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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through May 02, 2003 » Electrical woes « Previous Next »

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Jose Cruz (Captinmorgan97)
New Member
Username: Captinmorgan97

Post Number: 2
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Sunday, April 27, 2003 - 05:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey, i just got a 96 discovery 4.0L V8,
im kinda stumped on how to start this thing. There seems to be no electricity in this car. I tried putting in a new batt, and even a charger, but no luck.
It looks like the fuses are fine any ideas?

could the culprits be:
the alarm system?
batt terminal?
bad grounds?
an emergancy reset switch?(if there's such a thing)?
some where close to the starter?
wet wireing harnesses?

Joseph C (Condorwatch2)
New Member
Username: Condorwatch2

Post Number: 16
Registered: 03-2003
Posted on Sunday, April 27, 2003 - 10:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

would start with basics:
does anything happen when you turn the key?
do you get the ring chime?
do the headlights or interior lights go on?
what are the circumstances on how it got
to its current state?

Jose Cruz (Captinmorgan97)
New Member
Username: Captinmorgan97

Post Number: 3
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Monday, April 28, 2003 - 06:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

no no power at all, no horn, no chime :-(

Iv been told to check the mail fusable link? or a battery terminal. Ill go check that today, but from what it looks like its going to be a PITA taking that out with the heat sheild covering the starter. Anyone know how to get that off?

Jeffrey L. Price (Jlprice)
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Username: Jlprice

Post Number: 10
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Monday, April 28, 2003 - 09:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'd start by checking that the alarm immobilizer hasn't been activated. Did this truck sit for a long time? A friend of mine left her Disco sitting for several weeks and when she went to drive it it would not start because the immobilizer apparently activated when the battery ran down, and just restoring power did not reset it. Look in the owners manual for the immobilizer reset. I don't remember her having no lights at all though, my recollection is fuzzy, but your description sounds like the battery is effectively not connected.

Are you sure the battery is good? Then check the terminals, especially the ground. You haven't gotten far enough to question the positive terminal to the starter yet. The positive feed to the rest of the electrical system is a seperate cable from the big wire that feeds the starter. The other wire is the one I would look at here.

If you do need to get the starter heat shield off, I used a long (like 18" or 24") extension on the ratchet to reach in and get the nut that hold the shield. You must disconnect the battery before starting this!!! SEVERE INJURY COULD RESULT FROM IGNORING THIS!!!


Ian Gregory (Ipgregory)
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Username: Ipgregory

Post Number: 2
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 07:14 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Engine bay fuse box. Just to the rear of the battery on the inner fender. Pop the top and check the fuse nearest to the front of the car. Should be a 100amp. It feeds most of the car. If it seems good, then take off the inner cover (clips) and check the connection from the battery. It's the left (looking from the front) screw terminal. The right one goes to the alternator. Check all these connections for corrosion or bad contact.



Corey (Discobro)
Username: Discobro

Post Number: 155
Registered: 12-2002
Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 05:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Jeffery is right. This is the first time I've actually heard of someone else going through this problem besides me. I also have a 96 with the same prob. Chances are it's a bad ground and your alarm system is thinking that it should activate the ignition kill. I'm not exactly sure if this is the case but if you lock your doors and set your alarm several times (wait about ten seconds after the alarm light flashes and then unlock/disarm again) it should fix it temporarily.

Mine only happens when I turn the key to engage the starter (position III) and then all electrical shuts down. No lights - nuthin. Also if it sits for about 24 hours it magically gets its power back (??).

If you have any luck with this let me know.

Jose Cruz (Captinmorgan97)
New Member
Username: Captinmorgan97

Post Number: 4
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 09:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well it was a bad connection from the positive terminal to the starter, so i pulled that off and cleaned the gunk covered harness connectors. And note, that starter heat shield is the most irritating part in that car besides the starter. Getting it back on took me a good hour and half.
Before i couldn�t get a spark when I installed the batteries. Now when I do install it I get a spark, which is good (sorta). My problem now is theres a short somewhere, and Im gonna have to search for it.
When i get this big spark, I saw smoke coming out of the starter...as I remember I installed the starter correct, and I put the wires on right, so what could possibly cause the smoke to arise?

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