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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Discovery « Previous Next »

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
* * * * * Can the 98 disco armrests install on the 96 somewhere???...drivenow04-21-02  02:28 pm
* * * * * Center console for '96 DISCO? Can it be switched or boug...Craig M. Highland04-17-02  01:25 am
* * * Stepper Motor Install, tools & where the hell is it?...Chase Fancher04-07-02  01:17 am
- - - - - Will range rover cubby (leather) fit D1 console (rubber)...CEJB06-05-02  10:38 pm
D1 Rumbling/Vibration Marek09-27-02  10:47 pm
DAP: Under Body Winch MountBW05-10-02  01:08 am
Diff Lock operation and oil changeRick Lindgren09-17-02  12:49 am
Dual T-caseRon11-18-02  01:41 am
Is winch really needed?brian friend61 06-21-02  12:03 am
Whats the best way to mount a 48 or 60 inch Hi Lift Jack on a DiscoMike Little04-22-02  01:16 am
back on ? about alternators and winches....muskyman10 06-12-02  11:05 am
correct pinion nut torque ?Don08-16-02  09:34 am
dif bearingsRon06-17-02  12:23 am
fog lights and high beamsdoug james14 04-11-02  08:40 pm
need help with factory recieverPhillip Perkinson10-14-02  05:10 pm
!!!!I want a CD player for my D1, anyone have any suggestions???Tho...Blake Luse15 12-05-02  02:05 pm
# of rear axle splinesMilan10 03-20-02  09:26 am
#@!#%!! Ignition key keeps sticking! - 98D1muskyman07-31-02  08:38 am
$114.21 to fix a rotoflex?! Can I have an enema too?ed petrush13 08-28-02  11:04 am
$500 for new brakes for a D2todd slater26 11-01-02  02:13 pm
$G Rear bumper for a Disco II?Al Oliveira04-06-02  05:59 pm
"97" manual 5 speedR. B. Bailey131 10-09-02  11:11 am
"BRAKE" indicator on dash flickers on/offEric K. in Ct.11-18-02  10:21 pm
"Duragrain" what is it anyway?Alyssa06-11-02  07:20 pm
"HELP . DISCO I CLOCK DOES NOT LITE UP"Hank11 11-27-02  08:41 am
"It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!"Mike D102-13-02  11:24 pm
"LR - DISCOVERY - LR" sticker for front of roofJarrod22 07-17-02  11:14 am
"Missing" 97 DiscoJohn Graham07-05-02  04:51 pm
"Pop"Sus11 06-26-02  10:59 am
"Pseudo Mechanic conquers dreaded dif-lock problems!"gp54 03-11-02  07:04 pm
"S" and "M" dash lights blinkingAnonymous04-09-02  08:38 am
"Safety" Thermostat?Norm04-21-02  12:46 pm
"Service Engine Soon" codes?Robbie08-26-02  01:07 pm
"Yellow check engine light"94Rover03-15-02  01:07 pm
"service engine" lightLeslie N. Bright14 04-03-02  09:47 pm
'00 - '01 Differences please?John Friederich08-23-02  10:38 pm
'02 Disco II Kalahari or '03 Disco II SEAl Oliveira15 08-19-02  06:39 pm
'02 Discovery II Radio/CD froze while on...Anthony Melillo04-10-02  07:21 am
'02 KalahariDaveB25 04-12-02  01:55 pm
'03 Disco x-fer case?Al Oliveira08-03-02  04:31 pm
'03 Discover vs. '03 4runnerScott OZ15 11-05-02  11:37 pm
'93 RR check engine light???nick03-01-02  01:13 pm
'94 distributor question...Robbie Donaldson05-06-02  10:13 am
'95 D1 Door latch problemjustin08-13-02  10:33 am
'95 Disco Stuck in Park - Help!Peter Nguyen18 07-30-02  01:41 am
'95 disco - which octaneJason Vance10-24-02  12:48 am
'95 disco rattle problemKingfish03-25-02  08:02 am
'96 D1 - Thud when downshiftingJmac08-27-02  12:44 pm
'96 Disco Power Loss/Trans Slip/Vibration????BrianL05-30-02  05:00 pm
'96 Disco engine noiseMike Fisher17 08-29-02  11:04 pm
'96 Disco tail light helpMars from oz05-13-02  05:23 am
'96 Shop Manual?Ian Soady12-06-02  08:25 am
'96 V8- more power?P_Kennington12-08-02  12:28 pm
'96 disco dust proofing advice?Mars from Oz05-11-02  01:10 am
'96 rear window washer hoseken knebusch02-28-02  07:28 am
'96 rear wiper sprayerAnonymous03-03-02  09:10 am
'97 Disco Buying AdviceKit04-17-02  12:03 pm
'97 Disco Window RegulatorJohn S.09-29-02  12:36 am
'97 Discovery issuesMoe08-10-02  11:30 pm
'97 OBD plug?Kevin02-23-02  11:52 pm
'98 Disco not StartingAndrew Case07-11-02  04:47 pm
'98 air dam fit a '96?Vince Margol02-27-02  01:38 pm
'98 rear seat different from '97?Ira10-04-02  02:11 pm
'Knock' sound when steering hard over?eric07-22-02  12:08 pm
* * * * * Anyone have some LIMB RISERS they want to sell for cheap...niall forbes04-08-02  08:06 pm
* * * * * Any websites where i can get the DISCO I ('96-7) shop man...Anonymous19 04-12-02  06:15 pm
* * * HELPHELP!!! 2 Rear O2 Sensors are going out!!! HELPgp05-16-02  08:53 am
*** Trimming alternative? *****Nadim02-18-02  12:33 am
****Anyone heard of or own the TORNADO fuel saver, it works on Disc...muskyman46 04-10-02  12:47 am
***What the HELL is that rattle!!?***Brian Fransson07-02-02  09:40 am
*DEBATE - to warm up...or not to warm up...*Alan Yim32 10-03-02  08:34 pm
*NOS*Ramsay10 08-19-02  07:21 pm
*WARN manual locking hubs*Dana G10 10-04-02  02:33 pm
*clunk* in front hub...Jason T. Barker10-22-02  06:05 pm
*clunk* in front hub...christopher e10-23-02  06:21 am
´´No Shocks in the rear´´?????RJ Clayton19 11-27-02  09:27 am
- - - - HELP !! Running Board Problems !! Craig M. Highland06-07-02  12:16 am
- - - - HELP !! Running Board Problems !! Anonymous06-13-02  01:38 am
00 Disco Stereo Replacement QuestionCraig Kobayashi11 09-03-02  01:37 am
02 Sensor manufacturesgordon sitts11-27-02  10:18 pm
02 Westminster - HELPGreg Davis15 06-24-02  09:06 am
02 Westminster - Wheels & Mods. helpDave M.12 07-12-02  08:33 am
03 Disco PhotosGlenn Guinto03-27-02  07:49 pm
03 disco diff lock in the USRon08-06-02  09:23 pm
1 ton CV swaps - anyone done this yet?p m49 04-11-02  08:04 pm
1" lift spacersSteve10-01-02  10:41 pm
1/2 inch spring spacers?Blake Luse09-23-02  08:42 pm
10 Miles per gallon?SoCalJoe18 05-28-02  12:03 pm
10 inch rimsDee Cantrell05-09-02  02:06 pm
100,000 Mile Check-UpLeslie N. Bright05-08-02  10:44 am
1001 miles and three weeks in an '03: impressionsLeslie N. Bright10 07-19-02  09:21 am
100W Fog Bulb in 55W Outlet???Al Oliveira07-18-02  06:00 pm
100k Miles ServiceErik Geagan11-01-02  12:54 pm
101 octane racing fuelGregH12-06-02  03:42 pm
12v lighter socket plug for trunk area?Anyone done it?Mike T17 08-15-02  10:46 am
130 Watt bulbs in Hella 4000'sAnonymous04-01-02  12:48 am
14 fuses later!!PaavScan09-08-02  01:28 pm
15x7 or 15x8Dee Cantrell19 09-24-02  06:16 pm
15x7 wheels on a D1Neil Flanagan07-02-02  10:13 am
16 in vs 18 in wheels? Joe Cole04-11-02  12:38 pm
16" Beadlockers for D2Dave_Lucas10-24-02  09:43 pm
16" vs. 18" which has the better on-road ride?Ross Thoma11-11-02  12:32 am
16" wheelsJason Lord19 10-25-02  04:12 pm
16x7 vs. 15x7 WheelsEric N12 03-26-02  03:48 pm
18 inch wheelsMike B.05-14-02  08:29 pm
18" Tires....opinions pleasefigfry12 08-16-02  02:30 am
18" wheels on a Disco I?Jeff Baranowski04-12-02  09:58 am
1983 RRCJason Vance09-02-02  04:59 pm
1994 DiscoKyle J12 09-19-02  02:41 pm
1994 Discovery low rangeCharles Allen07-06-02  07:59 am
1995 Disco Trans "Thunk"Oscar E. Biondi10-09-02  04:22 pm
1995 disco alarm problemIANyoung11-30-02  01:51 pm
1996 D1 Swivel Ball QuestionPaul T. Schram05-07-02  12:19 pm
1996 D1 Valuation.R. B. Bailey09-26-02  05:41 pm
1996 Disco Differential ProblemRob Davison10-05-02  11:00 am
1996 landrover 5spd, 58,000 miles on it, wierd noises when shiftingglenh03-18-02  01:43 pm
1997 4.6 HSE rear suspension height stuck..Help..ThanksTim04-04-02  11:29 pm
1997 D1 Washer Reservoir WeirdnessAnonymous04-15-02  03:16 pm
1997 D1 clicking/knocking after brakingParrish R. Blackmon12-06-02  07:53 am
1997 Defender Hardtop 57k miles for $30kbender203306-08-02  01:52 pm
1997 Disco Rear floor matbob09-24-02  09:15 pm
1997 Disco1 Power Seat Headrest Stuck!jim06-26-02  04:55 pm
1997 Head UnitLeslie N. Bright11-08-02  03:09 pm
1998 4.0 with clicking noise94Rover04-05-02  10:29 am
1998 DISCOVERY LSE -- $11K GOOD DEAL???JMcD11-22-02  08:03 am
1998 TDi 300 cam belt.200 Tdi03-03-02  09:17 pm
1998 disco transmission problems!!!!!! HELP!!!luc04-22-02  08:59 am
1999 D2, lights out, fuses good..Paul D. Morgan11-24-02  04:44 pm
1999 DSII estimated maint. costs.....opinions?Eric11 07-12-02  09:48 pm
1999 Disco 2 Alpine CD 6 ChangerAl Oliveira09-27-02  12:11 am
1999-2002 D2 KeyAl Oliveira07-14-02  02:26 am
2 Inch RTE wheel spacers anyone? RVR OVR04-08-02  01:48 pm
2 Questions about a Series IIbob03-09-02  07:42 pm
2 Questions about a Series II Bob03-08-02  10:02 pm
2 cooling fan systems - WHY?Jaco de Klerk10-17-02  04:22 pm
2 kids + Disco = trouble with wifeKJ33 03-12-02  12:01 am
2 questions. Ron06-04-02  03:24 am
2 small cracks in Engine BlockA.W.08-24-02  08:52 pm
2" body lift questionsBlake Luse09-11-02  11:25 pm
2" lift for DIIrobert09-20-02  05:24 pm
2" spring spacers from rovertym for 1996 Disco 1Frank Barbanente03-17-02  08:16 pm
2-Level Roof RacksBrad Bradford03-07-02  10:06 pm
2000 DII CD installScott Brady10-01-02  04:30 pm
2000 DII won't startPeter W. Pfeifer10-22-02  11:25 am
2000 Disco II - How do i tell if it has ACE ?Dave03-12-02  08:26 am
2000 model EAS questionmdouglas04-02-02  09:09 am
2001 DII - ABS / TC & Hill Decent lights on - HelpTommy Dougherty07-08-02  10:55 am
2001 Disco2 15K mile serviceherkyrover02-20-02  08:58 pm
2001 Land Rover Discovey Resale Value?Al Oliveira10-16-02  12:10 pm
2002 CDL UpdateAl Oliveira31 09-26-02  11:39 pm
2002 Disco II SD pre-wired for sub-woofer ?Anthony Melillo04-04-02  08:28 am
2002 Kalaharis- did someone say they come in Bonatti Grey?Anonymous02-16-02  10:54 pm
