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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Range Rover- Technical » Archive through September 30, 2003 » Which Rangie to get? « Previous Next »

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Rhett Krulla (Retro78)
Username: Retro78

Post Number: 45
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 05:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Guys,

I have been looking around at the different RR and was wondering what your thoughts were as to which one makes the best off road machine. I like the interior of the '95 County LWB, in fact, I like the size of it as well but am not sure if that longer wheelbase will be an advantage or a shortcoming when off road. I would be looking to go with 2-3" lift and 32-33" tires for her. Thanks for the input in advance.

eric johnson (Eric2)
Username: Eric2

Post Number: 117
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 11:03 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, I THINK the '88 has the strongest drive-train. Front CV joints were the stronger type, then in typical LR fashion, they cheapened it out a bit, not drastically, but enough. There may be other bits that were scaled down, too. The '88's had CDL and no ABS.
I have a '90 with ABS, and when I was going down a fairly steep dirt road, every time I came into a corner and had to brake, that pedal would vibrate and rattle. It couldn't just slam the pedal and lock the tires. I would have preferred non-ABS on that trail.
CDL is prolly better for off-roading than viscous coupling. The VC is always "on", not so with the CDL.
Knowing what I know now, I'd take a good look at an '88, if I could find one in decent shape.
If you're lucky, you might find one with a 4.6 transplant, or even a 350 or diesel.

Steve Cooper (Scrover)
Senior Member
Username: Scrover

Post Number: 504
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 12:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

As far as the wheelbase question, there are pros and cons. With a LWB, you may find yourself doing a few extra maneuvers in tight turns, and you may occasionally get high centered more than a SWB:


On the other hand, the LWB is a little less tippy in see-saw situations and the extra room in the back is well worth a few extra turns of the wheel, IMHO


Ian Bentley (Ibentley)
New Member
Username: Ibentley

Post Number: 24
Registered: 06-2003
Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 12:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If you can find and '87 or '88 in good condition, I'd agree with Eric. Drive train is stronger, you have a CDL, not the viscous coupling. The suspension never had anti-sway bars, so you don't have to take them off. The 3.5 engine doesn't have most of the problems of the later versions, if it was maintained. It also doesn't have the acceleration, but torque is just fine. Also, there are a lot less of the electric toys to break. Fewer Lucas components can't be a bad thing.

Jaime (Blueboy)
Senior Member
Username: Blueboy

Post Number: 745
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 03:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

the LWB did well on our trip to Moab although it did use the "hit" in hitch a few times.

our's (93) has the EAS removed and ended up with about 3" lift. currently have slightly larger than 32" tires.

the VC is ok, yet, with ARB lockers we're planning on a swap to a CDL transfer box as others have done.

keep in mind all of the extra length is behind the front seats - everything else like the cargo area is the same as on the SWB.

we travel with 2 Labs and the extra room is where the 1 Lab lays down on long trips. that alone makes it worth it for us.

good luck in your hunt.


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