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Gregory M Lichtenson (Gml)
New Member
Username: Gml

Post Number: 37
Registered: 09-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Was recently told about,
Wanted to buy Adventure roof rack but the guy tried to sell me one for the d 2 said it would stick out a little.
This guy is supposed to be a dist but yet he is out of stock of d 1 Adventure roof rack,told me 6 to 8 weeks to wait,ha ha ha,gave me a price of 950.00 Usd than told me he only makes 45.00 Usd sounds like a phoney southerner
that wants to ripe off a Nothern Yankee well the south lost the civil war and this guy is not getting my biz. feed back on this guy?

Alan Yim (Alan)
Senior Member
Username: Alan

Post Number: 745
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Many respected Dweb members here have done business with them. Might want to check the attitude at the door before you start slamming a company you've never done business with on here.

Jack Edwards (Olered)
Senior Member
Username: Olered

Post Number: 420
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

As a southerner, I choose to RIP off Yankees. As for "Ripe-ing" people off, I guess it's a Yankee thing. As for Northern Yankee, doesn't that statement cancel itself?
The guys are great. Never had a problem.


Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: V22guy

Post Number: 1912
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Unbelievable. This type of dialogue is what I expect to see on the Whiskey Tango BBS. This reminds me of when I first moved to the south:

VW Dealer: "Boy, where are you from?"

Me: "Washington State"

VW Dealer: "Well. if you are not a Yankee and you are not a Southerner...Well then what the hell are you?"

Me: "Educated. The war is over."

Dave and the folks at TRG are fine Rover owning folks.

Luke Tolson (Luke4696)
Username: Luke4696

Post Number: 169
Registered: 06-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:51 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Can we got some punctuation here? Am I the only one having a hard time following this guys comment/question? I guess this just seems to be a theme throughout all his posts on Dweb. Can we get some action from a moderator or something?

Leo (Leo_hallak)
Username: Leo_hallak

Post Number: 127
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 12:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sometimes even a stocking distributor can run out of a product, have you ever considered that maybe the shipments are slow and small from England? If you do some price checking resale on any Land Rover rack is high. Maybe you should get a clue before you bash someones business because you didnt hear what you wanted.


Alan Yim (Alan)
Senior Member
Username: Alan

Post Number: 748
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 12:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Don't forget, some of these companies have their own fabricators so being able to stock accessories like that isn't necessarily possible or feasible. They may make them on a "as needed basis".

Aaron Richardet (Draaronr)
Senior Member
Username: Draaronr

Post Number: 266
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 12:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just another example of someone showing their ass. David Gage from TRG is a standup guy. I think he is respectable and very knowledgeable. I have gotten valuable information from him in the past and hope to continue in the future. It's ignorant comments from newbies that drive away people that have knowledge from this site. What ever happended to if you don't have anything nice to say then keep it to yourself.

Steve Vines (Stevedsii)
Username: Stevedsii

Post Number: 54
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 01:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Gregory, I see that your profile lists you as a "performer" from New York City. Please excuse this Southerner for stereotyping you as another know-it-all Northerner. FYI - most people down here could give a shit about who won the Civil War.

BTW - No offense intended to everyone else who happens to live above the Mason-Dixon Line.

ken knebusch (Charlotterover)
Username: Charlotterover

Post Number: 224
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 02:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Greg (Gparrish)
Senior Member
Username: Gparrish

Post Number: 1385
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 02:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, I'm from Georgia. Lived there 23 years. I also lived 9 years in Texas. 1.5 years in Pennsylvania and for about 4 months in Florida.

Looks like I have officially lived in two Southern States, and two Northern States. :-)

Curtis N (Curtis)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: Curtis

Post Number: 654
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 02:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


$950 sounds about right. There are not too many people going around charging too much on non-exclusive parts in this community beyond the dealers. The community is just too small to get away with it for long.

