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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Range Rover- Technical » Archive through June 23, 2003 » She no go! « Previous Next »

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A. Ali (Alia176)
Username: Alia176

Post Number: 60
Registered: 03-2003
Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 09:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I posted this on the RN site too.

It all started when I went to check the dist air gap. The ignition coil was hot after a drive (170 deg F), so I started with checking the air gap, spark plug gap, cap, rotor, the usual. Since then she refuses to start. I'm getting spark to the plugs and fuel to the cyliners (spark plugs wet). I can hear backfire out of tailpipe while cranking. Here's what's been done:
-checked all plug gaps. Removed plugs and dried with air.
-changed plug wires
-swapped out dizzy base plate and ICM
-new coil
-checked timing and position of rotor at TDC
-dried out cylinders after flooding, squirted in oil for higher compression
-the wiring on the coil is sound. ECU is getting spark signal, I assume anyway 'cause it's telling the fuel pump to come on.
-No blown fuses inside car.
- air gap set using brass feeler at .008, .010, .012. currently set at .012"
-LR cap & rotor. Firing order checked and rechecked.
-fuel pump is coming on - audible
-ECU displays no code. But reset it anyway.
-alternator ruled out
-stepper motor is new
-base idle has been checked and set to factory spec

VEhicle is '91 RRC with 156k miles. The symptoms prior to this was exteremely rough running while four wheeling in low range, under heavy load. Engine sputtered and coughed while winching and wouldn't raise above idle. Otherwise, for normal road driving vehicle ran great w/o any signs of hesitation.

Any help is mucho appreciated. I'm very frustrated.


Chris Jackson (Chris_jackson)
New Member
Username: Chris_jackson

Post Number: 1
Registered: 06-2003
Posted on Saturday, June 21, 2003 - 10:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Just guessing, a partial failure in the ECU? I guess you don't have an extra to test with? I can
send you my spare to see if that's the problem if you need it. Tell me the ECU programming code either typed or hand wtitten on the ECU, usually four numbers and a letter. What made you notice the coil running hot? Did it run hot on the highway and while off roading? Chris in Little

A. Ali (Alia176)
Username: Alia176

Post Number: 61
Registered: 03-2003
Posted on Sunday, June 22, 2003 - 08:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Chris,

Thanks for the reply. It turned out that the timing is 180 deg opposite! When I removed the countweight supporting plate, I reinstalled it exactly opposite, causing the timing to be off. I should've checked the TDC, rotor position AND the piston location together before going further! Simple test that could've saved me loads of time.


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