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Rick Neff (Lostinboston)
Senior Member
Username: Lostinboston

Post Number: 323
Registered: 06-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 01:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am writing a report for wrinting class and was wondering if some of you guys, a a couple girls out there answer a couple questions that would help me out.
I am trying to judge the popularity of diesel engines in the us. This is not specific to land rovers.
here are the questions.

1. While purchasing your vehicle did you look at any diesel powered vehicles?
2. What was yoru deciding factor as to why you did or did not purchase that vehicle.
3. If diesel was available in Land Rovers in the US would you have purchased one? why?
4. If biodiesel was readily available would that have influenced your decision?

thanks for your time. please reply to this thread or e-mail me at [email protected].


Jamie (Rover_puppy)
Senior Member
Username: Rover_puppy

Post Number: 982
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 01:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No
2. Sales guide drove me up steep rock hill in front of the dealership, he turned us sideways, then demonstrated how the door could be opened in that position without anything crumpling. Fuel was not even one of my considerations, I would have bought it if it ran on grape kool-aid.
3. No. I've had a deisel car, I had to have too many fuel filters replaced. I don't drive enough to keep the fuel clean, algae (or something) grows in deisel fuel when it sits for a long time.
4. Probably not

Peter Carey (Peterca)
Username: Peterca

Post Number: 67
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 03:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. yes
2. not any diesels for sale, at least here in the US
3. If, for the same price, my truck was avilable in both diesel and petrol, I'd buy the diesel
4. Biodiesel is available in my area and is one of the main factors influencing my future plans to switch to a diesel engine. The possiblity of creating my own biodiesel was also a factor.


Joey (Joey4420)
Senior Member
Username: Joey4420

Post Number: 574
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 03:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. Yes
2. Over all Cost and I didn't want a new vehicle
3. Yes, long term fuel advantages. Diesel is normally cheaper and you get much better fuel economy. Of course if I was able to convert my Disco I would, but eventually I will look at a Hi Output Rover engine or at least mod mine till I get better performance....if you can't have fuel economy, you might as well have performance.
4. No

Matt (Doc175)
Username: Doc175

Post Number: 247
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 06:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 300Tdi in a D1. I have nothing bad to say about it. I admit I will never win a brag race but the benifits are great.
1. Yes
2. I bought it for the reliability, fuel cost/ increased MPG and torque
3. Yes, same as #3
4. Yes

I do not want to give you a bunch of info you do not want or need but if you want my imput or info let me know here or email me at [email protected]

Dean Brown (Deanbrown3d)
Senior Member
Username: Deanbrown3d

Post Number: 1485
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 10:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No
2. Not available in current make/model
3. I would have decided after test driving it, but I expect yes I would have gone for the diesel. Now I would for sure.
4. How much is biodiesel? If it were only a little more expensive then yes I would go for that. But I would need to research the whole production process very carefully before any decision.


Nathan Hindman (Nathanh)
Username: Nathanh

Post Number: 157
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - 01:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. Yes, one of my Rovers is a diesel.

2. Bought it 'cause it was a Diesel Rover... hard to come by over here.

3. If diesel was available here in the US, all my Rovers would be diesel powered...

4. No. I'd buy diesel either way. IMHO Even Dino diesel is better than petrol. But I think if bio diesel was available it would make for a more attractive fuel alternative.

On a side note, I also think that when the US finally goes to low sulfur diesel in a couple of years (2007 IIRC) it'll be alot more PC of an engine choice.

Nathan Hindman


Erik Olson (Jon)
Senior Member
Username: Jon

Post Number: 586
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - 02:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No

2. Not available in the make and model in the U.S. market.

3. Yes

4. I've done a bit of research on SVO, and I'm convinced that I would run a combination of SVO (home filtered) and commercially available bio-diesel products.



David Kronenfeld (Kronie)
New Member
Username: Kronie

Post Number: 8
Registered: 09-2003
Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - 09:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No
2. Not available here (oh for a 2.8 Diesel or 300TDI)
3. Yes, low range torque, gas mileage, engine longevity, and the fact that diesels are just awesome engines
4. No, I'd go diesel anyway.