Speaking of small communities: you may want to consider an attitude revision. The folks on this board are also the people you may need help from on the board or even one day on the trail.


Michael Noe (Noee)
Senior Member
Username: Noee

Post Number: 743
Registered: 03-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 02:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey, Goober Markup Language, chill. David knows his shit and runs a very fair operation. Careful, you might validate a stereotype.

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Senior Member
Username: Rubisco98

Post Number: 1026
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 04:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Gregory, I visit David at Thatched Roof Garage on quite a regular basis as I often work nearby his shop. I will say that you have missed the mark with your comments above. How many containers, coming over from the other side of the pond should a distributor stock, since you are obviously all-knowing? Containers arrive at Thatched Roof quite regularly, and there is ALOT of stuff that comes in that simply goes right out the door. As far as his mark-up, it is honestly next to nothing. I'm going to stop before I make any more comments, as I consider Dave a friend as well as a trusted Rover-aholic.

David Woo (Davidwoo)
Username: Davidwoo

Post Number: 44
Registered: 01-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 05:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Greg: have known and talked with David for a couple of years: a good guy. He is trying to make the best of a bad situation, namely that it is very difficult to get stock in this country. Someone told me that was the reason that AB stopped carrying their stuff: too many upset customers with empty promises, and AB just got tired of getting the negative feedback. If you really want the rack, give David a shot and he will do his best to get what you want. He is still trying to get me some seats, which are somewhere on a container, on a ship, on the seas....

Max Thomason (Lrmax)
Username: Lrmax

Post Number: 249
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 05:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I know David and have done lots of business with him. He has been a great help with mainly my S3 109 and some with my 95 disco (not a lot going on there). The price is right, and the 6~8 weeks is how often he gets a container from the UK. So that sounds about right.

Now your Yankee vs. Southerners comment, I'm not going to go there. I don't even want to get worked up...

And he lives in Tennessee. It doesn't get any better than that!

Max T.

Will Bobbitt (Rkores)
Senior Member
Username: Rkores

Post Number: 314
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 06:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


David at Thatched Roof is a great guy, and has done a lot to help me, along with many others. It seems like you have a problem with bashing people way before you know anything about them.


Aaron Richardet (Draaronr)
Senior Member
Username: Draaronr

Post Number: 267
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 07:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

damn light a candle. this has to make David smile from ear to ear. Look forward to the civil war re-enactment at MAR this year. What side do you think Greg will be for? We better be nice he might just march into Richmond and take the capital for the North. Dude you live in a bubble, we don't stereotype northerners, because most are good people but if you want to get us started.
Here is a bumper sticker slogan "a good yankee is a yankee with a uhaul heading north on I-95"

Thomas Dahbura (U352)
Username: U352

Post Number: 167
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 08:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I can't let bashing Dave go without a word from me. Thatched roof is great and have helped me solve problems on my rover without selling me a goddamn thing. Noe-your right about validating a stereo type-it is too late for me to agree that sometimes some people do a great job keeping it alive.



Art Bitterman (Aardvark)
Username: Aardvark

Post Number: 65
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 08:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

OK, guess I'll join in on the "I Love David" lovefest (wait-that don't sound quite right...)

He's stand up guy. Good parts at a good price.

And he has a good bottle of Scotch at Rallies....

Art Bitterman
1960 SII "Aardvark"

michael burt (Mikeyb)
Senior Member
Username: Mikeyb

Post Number: 524
Registered: 03-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 09:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

so far, gergory has been pissed off because land rover north america will not call him back and thatched roof will not do right by him...

greg, do us a favor: sell the rover and buy a jeep.

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: Leslie

Post Number: 2490
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 09:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I can't believe I actually was working today at work and missed chewing ass here....

Gregory M Lichtenson, pardon my french, but you're on my shit-list now.

Let me tell you about Safety Devices. They have a decent product, but they suck ass as a customer-related company.

