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By Disco Fever on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 06:15 pm: Edit |
I seen a Huge Disco in greenville NC, White....about 6 or 8 inches of lift with swampers..Does anyone know who this belongs to? Im just curious....wanted to ask some questions.
By p m on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 06:19 pm: Edit |
did it have maryland plates?
By Phil on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 06:54 pm: Edit |
holy shit thats huge,I am in Tarboro and I havent seen that thing....did it have NC plates
By Disco Fever on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 07:12 pm: Edit |
im pretty sure it has NC plates that says something about 4x4.....something like time ill look at it closer.....i find myself going out of the way to drive past it.....Its parked out beside of a Fraternity. Im almost certain that it didnt have maryland plates ...does it fit any descriptions of a local disco in maryland or something?
Phil...Where do you go off roading at...Just curious , I cant find much of anything round Greenville.
By Phil on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 07:19 pm: Edit |
I am in the montains at school right now....there isnt alot aorund there unless you like alot of mud not many rocks and stuff, there is some ok stuff on the raleigh side of ROcky Mount near Nash Tec...thats where alot of people go..what kinda 4wd do you have
By Phil on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 07:20 pm: Edit |
what frat
By Phil on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 07:34 pm: Edit |
Have you seen the D-9o's in G-vegas
By Disco Fever on Monday, October 22, 2001 - 09:58 pm: Edit |
I have a D1! I have seen 4 D-90's must be nice to have one of those!!!!
By JC on Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 12:45 am: Edit |
6-8" of lift! I'd drive up there tommorrow from Charlotte just to see that thing if I didn't have classes from 9-9. Where do ya'll wheel in NC?
By JEEPETR on Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 10:05 am: Edit |
Sure it was a champagne color Disco? Maybe Frank Avent's? He's running 33" Swampers and his Virginia tag is "GO OFFRD", and he has been in the North Carolina area for the last few weeks...
~Scott T.
'95 D-90 (JEEPETR)
'96 Discovery (5-Speed)
By Ron on Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 10:14 am: Edit |
Thats what I was thinking.
By BradNC on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 05:58 pm: Edit |
I'm in Charlotte and kinda new to the whole four wheeling scene and was wondering where i could get some info on the good places to go around here. Thanks for anything anyone has
By JC on Thursday, October 25, 2001 - 11:22 am: Edit |
Theres Uwharrie about an hour from Charlotte, and I just found out about a place up near Boone called Wilkonson Creek I belive, though I could be wrong. There are some other places like Tellico as well. Then you always have the good ol' powerline trails here and there...just watch out for gun toting rednecks! {insert cletus gif here}
Theres also an offroading club out of Charlotte called CORE, that I've heard good stuff about and I'm thinking about joining. They're mostly Jeeps, but a very active club, and do lots of trail work at Uwharrie. You might want to check them out if that type of thing interests you. Theres also ONSLRS, which is a Rover club, though I don't know much about them.
Brad, where are you in Charlotte?
By BradNC on Thursday, October 25, 2001 - 05:39 pm: Edit |
i'm in southeast charlotte, off rea road near the big pink church. I'm currently looking for a disco, probably about a 97 or 98. I had a 96 isuzu trooper and it was totalled the day after i turned 17, so now that i have insurance money i want a disco. Tell me if you see a good one out there. Where are you?
By r0ver4x4 on Thursday, October 25, 2001 - 10:00 pm: Edit |
I am in NC at WEStern Carolina unversity about 40 miles from hellico some ok trails up here I think I am getting a d 90 in the near futre I had a seriesIIa 88 inch for a little while it was fun..rovers are awesome...I know a guy in charlotte that hd a disco he dont have it anymore....shit in charlotte you should just go out on consrtuctuoin site they have mud and hills
By JC on Friday, October 26, 2001 - 12:19 am: Edit |
I live off Alexander Rd. behind PHS.
As far as local Discos for sale, we are selling our 1998 Disco. It's in excellent condition, and never been offroaded. Let me know if your interested and would like to see it.
[email protected]
By BradNC on Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 10:50 am: Edit |
Yeah, i'd like to come look at is, so send me an e-mail with the information in it. I sent you an e-mail as well. Thanks,
By BradNC on Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 10:51 am: Edit |
My e-mail is [email protected]
By Jr on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 07:00 pm: Edit |
just watch out for gun toting rednecks!
so what is wrong with gone toting rednecks? some of them drive Discos...
By Redsrover (Redsrover) on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 08:29 pm: Edit |
Huh, what? Someone call my name?
Damn right I carry a weapon. Isn't that a law or something?
