. Also, new radius, and trailing arms will be needed. Another think to consider is what tires you will be running? Anything over a 33in and you will need to regear, along with stronger axles. So basically you are looking at atleast $1500 in new parts. If I was you personally, I would return those spacers, and get one inch rear spacers, and go with that.


Will Roeder (Will_Roeder)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 05:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You can give it a try, but will more than likely have vibes. ive got about 3.5 inches of lift and a DC front shaft, RTE trailing arms/ RTE radius arms and no vibes.

W/ 4 inches of lift you dont NEED trailing arms and radius arms, but u may want adjustable rear trailing arms to adjust pionion angle. the radius arms are just to correct caster, but IMHO, you would be better off keeping stock front arms, and get a TT to help correct caster

lemme know if u have nemore questions....

Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 06:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just got the BFG MT 265/75/16's, so thats what ill be runnin for a while now. At this moment they rub a bit in the front when I turn on flat surfaces, so I figured a lift would just help that. Ive heard of people having like 5" of lift on a rover w/stock parts and no vibes, so im gonna give it a shot since i got em. Im gonna stay on the road till i get the brake line extensions though, since i dont wanna snap the old ones; that im pretty sure ill need to get done sooner or later anyway, so no big deal there. My biggest concern was about CV jonts, or parts in general breaking while on the highway at high speed. I want to stay safe and not kill myself over 2" of lift. Will this be a problem, cause i could deal with a little vib's if that was it, but not with lots of breakage.
Thanks for the reply guys, anything else is greatly appreciated cause i wanna do this tomorrow.

Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 06:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just wanted to add that when i put in the new springs/shocks in august, around a week later i put on the new BFG Mt 265/75/16 tires to go with it. A week afetr that i noticed the height of the car sagged from where it was at first with both the new springs/shocks and tires. And im not talkin a little here. It went down like an inch, and was/ still is very noticeable. Thats why i wanted the 2" spacers. To kind of get the original height back, and then add a tad bit more. Is this normal for them to sag that quickly?

Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 07:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

you wont have to worry about the CV joints or anything when it comes to the amount of lift.

since the car has solid axles it doesnt really change.

you will surely have vibs if you go above 3" that is the point at which they really start to materialize.

in the past 4 years i have not heard of one person lifting the truck to 4" and not have a boat load of issues.

the rubbing on the 265/75 tires could that be that your tire is hitting the front radius arm?

i would not put those spacers on unless you are prepared with at least a new CV front driveshaft.


Alan Bates (Alanb)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 09:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I just installed 1" spacers with the shock relocation plate in the front of my 92 rr because of sagging, but I also have a heavy ARB bumper with a winch, I am running OME HD springs, did not install rear ones because car sits nice and level now. Have not had any vibe problems at all at any speed, you might want to take the advise from Will and exhange them for 1" spacers, but's that's up to you, keep us updated on what you decide to do, and how everything goes.

Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 02:12 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, I just finished day 1 on this project. Worked for 3 hrs; took out the shock tower w/bilstein shock...very easy! I then took off the screws for the spring retainer plate...that took about 1.5 hrs alone. They were rusted on there like mad. I just started to compress the spring, and then it got dark, so that's where I'm gonna pick up tomorrow. Had a question though about the shock relocation plate in the front. Since i had to take off the bottom bolt on the shock as well as the rest of the hardware on the bottom of it to get it out, i wanted to know where the relocation plate goes on the bottom of the bilstein shock and then where u put it on,under or whereever on the spring retainer plate when you place it all back together. Also, when the spring is compressed, should it just come out of the retainers, both top and bottom ones, or do you have to wiggle and pry it out?
I'll keep everyone updated on tomorrow's progress...Hope I ca het some answers before I begin though...

Steve (Scrover)
Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 05:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ben, I know there are two schools of thought on this one, so some people may disagree, but my advice would be to not waste your time and risk your life using a spring compressor. I've swapped my springs around many times and installed 2" spacers without every having to compress the spring. Once the shocks are released, you're only limited by the brake lines. If you jack the frame as high as you can with a floor jack, then lower the axle slowly with a bottle jack, the springs will fall out. On the front, you may need to take out the forward most bolt from the radius arm; the rear should articulate enough as is. Just keep your eye on the brake lines as you lower the axle, you'll be fine. Once you get the spacers in, you may need to raise the axle a little to align the bolt holes in the spring seat, spacer and retainer. Just make sure you leave room to get the wrench in and out of the coils. Hope that helps.

Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 06:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, the project has taken a turn for the worst. Looks like I'm gonna have to abandon ship on this one, and give in to taking it to a garage.I had unseated the spring with the coil compressors, and had the spacer and retainer plate in place. I then put back the spring when all hell broke loose!!!First problem was that I couldn't figure out where the shock relocation plate on went on the bilstein shock...And when I thought I had figured it out (in the middle I guess) I couldn't get the shock tower bolted on to the top spring retainer plate (shock wouldn't compress enough). In the mean time, we're supposed to get 3-6" of snow tomorrow, and there is no way I was gonna get this done in time, so I decided to take it apart and out it back together in the normal configuration. Well, once again, didn't happen!!!I couldn't get the compressors off of the spring, they wouldn't budge with when i tried to turn the wrench to loosen them. Then, when I was pulling the shock tower out, I broke 2 plastice hose lines which go from the box that is in front of the washer fluid to the engine. Finally, I just gave up, and I think I am going to have it towed to a garage. Right now, I have the spring in place, although with the compressors still attached, and no shock or shock tower (in the back seat). I put the tires back on, but I am concerned if I can even have it towed this way (it will be towed on a flat bed) because there is no shock on one side, and a sring with compressors on it. WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!!! If anyone from this board lives near me, (Marblehead, Mass) and could possibly assist in this project so that I don't have to go to a garage, I would be forever grateful!!! There would be free beer and food in it at the least, that's for sure!!! And if you wanted I would give you some money to compensate for your time. Well, I'm taking volunteers until thursday, so any help would be fantastic!!!
Thanks again for the insights, sorry to let everyone down...

Alan Bates (Alanb)
Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 08:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Here are instructions on the spring spacer install and shock relocation bracket.

Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 09:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I had the instructions already, they were good, if you're installing the 1" spacers w/out the front shock relocation plate. The 2" ones are different to install, and the pic of where the relocation goes shows an OME shoxk, whixh is different than the bilstein, and the pic isnt really clear anyway on which ppart of the lower shock it goes to.
Once again, any help would be appreciated and compensated....

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