3" Rovertym springs are in (didn't th... Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Range Rover- Technical » Archive through March 19, 2003 » 3" Rovertym springs are in (didn't think it could be so easy!) « Previous Next »

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-bob- (Xavetarx)
Posted on Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 10:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just thought I'd tell you all how my day with the lifting went. I put the Rovertym 3" HD springs on my 89 RRC. I started with the rear thinking that I'd finish the rest of the truck on my day off (this Tuesday). The rear springs/shocks went in, in ONE hour. I was shocked at how easy it was. The second side was a little tight because the third member was not wanting to let the axle "hang" freely.

So after that first hour, I was raring, and went to tackle the front. I was assuming they'd be a little harder because of the setup. (this is my first time working on a Rover). I was right. I had never dealt with the shock tower that detached, but it was straight forward. The springs I have are apparently pretty big, and with everything else tight (steering, trac bar, A-arm bushing) the axle again didn't want to hang down. I coxed it with a bottle jack. I spent a lot of time trying to get the passenger side spring in. The brake lines were pretty tight when I finally did get it in, but I didn't have to loosen anything. I just muscled it. All in all, it took 5 hours for 4 springs and 4 shocks.

Afterwards, I took it out for a test drive. Did a couple swerves, and it does get more squirrelly than it did with the stock (sagging) springs. Nothing I'm not use to (two 79 broncos with 9" lift and 39 MT's and 15" with 44 Bogger's). I haven't changed the tires, so it doesn't catch the ruts yet (like I'm assuming it will soon!). The last test was taking it up to 70mph. It got there and stayed with no vibrations (yet?). I'm ecstatic to say the least.

soo... next question. What TIRE?!? (i'm leaning towards the MT Baja Claw radial 305/75/16)


Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Sunday, February 02, 2003 - 10:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Baja claws suck.

Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Monday, February 03, 2003 - 08:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Go with the 33" inchers!!! I'm running the almost 32" BFG MT's, 265/75/16, and they look "smallish", more like 'narrow', with the suspension lift I have in right now, which is somewhere between 3"-4". Since we have about the same amount of lift on our trucks, and they are the same year and model, 89 RRC, I can tell you from my personal experience, you'll like the look of a wider tire, and a little more height than what I have on my truck. I don't know if they make it or not, but I would go with a 305/85/16 tire. That small amount of width will be very noticeable, more so than the height!!!
And, if you could, POST SOME PICS!!! I wanna see what your rover looks like, and I'll try and post mine as well, just for comparison...

Posted on Monday, February 03, 2003 - 01:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I dont think 305/85 are made. The biggest I think is 280/85-16 (Silverstone, Simex tire-co).

I would recommend 255/85-16. In this size you have at least a few brands to choose from (cooper, bfg, dunlop). Height is about 33" though. If you want more take a look at 8.25-16. Michelin makes (made?) a tire but only in the XZL profile. This tire is taller than a 33" but considerably narrower. Ultimate size must be 9.00-16. This size was found on the Forward Control Land Rovers. Someone from our german forum mentioned the following URL´s see:

but: with the 3" lift have a look at www.rangerovers.net and see the tire section. There is a RRC with the 255/85-16 pictured.

(searching through the archives will give you lots of opinions on this matter. No other topics is discussed to death like tires on RRC/Disco)


-bob- (Xavetarx)
Posted on Monday, February 03, 2003 - 02:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Baja Claws suck is the type of responce I would usually put down on a different board I post on!!.. any reason to why though?

I don't have a digital camara, so I'll have to wait till pics are taken, developed, and THEN I can scan them up here. (so basically it'll be a while *sigh*) The back is slightly higher than the front however. I'll get some measurments.


Will Roeder (Will_Roeder)
Posted on Monday, February 03, 2003 - 06:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Baja Claws dont suck, ive seen them work real well.
Dont listen to Philip, i know he doesnt have any experience with them(i know he hasnt had them) heck, he has never taken his D90 off road, so dont listen to his off roading "tips" or off roading equipment "tips", LOL.

Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 05:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have seen baja claws real well here in co. The only thing that i have read about the redial is that they have a weak sidewall for rockcrawling read that in jp mag. I talked to one Jeeper who had them and loved them he said that the only down side was side hilling.

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