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By John on Sunday, September 30, 2001 - 07:10 am: Edit |
Stuart Moore, president of the R.O.A.V. was seriously injured yesterday while preparing trails for the upcoming MAR event. For his friends and fiancee lets wish Stuart a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you Stuart.
By E Snyder on Sunday, September 30, 2001 - 02:37 pm: Edit |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Stuart and Louise.
Enoch Snyder
By Al Hang (Alhang) on Monday, October 01, 2001 - 05:53 am: Edit |
man, i just talked to louise not too long ago asking about her and stuart. they're great people and i wish them well.
By gp (Garrett) on Monday, October 01, 2001 - 06:06 am: Edit |
Got this from another site posted today.
Having a hard time writing this....
Last Saturday afternoon, Stuart Moore, president of ROAV, was severly injured clearing trail at the MAR site in Buckingham County. Work was over for the day and Stuart was driving the bush-hog tractor back off the island when he was hit in the head by a falling tree limb. He had to be med-evaced by helicopter to the UVa hospital in Charlottesville where he remains in critical condition in the ICU. Your thoughts and prayers for his survival are needed.
These details are second hand, but it appears that an unseen limb or tree, deposited by a flood years before, were dislodged by the vibrations of the tractor passing nearby. Though knocked unconscious, Stuart kept his foot on the clutch which prevented the tractor from moving, as the blades of the bush-hog were still in gear. Mike McCaig was nearby and stopped the tractor. The local rescue squad was called and promptly arrived, and the Pegasus helicopter from UVa was summoned. Louise Adamson, ROAV's secreatry, remains by his side in Charlotesville.
The MAR will still be held, but now more than ever we need your assistance. First, with your thoughts and prayers for Stuart's recovery. Secondly, for volunteers to help with registration and whatnot at rally control, as we have lost our two key personnel.
By Ron on Monday, October 01, 2001 - 09:18 am: Edit |
Posted by Robert Davis in VA on 10/01/2001 15:01:51:
Spoke with Stuart Moore's mother today and he is doing as well as can be expected. The doctors say that he will recover, but still has the risk of infection to contend with. The fact that he is strong as an ox was definitely to his benefit. Let's everyone include Stuart in your prayers. He has been added to the prayer list at our local church.
The MAR will continue as scheduled, thanks to the hard work of all the ROAV club members. As SG stated, we will probably need some help with the trials course marshalling and operating the registration center/desk/campsite at rally control to collect registration fees, pass out the packets, sell T-shirts, and so on.
By KJ on Monday, October 01, 2001 - 11:53 am: Edit |
Oh geez, I don't know these folks, but I'll be sure to pass along the healing vibes.
By Roverine on Monday, October 01, 2001 - 12:18 pm: Edit |
Gosh, just looked at this thread ... Don't know Stewart & folks personally either, but I do believe in power of prayer. My prayers are with him and family.
By Leslie N. Bright (Leslie) on Monday, October 01, 2001 - 03:45 pm: Edit |
Years ago, when I was still driving a couple of Jeeps but was really getting serious about wanting a Series Land Rover, I drove up to Roanoke Virginia to meet a fellow named Vince. When I got there, Vince had asked another Rover buddy to come over with his, so I could check his Rover out, too. That buddy was Stuart. Stuart was SO excited about Rovers, you could really feel the vibe from his enthusiasm.... As I left in my Jeep, the window regulator gave out and I couldn't get the window up... It was like an omen.....
Since then, I've seen Stuart at MAR and the Uwharrie Safari, and both of us had just sunk deeper into the Rover cult.... He's always been a very friendly fellow, always glad to see ya... It'll be a somewhat somber time at MAR without him there. Yes, I'm still going, and I'll have fun, because I know that Stuart would want us to have fun in our Rovers, but there will be a bit of a melancholy feeling there.....
God bless ya Stuart, we are praying for your complete recovery!!!!
By Leslie N. Bright (Leslie) on Tuesday, October 02, 2001 - 04:12 am: Edit |
Vince posted this update on RN's board:
Stuart is doing better (as of this Mon. evening) ...swelling is down and he has responded to a few yes or no questions.
He briefly opened one eye this evening!
He even woke up for a second and tried getting out of bed once!
Say a prayer when you have a minute...
By E Snyder on Tuesday, October 02, 2001 - 02:19 pm: Edit |
I also got confirmation from some friends here in C-ville (where Stuart is in the hospital) that he is doing better. Responding to touches and some questions. Still in intensive care. He's not out of the woods by any means, but doctors are hopeful for virtually a full recovery.
We'll miss him at MAR, but I'm hoping to stop by and see him this Thursday PM if he is able before driving down. I'll relay everyone's concerns from here on DiscoWeb.
Enoch Snyder
By Heather on Wednesday, October 03, 2001 - 07:24 am: Edit |
I don't know this man personally either but I was sorry to hear that this had happened! I'm glad to hear that he is recovering!
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