David is their "US distributor" for Rover stuff, but let me tell you, they charge him full retail price on their stuff. He tries to make a little money on SD stuff, but the exchange rate and shipping kill his profit... he refuses to charge his customers too much of a premium over cost, but the cost is too high. They screw up his orders for their crap, they have no desire to try to meet shipping deadlines, they're nothing but a nightmare to deal with.

So, when you add on top of that fact that SD sends stuff over mislabled, he actually loses money on their crap. Let me tell you a story: he sends out a couple of roll-cages, but because of the labelling problem unbekownst to him, halves of two different cages one go on place and the other halves of them go to another. So, David ships the bits back, then ships them back out on his dime. He hasn't made ANY money on SD cages, at all. Roof racks are a break-even proposition, maybe.

I've helped unload MANY of the shipping containers of parts that he gets in, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that over half of each container is already sold before it arrives. The day a container comes in, that afternoon and the next two days, UPS gets run into the ground with stuff going out. Within 2-weeks, the rest of the container is mostly gone, all but some standard stock bits for Series Rovers.

Realize, the Thatched Roof Garage started as a parts house for Series Rovers. It was people like me begging for good gear for Discoveries that prompted David into even dealing with stuff for coilers, and it's mostly been a headache for him, over crap like this.

And, to show you what little you know, David wasn't born here, his father was military, and moved here after he retired when he was in high-school, so you can drop that damned north-south bullshit right now, it's totally inapplicable.

Dammit, I'm so pissed off, I'm not gonna sleep tonight now. Thanks alot you sonovabitch...

I second Mike, sell your Rover and get a damned Jeep....



Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: Leslie

Post Number: 2492
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 09:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Dammit, I can't leave it alone....

a) What the FUCK is up with your damned "RSVP RSVP" shit?

b) Let me be clear, anyone who walks into David's shop is treated like a good friend, until they earn deserving less than that by being a dick.

c) Ne'er mind, I'm probably just wasting my time typing this, it'd just go in one ear and out the other. Anyway....



Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: Leslie

Post Number: 2493
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 10:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Dammit, just to be clear....

The guys here are right: SD makes stuff to ship out as its ordered, they don't have roll-cages lying around waiting for an order.

David orders LOTS of parts, and the majority of them aren't SD crap.... chassis' and Series Rovers take up a lot of room, and wheels and door panels and engines and etc. etc. For the SD stuff, David orders enough to cover whatever people have paid for up front, and has room for maybe one or two more bits from them. If you want one, you about have to have it bought first, then he'll order it and get it in, unless you work out something else... he's an affable fellow, and someone well worth having on your side. Getting on an international BBS and pissing in his cheerios after one honest phone call is a sorry way to treat someone.



Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Username: Axel

Post Number: 298
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 10:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


so far, gergory has been pissed off because land rover north america will not call him back and thatched roof will not do right by him...

And he will probably be even more pissed off when he realizes what the moderators have done to his account. This kind of infantile behavior will not be tolerated.

- Axel


Chris Nuzum (Cnuzum)
Username: Cnuzum

Post Number: 54
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 10:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

This guy sounds like the guy who was complaining about the Land Rover rep. not calling him back about the "new Defender" post a few days ago. Quick. Somebody get them some cheeze!

Chris Nuzum (Cnuzum)
Username: Cnuzum

Post Number: 55
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 10:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Damn, just did a quick check and realized,,, it IS the same person. Shoulda known.

Alan Yim (Alan)
Senior Member
Username: Alan

Post Number: 754
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

HA! See I wasn't the only one wondering about the "RSVP RSVP" thing!

michael burt (Mikeyb)
Senior Member
Username: Mikeyb

Post Number: 527
Registered: 03-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 01:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

too bad there is no "discoweb cam" so we can see and hear his reaction when he finds out that he has been voted off the island.

in the words of the joe schmoe host, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust. gregory, you are dead to us."

