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A few days ago my Disco (94) started to sputter almost imperceptibly at cruising speeds, and now its doing it noticably more and more...I offroad a lot, and went through some nasty Virginia mud earlier this week and weekend, and then I washed the engine? could that have something to do with it? I'm pretty worried because, well, its Lucas..and he's after me again...I think it might be the Alternator diode that someone suggested before? if it is, how does one replace such a thing? how much does that cost? PLEASE tell me its less than a new alternator....I'm not sure how long I can trust driving the Disco with it doing this, so if anyone knows how long it will likely last in this state that would also be helpful. THANKS! I was really hoping to go to MAR this weekend...timing is everything. THANKS for any advice!
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