Recent content by Big Ben

  1. Big Ben

    94 DI - Pinging and gets hot under a load

    Thanks Guys, I did the hoses, thermostat and plugs. Will check the timing mark, timing and radiator. Pretty sure the radiator is old. Not used to injected land rovers or computers. like all crazy Land Rover junkies, this one needs work but i am going to pick up another one next week in...
  2. Big Ben

    94 DI - Pinging and gets hot under a load

    Hi all, Drove up to the Sierra's Sunday and the engine was pinging (detonation) as a heavier load was applied going up the long grades. Finally at about 4,000' it was getting warm so I pulled over and let her cool off. Decided to head back home. Drives great on flat (even in 105 degree heat...