Wheeling yesterday, today no reverse Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Range Rover- Technical » Archive through March 19, 2003 » Wheeling yesterday, today no reverse « Previous Next »

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Aaron Richardet (Draaronr)
New Member
Username: Draaronr

Post Number: 38
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Monday, March 03, 2003 - 07:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

First I have a 1990 RR Classic. I had the dealer replace the transmission filter and put new fluid in 2 months ago. Okay now the story, went wheeling yesterday with some friends went through a lot of muddy water. We have a sand mud mix here in Eastern NC. I left the truck running for the whole afternoon as fear of it being wet. I went through a couple of long mud holes and afterwards my truck was idling and the trans light would fade in and out, then when I started driving no problem. Later my vehicle was shut off and I couldn't get it to restart, so we towed it out of the woods and down a paved Highway. Only did like 30mph, I towed with vehicle in N and the VSC was in N or H not sure now. Anyhow today runs fine (damn check engine light went out finally), but the vehicle wont go in reverse. It goes fine in Drive, but reverse wont engage, back up lights come on, hit the gas doesnt move. put it in N and it wont even roll, it is like it is stuck in reverse also, I cant here it drop in, but it definitely wont roll in any direction. Sorry so long just wanted to give all the facts.
Please help, My wallet is scared.

Dick Encider (Dick_encider)
New Member
Username: Dick_encider

Post Number: 1
Registered: 03-2003
Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2003 - 08:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

wow u are a dumbass what are u doing to your poor rover u idiot u area dumbass doctor ass

J E Robison Service Co (Robisonservice)
Username: Robisonservice

Post Number: 56
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 09:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You probably burned up the transmission. There are two clues:

1 - the light coming on and off means you had the fluid badly overheated. Had you used synthetic fluid you probably would have been OK. Now, you're probably cooked.
2 - towing with the transfer case engaged and the gearbox in neutral will burn up the transmission in a few miles. How many varies.

The light coming on means more - it should never come on. Either 1) your driving technique leaves a lot to be desired 2) there is a problem with the cooling system in your vehicle 3) you packed the radiator in mud and it ceased to be able to cool.

In the future do not ignore such lights. Let it cool. Only tow with the transfer case in neutral.

There is a slim possibliity that you messed up the linkage but you'll probably be doing a gearbox, probably about $2,000


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