By JC on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 09:00 pm: Edit |
I wasn't referring to BlueGill. Believe me I wish I had a gun with me when I had this particular encounter. I was referring to your back country inbred folk. We happend upon a guy back in the woods in the middle of nowhere who was not quite all there. He walked down the middle of the trail then walked around to my side of the truck stuck, leveled his rifle right at me, and told us to leave or else. On our way out, very quickly I might add, we noticed several barcalounger (sp?) chairs and mattresses up in the trees, and other interesting things. A friend of mine went back there not too long ago, and said there were several animal carcasses back there, some hanging from trees. Needless to say, I'm not going back there any time soon. Damn..I shoulda told this story on Halloween...Discoweb Trail stories.
By Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4) on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 11:11 pm: Edit |
holy fucking shit
who has the protect by H&K sticker
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Monday, November 05, 2001 - 11:27 pm: Edit |
I don't have the sticker but, I have an H&K and some other toys.
By Javier Velador (Jvelador) on Tuesday, November 06, 2001 - 02:56 pm: Edit |
And what town in what state was this JC? Just wanna know the areas to stay away from should I ever venture 'round them parts.
By Redsrover (Redsrover) on Tuesday, November 06, 2001 - 03:14 pm: Edit |
You sure the guy wasn't hunting in those woods (his land?) and got pissed that you were making noise, scaring off the deer or hogs or whatever? The sofa and side chairs in the trees were probably more like a tree stand and the animal carcasses hanging from trees could have been the previous mornings kill being field dressed.
If you don't hunt, those these things can look mighty strange...
By Bluegill (Bluegill) on Tuesday, November 06, 2001 - 04:34 pm: Edit |
that's my "Insured by HK" bumper sticker
By Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4) on Tuesday, November 06, 2001 - 10:02 pm: Edit |
I like it..I wannt one that says glock..I hunt but we never leave our deer out in the woods and all..sort of wierd..
By JC on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 12:14 am: Edit |
Apparently this trail crosses over into SC from what I have been told, which might explain a few things . It's off of 521, I don't know of a really good landmark for it. If I had a GPS unit, I imagine I could tell you exaclty where it is.
I don't know a great deal about hunting, so that may be why the stuff in trees caught my attention, however, I have a feeling most people don't hunt black labs and cats, and hang them in trees. The chairs and stuff might very well be tree stands. I don't doubt that people hunt back there, its in the middle of nowhere. I'll see if my friend has any pictures of the stuff back there. He talked to a local officer who said they are aware of some strange things that go on back there.
By Redsrover (Redsrover) on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 09:27 am: Edit |
Sounds pretty odd. The hunters I know in Georgia, SC and NC are normal folks (for the most part) and wouldn't go around pointing rifles at people and certainly wouldn't kill a dog (cats by the dozens, but no dogs).
Sounds like you may have run into your own little "Blair Witch" up there.
By Bluegill (Bluegill) on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 11:51 am: Edit |
Sounds like you need a bumper sticker that says:
"Driver Does Not Squeal Like Pig"
By JC on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 12:29 pm: Edit |
By Roverine on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 01:27 pm: Edit |
Good God!!! ... "Tails From The Trail" ... very scary! (and I thought I had seen & heard some doozies, lol!) Geez, glad you made it outta there!
By Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4) on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 09:11 pm: Edit |
thats scary..mas murdering of cats might can be justified but whats wrong with the bastards killing dogs..they are scarificing to the Jeep gods keep your rovers away...only unless you are protected by H&K or Glock
By Roverine on Wednesday, November 07, 2001 - 11:11 pm: Edit |
NO, NO, NO! ... NO killing of cats ... (can never be justified ...)
"Kim I cried when I watched Bambi"
no killing of kitties (at least don't tell me )
By KJ on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 10:21 am: Edit |
I'm with ya, Kim! But then again, I just don't get the hunting thing, let alone the, "Let's kill it if it moves thing".
Karen, also cried at "Bambi", book AND movie ;)
By gp (Garrett) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 10:38 am: Edit |
do we really have to bring up the cat issue again. some of you know how i feel about them. not a big fan of them and i suspect these folks are not either:
some of you have already seen this link. somewhat disturbing for you cat lovers. i don't think it's real.
By Gregg Warnken (Gregg) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 12:38 pm: Edit |
LOL I think you have to have testosterone running through your blood to get the "lets kill something" urge...y'know...the hunter gatherer instinct and such.. Me, well I love cats...I say that people who do not like cats tend to not understand women very well either... LOL
my .000000002
By gp (Garrett) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 02:40 pm: Edit |
gregg~ are you trying to tell me something??? you mean they don't like it when i try and light my farts in front of them or when i tell them they are looking a little bloated??? i'm confused.
