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Jason Lord (Ronan)
Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 02:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey guys - I am wondering what to do for tow points on the front and back of my 2000 disco. I have a tow hitch receiver in the rear but can't seem to find anyone in my city that has a block that I can fit in to attach a D-ring. Also, my truck came with the genuine LR bush bar on the front. The bar seems to have two holes built into it near the bottom. Can I tow from these or do I need to find someone to install hooks/jate rings to the frame? Until I can afford a bull bar these are probably my best options. As well, will a 2"x20' nylon tow strap rated to 18000 lb be sufficient for recovery? Thanks for any help out there.


Ed Petrush (Exp3)
Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 03:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

the tow hitch should be 2 inch .. you can buy simple recovery attachments for this from multiple mailorder places.. if you have a farmer supply or logging store, i be they would have something.. as for the bush bar.. i am guess the 2 holes are for drainage or something.. there is probably a eyelet on the passenger side frame rail that you can use as a recovery point but i would suggest investiong in some hooks or recovery rings..

the tow strap should be fine for 99% of your needs.. it never hurts to have 2 straps or kinetics in your truck..

Alan Yim (Alan)
Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 07:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


For the rear, I just bought a shackle assembly that fits into the receiver (2") which serves its purpose. You can find them at stores that specialize in off-road gear. Mine was $59 (Canadian). It's made by Warn. If you have a hard time finding stores like that, check industrial stores like Gregg Distributing that supply parts for the big transport trucks or the oil patch guys. These shackles are the same kind that you see on the big semis and oil rigs (just smaller). You might even find them at places like Peterbilt distribution stores (the guys that sell the big Peterbilt semis). They carry similar stuff and you might find the items you need.

For the front, I have a genuine LR full brush guard (sounds like what you have) and the two eyelets at the bottom of the bar are recovery points that I've installed shackles to. Most of the guys I've seen on the trips that have these bars, mount them there too and seem to serve the purpose. Just make sure whoever is pulling you out, is gentle...don't have him floor it or you'll see your brush guard take off after them. :) You just need to get towed far enough that your wheels become unstuck and you can drive yourself out.


Marty koning
Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 07:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Another problem I have witnessed with using the brush bar's tow point was the bar began pivoting on the mount points and the top of the bar bent in at the hood. Luckily it was spotted and the hood was openned to prevent damage. Good solid mounted hooks are always the best solution.


Alan Yim (Alan)
Posted on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 08:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Good point Marty. So far I've been fortunate enough that I haven't needed a tow but I'll keep that in mind.


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