Randall Smith , do you have a driveli... Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Range Rover » Randall Smith , do you have a driveline vibe update for us yet ? « Previous Next »

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Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 09:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am still thinking about it.

Randall Smith
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 11:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I'm very upset about my vibration problem, but have too busy to actually do something about it. Wife and kids will be out of town in two weeks, and that will give me a chance to do a very thorough rebuild of my front axle. Larry Harrell will help me if needed.

In a few days I will be recieving a care package from the UK which will contain new front axle and CV joints, drive flanges, spindles, bearings etc. So I will be replacing all of the parts that were salvaged from a LWB for the 24 spline conversion, with new parts. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Otherwise I will have to start looking at my new diff setup and the driveshaft again, and heaven forbid... it's the transfer case.

Randall Smith

Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 08:34 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi there,

dont remember how deeply the matter´s already been discussed.

Have you tried to drive without front propshaft - that could give a clue whether vibration is from front axle or not.

My Rangie has lots of vibrations. I suspected the driveshaft angle after a lift and the T-case front output bearing.
I now can tell that the propshaft was not guilty (I changed it with driveshaft from Disco II which I wanted anyway). Then I have looked at the t-cas bearing because I felt lots of play at the front drive flange (This can only be tested if there is not tension in the drivetrain, so lift a wheel, of better - remove the driveshaft). After removing the seal I was "taught" that the bearing was all right but the play was deeper in the t.case - where the visco unit mates to some gear I think. I am determined indeed to change the BorgWarner box with the more reliable and stronger LT230T of the Disco. coincidentally I got one really cheaply few years ago. If you compare the front output shaft housings of the two t-boxes it is apparent that the one from the BW-t-box is much shorter and therefore the output shaft puts more strain on the inner bearings (??!). However, the reputation of the BW-t-box seems to be not very good.

Some people experience that simply some brands of tire do not work with their rig.
Other possibilities are of course swivel bearing preload, badly adjusted track rod, loose drive flanges(on the diff nose) or loose driveshaft-bolts, worn driveshafts, ...

Randall Smith
Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 01:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Dear Anonymous:

Thanks for your input. Also seems to me that there is play deep inside my transfer case. But this wasn't really a problem until that fateful day.

I have a 92RR that was converted from 10 spline to 24 spline. In the rear everything is OK. In the front we used lots of parts off a LWB to make the conversion. This was a suprise to me, so now I am swapping those parts with new ones myself.

Unfortunately when I drove away from the garage there was a bad vibration. But with no driveshaft there was no vibration. First thing done was to put in a Tom Woods drivshaft which helped. Next the BW front output bearing was replaced. I have extra wheels for driving on the beach...no change. I have also noticed that one of the front axles can be moved around in the splines of the drive hub(not just in and out). So the hope is that replacing the axles and all bearings will end this bad vibe.

This weekend I will be making sacrifices to the Rover god.


Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 07:03 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I see - moving the outer shaft of the CV in the hub in and out is possible and a certain (but fairly minimal) play is adjusted by shims.
I doubt that play in this region can create vibes that bad (I think the masses/weight of that shaft is little and the rpm´s it does are not much too).

I would really really like to read that the BW- t-case is nor responsible for your vibes. Because right now I hate the BW. Works fine, user friendly and effective. But after ceratin milage (manufacturer then feels no longer responsible) they make problems. I recently saw a LT230 with 180000 miles which would have gone on and on if the driver only had filled up the oil.


Randall Smith
Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 10:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mr Anonymous

My hope is by meticulously rebuilding the front axle myself, and making sacrifices to the Rover god will cure the problem.

I did shim up the front axles to spec(because it was easy to check while I was trying different wheels). That is when I noticed that one of the axle could be moved around radially...not just in and out.

It could be a while before this is resolved because swapping a transfer case is a major decision, and I will have to consider every fact beforhand. Also I had no feelings that TC replacement was needed before the axle swap.

Will just be glad to get back to all my other Rover projects when this is resolved.


Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 03:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

good luck, Randall.

(I know how you must feel)

Ross R
Posted on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 07:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Randall, do you have experience in rebuilding
rover drivetrains or are you planning on
dooing it by the book?
that 24 spline setup sounds sweet!
lockers in both ends?
2 MUCH !
let me dream smore!
just got my 89 RR & wanna do some dreamin
(& planning for the future beastie)
before I get really broke!
the stuff I want will run 5K & I got 2k to spend.
advice needed here;
where would you spend the $?
lots of luck Randall
Ross R

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