By Heather on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 03:21 pm: Edit |
LMAO!!!! Almost,,,, died,,, reading that,,,last ,,, bit,,,, LOL
By Roverine on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 04:00 pm: Edit |
LOL!!! ... True story: Long ago, one of my friend's brother(s) used to do that quite a bit in front of us. One of them was particularly proud of his acheivements. The highlight was when he actually lit his levis on fire. Scared the crud out of him. We still howl about that one!
By gp (Garrett) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 04:13 pm: Edit |
yeah. best not done around small animals or children. appropriate supervision is required. been awhile since i have done it and i thought i was something short of a chemisty experiment when i first saw it happen.
still love the version in the movie Dumb n Dumber.
ps: how does this always happen....something about seeing a disco and we get to this point about flaming your levis.
By Kyle on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 04:24 pm: Edit |
The cat sight aint bad. Although , think about waht you can do with a sack full of cats , a big block of dry ice , and a bridge in DC...
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 05:55 pm: Edit |
Aside from really screwing up traffic, I don't get it??
By Kyle on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 07:44 pm: Edit |
Ice floats , cats dont like water. Dry ice burns little paws as they try to get out of water.
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 07:54 pm: Edit |
Ahhh.. Now I see.. Damn dude, that's mean..
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 08:00 pm: Edit |
That's almost as bad as my friend getting sick of his cat messing with his fish in his fish tank. So one day he walked buy and pushed it in.. Cat didn't ever do that again.. Of course he got the crap scratched out of him getting the cat out of the 55 gallon tank..
By Kyle on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 08:02 pm: Edit |
Actually , my ole man grew up in DC and thats what they did in the summer for fun... Nice way to burn up a whole summer day , walking around finding cats......LOL
By gp (Garrett) on Thursday, November 08, 2001 - 10:37 pm: Edit |
damn. and i thought i didn't like cats. just think of the cool web site you could create with stuff like that. we don't have many bridges here in central PA, so would a neighbors pool work??
here kitty, kitty, kitty..........
By KJ on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 12:26 am: Edit |
Heather, kick Kyle in the shin for me please? :P
gp, that outfit makes you look a little chubby.....
Karen ;)
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 08:39 am: Edit |
UH OH... I think Karen is starting to take her gloves off.. Shin kicking and cut downs..
By Kyle on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 08:43 am: Edit |
A cat is a worthless creature..... well , unless you are growing up in DC and bored to death...
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 08:49 am: Edit |
Well, at least they give the dog some thing to do at my house.
By Leslie N. Bright (Leslie) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 09:41 am: Edit |
No, not worthless....
I'm not a cat fan at all.... the wife is, but luckily I'm allergic to them so she can't have any inside, etc. etc.
But we live in the country, and this time of year the field mice start trying to find their way into this old farmhouse (which isn't too hard for a mouse)... Since we started keeping cats around outside the house, the last couple of autumns there haven't been any mice showing up inside...
They're at least doing THAT much....
By Heather on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 10:55 am: Edit |
LOL,,, I will kick him for you Karen , I will kick him for all the little abused kittys too,,,hehe,, Damn Kyle,, that's a lot of kicking,,,hey wait this could be fun
By Gregg Warnken (Gregg) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 11:09 am: Edit |
Ouch how are those shins Kyle?!?! Poor kittys...they do hunt mice very well...and chipmunks...and squirrels...but they do screw like rabbits! C'mon...who doesn't like a little furry pussy now??
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 11:19 am: Edit |
Kyle, I got some shin gaurds if you want them.. Sounds like some body is getting a limp for christmas.
By Leslie N. Bright (Leslie) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 11:32 am: Edit |
The cats here have trimmed the bunny population, too.... the garden's happy, at least....
By Heather on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 11:56 am: Edit |
LOL, you guys are cracking me up here,,, actually our garden is protected by a red dog who goes by the name of Einstien,,, he chases squirrles, birds, crickets,,, pretty much any thing that moves,,, oh and the red dog tries to screw like a rabbit,, the couch, our legs,, the bed,,an abandonded pillow in the middle of the floor,,,LOL, hmmmm, he is a bit confused I think
By Bluegill (Bluegill) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 12:06 pm: Edit |
>"Ice floats , cats dont like water. Dry ice burns little paws as they try to get out of water.
