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By Trev on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 12:54 am: Edit |
hey fellas,
today, i parked briefly in some "reserved" parking spot for 10 minutes. and some people came in to alert me of what had just happend to my DiscoII. some low-life asshole w/ a lifted tahoe, attached tow straps to the front axle(my disco was parked with the front outwards) and proceeded to pull my Disco out of the spot while it was in park. i rushed out to confront the asshole, in which we were on the verge of a brawl, but the manager of the store came out to settle it. and he's taking fault for it, which includes paying for damages. he dragged the Disco out of the parking spot about 15-20 feet. a trail of long skid marks show the severity of the incident. my main concern is of course the Disco. luckily, there is no body damage, and no problems that we can diagnose thus far. what should i look for when the mechanic and I inspect the car? what components and issues? any other constructive thoughts would be appreciated. thanks a bunch.
By dave on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 03:31 am: Edit |
I hope you called the cops so there will be a incident report of this when the store owner refuses to pay any damages. Since you didn't beat his ass you should have pressed charges on him for something....I am not sure what....but that cant be legal for someone to just decide to 'tow' your car. Esp if it was not his property you were parked on.
Unless you have a good lawyer you may be S.O.L. on collecting any damages without a police report. Good luck with it.
By Jim on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 08:32 am: Edit |
I would of borrowed Gils glock! Man what a moron. No telling what kind of damage could have been done on your tranny.
Best of luck....Figures it was a Chevy owner. Did he have the Calvin and Hobbes Sticker in the rear window??? Jerk OFF.
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 09:56 am: Edit |
I'm sure it won't be a popular post here, but why were you parked in a "reserved" space? Did it say "reserved except for people who are in a rush"? How pissed would you be if that were your reserved space and there were no others around?
If I were the guy in the Tahoe, I would not have dragged your truck, but I would have called a tow truck on you. Those tow guys lurk waiting for easy money and would have had your Disco gone in no time at all. Luckily, you are probably covered as the guy with the Chevy can't do what he did unless it was on his property. File a report and a claim.
Personally, I'm glad he did it. Here in the city, I am sick of f**kers parking where and how they shouldn't.
By Ron on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 10:02 am: Edit |
1. Tow other peoples trucks at your own risk
2. Park at your own risk
3. No matter what the guy who did that is liable for damages, his property or not.
4. You best bet would have been to get in, drop it in 1st low and yank his bumper off.
5. Glock won't work, you need something that will crack an engine block, Anaconda anyone?
6. I would have keyed your truck rather than tow it, or better yet just blocked you in and left my truck there for a week. In any case passive aggressive works better than confrontation.
PS probably did not do any damage and they can only tow you if it says "tow away zone"
By Ron on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 10:05 am: Edit |
That reminds me,
when I don't want my truck to be towed I spool out the 3/8in chain and chain it to the nearest immovable object. great anti theft device too.
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 10:12 am: Edit |
If you live and park and the city, then dont drive a LIFTED TAHOE!! If I lived in an overly congested area, the last thing you would catch me driving would be a Tahoe, nevermind a LIFTED one. Sounds like a poor Chevy owner was having a bad day and decided to take it out on the "little" Disco. Personnally, I would find that Tahoe and drop a nice brand new pink eraser into his gas tank...
By Blue Gill (Bluegill) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 11:45 am: Edit |
Ida shotim. Twice.
By Milan on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 12:10 pm: Edit |
Luckily the LR suspension design is such that no damage would have happened to your Disco in that area. I'd have the tranny checked but if your tranny still works in park (I.e. locks the drivetrain), you're probably fine.
By Ben Gott on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 12:59 pm: Edit |
what a dick! so you parked in a reserved spot.. what if you had been some old lady? shit, can the dude just go inside and politely ask the person to move their car?
"Personally, I'm glad he did it. Here in the city, I am sick of f**kers parking where and how they shouldn't." - are you joking?!?! Your glad he did it?!
By Chris Browne on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 01:06 pm: Edit |
If you didn't call the police but you have his plate number still file a report.
Also, take pictures of the "skid" marks and file a claim against Mr Chevy's insurance company (the police will provide you this information)
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 02:24 pm: Edit |
So you're saying he sould have done out to find every stranger in the area with, "Hey, are you the jerk-off who parked in the reserved spot?" Get real.
Why should they even have to go and ask. Don't be an a**hole and park where you're not supposed to and the problem never occurs.
If you don't want to play by the rules, you can't complain when someone calls you on it.
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 02:29 pm: Edit |
My friend, there is a big difference between "calling someone on it" and hooking a god damn yank strap to their axles and pulling there Disco out of the spot. C'mon buddy, if the city living makes you that bitter, then maybe its time to move out of the city.......
By Russ on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 02:40 pm: Edit |
Oh boy, here we go again! I think this one needs to be moved to the new non-tech section.
