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Ozzie Silvera (Ozzie)
Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 01:14 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hello folks, Just added a hannibal Tent Install set of pictures on the site. Just did an install on the Ft.lauderdale Disco 2, next week I'll be doing the West Palm Beach 2003 Safari Disco. Pictures will be posted soon after.
Thanks Dweb for letting me post!

Jesse Lessard (Jlessard)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 12:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey I got a buisness card from your site a couple weeks ago, I was parked at a wall mart in San Antonio.

Nice looking RRC a few rows down with all sorts of nice stuff on the roof rack...

Was that you?

Ozzie Silvera (Ozzie)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 01:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hello Jesse, yes that was me I was in town a bit over 2 weeks. I walked in the store and walked out right away, and I saw you driving away just one row over. I saw your truck and figured it wasn't just a grocery getter. Nice ride.

Talking about business cards. I was driving back to Miami when I stopped just short of my county in the Turnpike and saw a nice Black Discovery with a full adventure rack, rear ladder, and factory brush bar, it looked great, there was a lady inside and I figured I wouldn't put a card on that one since she might think I'm a weirdo or something approaching the car. When I turned around still standing behind my truck, I saw a guy walking towards the Disco with a Best4x4xfar land rover shirt and said AHA!, this must be the driver. I said excuse me, and he turned around, I said "I see you have a land rover I have one as well ( pointing to mine right next to me), I continued "I'd like to give you my card, He had walked over to me and saw I was pulling out a business card with a picture of the Hannibal tent right on it, he looked at me and said in a very snickery voice with his hands up in front of him "I don't think so" and walked away. That was probably the worst attitude for a rover owner I have ever seen. The common courtesy to just accept a business card from someone in the business of your personal hobby. I mean if he wasn't into his car I'm sure he wouldn't be wearing that shirt which didn't look new. Unbelievable some folks. It wasn't that he didn't want the card, just the disgust on his face when he said "I don't think so" and walked away. I guess everyone has his opinion of others.. Maybe he was jealous, hehehe. I actually use every accesory I have on my truck all the time...yes even the sandladders!

charles pastrano (Charles)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 10:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Jesse are you living in S.A.? I met Ozzie here real nice guy. Do you take your truck offroad?


Alan Yim (Alan)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 11:11 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kinda makes wearing the shirt look silly doesn't it? I've run into my share of snooty Rover owners before and it bugs me a bit because it seems they don't really appreciate or look at their vehicle as anything more than a status symbol. Oh well, to each their own.

Jerry Crawford (Jcrawford)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 01:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I think I'll keep a handfull of my flyers and some cards in my truck. This is an approach to marketing accessories for Disco's I hadn't thought about. Clever.
Jerry Crawford

Jesse Lessard (Jlessard)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 06:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Charles, yeh I live here in SA.
I'v only had my truck for a couple of months now. Haven�t gotten a chance to try any real off road driving yet.. I do plan too though.
Don�t know that there�s any place to go around here.

I would have liked to meet Ozzie at the wall mart but couldn�t stick around. Left for a ski trip to Colorado that same day.
First road trip in the Disco , was pretty fun :)

charles pastrano (Charles)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 06:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Doug C and Adrian are also from S.A.. They frequent this board. We have alot of rovers in S.A. and I have given DWEB stickers to alot of people but like Ozzie encountered not to friendly. I have a trip to Big Shell planned for March. I will keep you posted if you are interested. If you decide to go offroad sometime let me know i am game.

Chris von Czoernig (Chrisvonc)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 09:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ahhh!!! dude, fix those pages. LOL. Are you creating them on a 23" mac screen or what? :)


Jesse Lessard (Jlessard)
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 10:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey, I'd love to go with people here off road.
where's Big Shell though? Defiantly keep me posted.

Do you have to scroll sideways Chris?
it wraps around for me if that�s what your referring to...

Ozzie Silvera (Ozzie)
Posted on Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 12:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Chris, if it's Ozziesoffroad.com with the big pages, I'm making it on a 19" screen, It's a website now site which I can only change the amount of pics I can put on each page. Sometimes I think the pictures are way too small. Still learning all of this. Funny I can make a movie or TV show for you from beginning to end, but when it comes to making websites or pages I'm lost.
As for offroading in the future. I'm planning a trip for at least 3 of us from South Florida to Rovercannibal to stock up on parts we all want or need to fix up our interiors, trucks etc.. and we plan to drive along 10 towards San Antonio first, then turn north and go to RC in Oklahoma spend a few days offroading in the area and then drive back to South Florida. I'll post before we get ready in case anyone wants to join us along the way.

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 12:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah, the pics are kind of big Ozzie but DAMN that is a cool looking RRC.

Ozzie Silvera (Ozzie)
Posted on Sunday, January 12, 2003 - 05:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Carter, I definitely enjoy every part of it. I get asked alot How much all that weighs, and I pulled into a CATerpillar weigh station in San Antonio before starting the drive back to Miami. Now here is what I had in the truck when I pulled on to the scale and had it certified.
Myself, Fiancee, Dog (small 26lbs), Full Tank of Gas ( 21 gallons), on the roof rack, there was a full 5 gallon gas can, and a full 5 gallon water can. inside 2 large suitcases about 50 lbs each, an electric cooler with food, ( 35lbs) and My tool case( 65 lbs) apart from the rest of the car, Rollcage, 2 full size spares, bumper, winch, rear nudge bar, slides, front camel skid plate, etc.. Weighs in at 6600 even according to the scale. So I figure without the suitcases and cooler we have about 6450 give or take a few lbs.this would be regular travelling weight. I read on the side of the door the GVW being like 6019 lbs. Can this be correct? I did remove many pounds of things over time. Like Electric seats, EAS system complate including at least 10 pounds of wiring and hoses, the tank, the compressor, the air bags, the relays, all cabling.And the thing works great. This last trip was as follows total time away 29 days, total travelled 5409 miles, according to the GPS here are the other particulars. Total time car on 114.50 hours
Driving time 90.02 hours
Driving Average speed 60.1 mph
Highest Speed 94.8mph Didn't keep an accurate account of gas spent but a couple of times I did do the math on straight drives where I was filling up every 250-270 miles so about 13 miles per gallon I reckon.
Overall a great trip. Now why did I go off on this tangent about the weight and trip of the car?/...... I'm Hungry going to Dinner

Tom V (Cozmo)
Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 06:32 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Ozzie

If you're stopping in New Orleans drop me a line, Or if you break down and need help in the greater New Orleans area.


Ozzie Silvera (Ozzie)
Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LOL Tom, That is ALWAYS a possibility. Actually Years ago I was driving across to Las Vegas and then Los Angeles towing a StarTrek specialty Iroc Z28 car I helped build with a few friends, and the tow vehicle broke down on us in the middle of the night in New Orleans, We found a mechanic in the yellow pages who came out at 5 am removed the broken heater hoses, and by 7am we were back on the road with new heater hoses, and even a new fuel filter. What a nice guy, I know he got paid hansomely by the project owner, I think he made like 200 bucks in 2 hours of work plus the parts.! I'll definitely let you know if I swing by New Orleans. PS I'll have some Brass Radiator bungs for sale and some stainless T fittings ( these don'e deteriorate like the plastic ones)on the site in the next day or so.

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