Ron Brown (Ron)
Senior Member
Username: Ron

Post Number: 479
Registered: 04-2001
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 02:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

BTW it IS safety devices fault, the racks were/are on back order from land rover for 6 months plus because SD could not get off their butts, at the begining of the back order david was the only one with racks. In fact he may be the only one with DII racks at the moment.


BTW I would unconditionally recommend David Gage/thatchedroofgarage and I buy a lot of rover parts. He is probably the most honest outfit going, I would say he is probably only making $45.

ken knebusch (Charlotterover)
Username: Charlotterover

Post Number: 225
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 06:34 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's guys like this that try to give Manufacturers and Distributors a bad wrap. He has no clue of what really goes on and how it works. As a manufacturer we try to keep all our distributors in stock to the best of our ability and theirs. People seem to forget that manufactures face the same problems as distributors. We have to get product in for production, which can be delayed. You can guess your inventory by past history and usage but you can never make a 100% guess of what may be hot the next month. Then you have to figure the distributor who is on the front line has even a bigger burden of meeting demands. Nobody wants dead inventory!!

I don't know SD and wouldn't try to guess their problem but I would guess that a performer hasn't a clue as to how the real world works!

It's all about the flow of parts and money and the waiting for both. What a dumbass.

Hey Greg, I am a military brat that has lived all over the US. I manufacture in NC and in CA. If I were to piss you off, (hoping that day could come), how would you label me? :-)

Leslie, hope you got some sleep!


Dan Ratcliffe (Dan_ratcliffe)
New Member
Username: Dan_ratcliffe

Post Number: 22
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 07:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You know, I first met David about 5 years ago. Since that time I have never heard anyone say a bad thing until this loser.

I wouldn't suggest this clown by a Jeep though. Land Rover folks tend to try and maintain a certain level of civility. If he were to talk like this to some Jeepin' folks I know they would invite him to an a** whippin'. Better yet, please, please, please buy a jeep.

Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: V22guy

Post Number: 1918
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 07:34 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You guys ever see the movie "Drowning Mona" where everyone in the town drives a Yugo? Gregory here is definately Yugo material. :-)

Rans (Rans)
Senior Member
Username: Rans

Post Number: 542
Registered: 08-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 08:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It sounds to me like Gregory is from the "world owes me something" school of assholes. He likely feels that he need only snap his fingers and we should all jump to his beckon call. He thinks David should jump; LRNA should jump; SD should jump; Discoweb should jump.....ooops, Discoweb did jump!!! Bye-bye Gregory, you ARE the weakest link!

Greg (Gparrish)
Senior Member
Username: Gparrish

Post Number: 1386
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 08:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Paul. That movie was on TV a few days ago.... Watched it over in Key Biscayne at the Ritz Carlton Monday night, but I thought the name was "bye, bye love" or something like that.

Damn funny movie though......... Never seen so many Yugo's in one place. :-)

Greg - a southerner stuck in a northern state south of the mason dixon line. ;)

Matthew A. Barnes (Discoveryxd)
New Member
Username: Discoveryxd

Post Number: 39
Registered: 08-2003
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 09:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Maybe he really owns a jeep, and he's just here to piss us off! Or he could just be a jerk, you choose. ;)

Ray Gerber (Raygerber)
Username: Raygerber

Post Number: 97
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 09:17 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Even though our performer is gone, can we still make it so anyone who uses that damn "RSVP RSVP...waiting for a quick reply" automatically has it show up like ?

Greg Davis (Gregdavis)
Senior Member
Username: Gregdavis

Post Number: 1004
Registered: 08-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 11:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Oh man, I feel so guilty. I'm the one that sent him to David. Little did I know....

Sorry David.

Koby (Koby)
Senior Member
Username: Koby

Post Number: 551
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 12:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, it seems that Gregory Licktballensen has distinguished himself as pretty damn good performer on top of being an asshole.

He has pulled a great vanishing act.