2002 transmission shimmermosaix104-21-02  04:20 pm
2002/03 Discovery gas mileageCabot11-28-02  10:29 pm
2003 & OptionsAl Oliveira09-23-02  12:03 pm
2003 DII tail lights...Al Oliveira10-12-02  04:25 pm
2003 Disco Brush BarArman10-22-02  02:07 pm
2003 Disco Delivery date...finallyPhillip Perkinson06-01-02  10:36 pm
2003 Disco heated windshield and radar detectorsTommy Dougherty15 12-08-02  08:37 am
2003 DiscoverySean Butler-Lee76 04-05-02  04:28 pm
2003 DiscoveryAl Oliveira12-05-02  08:23 am
2003 Discovery press releaseschris browne05-12-02  08:32 am
2003 Discovery--NO DIFF LOCK OPTIONPhillip Perkinson23 09-30-02  03:42 pm
2003 Land Rover DiscoveryAlyssa04-16-02  02:00 pm
2003 Model DifferencesGreg Davis12 09-23-02  09:54 am
2003 front head lightsTim Agnew10 04-24-02  12:31 am
2003 headlight conversionOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-25-02  10:52 pm
2003 headlights - fit a D1?NC3509-07-02  09:24 am
2005 Disco/Explorerp m15 08-08-02  12:27 pm
2005 Discovery Series IIIAl Oliveira45 08-20-02  11:29 pm
235 or 265 on stock rims ?Greg Bright03-29-02  05:37 pm
235-85 Speedo/Odom RecalibrationMarkd1x210 04-03-02  07:42 pm
235-85-R16's and 3" lift and no offroading - is fender trimming nec...Eric N29 07-22-02  10:33 pm
235/85 16Paul T. Schram06-25-02  04:58 pm
235/85 tures on a 300tdi , hows the gearing ??-OTTO-10 04-30-02  02:12 am
235/85 vs 245/75Robbie10 10-25-02  09:12 am
235/85 x 16 tyres - will these fit a standard DII TD5 ???Robert Sublett06-01-02  09:01 am
235/85's with a 5-speed?ErikNC13 05-17-02  05:30 pm
235/85-16 vs 265/75-16.....RVR OVR04-08-02  02:33 pm
235/85/16 on stock DII rim?gp20 08-29-02  07:54 am
235/85xR16 ???Palomino08-06-02  10:40 pm
245-70-R16'schris sharpe06-13-02  08:55 pm
245/70/16 BG GOODRICH All terrain tires p m22 07-23-02  05:29 pm
245/70/16 tiresAnonymous04-24-02  02:23 am
245/70x16 tires for Disco IIBarry03-01-02  02:14 pm
245/75 vs 235/85Leslie N. Bright08-19-02  09:21 am
245x75's for '01 D2??Rick Lindgren53 09-12-02  01:50 pm
247/70/16 BfG All -Terrainsoffrovn09-06-02  10:04 am
25 ok....Chase Fancher11-16-02  02:20 am
255-65 vs 235-70ken12 06-12-02  07:30 pm
255/70 on a 1996 Discoryan09-12-02  06:24 pm
255/85 MT's anyone running this size?Ho Chung20 03-26-02  03:49 pm
255/85's on Disco II?Greg Bright14 06-10-02  05:04 pm
255/85/16 BFG KM tiresCraig M. Highland04-03-02  08:33 pm
255/85/16 or 285/75/16Scott02-25-02  08:17 am
255/85/16's do fit with no mod's :)...Danno12 03-28-02  07:36 pm
265-75 r16 on stock rimsJames03-03-02  01:29 pm
265-75R16 Spare Tire Carrier, will it fit?Dave_Lucas21 09-04-02  11:08 pm
265/75John Cinquegrana11-23-02  10:26 pm
265/75 tiresButchS09-06-02  12:01 am
265/75's?Chris14 07-18-02  08:14 pm
265/75-16 Lift? Time? Price?Eric Pena11-11-02  06:54 pm
265/75-16's on a D2Greg P.11 09-21-02  08:53 pm
265s on a DSII: Correction ConstantGreg Davis09-19-02  09:33 am
285 or 265/75/16'sEric N101 10-02-02  09:52 pm
285/75 on a DII?Greg Davis10-13-02  11:14 pm
285/75/16 or 255/85/16Brian Jackson02-26-02  05:27 pm
3 Stupid Questions: Wrench size , tools and recovery ringschris sharpe04-08-02  08:14 pm
3.9 /4.0 pistonsTimothy Riccardi08-02-02  11:32 pm
3.9 Injector flow ratesDee Cantrell09-17-02  01:18 pm
3.9 Oil Pump expertsCarl08-28-02  06:37 pm
3.9 V8 Ignition ?dave t03-21-02  03:22 pm
3.9 idle?jp03-23-02  04:19 am
3.9V8 slight lifter noiseNorm09-21-02  03:05 am
30 pount max on a roof rack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!michael burt03-29-02  11:02 pm
30,000 Mile servicejcpats0210-24-02  12:28 pm
30,000 mile maintenance schedule for my DIIPeter Carey15 09-07-02  01:28 am
30-50 HP!Jake37 03-14-02  06:38 pm
300 TDi Spotlightsnicknick08-17-02  06:17 am
300tdi cam belt renewal.Frode H�bertz Haalan03-18-02  03:11 am
302 install in a 95 D1 - Possible or StupidNorm08-11-02  09:20 pm
30K Check upMike Talley05-13-02  04:58 pm
30K Service: Dealer Cost vs. Doing It YourselfPugsly10-26-02  11:55 pm
31x10.50x16's on 95 Disco?glenh07-06-02  05:02 pm
31x12.50 tires on d1nadim09-08-02  04:09 am
32 X 11.50 on AR rims - Will they stuff?Blake Luse09-20-02  06:58 pm
32's on Disco...15inch rims...which ones? offset? help!!!nadim09-08-02  04:06 am
34-10.5's and 4 inch liftmuskyman40 11-03-02  10:40 pm
35" tireBarrett06-14-02  07:47 pm
4 or 2??Will Roeder20 06-27-02  11:42 pm
4 wheel drive system QuestionB.Bailey10 06-17-02  08:36 pm
4-Low problemDChrismon09-18-02  10:52 pm
4.0 - 4.6JMoore11-09-02  09:40 am
4.0 to 4.6 conversion questionsJEspelien16 06-24-02  04:44 pm
4.0 vs. 3.9Norm07-30-02  02:20 am
4.1 or 4.3 diff ratio with 35's ?David Sherlock04-18-02  03:28 pm
4.3 gearsMilan04-22-02  10:31 pm
4.6 ConversionJohn Moore10-29-02  02:22 pm
4.6 in a DiscoveryNorm16 04-29-02  12:50 pm
4.75 gears? opinionsNathan Hindman30 07-25-02  04:21 pm
4000s and Wilderness Rack?Ed H02-19-02  10:02 pm
40amp Seat fuse blowingMichael Noe10 07-21-02  07:25 am
444 Horsepower, and no brushguard... Richard Dekkard03-27-02  03:43 am
48 or 60 High LiftMichael Villanueva09-13-02  10:49 am
4HP22 vs. 4HP24 and 03 Discoveryhendrik09-26-02  09:00 am
4x4 Slamdown VideoJeremy Katka09-11-02  02:37 pm
4x4 Slamdown VideoRVR OVR10-16-02  01:15 pm
5 Speed or Automatic Disco.Andrew Clarke20 11-20-02  05:55 pm
5 w40 or 10 w 40 in upstate NY?RonC03-05-02  04:40 am
5-Speed Discovery reliability & anyone convert one to 300tdi?Todd Phenneger10 08-16-02  04:53 am
5-speed, Stock Gears, 235's What RPM at 70 mph?Willie Joubert07-19-02  05:06 pm
5.2 whew...babyBrian Jackson02-15-02  07:13 pm
52,500 maintenance on DII Blue15 11-08-02  11:58 am
5spd tranny fluid changeRon11 02-23-02  05:27 am
5th Door Moans...Al Oliveira06-29-02  12:51 pm
60,000 mile serviceEugene Samsonov15 04-13-02  09:14 pm
60K Mile Service Questions (Disco 2)Crash05-02-02  10:33 pm
60K mile service write-up?brian kluge08-09-02  12:21 pm
60k tune-up and rear shocks questionAl Oliveira09-11-02  10:16 am
8-32 RivnutsBrianH02-18-02  03:21 pm
80w / 100w headlight bulbs in D2?Greg P.10-15-02  11:48 am
85W or 100W in Safari 5000s?Mike B.10-20-02  03:19 am
90,000 mile, need to service!Jeremy Katka07-21-02  12:57 pm
90K ServiceRon08-08-02  09:46 pm
90K ServiceJarrod04-01-02  02:27 pm
93 vs. 89 Octane gas... Opinions?JEspelien10 05-16-02  02:46 pm
94 Cat asembly / Y-pipeKevkor03-31-02  06:59 am
94 Disco Engine Quitting Fault Code 19bryan10-14-02  11:15 pm
94 Disco I Fuel Filter Location?Henry Enriquez17 09-05-02  03:06 pm
94 Disco I, Check Enginejay07-08-02  12:52 am
94 Disco. Possible to change lite bulb in radio display?Neil Cawley06-06-02  08:29 am
94' Discovery has Misfirebryan07-09-02  11:40 pm
95 D1 parts for a 98 D1Tate07-19-02  03:41 pm
95 Disco - Suddenly, she won't start.marshall grant14 06-25-02  12:08 am
95 Disco Code 34: Injector Bank A?Robbie09-19-02  03:57 pm
95 Disco O2 sensor wiring info??Paul L05-28-02  05:05 pm
95 Disco Pulling to the leftFrode H�bertz Haalan07-04-02  03:52 am
95 Disco Towing capacity?Bryan Crosby07-30-02  09:41 am
95 Disco central locking problemJess05-28-02  08:46 pm
95 Disco pulls to right when brakingdoug james05-03-02  03:03 pm
95 Disco temp guage maxed but temp okShane C.08-02-02  11:57 pm
95 Disco won't start.....Ron04-12-02  05:57 pm
95 Disco, Trans. filter change?Ron02-23-02  05:01 am
95 Disco: Spark Plugs & Fuel Filter QuestionsClif Ashley10 09-29-02  12:11 pm
95 RR LWB Front End Suggestions?94Rover04-09-02  12:32 am
95 disco all wheel drive already in 4 high orMark Albrecht12-06-02  02:08 pm
95 disco electical problems (dealer says its my new fuel pump)paul07-02-02  02:09 am
95' Disco hard to start....JEN STOLEN17 10-29-02  09:57 pm
96 4.0 disco valley gaskettodd slater33 11-01-02  11:22 pm
96 D1 - Fuel Gauge Not WorkingDon08-16-02  09:31 am
96 Disco - Radio Antenna.... Help!Jake10 02-18-02  08:45 pm
96 Disco 4.0L front cover leakOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-09-02  02:14 pm
96 Disco 4.0L front cover leak, Not as Easy as Promised !!!!!!!!!!!Mike Goodell11-11-02  09:08 am
96 Disco Check Engine LightCal03-09-02  02:07 am
96 Disco IssuesRobert Sublett07-08-02  12:48 pm
96 Disco OverheatingUnicorn08-25-02  01:37 pm
96 Disco Vs. 95 Range Rover (new body) OpinionPerroneFord07-29-02  01:17 pm
96 Disco cranks but won't starttom fioretti11 05-05-02  08:10 am
96 Eco Challenge XD - w/ new mods - price?petern1208-19-02  01:27 am
96 disco does NOT like waterMilan11-13-02  02:27 pm
96 disco fuel pump wire harnessBradN08-07-02  06:06 pm
96 disco vaccum/ idle questionBrian12-03-02  10:48 pm
96 discovery alarm problemsdonna adams11-10-02  04:46 pm
96 or 97Leslie N. Bright10-11-02  12:34 pm
96' Disco, need to verify missing hoseJMcD04-08-02  04:49 pm
97 Disco - oil leaks, manifold, serpentine belt - or dealer?Raymond L. Brown20 04-03-02  12:52 pm
97 Disco Engine Taping John Moore13 10-23-02  05:00 pm
97 Disco Fault Codesphil scott10-24-02  08:36 am
97 Disco Valve Cover HosesDee Cantrell11 09-30-02  10:50 pm
97 Disco with Unimog AxlesM. K. Watson12 07-27-02  08:19 pm
97 d1 recalls?Anonymous03-12-02  08:03 am
97 disco power surge and downshifting at 50 + mph ??muskyman07-08-02  03:01 pm
97 disco still runs like crap!!!!Tony07-10-02  07:01 am
97 window regulatorDon Collins10-01-02  07:49 pm
