I thought this was pretty cool



My neighbor is the emergency prepardenss supervisor for Lane county here. He is currently in Florida doing what he can to help out. I am going to talk to him when he gets back. If they are looking for more volunteers I will definately try to join. I think it would be fun, I've heard that they have already found a missing person.

Where did you live when this was "your neck of the woods"?


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2004
Norfolk, VA
Actually, I grew up on the South Coast, in Gold Beach, Oregon, but went to school at OSU and I have a lot of family in Eugene, in the Santa Clara area.

I have travelled quite a bit with my job, and seen a lot of beautiful country, but Oregon still tops my list of great places. :cool:


You know I hear that the south coast of Oregon is one of Oregon's best kept secrets. I have also heard there are some great trails down in the cave junction area.

So your a beaver, I guess it could be worse, you could be a husky. Just giving you a hard time my wife went to OSU as did my brother in law, both great people ;)

My wife and I have looked at homes over in Santa Clara. Its nice over there, I live in the ferry street bridge area. If I ever find some trails to run that the enviornmentalists haven't closed we can go out next time your in town. My neighbor should know where some are but I'll have to waite until he gets back from Florida.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2004
Norfolk, VA
The Rogue River Trail, from Grave Creek (by Cave Junction) to Agness is a great hiking trail. About a 3 day hike, but much nicer if you take it in about 5 days. As far as 4x4 trails there are plenty of those too, and not much in the way of regulations (or at least anybody that enforces them). Of course, it is dry as heck down there until the rains start. I am always paranoid about starting a fire :eek:

I'll let you know the next time I am in town, and maybe we can go out and wheel some. I would normally be around during Xmas, but the wife has talked me into a "real Caribean vacation" this year.


Hey if you would rather be in Eugene then I can take your place in the Caribean. Don't shoot it down so fast give it some thought. Think of all the great memories you've had in Eugene and how cliche' the caribean thing would be. I'll stay flexible in case you change your mind. :D