Help with seats


Apr 20, 2004
Bowling Green, KY
I am currently refiniishing my front seats. Does anyone know how to remove the armrests from the side of the seats. These seats are from a 92 RRC. Any help is appreciated.



Apr 20, 2004
Bowling Green, KY
I didnt have any luck removing the armrests so I refinished the leather with the arm rests on the seats. The arm rests may release from inside the seats by removing the back of the seat, but I was unwilling to remove the back because of the way it was fastened at the top of the panel.

One other thing: The rear of the armrest can be opened. Opening this panel reveals the metal frame beneath. In this frame there is a hole. If you rotate the arm rest around, you will find that the hole lines up with what appears to be pin that is held in place in simialr fashion to a split pin. It is my guess that if this pin were removed, the armrest would release from the seat. I was unable to test this theory as I did not have the proper tools to remove the pin.