KJ (Karen)
Senior Member
Username: Karen

Post Number: 178
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 12:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Greg, don't feel badly. Though David won't be getting Mr. L's "biz", about the only thing McDork spelled correctly was David's web address. So, as the old saw goes (paraphrasing here),
"Call me whatever you like, just spell my name right." David's excellent reputation remains untainted and I suspect David will do just fine without Mr. L's business, however one spells it, har har.

Karen :-) :-)

Ron L (Ronl)
Username: Ronl

Post Number: 169
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 12:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I betcha even if the rack was in stock mr. licktisballs would not buy it.

"950.00 Usd than told me he only makes 45.00"

that says it all.

thom mathie (Muskyman)
Senior Member
Username: Muskyman

Post Number: 341
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Friday, September 12, 2003 - 09:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Username: Gml
Full Name: Gregory M Lichtenson
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Last Logged In: September 10, 2003
Registered: September 05, 2003
Total Posts: 40
Status: Member
Home Page URL:
Occupation: performer
City: nyc
State/Province: ny
Country: usa#1
Personal Quote: Live and Learn and ask many questions.
Age: 40
Sex (M/F): male
Rover 1: Landrover Discovery #1 3.9 5 Spd 41,000miles

this says it all

hope he learns a lesson:-)

I wonder if the rack was going to be used to dry his leatards on after a show?

Kevin Bridges (Craniac)
Username: Craniac

Post Number: 165
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Friday, September 12, 2003 - 10:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Muskeyman, now thats funny. I dont know whats more amusing the occupation or the quote.

BTW hows the corn binder?

Greg Hirst (Gregh)
Senior Member
Username: Gregh

Post Number: 309
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 12:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I was guessing he is one of those annoying street mimes. Probably works in Central Park...

Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Username: Axel

Post Number: 306
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 05:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

How does a mime "ask many questions"? That would get annoying real fast..... :-)

It would be interesting to watch this Yankee mime try to kick some Southern butt, though...... :-)

- Axel


ken knebusch (Charlotterover)
Username: Charlotterover

Post Number: 227
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2003 - 05:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yes it would!

David Seger (Croakus)
New Member
Username: Croakus

Post Number: 38
Registered: 06-2003
Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 04:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


1) He's right. The D2 roof rack is exactly the same width and fits fine. but it's about 6" longer.

2) Since you know so much about supply chain management in a small business environment why don't you open a shop and keep all parts that all customers might want to buy on hand at all times?


chuck yarbrough (Cptyarderho)
New Member
Username: Cptyarderho

Post Number: 14
Registered: 06-2003
Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 05:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"so far, gergory has been pissed off because land rover north america will not call him back and thatched roof will not do right by him...

greg, do us a favor: sell the rover and buy a jeep..."

FWIW, we Jeep guys don't put up with this kind of stuff either. he is the type of guy who wakes up to find his horn wired to the brake pedal...

matthew teague (_matt_)
New Member
Username: _matt_

Post Number: 1
Registered: 09-2003
Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 08:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey everybody,

I hate for my first post here to be so distasteful, but so it is.

Seeing as how I've just bought a truck from David at Thatched Roof, I read this thread with great interest.

Now, I should say first: In buying this truck from David, he took it upon himself to point out its imperfections, especially the ones I would have missed. An honest guy in every way. So I became fascinated with this guy who trashed him -- his personal profile listed his occupation as a "performer" in NYC. Now, you can't fault anybody for his job. Work is work.

But I think if you're gonna hold up somebody else's professional living for public scrutiny, you should welcome the same yourself. So I did a little digging -- and what do you know? -- the guy really is a performer.

He's been in two movies, even. You might remember his work from The Devil's Advocate, in which he played "jogger." Or you might recognize him from Caught, in which he mastered the role of "Cop No. 2."

All fine work. Real craftsmanship.


Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Username: Axel

Post Number: 313
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 09:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, enough of this. Let's move on.

- Axel

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