You are truly sick and wrong. I wasn't sure before, but now I am. Bravo.
By Dean Brown (Deanbrown3d) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 12:13 pm: Edit |
This is my cat Fluffy. I am currently training him to attack long-haired rednecks on sight. See - he's waiting in the woods, ready to pounce. He can already dig armored claws into a bowling ball
By Kyle on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 12:39 pm: Edit |
Bring fluffy out to play next time.... Looks like once he stiffens up a little he might make a nice pilow.......
Heather , I keep tellin ya , Einstein is a trained killer. He is simply holding you until help arives... thats all... He practices his technique on pillows and such....sharpening his skills...
By Heather on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 01:31 pm: Edit |
Dean,,, pay him no mind!! ,,,,Kyle, NO you didn't!!!,,,, that dog is a fanatic,,, he can't help it,,, He is deprived of something that he will never get from the couch,, pillow and especially my LEG!! hehe,,, Im tellin ya,,,that crazy beast has one thing on his mind and it doesn't have anything to do with killing anything,,,
By gil on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 02:50 pm: Edit |
kyle id like to see your dog up against this beast....
By gil on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 02:50 pm: Edit |
lol...thats one big ass cat!!!
By Bluegill (Bluegill) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 03:05 pm: Edit |
got to be a doctored photo - Santa isn't even straining. Even if he is extremely strong, his body would fall forward with all that weight held out in front of him like that. His had looks a little funky, too. Furthermore, no one would have a chair that ugly in their living room.
Bullshit I say!
By Gregg Warnken (Gregg) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 03:08 pm: Edit |
I am calling bullshit too...that is one big catdog!!! LMAO
By gil on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 03:09 pm: Edit |
LMAO...i dont know blue...i found it on the interent...its amazing the stuff you could find on the internet...
By Bluegill (Bluegill) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 03:27 pm: Edit |
that's not the first big pussy cat on the internet, I am sure.
By gp (Garrett) on Friday, November 09, 2001 - 11:25 pm: Edit |
that would be a tough one to fit into a jar......but hey.....i am willing to give it a shot. i am not fully sober at this point and should leave the vulgar comments til later.
By KJ on Saturday, November 10, 2001 - 09:43 am: Edit |
LOL, "not fully sober"....I'm going to remember that one!
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Saturday, November 10, 2001 - 11:04 am: Edit |
I wasn't "fully sober" last night as well.. But, I sure as hell am fully hung over right now... That last lemon drop was a killer..
By gp (Garrett) on Saturday, November 10, 2001 - 09:11 pm: Edit |
i try and stay away from the shots, but once in a while i find myself behind the glass of a Car Bomb. nasty things they are, yet yummy.
-half pint of Guinness
-shot of Baileys and Jameson (mixed)
-drop the shot in the 1/2 pint of Guinness and chug the damn thing.
repeat several times and call a cab!!
By Eric N (Grnrvr) on Saturday, November 10, 2001 - 09:51 pm: Edit |
Yup, I like those too.. Last night was just lemon drops and Sierra Nevada Pale Ales.. I try to stay away from the shots as well but, I went out with some old friends that I haven't seen in a while and well.. They kept buying them so I kept drinking them..
By Dean Brown (Deanbrown3d) on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 03:55 pm: Edit |
You expressed an interest in making a pillow out of Fluffy. Well, as you can see, he's no longer fluffy, more like fuzzy. But that's beside the point. I have a bag full of white fluff now, so if you want it, say the word. Would be good for those allergy days
By cartner on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 04:53 pm: Edit |
Do I want to know what happened to that cat? yikes. Someone get the Rogain....or call the that a Persian Poodle?
By Roverine on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 07:13 pm: Edit |
Oh no, here we go again with the poor kitties ...
LMAO - That "Fluffy"! .... I can barely breathe, .. can't stop laughing ..
P.S. Dean, how are his "armored claws" coming along?
P.S.S. Garrett, Kyle, nothing too cruel or grotesque, please ...
By Dean Brown (Deanbrown3d) on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 10:09 pm: Edit |
THat's the 4th time we shaved him. Oh boy you should have seen the first attempt - we had to hide the mirrors in the house for a month!
He gets too hot, even in the winter, and lies down on his back with all four legs up in the air cooling down - its bloody funny to see it! But after a shave, he's so much more happy, and eats double amounts too. Twice a year he gets balded.
I figure I can pay $45 for someone else to do it, and I have to penis around taking him there and picking him up again. Or, I can do it myself witht the clippers.
Anyway, the difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut is one week. That right Kyle?
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