98 Disco - Engine starts to cut-out at exactly 50Mph...todd06-14-02  10:24 pm
98 Disco questions...gp11 04-13-02  10:23 am
98 Disco refuses to start when hotRobbie Donaldson04-18-02  11:29 am
98 discoCarter Simcoe08-03-02  11:38 pm
98 disco what updates should be made for this truck41708-04-02  08:39 am
99 D1 ticking problemDobie Disco11-25-02  09:31 pm
99 D1, opinions for upgrading tires, shocks, any problems?Michael Noe06-19-02  09:40 am
99 D2 Auto Tranny NoiseMike Noe05-08-02  11:25 am
99 D2 Dome Lights not working...Robert Sublett12-01-02  03:48 pm
99 Disco 1 Foglights questionjim malone06-21-02  05:42 pm
99 Disco Bumper - Brush Guard ProblemRich Zellmer13 11-08-02  10:40 pm
99 Disco II - Needed New Rocker Assembly at 30KJorge32 11-01-02  10:59 am
99DII Keyless Bar code problems...?Rans09-25-02  02:24 pm
? about alternatortmsdisco10 06-10-02  11:00 pm
? for ACE owners..ginbulaga07-23-02  11:04 am
?? on swivel ball seal replacementPaul T. Schram07-27-02  09:52 am
??? on JATE-ring mountingCraig Kobayashi03-26-02  12:57 am
???'s about Satellite Radio for a DIIGreg Davis11-19-02  09:38 am
???WHO can tell me whether 255/70r16 BFG ALL-TERR. will mess up my ...Rich Lee11-25-02  01:36 pm
@#$%*&$# Transmission fill upKingfish03-18-02  07:50 am
@%$#! rear doorjinwoo05-03-02  01:52 pm
A "Grilling" question.....Dee08-26-02  07:56 pm
A ? for those of you with RANCHO 9000'sDiesel22 02-26-02  12:08 pm
A HUGE thanks:Henry Enriquez09-20-02  01:13 pm
A SALUTE TO KYLE,HO,AXEL.........Ed H10 06-17-02  12:46 am
A clock questionMatt M05-08-02  03:31 pm
A couple questionsConor Furr09-19-02  10:19 am
A message for Hoken09-25-02  06:38 pm
A picture is worth a thousand wordsRandall Smith04-04-02  04:37 pm
A quick question for you Kyle.Anonymous04-22-02  05:36 pm
A quieter...gentler FlowmasterYaroslav07-29-02  12:03 am
A very cool drip light for under the hoodMilan03-21-02  09:21 pm
A/C FanBrent04-28-02  09:34 am
A/C Sight Glass - where is it?Bill Bettridge06-10-02  12:07 pm
A/C and Heat goes on and offDon08-03-02  09:29 am
A/C and engine powergp10 06-12-02  08:47 am
A/C condensation - water in the footwellsJay Hobbs06-19-02  11:06 pm
A/C controllerJeremy Katka06-10-02  08:47 pm
A/C dumping water into passenger compartmentRegis Dean06-06-02  01:44 pm
A/C stops cooling-ANY IDEAS?James F. Thompson Ja06-27-02  09:26 am
A/C temporarily shuts off while drivingjim06-20-02  01:23 am
AAARG - I've ruined the stock look of my DiscoII !Carl Tsigakis15 06-25-02  11:46 pm
AARRGGHH!!! - WTF is wrong? Patrick Hartigan11 04-23-02  03:58 pm
AB Blue Bushing Kit (Was steering Stabilizer thread)Todd Phenneger07-14-02  09:48 pm
ABS , and Console lights. jec04-05-02  09:18 pm
ABS , and Dash console Lights. Ken03-18-02  05:30 pm
ABS / ETC fuse pullingRoss Thoma09-12-02  05:29 pm
ABS Brake Problems - 95 DiscoJared09-12-02  01:31 pm
ABS IssuesBill K08-26-02  11:20 am
ABS LIGHT ONsuraporns11-22-02  07:23 am
ABS Light and Check Engine Lighted petrush08-27-02  05:57 pm
ABS Light at high speeds?Stephen04-23-02  08:51 am
ABS Light not coming on at all.. how to resolve?Robert Sublett05-11-02  11:56 pm
ABS Light will not extinguish-thoughtsdiscoNdixie04-04-02  09:29 am
ABS ProblemJake Porter05-03-02  01:34 pm
ABS Problem 97 DiscoveryBill Bettridge18 03-06-02  09:59 am
ABS ProblemsBJ Turner04-02-02  05:22 pm
ABS QuestionKingfish08-15-02  02:28 pm
ABS Sensor questionsStephen08-03-02  07:30 pm
ABS Sensor removalBill K09-21-02  01:33 pm
ABS always on?Axel Haakonsen08-19-02  06:21 pm
ABS and dash console lightsMagnus03-19-02  04:23 pm
ABS comes on during normal brakingUsername11-20-02  10:15 pm
ABS diagnosticsPaul T. Schram04-23-02  10:33 am
ABS fusepeternr1210 08-12-02  01:08 am
ABS lightScott Tschantz03-15-02  01:08 pm
ABS light onBill K13 10-19-02  11:30 am
ABS line extensions w/ 3" lift and retained springsGreg Davis07-03-02  12:38 pm
ABS pump on when engine off???Disco Dad02-25-02  11:30 pm
ABS system upset about battery disconnectKen04-30-02  12:28 am
ABS working on normal roadErik Olson10-26-02  01:12 am
ABS, ETC, HDC warning lightsDave_Lucas09-08-02  09:33 pm
AC Compressor clutchKingfish08-12-02  07:30 am
AC Control?Punchy32509-24-02  03:55 pm
AC Drain Tubesmuskyman08-12-02  11:11 am
AC Problem..HELPKyle07-09-02  10:58 pm
AC compressor clutch cross-refKingfish11 08-22-02  08:25 am
AC cut off, Help!!!rob07-02-02  12:12 pm
AC wont't turn offAl04-25-02  07:04 am
ACE - active cornering enhancement - mods and ideas ?Carl E. Cedeholm08-26-02  10:13 am
ACE - is it worth it to get OME suspensionDave03-14-02  05:23 pm
ACE and 16" Rims ObservationDave03-23-02  10:57 am
ACE issuemichael burt10-20-02  02:01 am
ACE or No ACE, How can I tell?Craig Porter09-11-02  06:49 am
ACE question--is it really as bad as my dealer says?!?Blue29 03-22-02  07:28 pm
ACE warning lightJason Lord10 10-21-02  10:56 pm
AM Radio ReceptionTDBKC10-04-02  05:22 pm
AMV CDL Actuator Installed tonightTodd W. Sitler10-18-02  06:09 am
ANTI LOCK LIGHT "ON"Buddy22 08-01-02  01:37 pm
ANTI-Lock Brake LightBrad04-30-02  08:14 pm
ANY GOOD MECHANICS IN TUCSON?TucsonSean05-29-02  02:57 pm
ANYONE HAVE XM RADIO IN D1's?Mike Talley13 06-06-02  01:54 pm
ANYONE USE 80W-140 GEAR OIL IN T-BOX?doug james05-30-02  08:11 pm
ARB & factory skid plate (XD)Diesel05-10-02  10:23 pm
ARB Air bag or not, that is the Q.Bill Bettridge09-10-02  12:49 pm
ARB Bull Bar Lights Carter Simcoe11-25-02  12:44 am
ARB Bull bar for D2 - any opinions?Ross Thoma32 08-28-02  04:06 pm
ARB Bumper Disco Dad02-18-02  12:43 am
ARB Bumper installation instructions for D2Greg P.06-24-02  03:14 pm
ARB D1 Airbag Bar Winch ProtectionScott MacGregor10 04-25-02  04:20 pm
ARB INSTALLED NOSE DIPPING!Steve11-21-02  03:11 pm
ARB LIGHT BULB HELP PLEASEGreg P.10 09-18-02  07:26 pm
ARB Marker Lights Question.Greg P.08-21-02  08:41 am
ARB Roof Rackcharles pastrano10-09-02  11:15 am
ARB Roof RackKennith24 05-11-02  12:08 am
ARB Roof Rack HeightAlan Bates10 07-25-02  09:33 pm
ARB Roof Rack PicturesWill Roeder04-14-02  02:00 pm
ARB Roofrackcharles08-03-02  04:33 pm
ARB STRENGTHEN IDEAMoe11 04-01-02  05:07 pm
ARB Snorkel owners got a few questions for you.Eric N06-15-02  06:58 pm
ARB bar installation questionsGreg French13 05-24-02  08:23 am
ARB bullbar installationDave08-16-02  02:04 pm
ARB bumper questions for D2Paul T. Schram06-23-02  02:56 pm
ARB delimmaKim S10-03-02  03:15 pm
ARB lifting pointsClem08-15-02  07:58 pm
ARB like switchesPerroneFord04-01-02  12:04 am
ARB non air bumpersMTB10-09-02  09:32 am
ARB non-airbag on driver's side airbag vehicle?nadim06-23-02  06:00 am
ARB non-airbag winch bumper on an airbag vehicle???nadim06-23-02  06:07 am
ARB questionBrian Fransson09-30-02  10:03 pm
ARB turn light QuestionAl Oliveira07-15-02  01:12 pm
ARB vs. Engel Freezers...Nadim04-17-02  02:50 am
ARB winch mountingDave07-05-02  08:01 am
ARC or Wire Feed Weldermuskyman26 08-13-02  06:39 pm
ARGHHHGrey06-29-02  09:16 pm
AT Fluid questionRon04-13-02  09:09 pm
ATF Everywhere!!Ron Ward08-05-02  10:37 pm
ATF Stop-Leak - which brand work best?Nathan Hindman08-09-02  07:14 pm
ATF changeChris Browne13 10-12-02  08:38 am
ATF leak?Al Oliveira07-16-02  12:56 pm
ATF spat the dummyjec05-27-02  09:28 pm
ATTN: John CinquegranaTimothy Riccardi07-29-02  11:46 am
AWD vs 4WD - is it tomato or tomato?Milan23 10-12-02  11:34 am
Aboult to buy a 92' RR Country Any Pointers?PerroneFord04-13-02  10:33 pm
About these new shackle mounts....Mike Little47 04-07-02  12:22 pm
About to do my First Mods..I need some Questions answeredJeff Anderson19 06-20-02  11:59 pm
AbsEd08-26-02  09:17 am
Abs lightAnonymous05-16-02  11:39 pm
Abs sensor multiplug connector part numbersmongo07-15-02  11:11 am
Abs sensor question..jmon07-12-02  12:45 pm
Accessory to Battery WiringBill Bettridge07-18-02  04:27 pm
Acorns in my Motor... How 'bout you?Chris Lessard30 07-17-02  01:43 pm
Adding a 12v plug to the backOlaf Kilthau05-30-02  05:21 am
Adding a third fog lightPaul D. Morgan11-02-02  12:07 pm
Adding auxillary fuse & relay blocksJerry Crawford12 10-07-02  07:09 pm
Adjust clutch? nadim06-22-02  08:32 am
Adjusting Handbrake?Jon Williams04-17-02  12:03 pm
Adjusting Transmision KickDown (can you?)Blue10-11-02  12:01 pm
Adjusting stepper motorjp06-02-02  01:19 am
Adjusting the parking brakejohn averett10 05-24-02  12:41 am
Adjusting trackingScott17 06-24-02  08:42 am
Adventure Rack QuestionsJohn Moore11 10-15-02  08:24 am
Adventure Rack and Taurus Hella LightJeremy Parkhouse09-14-02  02:23 pm
Adventure Rack: How Heavy?Erik Olson06-09-02  05:41 pm
Advice Please: Corrosion Warranty and L.A. Area Service Centersdiscomojo10-26-02  08:31 am
Advice for 96 Discovery - electrical problems - 80K milesRob05-01-02  11:59 am
Advice for new Rover ownersEric N32 03-14-02  03:52 pm
Advice on Kalahari Dscovery II .....KJ17 03-26-02  10:32 am
Advice on New Tiresjohanvz108-21-02  05:35 pm
Advice on Nokian tires.my96disco02-24-02  11:50 pm
Advice on a liftEric Pena07-15-02  11:19 am
Advice on trading or selling D1JMcD06-19-02  10:45 am
Advice roof rackCarter Simcoe07-04-02  12:38 pm
Advise on possible driveline creak under articulationCurtis N05-29-02  02:46 pm
Advise on squeaking brakesF.J.03-13-02  11:16 pm
After Market alarm? How hard would it be with Lucas?JRoc02-16-02  02:54 pm
