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mark zeyenda (Mark_zeyenda)
New Member
Username: Mark_zeyenda

Post Number: 12
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 08:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I WORK ON MY 1995 3.9 5 spd Discovery # 1 and have found that when I have to go to the nearest Landrover dealership and" I mean have to..... to buy parts"I am " always taken back" by how much even the smallest parts cost....I dont think Landrover dealers" even care weather they win anybody over".... yet the continue to run cute little commercials ... Landrover reputation was built on its original idea to be a utilitarian vehicle why does Landrover AKA FORD MOTOR CO..continue to screw over home mechanics such as myself...FORD will not win friends and influence people doing things this way..IF anyone from the FORD MOTOR CO Monitors this web site and hears all this do something
why dont they listen to people like us anymore...

michael a. kerr (Ethanrover98)
New Member
Username: Ethanrover98

Post Number: 31
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 08:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Use the vendors affiliated with this site....... excellent prices and unmatched knowledge.....

Will Cupp (W_cupp)
Senior Member
Username: W_cupp

Post Number: 299
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 10:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The way I understand it, on most dealers lots the car sale pays for the employees salary. The parts pay the light bill,and other utilities.

I don't know how true this is since I have never owned a car lot, but it sorta makes since. I always use Rovers North for parts. There not the cheapest as far as OEM parts, but there customer service is great and I have met some of the folks who work there. Reguardless you still save 50% or so on OEM stuff.

Alan Yim (Alan)
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Username: Alan

Post Number: 1005
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 10:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


They've always been like that but like Michael was saying, look for vendors recommended through this site and you'll find parts for much less than dealer prices. I've even found that if you can wait, parts out of the UK is even cheaper.

I doubt things will change very quickly if at all. LR is a premium brand like MB, BMW, etc. so they all charge a premium for parts. That's part of keeping the "premium" image up. I used to work as lot boy at a MB dealer when I as a kid and the mechanics were telling me that a case of oil with MB logo on it was 3 times more expensive than the normal stuff they use which was actually the same oil but they had customers that were not very price sensitive so they used the more expensive stuff all the time.

Thomas C. Allen (Lrover88)
New Member
Username: Lrover88

Post Number: 2
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 11:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I avoid the dealers if at all possible for the same reason - plus, they treat you like a second class owner if you did not buy the truck from them. I use Coventry West in Lithonia, Georgia. Great prices, great service - genuine, aftermarket and used parts - plus they get a container from England each month so will order for you if they don't stock. For smaller stuff I order from Craddock in England, but with the pound so strong lately this is not as appealing. God forbid you should ever need to pay their mechanics - there shop rate is 50% higher than most mechanics. Let your fingers do the walking on the internet - no shortage of LR parts suppliers.

Matt Anderson (Disco01)
Username: Disco01

Post Number: 153
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 04:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I usually agree with this, but my local dealership (Land Rover Knoxville) has very competitive pricing. On several parts I have actually found they sell them cheaper than the aftermarket vendors. They even carry a lot of nongenuine stuff. Mike McCollum at LR Westhcester will give you a great deal on parts. He posts on the board.

Alyssa Brown (Alyssa)
Senior Member
Username: Alyssa

Post Number: 434
Registered: 01-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 07:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's West Chester, PA, not Westchester, NY, just to clear that up... there are two dealers w/nearly the same name.

Mike M (Rangeroverhp)
Username: Rangeroverhp

Post Number: 170
Registered: 09-2003
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 - 07:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Matt!
Thanks Alyssa!

Not all dealers are the same. Our customers are 15% concrete cruisers and 85% enthusiasts like us. Your experiences will vary dealer to dealer.

mark zeyenda (Mark_zeyenda)
New Member
Username: Mark_zeyenda

Post Number: 14
Registered: 01-2004
Posted on Monday, January 19, 2004 - 06:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Listen I hate to change the subject but could one of you chaps or info on the correct way to change wheel hub bearings etc .." If my memory serves me correctly I believe there are 2 wheel hub bearings per
wheel .."anybody correct me if I am mistaken" how that would be a total of 8 bearings long should this job take "for the more than average mechanic " ...such as myself also do you have to torque everything to a standard@ values etc.. is that a thing that must be Strictly adhered to etc...also one last thing I own an 1995 3.9 ltr 5 spd Discovery # 1 pre BMW etc...ha ha...well oh yes...
If lets say I chicken out on doing this job myself how long should it take .".labor wise to do this job " ,also who has the best prices on these Wheel hub bearings....thanks and Peace


Alan Yim (Alan)
Senior Member
Username: Alan

Post Number: 1007
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Monday, January 19, 2004 - 10:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Maybe you should post your above question in the "Discovery Tech" section under it's own thread where people will see it. You're not going to as big a response (if at all) here. Better yet, do a search through the tech section first to see if that info has been discussed already to save yourself some time.

Adrian Strata (Adrians)
Username: Adrians

Post Number: 48
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Monday, January 19, 2004 - 09:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

When I need a part ASAP I go to the Paul Miller LR dealer in Parsipany, NJ. I usualy get a 15% discount because they know I work on my own truck.


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