Problems Caused by Overheating?



Look for some coolent dye at the Auto Part Store


There is a quick way to know if your engine is screwed. You can buy a dye you put in your coolent when you get the radiator fixed. If the coolent changes color due to the dye that means there is an exchange of gases and coolent going on and therfore all you seals are fucked up due to over heating. If it doesn't change all your seals are still holding and most likely there is no damage or warping to your engine. I would suggest this before you start worrying. Have a good one!


hot motor, lets fly

LVpine, if the cylinder liners didn't shift you may be ok, whats to loose. When Rovers over heat the pressure relief valve can stick in the open position hence low or no oil pressure. After you get back together install a oil pressure gauge and check the pressure. keep a close watch on the coolant level unless this is a really cooked engine. If you add every few days your block may be gone. Sorry I shouldn't give you advice, draaronr said i'm "an idiot". Only "idiots" can rebuild turbine engines and fuel controls. Think about it when your at 34,000 feet. ........o&o>.....