Things to watch for in a 1997 4.0 RR? Log Out | Topics | Search
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Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 12:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Considering leasing a 1997 4.0 Range Rover. Typical Scottsdale, Arizona mallcrawler. Low mileage (between 20-30K). Is this the same engine and other major systems as my 96 Disco 4.0? I haven't actually seen the RR yet, but looking for a little advice in advance. Currently on my list is 1) kick the tires, 2) what's leaking? and 3) does the hooptie suspension actually work?


Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 01:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post,
Hey Blue, you are a vet here......not trying to flame, but use the search-

Seriously, stay away from the lease- and check out maybe a 96 RR purchase instead(going for about $15,500 here in MD, and a buddy that I hang with just picked up a 96RR 4.0 from a public auction last Tuesday, the previous owner had everything repaired and wanted out- HE GOT A A+ STEAL DEAL!!!!! $3,000 down and only $11,000 left to finance)...I know I don't know your finances, but leasing a 5year old vehicle is like giving me your bank card and sending me your pin number and telling me to withdraw funds whenever you deposit them....

I don't expose my profession much here on this board, but I can tell you this, and I'm a professional in my field-Certified. When you lease a vehicle, you are throwing money away-And I will argue with anyone on this subject matter-
Why would you want to limit yourself to mileage restrictions anyway? Check out, or There are so many companies willing to deliver used cars to you via your purchase over the WWW, that you come out on top- [email protected] if you want some more info....

I can tell you that due to the low mileage on this 97 some of the things that should've been done already probably haven't. Mosey on down and ask for the maintenence printout before you talk dollars and cents........ do try to purchase instead of lease...but a 97 with so few miles is punishment- Lots of things to do, and be ready to pay for it----if it does come with a warranty, be ready to be without your Rover from time to time.....

Same engine, just different electrics and parts...sort of like people...all human just wrapped in different packages....

do more than your three things on your list-Make sure you are in it for PURPOSE and not PRESTIGE!!!!! That should be the new Land Rover motto, along with "BEST4X4XFAR"

Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 01:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

of course tried search. But "RR Tech & General" is a relatively new section of dweb. Nothing prior to Feb 13 2002. Nothing archived 2002. Searching "range" led me to some interesting gun talk, "97" is useless, and how many hits do you think I got with "rover" :)

Leasing because I don't really want a RR, or any other additional rover for that matter. This is wife & baby transport vehicle that I wouldn't mind renting for 3 years. Extended warranty factored in (only have time to work on ONE rover).

>"leasing a 5year old vehicle is like giving me your bank card and sending me your pin number and telling me to withdraw funds whenever you deposit them...."

If you are a tangible corporate entity and you have a nice vehicle for me to rent from you for a specified period at a specified rate, then in return I'll consider setting up an account for you to withdraw funds from at specific intervals.

I'm looking for a little advice so, as you mentioned, I don't end up with a RR with "Lots of things to do, and be ready to pay for it----if it does come with a warranty, be ready to be without your Rover from time to time....."

Thanks for the feedback.

Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 02:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

oh seeit Blue, if its for wife and baby, then check out the Volvo CC- very good wife and 9month old love it.....

97-problems pertaining to 'lectrics and other glithches etc....just get to know and understand the set up of the RR4.0 and you'll be fine. But with leasing, again there are several limitations with a Land Rover lease- Mileage Restrictions is #1..... Check to see if you can add more mileage to the structure that they've probably already designed for the RR you are intereseted in.

I know my way around our 96, so I don't need the dealer for nothing- will be yanking the EAS out of the as soon as spring(season) hits-

There are some crazy electrical things and small hidden parts that need to be inspected on the 97, and for 5years old, they should be "replaced" thats the Land Rover way- Next you have the issue with the Cats, and the 02 sensors.....some people experienced problems with the steering column on the 96-97 years, I repaired my 96 steering column for about $400.00, the part alone was about $600. And LR labor would've been 7hours....

See the thing about Land Rover is the appointment times, and all the hassel trying to get your Rover in and serviced......Oh, I forgot to ask-who will be leasing the Rover?
If you are outside LR on the lease, expect no special treatment.....and check the warranty for specifics...see a lot of aftermarket warranties aren't designed with Land Rovers in mind, maybe Toyotas but not "special vehicles" such as Land Rover- The Range Rover will be a step up if you understand what I mean, but it's like a Professor who wears the Bow-ties and Burberry appearel......still teaches the same material that you can learn from any prof.
Whats your wife driving now? Does she understand the vehicle and its personality-I'm sure she does, but visit your Local LR dealer and count the RR's that are in for a two week survey, and approach a couple of owners if you can. It will continue to be a LOVE/HATE relationship, but you own a DISCO so you already understand----
I'm against Leasing because the manufacture has already made the money off the production of the vehicle...and the life of this vehicle is already at 5years.......take those lease payments and invest 'em......If you are tied to a 3 year lease you are obligated- and that can be a pain in some cases- One year from now the value of the RR in lease will be 2x's more than what it will cost you to purchase it. I used my buddy as an example..he purchased his 96 last Tuesday for $14,000- I purchased my 96 last year for $16,000..
His Rover had 58,000 miles on it, mine had 57,000 miles- well this example will get lengthy and all you really wanted to know were things to watch out for right.......My apologies, but I get crazy when I watch people toss money at leased cars, when the value of the lease is way more than the value of the's like getting a car loan @ 21%-ouch! Man do whats best for you and your family and I'll try to dig up some dirt on the 97model year.....get the VIN# and I'll call LR ALEXANDRIA for a report- ok?

Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 05:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks 94. I'll grab vin & post. I really like the Volvo Cross County (rented one once) but my wife hates the idea of a wagon as much as she hates the idea of a minivan. It's become a joke between us - I point out practical but nice cars - Volvo CC, Beemer wagon, Merc wagon, RR classic LWB, Grand Cherokees, etc and all she says is "I want an Explorer". I'd rather eat my own vomit than buy an exploder. I'm finalizing the wheelin & dealin on the purchase of a nice 98 Grand Cherokee limited with only 36k miles. Price is great, just haggling over the details (trade in on the G20, financing, etc). I too would rather purchase than lease, but not necessarily on a RR. Once bitten, twice shy so to speak on the Rovers. But I sure dig my Disco...hehehe

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