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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through September 15, 2003 » Which is Which « Previous Next »

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Colin Tarry (Taz)
New Member
Username: Taz

Post Number: 1
Registered: 09-2003
Posted on Monday, September 08, 2003 - 12:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Guys & Girls,
Looking at buying my first Dicovery but getting lost in the maze,Iam looking at spending �8500 on 2.5TDI but getting lost in the maze, whats the differance between these models XS,S,ES,GS, what is an ARDEN, AVIEMORE AND A STATION WAGON, also what could I get for my money,also whats the differance between the 200,300 models at what year did they come out.
Many Thanks

Chris Browne (Chris_browne)
Senior Member
Username: Chris_browne

Post Number: 313
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Monday, September 08, 2003 - 03:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

200tdi 1989-march 1994 with LT 77
300tdi 1994-1999 with r380 box
ES top of line, XS special equipment, mix of other models S and GS were lower trim lines
Arden etc special editions often by region or dealer in UK
As for price most people here are in USA which kinda makes it difficult.

Alan Greening (Alan_g)
Username: Alan_g

Post Number: 58
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 02:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


You really need to find a back issue of a British based Land Rover Magazine (Like Land Rover Owner International) that has a "Discovery Buyer's Guide" section. For �8500 you can get a really lovely Disco, but there are a lot of dogs out there too. Some of the low mileage, never-been-off-road ones can be in worse condition than one that has been used for what they're designed for but looked after by someone with mechanical sympathy. A discovery used for five years on school and Tesco runs will probably never have had the engine up to full running temperature, will have had high wear to the clutch and transmision and may have never been put into low range or had the centre diff locked in it's life - this may require removal of gear box to fix.

If you search this forum, there was quite an extensive thread on the pros and cons of 200Tdi vs. 300Tdi engines.

If checking a vehicle out by an expert, you're better off getting an independant Land Rover specialist mechanic to have a look at it, not only are they more familiar with the idiosyncrasies and problems of the marque than the AA or RAC, there are may leaks and clonks that you get on them that do not necesarily mean the car is no good.


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