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I know this is rather rare but kudos to my LR dealer (LR Center, Parsippany, NJ). Ever since those J**p vs LR posts, I've been more than ever, become more proud of owning my Disco. I had a very humbling experience yesterday. I went out to lunch with a bunch of co-workers to a local restaurant and everybody recommended that they rode on my $65,000 Range Rover (translation = $30K Disco) since they wanted to ride a "luxury" vehicle. Once inside the car, everybody had their comments on how nice my vehicle is and obviously, made me very proud. Long story short, after lunch, we all got inside my "luxury" car and when I started the motor - the damn thing won't start! Oh no!!! Help!
After all is said and done, I needed a new battery and the alternator is dead. This is Friday afternoon (Labor Day) weekend. I called the dealer and they were closing but my service advisor recommended I'd come back first thing Saturday morning and he'll see what he can do for me.
I was there very early this morning without an appointment but early enough to get "sneaked in", and they took care of everything and got me back on the road in about two hours. While there, I didn't waste no time in introducing Discoweb to the service folks. Everybody was excited to learn about the site and had told me they will start posting and try to help answer questions in our BB. So LR Parsippany - if you're here, WELCOME!
**sorry for the lenghty post.
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