After market in-dash CD players with Weather Band??Leslie N. Bright07-31-02  12:13 am
After market temperature gaugesTom Hyslip11-19-02  07:46 am
Aftermarket Headlights, IPF, PIAA etc.Larry Grubbs04-15-02  09:53 pm
Aftermarket MufflerGil Stevens14 07-23-02  01:15 pm
Aftermarket Radio ???'sPaul T. Schram16 03-26-02  10:17 am
Aftermarket Stereo QuestionShane C.09-11-02  02:22 am
Aftermarket Window Tint Removal?M. K. Watson09-18-02  05:58 am
Aftermarket WipersJack03-12-02  09:16 pm
Aftermarket cat converter part #E Snyder07-23-02  06:50 pm
Aftermarket exhaustsDanno09-19-02  07:28 pm
Aftermarket head unit question???Jroc10 09-16-02  06:15 pm
Aftermarket radio fitmentRob Davison21 08-22-02  08:02 am
Aftermarket sepentine 1995Leslie N. Bright05-21-02  12:32 pm
Aftermarket sunroofsSteve Fesperman04-09-02  09:58 am
Air SuspensionMilan17 03-29-02  10:05 pm
Air CompressorJEspelien13 03-26-02  11:40 pm
Air Con? Air Gone!jerry07-18-02  02:17 pm
Air Conditioning questionRobert Sublett07-13-02  08:15 am
Air Dam Removalchris sharpe04-21-02  01:20 pm
Air Horn - is this a waste of timePhillip Perkinson14 05-16-02  09:22 am
Air Pressure for 255-70 R16 BFG ATs on a D2?James F. Thompson Ja13 11-19-02  03:53 pm
Air Suspensionmuskyman11-14-02  10:31 am
Air box modification's ?Paul T. Schram10 04-15-02  03:20 pm
Air compressorsDee07-03-02  11:39 am
Air conditioner shuts offNeal Glessner04-24-02  09:18 pm
Air conditioning & blower randomly quits then starts back up, any i...Robert Sublett05-12-02  12:00 am
Air deflector/fairing for adventure rackEric P12 06-28-02  06:41 pm
Air tool question Ron11 10-31-02  08:16 pm
AirConditioning QuestionJeff Anderson06-29-02  03:42 pm
Airbag RefittingJoe Still12-03-02  04:05 pm
Airbag disableShane C.10 09-11-02  02:24 am
Airbags and aftermarket bumpersCarter Simcoe11 12-03-02  07:56 pm
Airflow Meter ConnectorHenry Enriquez09-15-02  11:38 pm
Alan Stuart's rear bumperAlan Stuart02-21-02  12:39 pm
Alarmdheadley02-22-02  08:30 am
Alarm Antenna - DIIJoel Dorfan03-04-02  12:01 pm
Alarm QuestionKingfish05-24-02  09:08 am
Alarm activating during hot daysDChrismon07-20-02  12:51 am
Alarm going off at low temperatureCabot O'Brien12-05-02  10:17 pm
Alarm indicators (Flashing Lights)Evan07-09-02  01:24 pm
Alarm problem'stravis05-15-02  08:09 pm
Alarm stoppedDon05-25-02  10:07 am
Alarm woes....did I possibly fix it?cartner02-17-02  07:44 pm
Alen - Nice Pic in the photo galleryAlen04-19-02  01:33 pm
All DATA? is it worth it?JEspelien03-19-02  06:40 pm
All around tire?Alan Yim09-20-02  09:25 pm
All dash and asst. interior lights went out (fuses o.k.).RonC03-21-02  07:43 pm
All lights "pulsing" on 96 DiscoJeremy Hamilton10-07-02  12:44 pm
Alpine window removal for rust fix?Peter Matusov12-02-02  08:46 pm
Alpine window?Tommy Dougherty10-13-02  05:13 am
Already have zero emissions vehiclemy96disco10-19-02  10:50 am
Alt. casingedward petrush09-26-02  12:27 pm
Alt. problemsDee11-04-02  10:56 am
Alternate fuel injector part numbers/sources for 95 Disco?Bill Bettridge03-05-02  10:05 am
Alternate part #s for Air Flow Meter/Oxygen SensorsAnonymous03-19-02  01:13 pm
Alternative suspension choicesnadim07-06-02  07:15 am
Alternator PerformanceJohn Davies12-06-02  11:28 am
Always on brake lights on a DII?Dave02-25-02  08:55 am
Am I Screwed?Paul T. Schram18 08-26-02  12:07 pm
Am I missing a gasket?Jeremy Katka07-03-02  08:26 pm
Am I screwed?Zak Ruck11 09-23-02  01:39 pm
American Racing SteeliesCarter Simcoe11-01-02  09:19 pm
American racing rims vs DII rimsAnonymous04-08-02  07:42 pm
Amp RemovalBrendan Kearns11 07-21-02  03:47 pm
Amplifier Questiontodd05-30-02  11:46 pm
Amsoil PricesAnonymous05-06-02  07:53 am
Amyone know how to program a 1 button remote?Robbie10-25-02  12:46 pm
An accident in the dealer's parking lot!streak11-07-02  06:15 am
Anarchy for the UKRVR OVR10 04-19-02  01:12 pm
Angles and driveshaft PhaseRon06-17-02  10:47 pm
Annoying whistle from engineanonymous24 09-16-02  12:50 pm
Another Carfax QuestionDChrismon08-04-02  06:52 pm
Another Disco not sitting level....Ron Ward02-16-02  09:29 pm
Another KVT is bornmuskyman39 07-29-02  09:21 am
Another Newbie question: Tires 16 or 18Dave03-14-02  05:29 pm
Another alarm question (damn Lucas!)Carl E. Cedeholm07-09-02  03:18 pm
Another brake problemMike B.08-12-02  11:15 pm
Another bumper spottedKyle34 09-23-02  10:50 am
Another disco that don't startcharlie09-30-02  02:11 pm
Another name that sound questionJason Lord11-03-02  05:36 pm
Another new rear bumper in townAnonymous90 03-08-02  12:04 pm
Another rear diff guardJRoc34 04-07-02  02:35 pm
Another silly shifter problem-is this a design failure by LR?Paul T. Schram10-13-02  10:36 am
Another slider ideaJeff04-08-02  06:01 pm
Another steel wheel question. Steel on stock suspension?Brian Dickens13 08-14-02  07:47 pm
Another welding questionDean Brown03-07-02  04:46 pm
Answer me this you experts - Ron07-10-02  10:54 pm
Antenna on roof?jerry quintana co sp05-30-02  06:06 pm
Antenna options???todd08-08-02  02:38 pm
Anti lock light on. Where do I start jec11-21-02  10:18 pm
Anti-Lock Light Illuminated and AT StickingJohn04-17-02  10:16 pm
Anti-freezeBill Bettridge03-06-02  04:03 pm
Anti-lock brake indicator lightAndrew Clarke12-08-02  02:48 am
Anti-lock brake warning lightWVA02-28-02  02:40 pm
Anti-lock brake warning lightWVA02-19-02  09:37 am
Anti-sway bars, any reason to keep or sellM. K. Watson09-19-02  08:28 pm
Antifreeze leak Head gasket?Pugsly12-07-02  11:21 am
Any 0one out ther know chris thomas from the harrisburg area?????Ross Thoma28 09-12-02  06:42 pm
Any Aftermarket Clutch Options? -- Need Info ASAPNorm10 06-27-02  10:37 pm
Any Austin guys with OBII scanner?Mark Meyer02-26-02  02:39 pm
Any DIY Blackout Hood tips?john vigg12-02-02  06:03 pm
Any Experience with Noise at Higher Speeds on the HIghways......Mitch07-28-02  10:06 pm
Any Good Independant Shops in Bay Area (Near Napa??)Mike H02-27-02  03:32 pm
Any Mechanics in Boston or recommendations?David Marchand10-26-02  04:21 pm
Any NW USA websites/clubs for Land Rovers?R. B. Bailey09-10-02  12:15 pm
Any Rants/Ravs on 2003 Disco?Al Oliveira10-15-02  04:39 pm
Any advise on towing a tent trailer and which one to buy??Mike D107-04-02  01:48 am
Any cool ways to mount a cb antenna on a discoPaul Sexton24 09-17-02  02:40 pm
Any downside to buying a 1995 Discovery over a 1996Jason Vance09-21-02  05:39 pm
Any feedback about this TJM product.Eriknc16 08-09-02  01:12 am
Any good and honest mechanics in Ct ?Please let me know.cr36704-10-02  08:13 am
Any good disco junk yards in the tri state area?Slider04-12-02  09:27 pm
Any good tech write up re: shock install?Axel Haakonsen08-20-02  02:16 pm
Any help, my winch is just "clicking"?carl08-27-02  12:08 pm
Any hints to stop roof rack whistlingBlake Luse21 04-12-02  01:45 am
Any ideas on how to mount a tire to a safari rackccdm304-20-02  03:01 pm
Any major differences between '94/'95 Discos and the '96+ Discos? (...Jon Williams19 04-29-02  12:20 pm
Any one have a checklist for a 90k service?Horness Spencer04-04-02  03:03 am
Any possibility for selectable 4 wheel drive??Ali14 10-18-02  07:56 pm
Any rim ideas for 98 disco and TV????Todd Sanders08-04-02  10:40 pm
Any shops / mechanics that deal with land rovers in south alabama n...Blake Luse06-23-02  02:08 am
Any way to put CDL in a 2002 Disco?Ron10 04-10-02  04:24 am
Anybody bought one of these? repair manual on CDGerm�n R. Gr�ner06-27-02  09:58 am
Anybody done this?Greg Davis06-18-02  09:13 am
Anybody ever repaired a retractable cargo cover?Jeremy Herridge09-27-02  03:08 pm
Anybody got a drivers outer door latch? I need some partsPaul T. Schram05-10-02  10:53 am
Anybody got the Electronic Troubleshooting Manual for a Disco?jec04-24-02  03:22 pm
Anybody got the part number for brake switch?whodatmatt11-16-02  01:21 am
Anybody have Borla Performance Exhaust System on disco 1?Danno05-29-02  04:52 pm
Anybody have a D II front Driveshaft for me?Paul T. Schram10-18-02  12:21 pm
Anybody have any good Disco wallpaper?WayCool03-19-02  06:59 pm
Anybody have their headliner out right now?Dee Cantrell03-13-02  05:53 pm
Anybody have to drill out the rear seat bolts in a DI?Frode H�bertz Haalan03-11-02  02:35 am
Anybody near Atlanta?I'm in Cartersville,Ga?????Ron Ward11-28-02  10:46 am
Anybody running 225/75-16 on a stock Disco?Leslie N. Bright11 03-18-02  08:57 am
Anybody running 255/85 or 285/75 on stock gears, and axlesEric Brodis13 11-14-02  01:54 pm
Anybody running dual exhausts?Parrish R. Blackmon10 11-22-02  04:11 pm
Anybody see that Blazer flip on FoxSports?Matt02-14-02  03:25 pm
Anybody with OME HD and 265/75s? Brian Friend20 11-27-02  10:47 pm
Anyone Have the True Story on the Trac Edge?Marc03-15-02  03:31 pm
Anyone Know Darrel Mauzy?Garrett #204-17-02  09:23 am
Anyone R&R swivel-pin bearing? tips perhaps what not to do?Disco94Jason03-21-02  10:42 pm
Anyone Running Bridgestone Dueler MTs?kwestmail26 03-19-02  05:52 pm
Anyone Tow a Boat with their Discovery?Todd Phenneger41 09-10-02  01:34 pm
Anyone Try PIAA Wiper Blades?johnb12-05-02  04:16 pm
Anyone Using this CDL Kit?geoff05-16-02  07:37 am
Anyone belong to S. Calif. Rover Club?Ron A04-09-02  07:25 pm
Anyone considered air bag change at 10 years? $$$$$$$$$$$$Ross Thoma12-04-02  04:33 pm
