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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2004 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through February 20, 2004 » Towing capabilities of a TDI « Previous Next »

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Ron Poole (Turbodisco)
New Member
Username: Turbodisco

Post Number: 1
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Monday, February 16, 2004 - 11:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Don't you wish the Landrover engineers would wake up and update the tow bar capacity of the TDI to a more realistic figure? Nearly all of the other major marks have done so to cater for those wishing to tow a decent caravan. My TDI is rated at a very low 150Kgs whilst other lesser vehicles are rated up to 250Kgs and other 4WD's up to 350Kgs. Here in Australia we have an average sedan rated at 230Kgs and the bar is bolted on to the boot/truck pan. I just hate to have to sell my disco just to get a decent towbar rating. The disco should be rated at better than a tow weight of around 1500kgs/150Kgs. Why not do an upgrade like all the others do, backdate it to 1994 or so and stipulate a lower GVM for better ratings.
I would love to hear from other owners with similar problems. I am currently looking for a turbo patrol or navara twincab. Dam landrover.
[email protected]

Joey Stompedissel (Huskyboy)
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Username: Huskyboy

Post Number: 38
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 06:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Quoting from official Landrover documentation:
Trailers without brakes : road 750 kg / off 500 kg
Trailers with overrun brakes : road 3500 kg / off 1000 kg
Trailers with coupled brakes : road 4000 kg /
off 1000 kg
Max vertical nose weight 150 kg
Why would you want more vertical weight?
That will only make the back of the car sag, and make it far worse to drive.

Garth Petch (Garth)
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Username: Garth

Post Number: 35
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 08:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


The DII has a rated ball weight of 250 kg. On the rule of thumb that the ball weight is 10% of the GVM, gives an approximate towing weight of 2.5 tonnes. That of course depends on how the trailer/van is set up, whether its on tandem axles, use of level rides etc

I've owned a GQ Patrol, and the GU is basically the same vehicle with a prettier body and a better motor. When you think that except for the coil suspension, the chassis is that of the MQ, which was released in the early 80's. Out of the box its almost as good as a Defender/78 series cruiser off road, but with leather seats, but it is a bloody truck on road. To tow with one can require major work to the suspension.


The rule of thumb is that the ball weight is 10% of the GVM of the trailer. More than that you lift the front wheels of the tow vehicle off the ground. Less than that (and especially if you're towing up round the 2-3 tonne mark) the weight on the back wheels of the tow vehicle can be lessened over undulations, which also does nothing for the handling.


Ron Poole (Turbodisco)
New Member
Username: Turbodisco

Post Number: 2
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 07:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Joey, The reason I want more weight is explained by Garth. For stability on the road the trailer or caravan should have about 10% of the GVM on the bar. Anything less adds to instability on the road. Sagging is easily corrected by a WDH (weight distribution hitch). My caravan has a Tare weight of 1750Kgs and a bar weight of 170Kgs which is over the piss poor rating of my TDI. Landrover in their doubtful wisdom, (already confirmed) has upgraded the series 2 to 250Kg and frankly, the mounting used is not as strong as the TDI monting.
I know the TDI has a pulling rating of 4000Kg and this is probably in reference to pulling four wheel trailers around the english countryside at a slow rate of knots.
If you use the 10% system the normal TDI caravan rating is close to the average four cylinder FWD sedan.
The latest Patrol has coils all round and most of the other goodies that have been introduced by Rover over the last 50 years. I have heard some comments about the renault engine used in the three litre version and will probably stick to the older bullet proof 4.2 engine.
I would prefer to keep my TDI disco however insurance and roadworthyness dictate a change. If I am going to change then I will go away from landrover due in part to Australian dealer backup and the possible warranty interference by Ford.
Not that warranty has been brilliant in Oz anyway.

Scott Scott (Scottoz)
Username: Scottoz

Post Number: 157
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 09:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have found the Warranty to be very good on my DII Ron. I fitted by Haymen Reece to my DII and have a D1 with a HR fitted - both fittings look very strong. You dont get a stronger chassis than a Rover. Patrols are not as strong. The D1 is heavier than a GQ. The GQ looks big with its "flares on flares" guards but is really a narrow machine. I have towed 2500 kilos with both my D1 AND DII with ease (I have towed a dual axel 2500 kilo van through soft sand at Stradbroke Island - again with ease)...but then again both my Disco's are V8s. V8s are interesting in their characterisctis...I have noticed little difference between 1.5 tonns and 1.5 tonns. There is a big difference between no weight and 1.5 tonns. Its the torque set up I think. It depends on what your doing. The GQ is bullet proof vehicle largely, but has no-where near the off road ability of a Disco (1 or 2). It has very poor low range reduction compared to the disco and approach, departure and ramp over are poorer than D1. It chews fuel like no tomorrow in pertol form (LPQ recommended and usually a good conversion on those). The light alloy V8 make for much better slow off road work than the heavy front ends of the GQ. Somthing else to consider. The Diso has a much better crash rating than the GQ. Nissan have never been able to make the big patrol crash well despite steel panels.


Ron Poole (Turbodisco)
New Member
Username: Turbodisco

Post Number: 3
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 01:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am not complaining about the abilities of the TDI, only the specifications. The truck is quite capable and is certainly up to the job required.

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