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While we were there at Azusa this weekend, we met the president of Azusa Canyon Off
Roader's Association, ACORA. He was passing out a flyer which I will type
almost verbatim (save for some additional formatting).
Basically, one nearby homeowner is raising a stink about the noise and pollution caused
by offroaders at Azusa Canyon. There will be a meeting Dec 17, 2001 at 6:30pm intended to
revoke the Off Highway permit of the San Gabriel OHV. He also stated that they have
done testing of the water and the pollution levels were acceptable.
I will be there to show my support and ask that you do the same. If you have enjoyed or
plan to enjoy what Azusa Canyon has to offer, please be there. To get a small taste of Azusa Canyon, check out:
It's a fun, wide open playground for trucks, dirt bikes and ATVs. I've personally enjoyed the place over many, many years.
It is located off of the 210 freeway, east of Pasadena. Use the Azusa Canyon (Hwy 39) offramp, head north for just under 10 miles and the entrance will be on your right after you pass the Burro something bridge.
Here is the text of the flyer:
[beginning of flyer]
H E L P !
The city of Azusa has decided to submit a request to the "Forest Plan Update" that the
Off Highway Permit for the San Gabriel OHV area be revoked.
A.C.O.R.A will be fighting this proposed action and but we need YOUR help! We must
stay out of the STREAMS and reservoir or this place will be CLOSED.
We also need as many people as possible to show their support by attending the meeting
on DEC 17th at 6:30 pm at the Azusa Light and Power office located at 729 N. Azusa
Ave. This is at the north western corner of Foothill and Azusa Ave. behind the
We need ALL OHV users to show their support in this time of need or the canyon will
be closed! Remember, cross the stream at a 90 degree angle only, and do not drive in
the reservoir.
Thank You,
Mike Bishop
President, Azusa Canyon Off-Roaders Assn.
W E N E E D Y O U !
[end of flyer]
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