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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2004 Archives - General » Archive through January 13, 2004 » An Infinity-driving moron demolished my yard! « Previous Next »

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Chris Gregg (Tofergregg)
Username: Tofergregg

Post Number: 43
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 05:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

So I was sitting in my bedroom this afternoon when all of the sudden I heard a gigantic screech/crash from ouside my 2nd floor window. I jumped up and looked out to see a brand new Infinity sitting precariously on the cement wall about 2 inches from my house (actually, my landlord's house), and a dazed moron stumbling out of the driver's seat. He had somehow gotten out of control and careened straight through a wooden fence (right between two trees), OVER the hood of my downstair's neighbor's Toyota, and through the yard, smashing everything in his path. It looked like a tornado had hit the yard. My neighbor ran out of his house to yell at him, and he just stared at the damage. I called our landlord (who is a friend of mine), and I told him to brace himself. He wanted to kick the guy's a$$ (especially after the driver told him to shut up about something), and the police had to step in. It is hard to believe how much damage one out-of-control car can cause. The driver said he slipped on a patch of ice (there was no ice in the road), and he said he was going 35mph (more like 50, the police said). I was most amazed by the terrific winching job the tow-truck drivers did to get the car out of the yard. They actually got it back on level ground and STARTED it up to drive it back through the hole in the fence. Impressive.

Here are the pictures:

The first and third pictures show the scene best. He came from the top right of picture 1, and went through the fence twice as he careened over the beige Toyota. The best picture of the damage to the Toyota is here:

A good "through" shot is here:

Keep in mind, the fence totally surrounded the boundary of the yard. Hmm...


Matt Anderson (Disco01)
Username: Disco01

Post Number: 135
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 06:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post looks from those skidmarks that he wasnt anywhere close to making the turn. He must have been going way too fast. Sorry about the inconvenience though man.

Wei Quek (Apohis)
New Member
Username: Apohis

Post Number: 36
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 10:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

How did he launch himself over the toyota?

Clif Ashley (Cta586)
Senior Member
Username: Cta586

Post Number: 470
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Sunday, January 11, 2004 - 11:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thats amazing...

Chris Gregg (Tofergregg)
Username: Tofergregg

Post Number: 44
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Monday, January 12, 2004 - 05:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

> How did he launch himself over the toyota?

No one can figure that one out. I think he got a lift from the curb and (somehow) the crash through the fence. I have a feeling he was tipped a bit on his side by the time he was on top of the Toyota, and then back onto four wheels after that. I wish I had seen it (and I'd have had a great view from my bedroom window).

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Senior Member
Username: Rubisco98

Post Number: 1108
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Monday, January 12, 2004 - 06:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Holy Crap, glad no one was hurt! Especially glad to hear that there wasn't kids in the yard playing, etc.

Michael Noe (Noee)
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Username: Noee

Post Number: 828
Registered: 03-2002
Posted on Monday, January 12, 2004 - 08:06 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Funny how easy it is to take the responsibility of driving a "sports car" like an idiot, then when something goes wrong, he's just a passenger, along for the ride...

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