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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Series Rovers - Technical Discussions » Soda blasting « Previous Next »

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Brad Brinkman (Brad_b)
Username: Brad_b

Post Number: 43
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 11:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Has anyone tried this I am thinking of buying one. They can be used on aluminum to remove paint and also to do engine parts with out damage to the belts metal or bearings. If no one has I guess I will just have to be the guinea pig.

eric johnson (Eric2)
Username: Eric2

Post Number: 181
Registered: 05-2003
Posted on Monday, December 29, 2003 - 02:03 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Others have done this with good results, as the soda doesn't generate enough friction and heat to warp the aluminum panels, but is abrasive enough to remove paint or whatever. It just takes longer.

Barry Schmelzenbach (Boulderbear)
New Member
Username: Boulderbear

Post Number: 13
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Saturday, January 17, 2004 - 02:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've done this and loved the results on the aluminum panels..............but Eric is right, it takes a lot longer !!!!!!

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