Anyone do Tire Siping in Maryland Area?Anonymous06-28-02  04:14 pm
Anyone done brake pads on a 4.0SE?Dee06-07-02  05:52 pm
Anyone done business with Bear Valley Land Rover?Mark21 08-14-02  03:04 pm
Anyone ever bought a car off of e-bay?Ken19 04-11-02  11:05 am
Anyone ever rebuild an alternator?nick10-13-02  07:24 pm
Anyone ever replace the air dam with a fog light air dam on a D1?Jack Edwards04-03-02  12:02 pm
Anyone ever seen or fit Pro-Comp suspension?isaac07-17-02  07:11 pm
Anyone ever ship a Disco Chassis?John Cinquegrana10-09-02  02:41 pm
Anyone ever swapped the auto tranny for a stick shift??Norm03-12-02  12:17 am
Anyone ever try to install a set of factory armrests on an SD?Ron11-15-02  09:13 pm
Anyone ever worked or work for Land Rover?KJ32 03-11-02  11:52 pm
Anyone felt a vibration like this before???perroneford14 12-04-02  06:44 am
Anyone fixed a Vacuum advanced ignition problem? Randall Smith10 02-19-02  11:47 pm
Anyone goin to moab in September?Richard Dekkard08-05-02  07:39 pm
Anyone got experience with Regal MT's?Ted Chestnut09-05-02  04:59 pm
Anyone got the OD dimm on a stock Disco trailing arm ?Kyle08-13-02  09:03 pm
Anyone got the rovertym body lift andi04-14-02  04:02 am
Anyone had Disco steel wheels beadbalsted and then powdercoated ?Anonymous03-01-02  08:43 pm
Anyone had an experience with "Buckshot Mudders"?todd03-06-02  09:05 am
Anyone have a 2001 Disco II LE?John Hook03-02-02  11:32 am
Anyone have a CARFAX acct. open right now?Robert Sublett11-20-02  06:49 pm
Anyone have a Hannibal tent in the S.F. area I can look at?Willie Joubert38 07-15-02  01:13 pm
Anyone have a great picture of that crazy RRC body kit, the one wit...Jake Hartley07-25-02  08:15 am
Anyone have a some links of places to buy parts online?Anonymous06-10-02  09:21 am
Anyone have a workshop manual and a scanner?Todd W. McLain10-08-02  09:02 am
Anyone have an aftermarket sunroof installed on their Disco?charles p.03-02-02  01:04 pm
Anyone have any problems with Rover Connection?Paul L Schexnayder23 07-26-02  03:17 pm
Anyone have experience with Air Force One Intake ?M. K. Watson16 11-30-02  07:39 pm
Anyone have pics of the Vienna Green DII?(besides the one on Landro...AL03-21-02  12:32 am
Anyone have the rear view mirror with temp and compass?David Dryden10 04-03-02  04:37 pm
Anyone have their recall work done yet?KJ03-24-02  09:44 am
Anyone in Chicago...JR17 11-12-02  09:54 am
Anyone in Chico CARon05-01-02  03:41 pm
Anyone install RR air suspention in a discoAl Oliveira08-29-02  05:00 pm
Anyone know a good shop in Norcal? Anyone work on the side?Brad16 06-29-02  11:01 pm
Anyone know a good shop in SoCal? Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale bestChris Cole07-15-02  01:34 pm
Anyone know how to attach the clip to the "film"eric04-07-02  09:52 am
Anyone know how to reset the SLS idiot light?Gonzo11-06-02  01:50 pm
Anyone know if these would fit a D1?John Moore11-12-02  08:22 pm
Anyone know of a DI being salvaged?Ned Connolly11-20-02  02:26 pm
Anyone know of a good online electrical source???Paul L Schexnayder06-18-02  05:03 pm
Anyone know size of this bolt?Paul T. Schram08-11-02  03:56 pm
Anyone know the size of Torx needed to remove jumpseats on '95 D1 ?...luc04-26-02  12:07 pm
Anyone know where to get bulbs for the dash buttons...bryan03-27-02  06:27 pm
Anyone know where to get these parts?derek04-09-02  11:28 pm
Anyone lifted more in the back than front?Erik G. Burrows10-30-02  11:13 am
Anyone live in the Hawaiin islands that might ...Curtis N11-03-02  11:08 pm
Anyone made a side light bracket?Eric N14 08-14-02  11:01 pm
Anyone make an all black colored roller fairlead for WARN?perroneford08-06-02  02:01 pm
Anyone mount Warn XD9000i to ARB non-airbag bumper???Ron05-09-02  01:52 am
Anyone mounted a rooftop tent on an adventure rack ? How ???Brent07-16-02  03:37 pm
Anyone need a disco?pruden_sac03-28-02  12:40 am
Anyone put a 4.0 in a 3.9/3.5 disco?Alex15 03-20-02  11:55 am
Anyone replaced an exhaust manifold beforeBill Bettridge10 09-16-02  12:37 pm
Anyone running 235/85r/16 Dunlop R/T on Disco 1 with 2" OME HD?Erik Olson13 05-20-02  03:45 pm
Anyone running 265/70/R16???Jake Porter05-02-02  11:57 am
Anyone running the OME Xtra HD Springs?Ted Chestnut09-07-02  12:27 am
Anyone running tubes it their tires??Ron Ward03-26-02  02:30 pm
Anyone seen a disco on 38x14.50 swampersBlake Luse53 09-26-02  02:28 am
Anyone towed an enclosed trailer with a Disco? comments please!Anonymous19 03-14-02  09:01 pm
Anyone use a T-Case Additive??Bill Bettridge06-17-02  01:08 pm
Anyone use mansfield motors?Paul T. Schram08-15-02  04:52 pm
Anyone useing Simex Extreme Trekker (Centipide) tires?chrisvonc15 07-12-02  10:49 am
Anyone useing a Garmin GPSMAP 162?Rob Davison07-13-02  11:13 am
Anyone using AirForce One on their DiscoII?CarlT06-16-02  08:15 pm
Anyone using warn front receiver for winch?Daniel Covaciu14 10-09-02  04:43 pm
Anyone w/Rockware sliders on their truck?Ron08-01-02  09:40 pm
Anyone want to split an ARB mounting bracket kitD Cantrell08-07-02  10:59 pm
Anyone with Thule/Yakima Cargo Box on stock LR's cross bars?Slider09-08-02  09:49 pm
Anyone with information on Disco series III?mark22 06-26-02  07:55 am
Anyone, besides dealer, sell body parts?Neal Glessner05-13-02  11:36 pm
Anything Special for the 98 Disco/50 Year Anniversary?Blake Luse19 12-04-02  10:56 pm
Apexi or hks (adjustable air flow meter)Anonymous06-19-02  12:37 am
Arb aleandro08-12-02  09:43 am
Arb front bumper?Dee19 04-27-02  08:15 pm
Arb lockersWill Roeder08-28-02  07:45 am
Are 31x12.50's to bigggggBlake Luse04-05-02  02:52 pm
Are DII axles full-floating?Milan11 06-23-02  01:48 pm
Are Discos Really Unreliable ?Eric37 02-28-02  07:56 pm
Are Extended Diff Breather Tubes Just A Novelty Or What?Bill Bettridge19 09-13-02  09:29 am
Are Pro Comp tires any good?rover3007605-13-02  08:33 am
Are RTE spring cones supposed to make noise?Kyle10 02-24-02  01:30 pm
Are Wolf Military Steel wheels better than Gulf Coast Rover America...Jeff Bieler27 04-17-02  11:43 am
Are double cardon driveshafts tuned to specific setups??Dean Brown03-16-02  08:45 am
Are rear dif guards worthless? Jay Hobbs03-23-02  06:14 pm
Are super swamper trxus radials or bias plyJames F. Thompson Ja10-17-02  10:39 am
Are there any +12v taps on Disco 1'sTodd Phenneger08-15-02  05:11 am
Are there any aftermarket Oxygen Sensors?Bill Bettridge03-28-02  08:56 am
Are there greasable u-joints for the DSII front?Greg Davis08-02-02  01:54 pm
Arm Rests for a 2002 D2 SDGreg Davis09-12-02  09:44 am
Article in an Australian Newspaper about Land Rover's Fragile earth...M. Recke08-03-02  01:36 am
Articulation OME vs. OEMWilliam Turner44 03-12-02  12:14 am
Ashtray Removal QuestionRon Ward04-06-02  09:21 pm
Ashtray becomes light panel?Ned14 05-08-02  01:51 pm
Atf and fiiter changeGrant Lawson10-22-02  03:55 pm
Atlantic British DII Aluminum skid plateMosi03-19-02  12:03 pm
Atlantic British Skid Plate kit?Scott Hayes10 05-31-02  12:50 pm
Attn Kyle - High lift mountsRans09-25-02  02:27 pm
Attn: AlyssaGreg Davis07-02-02  11:32 am
Audio AdviceAsphaltGypsy15 07-14-02  05:00 pm
Audio problems after radio taken outgtaylor07-29-02  08:08 am
Audio system questionDave08-23-02  01:54 pm
Audio/Speakers/Subwoofer won't play!! 95 D1Craig Kobayashi07-18-02  12:01 am
Autmatic Gear Selector Replacement Bulbgp03-05-02  09:21 am
Auto 200tdi any helpRon02-15-02  10:47 pm
Auto Tranny Drain PlugAndy05-26-02  08:45 am
Auto recyclers in MD?Bill K08-28-02  09:58 am
Auto trans problemsM. K. Watson02-23-02  03:57 pm
Auto transmission high oil temp?Tom Snurka06-07-02  03:16 pm
Autoland 4x4 service - how to contactTodd Phenneger08-24-02  10:35 pm
Automatic Transmission Cooler Hose - Disco IScott11 04-09-02  02:21 pm
Automatic or Manual??Carter Simcoe22 05-12-02  02:43 am
Aux lighting on factory rack-D1Bryan Weiss05-04-02  12:32 pm
Auxilary light switchesCliff Reade04-03-02  01:27 pm
Auxillary Powerchris browne04-03-02  12:45 pm
Auxilliary Lighting questionCarl E. Cedeholm10-11-02  03:14 pm
Auxilliary lamp WiringGreg P.10-09-02  02:12 pm
Average Annual Repair/ Maintenance CostsSteveCz04-18-02  11:31 am
Awful Noise in Park and NeutralEd Petrush10-21-02  10:35 am
Awful NoisesShane C.08-19-02  07:41 pm
Awful SQUEEEEEEEEAKING in Rear right Brake '97 Discobryan09-24-02  10:54 pm
Axel Questions for 35'sGreg Davis32 11-01-02  04:00 pm
Axle / CV questionJohn06-14-02  03:04 pm
BANG!JB17 07-08-02  05:59 pm
BEER AND ROVER REPAIRJRoc20 04-24-02  07:41 pm
BF Goodrich tires flaw????Al Oliveira13 09-06-02  11:35 pm
BFG All-Terrain tires 255-70R16petern1208-29-02  12:52 am
BFG MT's or Goodyear MTR's ?Milan03-17-02  09:43 pm
BFG or Dunlop ?Leslie N. Bright16 03-10-02  08:49 pm
BG44k----Where can it be found?Lee22 03-05-02  08:46 pm
BIG tire guys... you think these will fit?Craig M. Highland06-07-02  08:23 pm
BONNET / LIGHTING QUESTIONGreg P.08-23-02  01:48 pm
BORLA versus other aftmarket systems?Eric N11-11-02  09:34 am
BULB QUESTION-coop-03-05-02  07:20 pm
BUSHING TIMEBuddy07-18-02  06:14 pm
Baby seat install (BSI)Milan10 03-01-02  08:32 pm
Baby's First Dent.gp02-18-02  02:11 pm
Back Door Leaks Like the TitanicDavid Dryden05-13-02  05:36 pm
Back EastAxel Haakonsen06-24-02  07:45 pm
Back Window ReplacementJeff Sittler05-12-02  06:14 pm
