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By E Snyder on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 02:11 pm: Edit |
I feel like an idiot, but what the heck does it mean? It gets thrown around here on this board more than a teenage girl uses the word "like".
Help! I feel like I'm lost in an old David Allen Coe song! (We'll just see who gets that reference. hehe.)
By RVR OVR (Tom) on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 02:27 pm: Edit |
Laughing Out Loud
By lol on Monday, September 03, 2001 - 07:24 pm: Edit |
By gp (Garrett) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 03:44 am: Edit |
BTW (by the way)
IMHO (in my humble opinion)
$G (safari gard)
.....are a others you may want to know about too.
By Horness Spencer (Horness) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 04:49 am: Edit |
Here are some more common, and er, not so common ones'
A/S/L? - Age/Sex/Location?
BFE - Bum F*ck Egypt [meaning a faraway place e.g. no parking spaces nearby so
I had to park in BFE]
COTFLGUOAHAHA - Crawling On The Floor Laughing Guts Out And Having A
Heart Attack
DFM - Don't Flame Me
E2EG - Ear to Ear Grin
FUBAR - F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
HADOM - Have Another Drink On Me
IDGAS - I Don't Give A Sh*t
JMHO - Just My Humble Opinion
KMA - Kiss My A**
LR - Land Rover (of course!)
MSCE - My Southern Comfort's Empty
NS2DW - New Sh*t to Deal With
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
POETS (day) - Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday
QED - Quite Easily Done
RTRR - Ready To Rock 'n' Roll
SNAFWA - Situation Normal, Absolutely F*ck-all Works Again
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
UGTBK - yoU've Got To Be Kidding
VIPPE - Very Ingenious Plan Poorly Executed
WOMBAT - Waste Of Money Brains And Time
XYZ - eXamine Your Zipper
YOMO - You Owe Me One
Zzzz - Asleep (bored)
By Bud Lane (Hrrovr) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 05:05 am: Edit |
Man, and here I was going to study for my MCSE exam. Seems like a simple fix to me. ;>)
Bud, not certified.
By John C. on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 05:27 am: Edit |
Horness spends too much time in those chat rooms!!!!!
By E Snyder on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 06:05 am: Edit |
I know all those. I just wasn't familiar with LOL. Some options I was thinking about were...
Lots of Luck.
Lots of Love.
Lights Out Lucas :-)
By Perrier Chevrolet on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 11:13 am: Edit |
I am still reading up on Internet based Acronyms. Once my in depth study has been completed, I will post a wordy reply. In the meantime, please visit my website at
By kyle on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 11:17 am: Edit |
Oui!! LOL
By E Snyder on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 12:14 pm: Edit |
My message was posted out of sequence. I did NOT know all of those! Thanks for the schoolin'. The next message I post will be a thing of beauty...
By Horness Spencer (Horness) on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 10:33 pm: Edit |
Me too. Are you doing NT or 2000 option? Which electives.
I'm doing the 2000 MCSE. Nearly finished it. It's harder than CNE (Novell), but way easier than CCNE (Cisco). Cisco is a bi*ch!
I would sooner be MSCE than MCSE though. hehe
Let me know which exams you have planned, have some great study guides.
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