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I drive a 1997 Land Rover Discovery that I absoluty love. I would think of driving nothing else but maybe a Range Rover (no definetly a Range Rover). Just for kicks I filled out some stupid survey to tell me what the best car for me would be and I could only laugh at what it said.
Here is the link:
Comparing You to Other Land Rover Discovery Owners
Boy oh boy, William, you picked a vehicle that just isn't quite right for you. You're compatible with your Land Rover Discovery only in terms of your tolerance for taking risks.
When compared to other people who drive a Land Rover Discovery, you're a bit too young to be driving this vehicle, you care a bit too much about your car compared to other Land Rover Discovery owners, your educational level is a bit lower than that of other Land Rover Discovery owners (>Hey I'm in college, just give me a few years), other Land Rover Discovery owners make more money than you (>that will come when I am through with college, DUH), you're, well--to be generous--a bit too frugal, you are a little too much of a snob, and you are much more objective and logical
For your further edification, here's a little further elucidation on these personality characteristics.
My dear, it appears that other Land Rover Discovery owners just don't care as much about their cars as you do (>yea right, ths guy must have never met my buddies on Disco Web). You're going to have to lighten up on this if you insist on driving a Land Rover Discovery. But, since this is probably a basic character flaw and therefore unchangeable, you probably will have to buy a new car to get your carma in balance.
OK, there's frugal--and then there's cheap. And you're cheap. (>I don't know where they got that idea)
Your motto is probably something like, "Waste not, want not." Heck, if it was good enough for Benjamin Franklin, why not you?
Pay no attention to what others are saying behind your back. Who cares?
Gee, this is interesting. Car-O-Scope has determined that you are a person who is quite concerned with status. And yet, you're driving a Land Rover Discovery. Other Land Rover Discovery drivers just aren't as much of a snob as you are. We're going to have to do something about this, now aren't we?
Some of us have an overdeveloped left brain, and some have an overdeveloped right brain. And your strength is definitely on the left: logic and objectivity. This is not a bad thing. We do need rocket scientists. But it makes you somewhat incompatible with your Land Rover Discovery. Other Land Rover Discovery owners are a bit more "touchy-feely" than you. But you are what you are, so take your pick: Change what you are or get a new car. (That rhymes, doesn't it? Oops, that's a right-brain thing. Sorry.)
Car-O-Scope Makes Suggestions for More Compatible Vehicles
Have no fear, Car-O-Scope is here to save you from a life of misery, depression and hemorrhoidal flare-ups. Through a secret and proprietary process (patent pending) the official car-o-scope has determined that your psychographic and demographic profile is far more compatible with the following vehicles: some of these suggestions might surprise you. But try to keep an open mind. It's quite possible that the car-o-scope has discovered some hidden and/or repressed aspects of your personality.
1. Oldsmobile Cutlass
2. Chevrolet Camaro
3. Dodge Daytona
4. Chevrolet Monte Carlo
5. Mercury Cougar
>I really HATE everyone of those cars.
So, let's look at your compatibility profile vis-a-vis the Oldsmobile Cutlass. If you dumped that Land Rover Discovery and got yourself a Oldsmobile Cutlass, you'd be a lot happier.
For example, you'd be almost perfectly compatible in terms of your gender, your educational level, your tolerance for taking risks, and the extent to which you're a cheapskate.
In addition, you'd have pretty good compatibility in terms of your age.
Here's a little info on these personality characteristics. Read 'em and weep.
Risk-taking: your tolerance for taking chances
Some people are complete wackos when it comes to taking risks. I have a friend (who shall remain nameless), and when Tony goes on vacation, he immediately starts looking for the bungee-jumping sites. A nut case of the first order.
On the other hand, some of us are complete wusses. (Is this how you spell woosses? I'm not sure, but I'm afraid to look it up. Oh, my God, I might be wrong. Oh, my God!) You're compatible on this score.
Cheapness: your degree of--ahem--shall we say "frugality"?
Your score on the cheapness scale puts you pretty close to the average for Oldsmobile Cutlass drivers. Of course, utter and complete cheapness can be an asset (right!) People who believe this call it "frugality." But they're really just hopeless cheapskates.
Like myself, though, some folks are quite magnanimous. The milk of human kindness oozes from their pores. "Generous to a fault," one might say. Mightn't one? (Of course, one might also say, "Too stupid to know any better." Think whatever makes you feel good.)
Here's a more detailed look at your compatibility scores for the other vehicles on the list.
But don't delay! Your health, happiness and general well being are at stake here. Don't drive that Land Rover Discovery for another day.
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Don't feel bad William, I did the same thing some time ago and they told me I should be driving a Dodge Colt Vista--I dont even know what that is.
Like you, I am a student, and work part time in the purchasing department at a RadioShack packaging facility.
I noticed on another thread that you said you were going to transfer to UTA next year. When you do, let me know and we can go hit a couple of the areas around the metroplex. (I am going to graduate in May, from UNT, but I anticipate working in the metroplex).
Chris Condon
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I too anticipate working in the metroplex. That is why I am moving up there for school. I have always liked the area, and Austin is just too liberal, nothing but yuppies, or hippies!
Dodge Colt Vista -- I burst into laughter when I read that. You better stick with the Disco, I don't think the ladies would like the Colt as much!
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That cartoon character really looks like James Randi... Anyway, I thought very little of those scripted gibberish.
Visit the previous thread, "a suv hate group". They might be the same kind of people.
Those who subscribe to pop pschology tend to over-analyze and over-interpretate everything as a way to belittle others' intelligence. They're convinced our purchases are evoke only by emotion and the materialistic possession is merely used as an extention of our self-esteem. It's more that; those people simply do not understand our passion for cars. Left-wing extremist would like to think all firearm owners have small penis and use guns to better their self-imagine..., it's just not that; THEY JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.
I want a Mustang Cobra. But this is not because I want to enlarge my self-assurance or increase my social status; I want it FOR THE LOVE OF THE CAR. I know it's a good car and I know it's a good value. I love the power from an American V8 (and it has nothing to do w/ me wanting a Land Rover, really!!), I love zooming down curvy autobahn, I love how they look (maybe except the repugnance that is the "new edge" Mustang), I love controlling a fine machine and I love the feel of speed. We buy them for our own mental satisfation, not some trophy wife we can show off. The same can be said for many owerns of expensive Porsche, Ferrari and etc; despite popular belief, the prick is often on the outside.
It's for the love of the car, nothing more and nothing less.
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Whoa, hang on arttsai! This came from from the Car Talk guys based out of Cambridge, MA. They do a show on public radio that allows people to call in with car questions; and they respond to those questions not only in jest but also with helpful answers. I don't think I would classify them with the SUV hate group in a way shape or form.
They offer that survey (car-o-scope) purely for fun! NOT to belittle people or accomplish a political agenda---that is way to deep for their show.
Maybe I misunderstood your post--but man, calm down and enjoy a good laugh from it. That is all it is there for.
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Okay, fair enough. Then the post is not directed for those folks, but for its actual inteneded audience--you know who they are! I'm venting my anger partly because an personality anylze I actaully paid for concluded that I will be happy in some agriculture development industry(basically, breeding plants and watch'em grow)... My family laughed so hard when they heard this.
btw, I drive a Toyota Corolla, this must means I have extremely large testicles.
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