Back bumper paintDee10-18-02  03:45 pm
Back firing then bangMark Smith09-09-02  12:00 am
Back seat floorboard Land Rover genuine rubber matMike B.06-06-02  09:24 am
Backfire/clearing of exhaustcartner10-15-02  12:48 pm
Backspacing rimsnadim06-26-02  07:36 am
Backward Fuses in 95 DiscoJared09-12-02  09:04 pm
Bad Dashboardjay11-30-02  09:48 pm
Bad VibrationsButchS24 08-22-02  08:29 pm
Bad a/c comp. help!Doug04-13-02  07:25 pm
Bad alternator and/or electrical nightmare.David Dryden05-04-02  10:14 am
Bad catErik G. Burrows06-04-02  05:00 pm
Bad clock, or bulb?Matt M08-21-02  12:24 pm
Bad gas smellJay04-16-02  08:57 pm
Bad light switch?jmon04-03-02  01:24 am
Bad noise - help please, somebody!R. B. Bailey09-24-02  07:40 pm
Bad part?Greg Davis08-15-02  10:29 am
Bad rattle in door.derek04-11-02  02:36 pm
Bad vibesJeoffrey Nathan02-20-02  10:10 pm
Basic Bulb QuestionPatrick Hartigan07-17-02  11:54 am
Basic upgradesEricV09-11-02  09:34 am
Batteries and AlternatorsChris Brown06-29-02  06:52 pm
Battery Cable QuestionDisco Dad02-25-02  04:45 pm
Battery CorrosionBill Molnar16 09-17-02  04:39 pm
Battery ExplosionGreg08-08-02  09:49 am
Battery LIghtM. K. Watson12-04-02  10:20 pm
Battery Terminal CrustingJeff Price06-09-02  11:36 pm
Battery dies everytime Disco sits 4 hours plusAnonymous06-12-02  05:59 pm
Battery dies within hours of shut-downTCarr05-21-02  01:36 pm
Battery mounting under a DiscoPeter Carey11-04-02  03:11 pm
Battery on the way out or something more sinister?Dave B.08-16-02  03:25 pm
Battery problemDee08-08-02  07:15 pm
Battery questionMike Talley04-19-02  03:56 pm
Battery replacementMark Smith09-15-02  11:38 pm
Battery replacement questionByran Weiss11 05-21-02  05:31 pm
Battery replacement???Joe08-26-02  09:47 pm
Bead LocksShane08-29-02  02:05 pm
Bearing preload on LT230Ron03-05-02  11:37 am
Bearmach diff guard installDee12 08-22-02  11:05 pm
Bearmach front steering skid plate?Blake Luse06-30-02  11:41 pm
Bearmach products???Dave03-14-02  09:36 am
Begining to have starting problemsSoCalJoe08-13-02  12:39 pm
Bell Housing Bolt Patternchris browne04-26-02  12:26 pm
Belt problem after offroadingJoe D11-14-02  07:28 am
Bent Exhaust Vavle on 98 DiscoDee05-25-02  02:20 am
Bent rimBill Bettridge11-12-02  11:13 am
Best AT in stock size for D1Blake Luse04-21-02  01:17 am
Best Anti-Squeal?Dee Cantrell04-26-02  03:11 pm
Best Diff GuardRick Lindgren03-26-02  02:55 pm
Best Discovery II Year to Buy UsedR. B. Bailey10-11-02  12:53 pm
Best Gas additive? Ron04-14-02  01:23 am
Best Hi-Lift mountM. K. Watson08-16-02  11:44 pm
Best Off Road tire for a STOCK D1Zak Ruck21 10-24-02  07:56 am
Best Prices on OME HD shocks/springsJeffrey Wheeler31 06-27-02  06:14 pm
Best Rear Bumper??Leslie N. Bright59 03-18-02  12:59 pm
Best Roof Rack for MoneyLeslie N. Bright30 03-09-02  12:16 am
Best STOCK sized tires/springs/shocks for offroad?bender203313 05-13-02  11:53 pm
Best Source for Disco I Radiator?Brian Jackson11-21-02  04:21 pm
Best battery for off-roadBill Bettridge08-27-02  09:27 am
Best oil for metro DC area?Kingfish03-05-02  08:11 am
Best place for recovery hook on ARBBill Bettridge03-21-02  08:56 am
Best place to buy OME springs....and which typeShane C.12 09-13-02  04:18 am
Best place to put D-web stickermichael burt25 08-03-02  11:38 pm
Best price and fast service to get keys and remote!ED08-07-02  01:13 am
Best prices on bilsteins?Dee07-16-02  10:30 am
Best rear bumper for D2Brian Dickens20 10-01-02  08:35 am
Best repair manuals for 97 disco V8iDisco_Dad15 03-01-02  12:30 am
Best replacement Lug Nut??Leslie N. Bright03-27-02  01:55 pm
Best seat covers?michael burt09-22-02  01:14 am
Best tire size for D1 with OME HD's Carter Simcoe09-14-02  05:55 pm
Best tire size for stock Disco 2?Michael Noe03-26-02  01:45 pm
Best way to keep new discovery looking newJay Sanzone03-25-02  08:42 pm
Better MPG?DChrismon57 11-18-02  07:32 pm
Better braking power - possibleJEEPETR07-23-02  07:54 am
Bi-Xenon on '03 DiscoAl Oliveira08-19-02  04:42 pm
Big Bear Rover RendezvouzJohn Cinquegrana08-05-02  01:07 pm
Big Foot tire brandEd05-11-02  03:18 am
Big tiresCraig M. Highland11 04-03-02  06:56 pm
Big tires and lockers check list please?Ron15 03-22-02  11:20 pm
Big winch, little batteryChris Browne08-14-02  04:03 am
Bigger tires and bushingsGrady Huber07-16-02  12:16 am
Bigger tires and bushingsGlenn Guinto07-16-02  06:45 am
Bigger tires and bushingsRVR OVR11 07-16-02  11:26 pm
Bigger tyres for new RR (38A-type)Randall Smith04-09-02  05:32 pm
Biggest tire sizeE Snyder03-02-02  10:58 am
Biggest tires???nadim06-23-02  02:48 am
Bike Racksmichael burt11 04-22-02  08:20 pm
Billstein shock installPaul T. Schram11-06-02  08:21 am
Bilstein 5100PerroneFord04-12-02  02:51 pm
Bilstein 7100 shock valvingLarry Grubbs08-30-02  05:18 pm
Bilstein part #ErikS02-15-02  10:04 pm
Black Smoke SignalsMark Smith08-26-02  07:43 pm
Black Smoke and Mileage Problem...A. W.17 03-22-02  09:04 pm
Black disco 2 at pine barrens?Dean Brown11-11-02  01:20 am
Black mat under the hood question lol sounds dumb i knowbender203306-27-02  10:03 pm
Black side body moldingDave03-06-02  09:14 pm
Blacked out bonnetM. K. Watson03-18-02  01:51 pm
Blackout HoodTripp Westbrook18 11-26-02  11:13 am
Bleeding BrakesAnonymous07-01-02  06:08 pm
Bleeding Brakesccdm305-06-02  08:01 pm
Bleeding nipplesRich Lee03-26-02  11:37 pm
Blinker on SteroidsMike09-26-02  02:35 pm
Blinking Cabin Lights - SO Annoying.Andy Nix02-16-02  01:11 am
Blinking Odometer - Any ideas?gundam09-18-02  10:12 am
Blinking lightsBrian Friend10-08-02  01:00 pm
Blitzsafe of America LROV/ALP/AUX V.1 Marty Disco212-06-02  01:17 am
Blown 40 amp fuse helpjoe12-02-02  10:28 pm
Blown Water PumpChuck McGovern14 09-29-02  08:58 pm
Blown fuse pls helpMark07-04-02  07:31 pm
Blown up DiscoAllen M.06-20-02  04:23 pm
Bob Tailed DI Photosdaren36 12-06-02  06:38 am
BobtailingSean H05-13-02  09:13 pm
Body Lift w/Atlantic British Rock Sliders??Rob Davison12-01-02  04:47 pm
Body lift info pleasealhang13 10-09-02  02:19 pm
Body lift or notJens Störmer31 07-19-02  06:22 am
Bodywork on aluminum?TCarr16 05-24-02  05:54 pm
Bolt Pattern QuestionWill07-30-02  10:44 pm
Bolt Pattern for a 95 Disco?Tom Rowe10-25-02  09:39 am
Bolt circle size?Emilio 98 Disco04-01-02  10:45 pm
Bolt pattern/Spacing for DIIGreg Davis09-30-02  10:29 am
Bolt size for fairlead on an ARB? Neal Glessner11-24-02  12:59 am
Bonnet wont openMike B.09-04-02  07:56 pm
Borla ExhaustJames M. Eaglesome06-27-02  12:29 pm
Borla exhaustNed25 05-07-02  10:43 am
Bosch plat spark plugs cRon Ward04-30-02  10:31 am
Both Sunroofs Leaking - BadlyBill Bettridge11-11-02  04:40 pm
Bottle Jack ProblemPaul T. Schram12 05-07-02  01:31 pm
Bought a Discovery this weekendNeal Glessner19 11-26-02  07:57 pm
Bouncing Tachometer Norm06-13-02  01:25 pm
Bow Shackle rattles Markd1x202-20-02  10:02 pm
Bow-legged Freelander?!?Kyle09-05-02  11:44 am
Brake Bleed: 4.5 bar = ??? kPaNorm11-18-02  10:05 pm
Brake Fluidadam05-27-02  04:25 pm
Brake LifeDon05-27-02  10:01 am
Brake Light SwitchLR Newbie11-24-02  03:07 pm
Brake Light on dashWill Roeder10-14-02  04:56 pm
Brake Pedal is very soft???Garrett #210 03-20-02  08:36 am
Brake Questionmustache08-13-02  12:20 pm
Brake Rotor Keeps Braking!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!JB04-04-02  12:23 pm
Brake Servicingsteve300tdi10-13-02  09:09 am
Brake Servicingtrevorgriffiths10-13-02  09:56 pm
Brake ToolAnonymous06-29-02  05:17 pm
Brake Vibration when startingAxel Haakonsen03-10-02  10:33 am
Brake bleedingPerroneFord05-02-02  09:11 am
Brake calipers rebuilttrevorgriffiths07-14-02  04:52 pm
Brake dust on Series IILNDRVR99 Christian06-27-02  02:12 pm
Brake fluid levelBlue06-18-02  12:08 pm
Brake jobp m05-02-02  03:03 pm
Brake job Quick!Mike B.15 11-28-02  08:55 am
Brake job link....Jason Pipes07-23-02  06:57 pm
Brake light is ON! any ideas??bruce shibley12-03-02  07:35 pm
Brake light?Brian06-10-02  12:07 pm
Brake lights cutting outed petrush11-20-02  10:14 pm
Brake lights not working!!Anonymous06-14-02  05:09 pm
Brake line extentionEmilio 98 Disco03-31-02  09:40 pm
Brake lines on a OME HD Springs...Extensions neededmongo05-26-02  03:05 pm
Brake noiseMike B.05-29-02  10:00 pm
Brake noiseTodd XD07-23-02  12:31 pm
Brake padssg17 11-26-02  11:26 am
Brake padsJason03-19-02  11:38 am
Brake pads and rotors replacement!!!todd slater16 08-14-02  08:04 pm
Brake pads for series 1 Disc? Wires coming out of the pad?Leslie N. Bright10-25-02  08:43 am
Brake pedal creaking...Joanna St. George02-17-02  04:49 pm
Brake pedal noiseBruce10 05-31-02  04:41 pm
Brake problem???mustache10 08-12-02  06:30 pm
Brake problems with Disco ISteveCz04-30-02  11:07 am
Brake repl.Frode H�bertz Haalan05-27-02  02:01 am
Brake squeal. Not pad debate!Steve45 03-21-02  11:28 pm
Brakeline Hella different edh10 07-12-02  08:14 pm
BrakesAl Oliveira07-07-02  11:25 pm
BrakesJohnL09-28-02  08:16 pm
BrakesJohn12 10-24-02  10:21 am
Brakes After Wheelin?gp02-27-02  03:39 pm
Brakes Squeak When Not Brakingdoug james04-19-02  07:54 pm
Brakes acting upJeff Bays06-07-02  05:41 pm
Brakes problems?dheadley05-02-02  01:43 pm
Brakes vs. Road BumpsTodd Phenneger03-27-02  04:22 pm
Brakes, 94 lwb RR vs. 97 DiscoBill Bettridge02-27-02  02:55 pm
Brakes- Replacing Rear Rotors at 22k?Leslie N. Bright12 06-07-02  11:02 am