Ray Gerber (Raygerber)
Senior Member
Username: Raygerber

Post Number: 268
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 09:06 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No
2> Not avail, I bought mine based on price, its options and desire (dangerous combination)
3. Yes, all the reasons above that say yes lay it out clearly.
4. Yes

Jaime (Blueboy)
Senior Member
Username: Blueboy

Post Number: 908
Registered: 02-2002
Posted on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 09:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. While purchasing your vehicle did you look at any diesel powered vehicles? - no
2. What was yoru deciding factor as to why you did or did not purchase that vehicle. - RRs in US do not have diesel engines. My deciding factor was location of vehicle (SoCal) for rust issues i.e. not having any.
3. If diesel was available in Land Rovers in the US would you have purchased one? - Yes
why? - off-highway performance; simplicity of design - higher reliability; ease of maintenance
4. If biodiesel was readily available would that have influenced your decision? - no


Alan E. Foster (Vt_alan)
New Member
Username: Vt_alan

Post Number: 37
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 10:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

We bought a '03 Dodge 2500 last year, so these answers are for that experience:

1. While purchasing your vehicle did you look at any diesel powered vehicles? yes
2. What was your deciding factor as to why you did or did not purchase that vehicle. price -- the high output diesel was a $6000 option
3. If diesel was available in Land Rovers in the US would you have purchased one? definitely why? reliability, fuel economy, longevity, power
4. If biodiesel was readily available would that have influenced your decision? no

... and for the '96 Disco:

1. While purchasing your vehicle did you look at any diesel powered vehicles? no, none were available from LR in the style desired
2. What was your deciding factor as to why you did or did not purchase that vehicle. lack of diesel availability forced petrol purchase
3. If diesel was available in Land Rovers in the US would you have purchased one? definitely why? reliability, fuel economy, longevity, power
4. If biodiesel was readily available would that have influenced your decision? no

Good luck!

Jeff Mclaird (Granitedisco)
Username: Granitedisco

Post Number: 226
Registered: 08-2003
Posted on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 09:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. While purchasing your vehicle did you look at any diesel powered vehicles? - yes
2. What was yoru deciding factor as to why you did or did not purchase that vehicle. - no diesel disco's in the US
3. If diesel was available in Land Rovers in the US would you have purchased one? why? Yes. a) reliability b) fuel consumption c) Wading performance
4. If biodiesel was readily available would that have influenced your decision? Yes - absolutely - based on #2


Jamil Abbasy (Jamooche)
Senior Member
Username: Jamooche

Post Number: 381
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 01:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No
2. No Diesel Discos in the US
3. Yes, for the fuel economy and reliability
4. Yes, for #3 reasons and the added benefit of helping the environment.

Jack Leitch (Liveattheedge)
Username: Liveattheedge

Post Number: 167
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 01:25 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

2.Too slow, at least land rover diesels are
3.Maybe if i wasn't using it everyday, i love the wading ability
4.I'm driving a 12mpg v8, i don't think enviromental friendlyness will hinder my decision much

Curtis N (Curtis)
Dweb Lounge Member
Username: Curtis

Post Number: 1184
Registered: 05-2002
Posted on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 03:51 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No
2. I liked it
3. No. Lack of power and cheap petrol.
4. No

Donald (Dsmcf)
Username: Dsmcf

Post Number: 117
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 11:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. Yes

2. Couldn't get it in a Rover, and the Hummer I that I looked at back in 1999 was a little on the expensive side new, a little underperforming old (not the latest TDi, and only 3 speed auto) and had really poor side/rear visibility making it a poor commuter vehicle.

3. Yes, yes, yes, oh my god yes. I would have paid about $5,000. premium on top of the vehicle price to get a diesel engine. Why? Among other things, better mpg translates to longer vehicle range on same mass/volume of fuel (price of fuel not an issue); simpler engine, with much improved reliability; easier to configure for wading; more widespread availability of suitable fuel in third world countries (versus high compression petrol engines); would have allowed me to fit a Webasto control kit and use the fuel burning heater that comes with the TDi; and finally, would have made my selection of other accessories (cooking, heating, etc.) much more satisfactory -- I try and follow a single fuel policy -- everything should use the same fuel as the vehicle -- and there are much better catalytic diesel stoves / ranges / appliances etc. etc. available than there are petrol ones.

4. Not really. If it were a diesel that burned a greater variety or types and grades of fuel than another one then I would consider it. But not because of biodiesel per se.

Christopher Boese (Christopher)
Senior Member
Username: Christopher

Post Number: 300
Registered: 10-2002
Posted on Monday, March 01, 2004 - 02:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. No, but if California had smarter emissions laws, I would have been able to.

2. n/a No diesel-powered vehicles were available in the category I was searching.

3. Yes, in a second. Better low-end torque, better fuel economy, and lower cost for fuel.

4. Would not have mattered. I'd just have been looking for any sort of diesel vehicle.

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