NOS tires but maybe too O?


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
At what point do tires become too old even if never driven? I have a local guy unloading a pair of never run BFG M/Ts he mounted for a guy who never got a chance to drive them. He’s unloading them cheap, but is it dumb or good $ after bad to run them, even just for weekends?

I think this is the complete date code, which looks like 2010. Like I said, never driven so the tread is still perfect and no cracking or rot that I could see in person yesterday. His picture not mine. Thanks for the yay or nay.



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Back in the USA; Rockwood, PA
My experience is with a set of Continental Winters I had for the Saab in Switzerland. Used them for 5 years only during the Winter and then brought them back to US. Stored them for another 6 years. They had less than 3,000 miles. For sure used yet not much and really snow / cold conditions. Put them on last Winter just in case we needed the Saab and after 1 drive belt separated. My vote would be Nay.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2014
Tucson AZ
Discount Tire in USA won't fix or even touch a tire over 10 years old..

KM3's are WAY better tire than the KM2 was.

For 100 bucks for 5, I'd destroy them on trails "for fun". But I'd also want a Trailer on standby to get home.

But for what it's worth, I ran OLD (6-12yr) used tires on my Rover most its life. New tires have much softer sidewalls thus a better ride!

But 1500 in Tires really hurt my wallet for something I don't daily and are just rotting away like these are.


Well-known member
May 21, 2007
Every now and then I see a Disco or P38 for sale that still has the factory Michelin XPC tire - usually as the spare on the Disco, but sometimes as the road tires on P38s. I think the last Disco sold with those is now 24 years old.

I may economize on certain aspects of Rover ownership (thanks, Will Tillery!), but tires are one component on which I will never cave to CHOP - CHeapskate Objectivity Paralysis.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2004
Los Angeles, Ca
To me it depends on the tire. I wouldn't run a BFG that old. My wife bought her D1 with BFG ATs on it in 2018 and the tires were from 2011. They looked unsafe to drive based on the dry rot. At the time I was running a set of Michelin XZLs that I bought used from 2003. In 2019 I swapped them out for a new set and gave those to a friend who used them until 2021.
Here in the bottom of the map we are forced sometimes to run old tyres. I remember a trip mate with 5 Avon tyres (original Defender tyres) brand new looking, but ten years old. During 300km of tarmac road I saw exploding each of them. Wear is quicker when older. An old spare Scorpion S/T, UK made, with 10 years, with brand new filaments in its band, disintegrated in 800km. Now, for instance I purchased five new Wheels for D2 DOT 2023. But, one of them was damaged by offroading. I couldnt get another one, so now one of them is vulcanyzed (repaired) working as spare with a hand made shape...



Well-known member
Sep 22, 2019
Mount Shasta, CA
'I had a set of those BFG All Terrains on my first Land cruiser (FJ55 - yes!) and while the tread was still good on them - they totally disintegrated while driving on the highway one day - had them for maybe 5 years or so? I didn't have a garage at the time - so the truck was outside all day every day, which I am sure had something to do with it...