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-bob- (Xavetarx)
Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 06:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Oh yes, I did speak too soon. I have (slight) vibrations from about 30-40 mph and around 70 mph. 30-40 isn�t too bad� it�s when I let off the gas at 70. It sounds/feels like I�m going over a small rumble strip (the kind on the side of highways) until I get down to about 60. If however I give it some gas, I just feel a slight vibration (no sound though).

Also! When I start/stop, there is a little clunk coming from the front end. I thought it was a shock mount that was loose, but I think I�ve ruled that out. It �clunks� right as I get off the line, and again when I go to brake.

Any ideas?


John Cinquegrana (Johnc)
Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 07:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Bob, how are the bushings (panhard, radius arms, etc).. How about the u-joints?

The vibes are typical for some RRs. I have them also. I live with it and probably will have to replace u-joints more often..

Michael Harris (Hsvrangie)
Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 08:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Most likly the front drive shaft.
The series 2 disco has a double cardan front shaft will help to eliminate problem.

I have the same problem with my RR, front uni almost at full angle bind vibes when driving especially when backing off.


Ben Ziskind (Tyziskben)
Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 08:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Like Michael said, It's more than likely the drive shaft in the front being at the new angle from the lift. Just for the record though, I'm running OME HD springs F&R, with 2" spacers F&R,and bilstein shocks F&R and have no vibes whatsoever, even at speeds over 75 mph, and I've had this lift on now for close to 300 miles. I guess it really does depend on the truck. I'll bet you one thing though, it sure does look better with the lift of the new springs than it did with the old sagging ones...IMHO, I'd trade a little vibes for the look and functionality of a higher ride, better angles, and more wheel well space...but that's just me.

One question though, whats the difference between the double cardon front shaft, and the RRC standard front drive shaft, is it a different angle, more flex???Just curious...


Greg Hirst (Gregh)
Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 11:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Double cardon shaft utilizes a double U-joint on output side of TC to reduce the individual angle that the U-joints transfer power through thus reducing vibe. Generally, any aftermarket DC shaft you buy will also be much stronger than stock as well. You can get them from RTE (I think made by six states) GBR, six states, and Tom Woods, to name a few. Most recommend one if lifting over 2". There are also double/double cardon shafts avail as well for more extreme use.

Take a look here:



Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 10:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


these are the famous vib's we all speak of and most of us had when we lifted. you even used the classic description.

the reason the occur on deceleration is that when you are crusing donw the road giving it gas, the load rotates the axel/third member sligtly, because of the power goes into it. when you let off it rolls back to where it normally is and veeeeerrrrrrbbb you get that vib.

mine is so barely on the line that if it's just me in the car and a full tank of gas, i get vib's galore. if i have a passenger in the front and low on gas... no vib's :)

the only cure is that front drive shaft.

the clunk is probably a worn bushing or a combination of slop because you are drivijng an old worn car.

-bob- (Xavetarx)
Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 03:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for all of the detailed replies. From what I read on this board, I wasn't really worried about the vibrations too much. I�m going to let it get worse before doing anything about it. I'll first try the new Ujoints, and if that has no noticeable effect, I'll check into the front CV shaft. I was expecting the vibrations though, and factored them into the decision making process when I went for 3 inches. I�m with Ben: I�ll take these small vibes in transition for the aggressiveness it now exerts. I'm not complaining by any means. It will just take some time before I trust it fully. My other rig (79 Bronco lifted 15 inches, 44's and a worked 460) went through Ujoints like it went through gasoline if you like mashing the peddle a lot (which I do *grin*). So I'm coming from an area where; if you feel vibrations, you better head back home.

As for the popping, David Hobbs informed me that he was able to rid the exact symptoms with a simple tightening of the radius arm bolts at the axle end. I�ll give that a try (as well as tightening every other bolt I can find loose!).



p.s. A Tom Wood's CV shaft is $379

-bob- (Xavetarx)
Posted on Thursday, February 06, 2003 - 04:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The pop went away. David was right. The driver side nuts were over a full turn loose!

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