Another Disco owner looking at a Series purchase - help!

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Erik Olson (Jon) on Friday, October 26, 2001 - 03:36 pm: Edit

Series guys,

I've got an opportunity in the next three weeks to make an offer on my first Series vehicle. I have not seen it but here are the details for your consumption.

1974 SIII 88" SWB, V6 installed with California qualification, PTO, lacks safari roof but is a hardtop, no heavy mods to speak of and without rust (I've been told).

So, there you go. The truck has been sitting for some time in storage and I've no idea what the milage is, but have been assured that she runs like a top. Anything I need to look for on inspection beyond the regular corrosion(sp?)concerns? I'm really excited about my first (possible) foray into a Series truck - although I know the missus may not feel the same!


1995 D1 V8i

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Leslie N. Bright (Leslie) on Friday, October 26, 2001 - 04:18 pm: Edit

Hi Erik,

IMHO, start here:

That should get you off to a fairly educated start.

Also, IMHO.... if well done, the V6 conversion might be okay as a driver, but it definitely doesn't add to the value of the truck. Quite often, a V6, being too much for the rest of the driveline, ends up breaking up a lot of expensive pieces.... If it's a smaller, moderate V6, that might not be a problem.

When checking the frame, use a hammer and whack it! If it goes through anywhere, especially the main rails, that's not good. Rear crossmembers, outriggers, front horns, they can be replaced, but you've got a patched chassis instead of a good solid one. IF you're not a welder yourself, to have it all done may very well end up being more than a new frame (well, it 'shouldn't, but by the time you factor in labor, etc., for all of the patching, then you may be happier going w/ a new frame instead). But if the frame is good, and the bulkhead is sound (and not butchered in the conversion), then you've got that much going for you.

If you can find a Series owner nearby who can go with you to look at it, all the better.

Take notes, and report back!

Good luck!


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