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 02:52 pm: Edit |
It's not about "being in the city". The frustration of pulling into a parking lot and find the handicapped spaces filled by guys who "were only going to be a few minutes" is a major PITA. Or the fun of coming home to your condo/apt etc to find some jerk in your space who was "only there to drop something off".
Unfortunately, there will always be someone who is a bigger jerk then you are. Sounds like Trev found the local jerk.
Like I said, I wouldn't have done it. I would have had the car towed and impounded and let him pay all the fees for that fiasco.
All these posts about the reaction by the Chevy owner being over board and what jerks Chevy owners are are BS. Instead, from the outside, it looks like a Disco owner felt he was "entitled" to park in someone else's reserved space.
Love your reaction about "lifted Tahoes in the city". Why buy a Disco in the city? Where does AWD help out? Oh, and you would drop a pink eraser in his tank? Nice. You're pissed that a Chevy owner would dare attack a Disco owner, but then condone clandestine revenge? Strong foundation for your argument.
Hey. If we keep this up, it could go to the Non-Rover category.
By Kyle Van Tassel (Kyle) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 02:56 pm: Edit |
Ida beat his ass.... Maybe twice. Although , if I was him , I would have seriously considered dragging your vehicle. Well , you know me , ida winched the bitch!
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 03:21 pm: Edit |
ok, I could care less if it was a Chevy, a Ford, or even a Freightliner for that, to answer your question, NO, im not mad that it was a Chevy owner. Id say say the same thing if it was another Rover. "clandestine revenge?" at least you put your expanded vocabulary to good use. I agree with you, i would have called and had the damn thing towed. no argument there. As far as protected parking goes, maybe the guy who parked in your "special" spot had some dick in a lifted Tahoe parked in his. The best solution I have seen is in the overly crowded streets of Amsterdam. They have folding poles that block their spaces. You cant park there if you wanted to, even with a big 'ol Tahoe. When you get home you unlock it, fold it down, and in ya go. easy enough. By the way, the "pink eraser" remark was a joke. Not all of us have a carrot stuck in our ass and some even have a sense of humor. One more thing, my Disco is NOT AWD, maybe yours is....
By Axel Haakonsen (Axel) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 04:05 pm: Edit |
I can see the Chevy owner's point of view, although I don't agree with his methods. Sounds like it wasn't the first time someone parked in his spot...
When I was in college, we had reserved parking spots, too. Those of us who carpooled, got the choice spots, closest to the entrance. Naturally, on more than one occation, somebody parked in our reserved spot. One morning, fed up with finding our spot taken for the n'th time, one of us crawled underneath the offending car, disengaged the parking brake, and put it in neutral. We then pushed it forward, over the curb, and up on the grass, where we sort of slid it around until we got it jammed between two trees. One tree trunk in front of the car, and one in the rear, with about an inch clearance on both ends. (This was in Norway, and the car in question was a small econobox which could easily be manouvered around by 4 male college students.)
After this little display, nobody ever stole our spot again....
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 04:12 pm: Edit |
Sense of humor? Mine must be dark because I thinks it pretty funny to visualize somebody dragging a Disco out of parking space to prove a point.
As for a "best solution", just do what the little signs say and you won't need to lock your space.
I've also always thought it was funny how people here like to sh*t on other peoples 4x4's. The majority of LR and RR owners never off-road and if you go to the LR Series boards, their opinions of Disco and RR owners is pretty low at best. Something about glass houses...
By Rob Davison (Pokerob) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 04:31 pm: Edit |
i'd find out where he lives and burn his house down...
that usually gets the point across, at least for me it always has
By Ron on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 04:34 pm: Edit |
Have you been tastin' batteries again Rob?
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 04:38 pm: Edit |
Just out of curiosity here, but who was s**ting on other peoples 4x4s? I to emitted a slight chuckle when picturing in my mind the Disco getting yanked, wheels screeching and all. I like Axels solution, Im sure that was good for a laugh. Yes the majority of modern Rovers never venture to the trailhead, but Id like to think that the majority of those on this board do. Oh yeah, since when are we defined by what "series" owners think? Id imagine those Series owners would get a good laugh out of you thinking Rovers were AWD, what was that about glass.....
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 04:57 pm: Edit |
I had to go back and re-read my post. You're right. I goofed on the AWD. That should be "permanent 4WD", but its still to the same point. Knocking someone with a lifted truck in the city makes as much sense as owning a PERMANENT 4WD LR in the city. Realistically, both are out of place.
I wasn't implying we are "defined" by anyone. I was saying that it's funny that other posts say things such as "Figures it was a Chevy owner" as if only someone owning something other then a LR would do such a thing. There are many similar comments in many other threads on this board. I guess I never realized that owning a Rover put us a cut above the rest.
By Michel on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:00 pm: Edit |
We'll it's all fun and games until you meet a someone at the end of their rope having a particualarly stress out day. Now, imagine instead of a yuppy looking guy coming out freaking about you pulling is cute disco, you get a madman who beats you to a bloody pulp until you head looks like a leaky disco diff...
