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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Discovery - Technical Discussions » Archive through April 03, 2004 » ARB vs TJM vs RTE « Previous Next »

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Dave Statler (Falconx84)
Username: Falconx84

Post Number: 113
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 01:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It seems like dweb generally gravitates toward the RTE slim, but has anyone used the TJM or ARB bumpers? what's your thoughts and reactions to these bumpers? They're definitely more affordable, and my truck isn't a hard-core trail rig. The RTE is nice, but if I can find a less expensive bumper that will do the same job, i may go for it. (poor college student:-))

I'm looking to replace the stock bumper due to an accident, and I'd like a winch-capable bumper with a full brushbar.

Also, if anyone has one of the 3 for sale, let me know :-)

Dave Statler (Falconx84)
Username: Falconx84

Post Number: 114
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 01:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Front bumper, btw..... also if there is a company that I've overlooked, feel free to mention it, too. I think i'll stay away from SG as I've heard a lot more bad than good about their customer service.

Adam Ross (Discodriveradam)
Username: Discodriveradam

Post Number: 250
Registered: 01-2003
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 01:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post



Where's the contest?

RTE hands down.

matt v (Rolloverover)
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Post Number: 8
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Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 01:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ive got the arb on my 99, its one hell of a bumper...sometimes i worry that if im ever in a wreck and t-bone somebody, it will probably kill them

Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Dweb Lounge Member
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Post Number: 2638
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 01:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Don't forget Trek Outfitters.

ARB= wide shovel that is not designed for a winch bigger than 10K. I know this because I called ARB and asked. Owned one for a year and it took some hits well, but the lower end was like having a road grader attached to my D2. Customer Service depends on where you purchase from. is great as well as EE.

Trek Outfitters= I have had a Trek Outfitters Rear bumper for a couple years now. Very nice, very strong, very durable. I can only imagine that their front bumper is the same. Calling TO is a pleasure because they have great customer service.

TJM= I have seen a few of these on the trail and I think they look great. Price is not bad either. Again customer service depends on the vendor you chose.

RTE= Awesome in every category.

SG= IMHO is a very sexy bumper. Expensive though and their reputation on this BBS for customer service is not that great.

Paul and 2 cents.

Matthew A. Barnes (Discoveryxd)
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Post Number: 523
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Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 02:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

don't even have to think about it. RTE all the way.

As for bull bars, I've heard better things/opinions about the TJM over the ARB


Randy Maynard (Rans)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 03:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have an RTE, and I am surprised to hear that you feel they are expensive compared to the others? You get much better aproach angles with the slimline from RTE than any of the others. ARB seems the worst for approach angles. But if you are not doing alot of off-roading and you want better up front protection, the ARB is probably a better choice as it is more beefy and protective. In other words the old person, and I DO take exception to the term, would've done little or no damage with an ARB or TJM on your truck. For the most part I think Paul covered the comparison as well as anyone could. It's really a matter of $$$, availability and useage/need on your part.

Bob Shinn (Bshinn)
Username: Bshinn

Post Number: 133
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Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 04:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Did you have your ARB pre or post lift?

Clif Ashley (Cta586)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 05:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Paul's analysis is quite accurate.

I love my RTE, and their service.

Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: V22guy

Post Number: 2639
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 06:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Post lift. I knew hanging anything big and heavy off the Pig would be hell on the stock suspension. So my first lift was a OME 2" Med HD.

Here's a pic of the Pig with the ARB set up:

For the record Bob, that was a mistake, going Med that is. I had an ARB and RTE sliders on the Pig with those Med OME springs. They quickly started to sag.I quickly learned that HD OME is the only way to go if one plans on hanging all kinds of crap of their Disco.

So check this out. Here's a pic of the Pig with the RTE set up:

RTE front bumper est. 120#
Warn 12K winch around 130 #

Could you imagine what that extra 250# would do to stock springs? Whew! Now add in a few extra pounds like lights and a front diff guard. It all adds up.

Now, I am considering changing everything out again. When I load the Pig down, I get that drooping ass look. Plus, this drooping ass syndrome causes me to be extra careful with my Trek Outfitters rear bumper.

Here's a pis of the Pig loaded down. Notice the sag in the rear?

I am not sure but I think there is a 763 OME or is it a 764 OME; anyway I want something super HD to go in on top of my EE 1" spacers to beef up the rear.

Okay, back to bumper talk.......

Aaron Richardet (Draaronr)
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Post Number: 534
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Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 08:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Damn I can almost see my Rover in the background in that last pic. Always looking for a little extra picture time

Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: V22guy

Post Number: 2640
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 08:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Is that the beast I saw at the Nakid Fish in Wilmington?

Dave Statler (Falconx84)
Username: Falconx84

Post Number: 115
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 10:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I apologize if you took offense to the "old" remark. She was in her 60s, btw. I was kinda upset, seeing as how she really messed up my disco.

No hard feelings Randy... I was a little upset about my disco being messed up. You know how it is, right?

Dave Statler (Falconx84)
Username: Falconx84

Post Number: 116
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 10:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, the RTE bumper is more expensive if you include the skid-plate. I suppose it's not fair to compare an RTE bumper and plate to a bumper without the plate.

Does anyone know if you can get the skidplate after the bumper is installed? Or would that be a question I should ask the guys @ RTE... I can't afford the bumper just yet, so I didn't want to bother them.

Thanks guys...

Aaron Richardet (Draaronr)
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Post Number: 536
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 10:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

No that was the city ride. Ole Blue was at home that night. Paul not sure if you want to hook up and drive together on the way to Uwharrie. We will be leaving around 11am on friday.

Steve Rupp (Steve_rupp)
Username: Steve_rupp

Post Number: 168
Registered: 03-2003
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 11:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

All you have to do to add the skid plate once the bumper is on is remove two bolts. The skid plate uses the same bolt holes as the bumper to the frame plus two on the bumper itself. It's a pretty solid installation, but honestly you don't need it and I think it looks better without it anyway. It shows off your stainless draglink if you have one. But that's only me.

RTE is a great bumper. Acutally it may be too strong. It will not give. If you wack a tree or something your frame may get tweeked before your bumper will.

Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: V22guy

Post Number: 2641
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 06:32 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I plan on punching out on Thursday afternoon. Some of the guys from Philly are coming down on Thursday as well.

Now back to bumper talk......

Go RTE. You will be happy.

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