Brazing vs. Welding?Diesel10-16-02  06:57 pm
Break In PeriodCurtis03-25-02  11:12 pm
Break rotors min thicknessPerroneFord14 04-09-02  04:47 pm
Brembo Brake Rotorsgp12 05-30-02  02:37 pm
Bridgestone Deuler MT's??Bruce08-08-02  07:04 pm
Bridging Mat MountsSteve Andrews10-23-02  04:06 pm
British Pacific Daily Special - D1 Safari SnorkelJohn Cinquegrana10-10-02  01:54 pm
Broke Key off in ignitionGlenn Guinto21 08-23-02  02:48 pm
Broken Antennagp08-08-02  03:55 pm
Broken Driver side front door handleRob Davison12-04-02  10:03 am
Broken Motor MountMoe08-26-02  03:17 pm
Broken passenger side window mechanismJohn Steczkowski08-26-02  09:08 am
Broken shockslider14 09-15-02  10:36 pm
Brush Bar Installation-HelpSteve Fesperman10-20-02  12:15 pm
Brush Bar questionDave08-27-02  09:14 am
Brush Guards: Front and RearRoverine04-18-02  09:33 pm
Bubbles in Paint- Passenger side rear door.Dee06-22-02  12:12 pm
Bucking Disco !Michael Freeman03-28-02  06:12 pm
Bulb and filter questionsDobie Disco11-29-02  01:48 pm
BulbsDChrismon10-15-02  02:41 am
Bull Bar?Craig M. Highland03-22-02  10:08 pm
Bump stop bolt - what size?Paul T. Schram08-17-02  09:53 am
Bump stop size for 245/75sRob Davison07-26-02  12:08 pm
Bump stopsjmon03-26-02  12:35 pm
Bumper RemovalSteve Fesperman11-12-02  12:54 pm
Bumper different on 99 D1Carter Simcoe11-01-02  09:10 pm
Bumper inquiryGreg French06-12-02  03:57 pm
Bumper skirt with oversize tires?Brian Dickens09-18-02  09:22 am
Bumpers roofracks and sun roofs...Peter16 05-08-02  06:04 pm
BumpstopsPaul T. Schram04-05-02  09:57 am
Burning SmellMoe03-17-02  02:44 pm
Burning Smell - any ideasPhillip Miller06-23-02  07:13 pm
Burnt heating element?zpukajlo10-23-02  11:39 am
Burnt pad/carpet behind center console of D1jec09-25-02  04:57 pm
Burnt smelling tranny???Ron05-26-02  12:47 am
Burnt wire in fuel pump wiring loom, Disco '96drakosfire06-18-02  12:38 am
Burping the Radiatorcartner10-01-02  02:59 pm
BushingsEric Brodis04-20-02  06:24 pm
Bushings?cddm307-12-02  09:20 pm
Bushwaka anyone?Bruce10-01-02  07:04 pm
Button for Auxilary LightsBrad Russell10 04-02-02  02:30 pm
Buy LR's Extended Warranty?gp10 08-26-02  01:00 pm
Buyers' Guide/Pre-purchase checklistniall forbes07-14-02  11:31 pm
Buying '94-'96 Disco I vs. ''97-'99 Disco I. Which is best?...CEJB07-06-02  06:53 am
Buying a 97 Tdi disco...common probsJohn N12-04-02  07:01 pm
Buying used discoJohn Kruger11 09-17-02  03:37 pm
C.R.O.C. ?Leslie N. Bright02-26-02  04:30 pm
CA smog laws regarding emissions and engine swaps???Chuck02-27-02  11:27 am
CAN ANYONE USE THIS STUFF?Greg P.04-06-02  11:09 pm
CARFAXJay12-03-02  10:18 pm
CATCO CONVERTERSperroneford17 10-03-02  01:21 pm
CB HelpCraig Kobayashi13 03-26-02  01:52 pm
CB Interference from motor?Paul T. Schram03-08-02  08:58 am
CB Lift, a couple of questionsPaul T. Schram12 05-31-02  10:00 am
CB RADIO....What do you, the viewers use?jay caragay06-06-02  12:51 am
CB Radio Tuning Question...cooper06-25-02  01:37 am
CB lift W/ACEAl Oliveira09-17-02  11:44 pm
CB or TalkAbout?Jay Hobbs03-07-02  08:45 pm
CD ChangerMark Albrecht11-13-02  05:18 pm
CD Changer ProblemDee Cantrell03-01-02  03:55 pm
CD Changer ScrewsMary Griffin05-06-02  09:32 pm
CD Changer in the glove box?Rossie04-14-02  06:09 am
CD Changer wiring, Window Regulatorcharles pastrano11-03-02  10:59 am
CD Player MadnessDavid Tat42 06-05-02  05:45 am
CD Player controlsAnonymous06-20-02  02:57 am
CD Rom Workshop manualsjohnny503-17-02  05:01 pm
CD changer for '98 DiscoBill Molnar09-28-02  10:22 am
CD changer installation on D IIflounder07-16-02  01:00 pm
CD changer wiring question.Bill Molnar04-14-02  01:16 pm
CD changer with a mind of it's ownmandotim09-20-02  03:58 am
CD connector wire diagram?Richard Dekkard04-15-02  11:33 pm
CD player for Discovery IILaura10 05-16-02  03:50 pm
CDLJohn Friederich15 10-18-02  10:23 am
CDL Clicking !!!Roverine04-30-02  03:50 pm
CDL Install completed with actuatorRoverine05-21-02  02:24 pm
CDL Kit for Discovery IIken04-24-02  09:20 pm
CDL LightAlan Yim12-08-02  11:03 pm
CDL QuestionKyle Beckman18 09-20-02  10:34 am
CDL UsageDave_Lucas15 09-17-02  12:48 am
CDL and LightOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-11-02  10:53 pm
CDL explanation please? Rans09-03-02  05:55 pm
CDL hiccupadtoolco09-10-02  09:19 pm
CDL intall on '00 D2/Asheville NCjimpatterson11-10-02  01:50 pm
CDL linkage installation!!!Craig Kobayashi06-24-02  12:35 pm
CDL lock on 2001 DIIs without the nut on topRon23 03-08-02  08:57 pm
CDL nut - how to turn?Greg Davis14 10-03-02  03:37 pm
CDL nut on '01?Dave_Lucas09-07-02  06:23 pm
CDL on 2003 DiscoR. B. Bailey12-08-02  11:00 pm
CDL part # driving me nuts. Help!Rick Lindgren11 08-26-02  04:37 pm
CDL parts?Alen05-17-02  09:57 am
CDL power distribution Axel Haakonsen10 03-15-02  07:38 am
CDL problemCarl E. Cedeholm10 09-16-02  09:33 am
CDL questionJuslearning02-20-02  05:57 pm
CDL shifter HELP!!!!!!!!!Anonymous05-18-02  05:42 pm
CDL stuck in lock position any ideasFrode H�bertz Haalan04-10-02  06:33 am
CDL vs Air lockersKim S14 07-10-02  12:53 pm
CDL won't engage!Frode H�bertz Haalan09-27-02  02:49 am
CDL-IgnoranceAxel Haakonsen03-28-02  06:49 pm
CDL-Ignorancemuskyman03-28-02  10:21 pm
CENTER DIFF. LOCKEvan04-02-02  07:15 pm
CHANGING WATER PUMP ON 1994 SAFARI 4.3LBill Bettridge10-28-02  04:39 pm
CHOKE CLEANERDavid Connelly04-11-02  08:16 pm
CRACKED DISTRIBUTOR CAPAnonymous06-16-02  02:23 pm
CREEEAAAAAKING BrakesDee14 06-26-02  07:08 pm
CRUISE CONTROL bit the dust, ... suggestions needed.Rob19 04-15-02  03:19 pm
CV Joint / Suspension help neededJB17 09-26-02  11:47 am
CV Joint going bad?Paul T. Schram05-31-02  12:51 pm
CV Joint questionsBrian Friend10-17-02  01:01 pm
CV joint?p m06-25-02  06:23 pm
CV's and 35 inch tiresCurtis N19 11-23-02  01:45 am
CablesCarter Simcoe14 12-03-02  12:42 pm
Cadillac enigne in DiscoMilan84 06-18-02  05:07 pm
Cam ButtonRob Sanders12 04-19-02  02:35 pm
Camel Trophy PhotosWill Bobbitt11-14-02  05:46 pm
Camel Trophy PlacardRob Davison32 10-31-02  09:52 am
Camel Trophy specs...Kyle03-07-02  01:01 pm
Camping/tailgating canopy for DII?my96disco17 03-26-02  12:45 pm
CamshaftAli07-24-02  09:46 pm
Can Brake Calipers Be Rebuilt?Frode H�bertz Haalan11-13-02  02:55 am
Can I get power from the rear AC?Bill Bettridge03-22-02  03:49 pm
Can I install Line-Lock on a Disco w/ ABS? Ali03-22-02  02:31 pm
Can I mount...Ben Dronsick10-21-02  07:34 pm
Can I replace my manual seats with power seats?chris sharpe12 06-13-02  01:14 am
Can I reprogram the keyless remote myself? I have a....Leif R.12 04-13-02  12:18 pm
Can I run 265/75/16 with OME HD spring?AndyGoode03-14-02  05:27 pm
Can I use Jack All with stock bumpers?Michael Villanueva03-27-02  09:15 am
Can I use the stock unused fog light switch?Leslie N. Bright11-09-02  10:34 pm
Can O2 sen. go bad w/o tripping a code?jmon18 03-16-02  12:14 am
Can a D-90 man learn to love a Disco?John Friederich47 10-21-02  09:15 pm
Can a mass airflow sensor be cleaned?jp06-01-02  09:22 am
Can anyone confirm hella 4k's fit on an ARBjoshua03-25-02  12:58 am
Can anyone explain this thing?Disco_Dad12 03-01-02  07:48 pm
Can anyone run a CarFax for me please?Robert Sublett08-16-02  07:08 am
Can anyone tell me if drilling is required when installing running ...Kyle Beckman02-26-02  03:01 pm
Can i do the 80,000 checkup myself, ifso anyone know the steps!!!!jrov08-13-02  02:04 pm
Can i fit 31x12.50x16 on my stock 16" rimsMilan03-23-02  10:53 am
Can i get a gm diesel conversion for my discoToby from Oz11 12-08-02  09:11 pm
Can i get the vehicle mainentance through a vin?Carl E. Cedeholm07-31-02  04:23 pm
Can i use aftermarket cd changer or eits better to get oem?Jess05-28-02  08:28 pm
Can it be done (direct answer please)Blue42 04-05-02  03:21 am
Can just any shop swap the springs & shocks for me?Bill K09-10-02  02:58 pm
Can someone give me history on this VIN?user09-06-02  01:26 pm
Can someone recommend a decent GPSniall forbes26 06-18-02  03:51 pm
Can tires cause growl and vibration at 10mph? (m)cartner09-24-02  01:46 pm
Can u explain what a snorkel wading kit is? Simon E. Arenas03-21-02  05:12 pm
Can you Fit Yakima Towers to DiscoveryJim Burns06-13-02  10:44 am
Can you add aftermarket SUBWOOFERS to a disco? Brad Russell04-07-02  06:02 pm
Can you fit Disco 2 seats in a Disco 1Roger Fastring04-01-02  12:18 pm
Can you jazz up the 2 subs? Add another amp maybe? New subs, same a...Cam D05-02-02  04:36 pm
Can you retrofit a D2 T-case into a D1Al Oliveira09-25-02  04:55 pm
Can you use 80/100W bulbs in a disco1 with ...Anonymous06-21-02  09:52 pm
Can't add oil to the engineSteve10-25-02  10:13 pm
Can't choose which lift to get SG or Rovertym.RVR OVR59 05-13-02  12:48 pm
Can't get it up- air suspensionDee05-21-02  11:28 pm
Can't get it up- air suspensionjoker05-24-02  12:24 pm
Can't get side mirror attachedRobbie08-26-02  10:07 am
Can't turn off hazard lightsGlenn Guinto10-17-02  06:28 pm
Cannot open SE7 1997 tailgate dooranonymous07-06-02  08:04 pm
Car Covers OptionsDean Brown04-26-02  01:34 pm
Carfax needed....Brian Bonham08-24-02  08:29 pm
Cargo LinersCarlT11 06-18-02  04:33 pm
Cargo Netting for Roof RackWes Legaspi08-14-02  03:06 pm
Cargo Tie Downs?my96disco13 02-22-02  03:41 pm
Cargo containmentRicardo03-18-02  09:30 pm