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:08 pm: Edit |
LOL, agreed, confrontation never solves anything...well, maybe somethings...
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:09 pm: Edit |
You're right. That's why you don't tow another persons car/truck or park in someones reserved space. You never know what sort of guy is sitting on the other end...
By mrbieler on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:24 pm: Edit |
Well that's enough frivolity for the day.
Off to work in the garage.
Until the next heated topic comes down the pike....
- Jeff
"Sometimes I question the wisdom of my actions, but more often I seem to be acknowledging the stupidity of them."
By Blue Gill (Bluegill) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:29 pm: Edit |
I had someone parked in my old apartment's assigned spot a few years ago for the nth time, so I pulled out my 20' chain and wrapped it around his front axle, through his rims, and around the cement pole that supports the overhead shade canopy and completed the package with a beefy Master padlock. I was driving a lifted Jeep Cherokee and he had a little pickup - not that it matters. He came to my door and I let him go the next morning. He never parked there again. He also didn't mess with my truck (he obviously knew where I parked). I've also had wranglers park in my spots - they're easy, though - pop it in neutral and push it away with one hand - or, better yet, just hit the headlight switch and flick on the brights and leave it for the night
The world is full of two-way streets; if you park in someone's spot, expect a reaction. If you mess with someone who has parked in your spot, expect a reaction. If you get aggressive, you better be able to back it up. I have a feeling that Mr. Lifted Chevy was probably a big good ol' boy who could kick some serious ass, or he wouldn't have had the balls to do what he did. If you want to get in his face, better be prepared to fight, or be prepared to be humiliated.
I'm with Kyle - I would have come out swingin and not stopped until he was incapable of continuing his course of action. He was in the act of stealing your property. You're within your rights to stop him.
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:30 pm: Edit |
thats a good quote, until next time.....
By Gil Stevens (Gil) on Tuesday, May 15, 2001 - 05:59 pm: Edit |
Blue, did u ever get that service history I sent you??
By Rob Davison (Pokerob) on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 10:15 am: Edit |
yes ron,
tasteing batteries and chewing aluminum foil with my brand new metal fillings. i have been thinking about silver plating my teeth with a little mercury... what do ya thing? the ladies will like? or will i need to build a 110 to impress them?
when are you going to post some pictures of your vehicles anyway, i'm begining to doubt there existance.
By Ron on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 10:48 am: Edit |
Mercury is what makes the fish from Lake Erie taste so good, that would be great in your teeth hehehe.
There are pics up already:
A couple pics of my 88 and alyssa's disco are under:
and my 88 is on
under customers cars too. Buy stuff from David Gage while you are there on the site.
I will email you a pic of my rangie I got from the seller when I bought it (since then I yanked off the brush bars and installed front lamp gaurds).
I can also email you a pic of the 110 rolling chassis and the 64 dormy donor, but I don't have anything current showing the rear tub on the new chassis. I was a little peeved as the B pillars were shot but I have new ones waiting to go on (from thatedroofgarage). My digital camera sucks so if I want digital pics I have to have Alyssa take regular pics and then get them digitally printed.
BTW: Building a 110 does not impress the ladies, everyone I try to explain it to thinks I am crazy.
"Your doing what?"
Ya that truck is going on that shiny silver thing in the garage.
By Rob Davison (Pokerob) on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 12:53 pm: Edit |
hehehe, thatched roof garage... i met someone at MAR last year who was from there. he was a youngin' , had a red 88" with all the bells and whistles. license plate was "what road" or something gay like that...
he was afraid to go wheeling... wanted to ride in my truck. like the 20k i still owe on mine was nothing to worry about , but his $10 restoration was...
hehe,, i wont be doing business with poseurs.
By Ron on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 01:01 pm: Edit |
"he was a youngin' , had a red 88" with all the bells and whistles."
The only person at thatchedroofagarage is David Gage and he is definately no Poseur nor is he that young. Maybe the guy in the red 88 was a customer. David has a 93 LWB Rangie and prior to that had a cream colored V8 109. He has some other trucks and projects as well. Extremely nice person, can't think of anyone who has anything bad to say about him. Not that it matters as he really does not sell much for discos but just to keep things strait and all.
By al hang on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 01:21 pm: Edit |
Man, i remember that little shit too. Was his name Ryan? Who the hell drives a red series from across 2 states to park it in a field? I like series trucks too but come on, his was like a polished turd.
By Ron on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 01:25 pm: Edit |
Thats really funny. A polished turd. I will have to find it and drag it with my truck through next years MAR.
By RVR OVR (Tom) on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 01:37 pm: Edit |
Come on guys, I think we should applaud him for showing such restraint!! How many of us can park a perfectly good Land Rover next to some trails and not take it off road. This "boy" is a man with true grit. He must have an infomercial on self-control techniques. I commend thee!
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