Can't Find Antenna Wire! 95' Disco



Hi guys - I am out in my driveway trying like #(*&^@! to not swear my head off looking for WHERE the antenna wire comes in. I have the PSSGR SIDE plastic right-foot underneath liner out - as well as the glove box. I TRIED duct-taping the old antenna line to the new one and pulling it through to NO AVAIL. SO BUNCHED up under there it came apart. I'm thinking Drill gun. Where the #(#*&^@ does it come through? I ran a new antenna wire sideways through the hole in the inner fender heading for the dash - and there's crap everywhere. HELP
Actually - if anyone could Call - I'll call you back and send you five bucks or hell - a six-pack. THANKS!


You have to take the glove compartment door off. I beleive it is spring loaded so try to remember how it goes back. Once you have that door off, the antenna comes in at the top right corner as you are lookin into the glove comp. (get a flash light) . Take the wheel well plastic out and you can reach in with you hands and pull it out. That's the easy part....hard part is guiding the new one in through the hole. Use the flash light...i hope that helped...good luck