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Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 11:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am in the process of staring up a charitable organization to collect up old computers (Pentium 1 or better) and distribute them to needy families and kids in the Chicago area.

To that end, if anyone out there wants to help out, please email me at [email protected].

I am just getting this started and am researching how to file with the state of Illinois to make this an official charity. Therefore, I probably won't be able to provide a receipt just yet. If that's an issue, just let me know what you have and you can give when ready. I don't want to colllect any money, just old computer stuff you have laying around and don't want. Pleae, I don't want any total crap like monitors that can only do 640x480 or old IBM AT's. Something that can at least handle Windows 95/98 and basic office and home programs.

If anyone has done something like this before and can provide me any tips, that would be appreciated as well.



Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 12:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I probably won't be able to provide feedback until the late evening hours tonight and/or tomorrow-

*some of this information you may have already received- but all of this is my opinion and experience*

The first thing you will need to polish up on is your grant writing skills if you are not already proficient.
If your are filling as a charitable organization (503c) there are several guidelines and tight ropes that you must abide by- esp. in Illinios-GET SOME LEGAL ASSISTANCE-As a starter you should really consider writing a letter to HARPO productions and send it-*attention Oprah- Really!- If you land a spot on Oprah, your charitiable organization will take off and you'll be surprised at the results. Letter Writing is the KEY for any charitiable organization-
The problem that you will most likely face in your plans are soliciting companies for computer donations- Companies/Businesses are very slow and often hesitant when it comes to donating old computers-They receive enormous tax breaks by donating to schools and thats where you will face your fiercest competition. Companies that purchase computers and computer supplies are usually leasing, and I am sure you know what happens at the end of a lease agreemnent- Computers contain sensitive documents and private information that a lot of businesses haven't a clue on deleting or saving to another source and thats why the old stuff is often destroyed instead of donated. anywho- e-mail me- I may have covered everything already- but I think I will still try to send you an e-mail.


Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 01:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for the tips. Luckily I work for a computer reseller/liquidator who gets rid of a LOT of stuff as "scrap" everyday. This ususally includes P1 and P2 machines that aren't worth selling. My first order of business is getting the OK to raid the scrap bin. :)

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