96-97 RR HSE 4.6 Log Out | Topics | Search
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Adrian Lee (410225)
New Member
Username: 410225

Post Number: 14
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 - 10:14 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am in a stage looking for a 96 or 97 HSE 4.6 to purchase. I know from 98 or 99, the Lucas changed to Bosch and made difference(Less maintenance) but pricing is not in my range. If I am looking for 96 to 97 HSE 4.6, what do I need to pay attention to? I know in fact Air Suspension is prone to going south, RR leaks no matter what, but is there any advantage of getting RR over Toyota Land Cruiser(my second choice)?
THanks for your help.

Paul Kennington (P_kennington)
Username: P_kennington

Post Number: 74
Registered: 12-2002
Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 10:12 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just bought a 2000 4.6 HSE. I looked at several cars, but was advised that the Bosch engine management system was the best way to go. I believe they changed it for model year 2000 (Can anyone confirm this?) My biggest worry was the EAS but if things really go bad you can go to coil springs for a couple of grand. Of course, a fsh will help, plus running carfax. As for the Toyota- I also considered the BMW X5 and VW Touareg, so I'm not too clued up on Land Cruisers, (I think they're ugly) but I think the RR is a better looking rig. I read a comparison and the RR handled better. What do you need the rig for? Also, look on Ebay- there are some good (and bad!) deals out there.
Good luck,

Paul Kennington (P_kennington)
Username: P_kennington

Post Number: 75
Registered: 12-2002
Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 10:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

another option. I was re-reading some posts from when I was looking for advice (Which rig should I buy? and 4.0 or 4.6?) And someone recommended I consider a Bosch 4.0 and have it chipped. Just an idea!

Adrian Lee (410225)
New Member
Username: 410225

Post Number: 15
Registered: 07-2003
Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 01:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thank you so much for the information. I am mainly going to use the vehicle as a daily driver and weekend hunting(hunting season of course). I do know RR is notorious on leaking oil(British) and I was very worried about that. My wife has 97 Discovery and so far, we had a very good luck with the vehicle. Surprisingly, it is very reliable and nice ride around town. Only main thing she did was replace the MAF due to the K&N oil particle clogging up the sensor.
I am going to open my option to 4.6 and 4.0 to see what deals I can get. I have a very good mechanic who is master mechanic in RR and he was suggesting to go with Range Rover instead of Land Cruiser, but Toyota reliability is legendary also... Big decision.;..

Alyssa Brown (Alyssa)
Senior Member
Username: Alyssa

Post Number: 634
Registered: 01-2003
Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 06:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

2000 4.0s are usually a really good deal, and are not a whole lot slower than GEMS 4.6s. Plus, electrics were updated throughout & you get a much more reliable vehicle. You might even find one with warranty left.
In 1999, both GEMS and BOSCH were produced.

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