95 RR LWB Air/Coil Conversion & Diff.... Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Range Rover- Technical » Archive through January 27, 2003 » 95 RR LWB Air/Coil Conversion & Diff. Problem? Help « Previous Next »

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Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 10:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi All,

I suspect a possible Differential problem but hoping it's something else. Here is a description of the situation and problem (sorry its such a long winded description)...

Just prior to my purchasing a used 95 RR LWB the Air to Spring conversion was performed by the previous owner. He had installed new Bilstein shocks and some new springs (not sure what make springs), both ordered from "Atlantic British". The work was performed by an independent garage.

I don't know if what I am about to describe (the problem) was present in the vehicle before the Air/Coil conversion but here is what is happening:

When driving straight ahead at any speed, everything feels normal and fine. The steering is tight (just right) with little or no play and no vibration at all in the steering.

If I am making a fairly sharp turn on or off a highway at approx. 20-35mph, I don't really feel anything unusual with the steering or wheels whether turning right or left (or maybe a very slight bit of the problem I describe below). Also right hand or left hand turns at any intersection feel for the most part normal, even if turning from a "dead stop".

The problem occurs as such. If I am making a U-turn or lets say I am in an open parking lot (going approx. 3-10moh and turn the steering wheel right or left almost completely (I'm still a 1/2 to full turn from the end of the steering) to make a complete circle I detect what feels like something is rubbing on the inside sidewall of the front tires. It pulsates as though it alternating between rubbing and letting go...almost like when one drives on ice and the wheels alternate between spinning and then grabbing the pavement. It's hard to describe but while I am making this circle it feels like there is some resistance in moving forward while this alternating rubbing or breaking free/grabbing traction type feel is occurring.

I inspected under the car while the wheel was turned all the way "right" or "left" (while stationary) and it didn't appear the inner sidewall or tread was touching or rubbing against anything.

I hope it's not the differential (gears or otherwise) thats the problem but I'm open to all suggestions and appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.


Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 10:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Just to add an additional comment to my post above:

When the RR is standing still and I put it into reverse It does feel like there is some resistance going straight backwards. Usually without applying gas the RR will inch forward, but not in reverse and it take quite a bit of acceleration to get it going backwards.

Problems with Viscous Coupling come to mind (as well as the possible Diff. problems I mentioned in my post "above". I'm not all that mecahnically savy so I'm at a loss for the main problem I desscribed above. Hoping someone has an idea. Thanks!

Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

do you get any audio comming from the tires or anything? slight screetching maybe? leave any marks on the pavement?

my disco used to sort of "buck" up and down as i made turns you discribe. it was just the resistance of the tires. i suspect you just aren't used to your range rover.

also do you have larger than stock tires?


Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 01:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Rob,

I truly appreciate your response. First let me mention it has the usual stock size Michelin 4 x 4 tires. I didn't notice any "audio" coming from the tires but that may have been because the windows were fully up at the time. I was just thinking that maybe because of the Long wheel base of this model, that maybe the rear tires were "draging" on the pavement as I made a fairly tight circle at low speeds. I'll have to listen more closely but then again the way it sort of grabs (and feel somethings is resisting the vehicle from moving forward) and then letting go (almost in pulsating matter)and alternates between these two (while turning in a circle), makes me wonder if it's not something more. On a 97 Disco with stock tires and turing in a circle in such fashion, I don't recal feeling anything like this. I hope you're right as that would be a relief but it sounds too smple to be that (just my being skeptical. If you (or anyone else) has any other possibilities, I would love to know. Thanks again!


Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 08:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just thought of something else (to add to my original post at the top. It appears that in addition to the Air/Coil conversion done on this vehicle, the spring choice looks like a 2-3" "lift" was accomplished If someone does a 2-3" lift on a RR Classic LWB, is it possible driveline vibrations can occur only when turning the vehicle in a fairly tight circle at slow speeds but not when going straight (at any speed) or by making fairly wide turns also at speeds greater that say 25mph. I ask because I wonder if that is what I am seeing or feeling (see my original description at the top for the symptoms I described). Thanks!

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