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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » Archive - Event Schedule » Archive through February 07, 2003 » Endurance and Navigation Challenge in Death Valley Mar.'03 « Previous Next »

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Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 03:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Folks,

We need some LR representation here.

This is a Endurance/Navigational Challenge across Death Valley in March '03.

You may team up with other trucks for added security. The goal is to reach each check point in order to get GPS coordinates for the next one. 4 check points in all. We meet on a Saturday @ 3pm, so it means that you will be running in the night. This is not for newbies (sorry). You should be experienced in offroading and navigation. There's a $50 enrollment. With a winner take all prize. There will be drinks(sodas/beer) and a BBQ provided at the final checkpoint. We have 5 Mercedes (ML and Gwagen) and 1 Isuzu trooper team attending. WE need some LR's.

Check out www.deckowski.com for additional details.

Ken Tipton (Irish_Nv)
Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 11:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sounds like fun How much experience is needed. I can drive and read a map. please e-mail any info you may have.

Posted on Thursday, January 23, 2003 - 12:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You have email.

Posted on Saturday, February 01, 2003 - 09:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The Death Valley Endurance and Navigational Challenge - This is an open invitation (registration is required)

Date: March 29th and 30th
Meeting Place - Still TBD
Meeting Time: 5:00pm
Event Duration: Approximately 20 hours
All Makes and Models welcome�

The goal of the event is to experience the challenge of an endurance run against fellow enthusiasts, while combining the skills of navigation and off-roading through Death Valley. At least one team member should be experienced in off-roading. The teams�vehicle should be setup appropriately to handle�the rigors of off-roading and have the necessary supplies.�Large trucks like Hummer H1's and�Ford Expeditions will not make it. There will be sections that are too narrow and tight. If you have any concerns whether your vehicle will have trouble, please contact me with the specifics of your truck.

The format of the event is simple. Teams travel across the desert after receiving their first envelope with GPS coordinates (A GPS is mandatory to participate) to find the next stage that is identified with a small flag. The team will then collect a new set of coordinates taking them to the second stage point. There will be between 3-5 stages before reaching the final camp site. �The first team to arrive at the final campsite for the BBQ is the winner.�

The event will begin with all the teams meeting and hearing a brief introduction and a review of the rules. Each team will then receive�two envelopes. The first will be a set of coordinates for the first stage point. The second envelope is for safety. It will contain the coordinates and directions for the final camp. You may use it in case you get lost or decide to give up. This envelope will be sealed and requested back at the final camp to check to see if it was opened. If found opened or if the team fails to produce the envelope, they will be eliminated.

To make this a little more exciting the idea was to have a bet as to which team would make it to camp first. So each team would give $50 towards the pot. With the winner receiving the full pot.�
We will have a dedicated website for this event, coming soon!! The site will provide additional details, clues, and a registration function.��

Some things to bring are -
GPS (mandatory)
Spare tire
plug kit
air pump or compressor
flashlights (mandatory)
tow rope
auxiliary lights
appropriate clothing
camping equipment (tent, sleeping bags, chairs, cookware, etc)
boots with ankle support
machete or shrub cutters
tool kit

Please confirm whether you are still interested in attending by email

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