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Hi, all.
As I mentioned in the warranty thread, I might need to replace the t-box on my 96 Disco. Since I bought it I have not been able to get the diff to lock (although Hi/Lo is smooth and solid). I have already tried all the maintenance suggestions posted around this board and have been playing with it every weekend it hasn't been raining for the last few months. After PBBlasting the unit I was able to get about 1/8 inch extra motion on the lever, but that's been the only improvement.
I'm going to be taking it to my local LR dealer or another shop familiar w/ LRs to have them look. If they can get it working, fine, I'll be happy. In the event they say it needs to be replaced, I have a question for you all:
Are there any suggestions for a different piece of equipment to be put in as a replacement? I have heard that if you need to replace your rear diff you might as well go with a locker since you're already doing it, but I don't know if there are any "better than stock" options for the t-box. Unfortunately, I have not done much research in this area yet. I had no immediate plans to upgrade the Disco in this manner, but I figure if the patient is already being operated on...
This job will be warranty covered. That will cover the standard cost of the labor and standard t-box replacement parts (if needed). Since the warranty reimburses me these fixed amounts after I pay for the work, I would consider paying the upgrade parts and labor time out of my own pocket if the warranty will be covering the bulk anyway (I'll need to work out the details w/ the shop & warranty company, I'm sure).
L_Tilly [email protected]
96 Disco "Beowulf" - NH, USA
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The only "upgrade" to consider would be to modify the truck and use bigger axles and say a D300 or Atlas II. Otherwise stock is the way to go. However, since you have it out you might want to consider changing the low gears in it to the LT230RC style or buying one with an overall different ratio to compensate for larger tires.
PS it might be repairable. But most dealers will just replace it
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Tilly, What exactly has been your problem? I've had some problems too. I can get it to lock into hi/lo but there doesn't seem to be a real H pattern. When my diff. appears to be in N the truck still runs. You can tell when you're in low but when in low (or hi for that matter) I can toggle the diff. lever back and forth so it really isn't locking into hi 50/50, hi reg. or low 50/50 or low reg. I've been holding off because we just bought it last month. I probably need to have it checked out soon though.
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If you use the "Keyword Search" feature under Utilities on the left side of the browser, and search for "frozen diff", you should find the same threads I was pointed to.
T-Box problems appear fairly common in used vehicles that the previous owner never used off-road. We bought our 96 Disco in Nov '00 and the previous mall-crawler appears to have never used it for what it was designed to do. Probably only put it in 4L to get out the parking lot in January.
Anyway, my t-box lever won't even move to the left more than about 1/2" total. That usually indicates something is "frozen". The two easiest self-cures are to spray a cleaning agent down into the t-box (must remove your center console) and to loosen a nut barely reachable by crawling under the truck and shoving your arm up around the t-box (do NOT try this if the vehicle is still warm from driving!!!). Either way, most people are able to get it working again if the damage isn't too bad. I'm not that lucky. Other people report their lever moves easily but nothing happens. This apparently is a sign of possible broken linkage. This requires serious work or replacement.
Take a look at the threads already posted here and in the archive. If you don't find one that shares symptoms with yours, post a good discription of what it does and does not do to a new topic and I'm sure someone will have some things to check. Good luck!!!!
L_Tilly [email protected]
96 Disco "Beowulf" - NH, USA
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