The other side of the SUV=bad argument Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2004 Archives - General » Archive through January 13, 2004 » The other side of the SUV=bad argument « Previous Next »

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Lewis Jones (Cutter)
Senior Member
Username: Cutter

Post Number: 313
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 02:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

carl seashore (Drcarl)
Username: Drcarl

Post Number: 91
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 09:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

a comment:
"White found that light trucks were responsible for an unnecessary 2,260 deaths every year."

the trouble is not one rooted in engineering or high center of gravity. it is in driving style. the bravado with which many arrogent SUV drivers drive is where this trouble lies. being in a bigger truck may save your life, but also take away someone else's who happily drives a civic. as a pediatrician i believe strongly in the power of prevention. prevention is the key to lowering that number. of course, it is not us dwebbers out there taking nascar turns on the freeway in our lifted and heavily bumpered rigs that pose this problem. the truth remains that 90% or more of the "SUV drivers" out there should revert to the old wood paneled station wagon.



thom mathie (Muskyman)
Senior Member
Username: Muskyman

Post Number: 491
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 09:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

the true line in that article read


White found that light trucks were responsible for an unnecessary 2,260 deaths every year. Apparently, it's the pickups and minivans � not the SUVs � that are the problem.

the point is it may have a number of factors and that SUV's are NOT the problem.

I have long since thought that 2wd is much less safe then 4wd because 4wd alows you so many traction/control advantages. plus the heavier weight promotes a slower more steady driving style.

Alan Yim (Alan)
Senior Member
Username: Alan

Post Number: 967
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 09:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It hopefully promotes a slower more steady driving style but I've seen many examples of it not unfortunately. Too many dumbasses in SUVs in my opinion. I think most folks on here don't fall in this category because we DO take these rigs off road and DO understand the ramifications of losing control of the vehicle. The average SUV driver doesn't wheel the truck so has no real sense of the vehicles limitations so they drive them like cars.

Just my $0.02

Kenny Bissett (Jetson)
Username: Jetson

Post Number: 96
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 09:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have decided that my 16 year old is getting an old 4wd vehicle. My 18 year old got a new honda civic, and due to his wreckless driving, he has 6 speeding tickets and 2 accidents.

I feel this will be somewhat less possible with a 4wd truck because he won't be able to pretend like he's one of those "Fast and Furious" maniacs.

I know it's no guarantee, but he's been so into wheeling with me - I'm hoping he'll stay the path.


Matthew A. Barnes (Discoveryxd)
Username: Discoveryxd

Post Number: 222
Registered: 08-2003
Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 11:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm 17, and my friends give me a bad time about how slow I drive my rover. Here's the reasons why I drive slow; I love my car, a lifted (or stock)disco isn't made to go fast (duh), I don't want to abuse my engine by "punching" it all the time (like my friends do), and again I love my car. :-)

Some of my friends say this, " My car's a piece of shit, so I don't care what happens to it. That's why I drive fast." Most teens who think thier car is a piece of shit, will treat it like a piece of shit.



Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Username: Axel

Post Number: 685
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 12:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kenny: Maybe you should get your 16 year old a series Rover? That way he will have a really cool, relatively safe car that he won't be able to speed in even if he wanted to. :-)

- Axel


Will Cupp (W_cupp)
Senior Member
Username: W_cupp

Post Number: 261
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2003 - 12:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kenny, you need something like this:

There are models that will show current speed, top speed, current location, where you have been, how many times the doors have opened, weather or not the seat belt has been put on, etc... All from a home PC.
Motorola makes, or made, a unit, but I can't find it on the net.

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