Installing brush guards(oem) on 2000 ... Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Range Rover- Technical » Archive through December 12, 2002 » Installing brush guards(oem) on 2000 RR « Previous Next »

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Guy Morris
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 06:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Does anyone know a site with pics for installing front and rear brush guards for a newer Rnage Rover. The guards are OEM off a 98 but the dealer says front bumper has to be removed. Guards seem pretty staight forward, fit over bumper easily... but if thats whats got to be done, so be it. Please help if possible GD Morris

Eva Savalot
Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 04:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

When I installed my front brush gaurd, it did require me to remove the front bumper. To remove the front bumper, it is a lot easier to do than it sounds. Granted, I am a newbie to the Range Rover world so I don't know all the correct terminology. I will try to explain this the best that I can.

To remove the front bumper, there are only two bolts that need to be removed. They are located beneath the front license plate. These bolts have sort of a star shape to them. I don't know exactly the name of that type of bolt. Anyways, I didn't have the correct tool to remove those bolts, so I bought a Gator Grip. The gator grip worked perfectly to remove them, but keep in mind this gator grip will strip the bolt, so hopefully you won't need to reuse them. My brush gaurd came with new bolts so I did not care if these bolts turned to hell. Be careful, once you remove the bolts, have something support the bumper. You don't want it to fall.

After removing those two bolts, there is a clip on both sides of the car located in front of the wheels. You will be able to see where they are located once you take the two bolts out, since the front bumper will be hanging from them. Simply, just unclip it by pushing the metal clip towards the middle of the car. In the future, when you want to remove the front bumper, release the clips first, then remove the bolts. It's probably better that way.

All in all, two bolts, two clips. Once you have the front bumper off, it will become pretty self explanatory on how to attach the brush gaurd.

I hope this helps. If anyone would like to chime in and try to explain this better, feel free to post. Or you can just rip me to shreds for being a newbie myself who relies on a Gator Grip instead using the proper tool.

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