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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through October 11, 2003 » LR International Warranty « Previous Next »

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Degart Kilroy (Degart)
New Member
Username: Degart

Post Number: 3
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2003 - 10:57 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Does anyone have any information on Land Rover�s International warranty? I have a 2003 Discovery. Prior to purchasing my vehicle, I was assured that LR offered an International Warranty of 12 Months/Unlimited mileage if the vehicle was ever exported from the U.S. That was one of the largest determining factors in going with LR as a new vehicle. That, plus the fact that they have more Service Centers globally than most brands. If any of you are wondering, this is in reference to exporting my LR to a country that does not have unleaded fuel.

I have several written emails from my dealership and the LR North America Customer Service Center stating and reassuring me of the same fact. The problem is, no one can tell me exactly what this International Warranty consists of? What does it cover? Is it different than the U.S. warranty? If not, how can the vehicle be maintained if it is unique to the U.S. market? A LR service center in Maputo would probably not have the software or parts to diagnose/fix a problem with my ECU (Maputo does have unleaded fuel & a LR Center). If the warranty is the exact same as the U.S. warranty, with no consideration for your geographic location, then why is it only 12 months?

When I asked the dealership, they told me to contact LR North America. LR North America tells me to call LR International (in England). What do you think LR International tells me, �Call LR North America or your dealership�. It has actually gotten humorous, and pathetic. I have been communicating with all of them electronically to have a record of conversation to alleviate miscommunication, and they just do not get it.

Have any of you guys run into this, or do you have any feedback on where I can get this information or what I might do about it? This is starting to sound like misleading information, and LR has refused to provide me with a straight answer�I don�t understand how they can feasibly and practically warranty the NAS version of the vehicle anywhere else in the world. I am only learning the distinct differences of this version of the vehicle compared to the rest of the world.

Joey (Joey4420)
Senior Member
Username: Joey4420

Post Number: 292
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2003 - 12:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, first not to be a pain but this is not a technical question per say....should be in the General Non-Tech section.

But to help out. Since I have spent much of my life as an administrator my suggestions would be to send an email to Land Rover International explaining all that you have stated above, at the same time CC: copying all who are concerned (i.e. LRNA, Local Dealer and if you have it the email address of any dealer that you may be near overseas) And just for good measure I would ask that when they return any info to you that they copy all parties so that there may be at least a small paper trail to cover you basis.

Hope this helps.

Degart Kilroy (Degart)
New Member
Username: Degart

Post Number: 4
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Thursday, October 09, 2003 - 02:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sorry bout that, I'll repost in Non-Tech, thanks for the feedback! As far as the emails go, I have tried that several times and get the same "automated response" about contacting someone else... When I call, they give me the same BS. It is maddening.

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