Cargo nets & D-ringsJake Hartley07-18-02  05:34 pm
Carl (carlt) Please Email Me Directly. Address in Message.Brad S. Chuy10-28-02  11:56 am
Carnage Reportmuskyman11-19-02  08:48 pm
Carrier Bearing Shim?Ron Ward14 09-26-02  06:01 pm
Cat replacementHenry Enriquez07-01-02  06:03 pm
Catalyctic ConvertersJustin06-20-02  10:05 am
Catalyst effciency (can anyone tell me codes)Travis11-04-02  08:18 pm
Catalytic ConverterBill Bettridge10-02-02  04:35 pm
Catalytic Converter Problemchris sharpe04-11-02  10:22 pm
Catalytic Convertersp m06-25-02  01:09 pm
Catalytic converter questionJohn Kruger11 07-12-02  09:35 am
Catalytic converter rattles 2000 discoPaul T. Schram04-04-02  02:42 pm
Catalytic converter replacementAlan Bates09-06-02  08:37 pm
Catalytic converter????Dee06-14-02  01:02 am
Catalytic questionRon C04-12-02  10:23 pm
Catalytic rattling at 61000 miles. warranty?Robert Mann03-11-02  04:46 pm
Cats are rattlin!M. K. Watson03-16-02  10:17 pm
Cats gone Bad??M. K. Watson21 04-22-02  10:01 pm
Cb SWAY bar disconnectsNeal Glessner07-24-02  08:04 pm
Cb help???Greg P.12 07-25-02  10:20 am
Cb radio wiringeburrows04-17-02  03:58 pm
Cd PlayerErikS03-10-02  06:06 pm
Cd changerAl Oliveira06-30-02  04:55 pm
Cd changer problem - Series IDakarJay09-30-02  03:52 am
Cd changer removalAnonymous07-14-02  07:43 pm
Cd player cartrigeMarkd1x204-23-02  08:40 am
Cdl lever install on disco2John Friederich10-30-02  07:32 pm
Center Diff Engage Kit (long)Bellamy11 04-11-02  12:45 pm
Center Diff Tru Trac, or Axle Tru Tracs?JEEPETR10 04-04-02  09:28 am
Center console removalEvan07-08-02  11:11 am
Center diff on 2002Rob Vreeland08-26-02  08:53 pm
Central Door Locking SystemMr UK12 09-22-02  02:14 pm
Centralizing peg...way to remove without lr tool?mongo41 11-07-02  02:23 pm
Centre fog lights keep blowing a fuse!Mike B.04-10-02  10:45 pm
Chalk two up for LRKJ03-31-02  02:00 pm
Change the transmission filter or not?ed petrush11-11-02  09:55 pm
Changed brake pads yesterday...ARRRRGH!Eric N02-26-02  10:23 pm
Changed front brake pads and....Robb Sundmaker10-08-02  09:16 am
Changed my rotors/pads ABS Light won't go offRVR OVR03-08-02  01:32 pm
Changing Brake Pads on a DII - do you have to bleed the brake line?Paul D. Morgan12-05-02  01:58 pm
Changing Brake Pads?Chris06-16-02  12:53 am
Changing Bushing for Front ABS???hendrik10 06-03-02  08:44 am
Changing Differential oil and Tranny fluid tomorrow.. how to start?Robert Sublett05-10-02  11:27 pm
Changing Fluids in a 96 DiscoGarrett #210-10-02  02:51 pm
Changing P/S steering hose - any tips?Scott Kopiec06-04-02  12:07 pm
Changing Tire - Caps on LugsRamsay11-12-02  12:52 am
Changing U-joints and rattling catPaul T. Schram17 11-26-02  12:51 pm
Changing back to oil in swivel pin housing?Leslie N. Bright10 04-02-02  08:14 am
Changing headlight?Bill Bettridge14 03-15-02  03:03 pm
Changing my brake pads tomorrow...Ron11 02-22-02  10:08 pm
Changing rotors? Help?bruce shibley12-02-02  02:19 pm
Changing the Spark Plugs and WiresHolger E Schaarschmi29 04-29-02  03:44 am
Changing the o2 sensorsp m15 04-23-02  12:30 pm
Changing the oil filterhendrik11 09-10-02  02:36 pm
Changing the rotors on a DII - need some helpOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-01-02  07:22 pm
Changing transmission fluidJ Horrobin08-22-02  01:09 pm
Charcoal canister purge valve????hans b.05-23-02  09:48 am
Charge up a drained yellow topPaul Long06-08-02  12:30 pm
Charging System Bad?Keith02-28-02  05:31 pm
Chassis Rust and SolutionMark Smith11 09-13-02  06:25 pm
Cheap 4x4 stuff at ORWSoCalJoe08-01-02  02:03 pm
Cheap F@$& Air Tank questionMike B.13 10-22-02  06:40 pm
Cheap OME parts???gp03-15-02  02:38 pm
Cheapest place to buy the ARB airlocker's blue line and connector?Dee Cantrell03-04-02  02:00 pm
Check Engine LightGreg French22 07-19-02  11:38 pm
Check Engine LightAlexis02-27-02  06:38 pm
Check Engine LightBrent07-22-02  05:18 pm
Check Engine Lightdoug james05-22-02  03:01 pm
Check Engine Light Raymond L. Brown04-03-02  04:24 pm
Check Engine Light - CausesEric11 11-09-02  04:12 pm
Check Engine Light TroubleDon05-27-02  09:54 am
Check Engine Light, Auto Zone, and O2 sensors ..Markd1x215 08-13-02  08:37 pm
Check Engine Light: 02 Questionbadams09-19-02  08:06 pm
Check Engine light on......then off?Leslie N. Bright08-26-02  04:15 pm
Check engine lightBrian A05-10-02  06:21 pm
Check engine light ????Tony Carolli03-01-02  10:10 am
Check engine light and remote start95D112-07-02  08:24 pm
Check engine lighte? common reasons?Jeff Zavitkovsky08-25-02  10:22 am
Check engine or service enginep m06-28-02  06:34 pm
Check out a truck in San Jose area ?David03-21-02  05:26 am
Check out my post on the trails section(montana, oregon)Dale Farr04-03-02  10:17 am
Check out these Diff protectorsgp13 10-14-02  09:18 am
Check out these modificationsBW07-01-02  01:14 am
Check out this diff. guard.Bill Bettridge29 02-20-02  04:15 pm
Check this out on EbayPeter J Blatt12-01-02  09:09 pm
Check your wires. A heads up before winter.Bill Bettridge10-21-02  08:30 am
Checking Transmission FluidChris Browne10-23-02  08:23 pm
Checking the fan clutchPerroneFord04-02-02  11:47 am
Child restraint problems.Leslie N. Bright09-18-02  10:08 am
Child seatGabe10-28-02  03:35 pm
Child seat tether in a D1...Chris Merritt11 06-07-02  06:24 pm
Children's car seats....three across?RVR OVR05-18-02  10:36 am
Choosing BushingsJeff04-12-02  05:38 pm
Chris Urquieta's tail pipe out the rear quarter panel, how?curquieta11-13-02  11:45 am
Chronic Shifting on InterstateBW09-02-02  01:59 pm
Cigar LighterRob15 06-04-02  02:53 pm
Clack....ClackPaul L09-03-02  07:05 am
Clackety Clack on Start UpRon Ward13 06-07-02  03:32 pm
Clank /Clunk when shifingpeter p03-05-02  03:43 am
Classic 4X4's FFLD, CT???James08-12-02  12:05 am
Classic 4x4's, fairfield, cti know10 02-24-02  11:22 am
Clean wireing of lights on adventure rackJames M. Eaglesome07-30-02  05:56 pm
Cleaned the it won't start.Neal Glessner03-27-02  08:08 pm
Cleaning ProblemsChris S14 07-02-02  04:57 pm
Cleaning Sunroof tubesJohannes von Rosen06-24-02  08:04 am
Cleaning a Garage Floormuskyman16 07-30-02  10:33 pm
Cleaning stuffDee08-10-02  01:12 pm
Clear Coat?Dave06-09-02  07:50 pm
Clear coat refinishRobert Mann04-01-02  01:36 pm
Clear corner lamps/lights for disco2 anywhere?hiclimber405-23-02  11:42 pm
Clear plastic binacle cover for instruments (speedo, etc) cracking...Tommy Dougherty03-15-02  02:25 pm
Clearing ODBII codesLeslie N. Bright03-20-02  09:06 am
Clicking noise when I make turnbrian friend08-10-02  12:25 pm
Clicking noise when changing gearsjames12-04-02  07:29 pm
ClinometerGreg French16 05-08-02  07:45 am
Clock Problems / Cruise Control.....Joe Still12-05-02  04:56 pm
Clock bulbSanto Nucifora02-23-02  07:14 pm
Clock display going haywire, help pleaseShane C.09-11-02  06:20 pm
Clock doesn't illuminateHo Chung07-15-02  12:05 pm
Clogged Cat & Starting Problemsrandall phelps09-03-02  10:56 am
Close call??gp04-12-02  03:45 pm
Clunk Noise when I start to accelerateZak Ruck08-01-02  09:53 am
Clunk with hard accelerationJavier Velador13 10-21-02  02:20 am
ClunkingKyle11 03-06-02  10:09 pm
Clunking from rear under right-hand hard accelerationmuskyman12-04-02  09:07 am
Clunking noisenick04-01-02  12:37 am
Clunking noise in auto trannyeddiev810 04-09-02  03:29 am
Code 44 - Check Engine DiagnosticsWes Legaspi12-07-02  07:18 pm
Code HelpCarter Simcoe11-04-02  12:11 pm
Code for the stereoEugene Elin09-07-02  01:54 pm
Code readersLeslie N. Bright25 03-20-02  09:00 pm
Codes on '95 Disco. How do you read them????Chris Lessard10 03-21-02  05:39 pm
ColoradoEric Brodis15 08-06-02  01:57 pm
Combo Tire?gp28 04-20-02  08:35 am
Coming up on 80K!!Leslie N. Bright05-09-02  01:18 pm
Comparisons between Disco I and ExterraZak Ruck44 08-03-02  09:45 pm
Compatible CD Changers for 2000 Disco II?Dan09-19-02  07:04 pm
Completed CDL retrofit on a 2002 Disco - have questionschris14 09-10-02  09:32 pm
Compression?Leak Down test revisitedPaul T. Schram37 05-23-02  02:35 pm
Concerns with jump start?Tom Rowe10-26-02  09:39 am
Considering purchase of '96 Discovery SEJeremy Katka09-05-02  12:01 am
Considering purchasing Disco - buying advice pleasedchrismon07-03-02  12:39 am
Considering taking out front axle seals and going to gear oilPaul T. Schram16 10-09-02  01:32 pm
Considering trading in my 97 for a 95Rob Davison13 07-25-02  12:18 pm
Console Beer Holders?b16 04-29-02  09:59 am
Continental ContiTrac MT (235/85/16)Jose A Cabrera03-13-02  12:47 am
Continental Contitrac SUV tires any good? $46 a piece!Al P07-29-02  05:21 pm
Cooked it twice, fixed radiator, but still it boils" 300 tdiAnonymous11 07-01-02  06:14 pm
Coolant FlushJason Pipes11 07-30-02  11:50 am
Coolant LeakPaul T. Schram09-23-02  02:38 pm
Coolant Leak, Coolant found on back top of enginepjkbrit12 08-06-02  09:20 am
Coolant for a 96 discomike12-03-02  12:24 am
Coolant leaktrevorgriffiths16 06-05-02  10:58 pm
Coolant leaking from above transmissionDisco94Jason03-21-02  10:34 pm
Coolant questionsRon02-23-02  05:28 am
Coolant temp sensorJ Persons04-24-02  10:50 am
Cooling Problem...Please Help!!!Andy10 06-20-02  12:57 pm
Cooling System MaintBruce03-07-02  05:22 pm
Cooling system flushAnonymous06-10-02  09:11 pm
Cooper tiresGL19 07-01-02  02:09 pm
Coopers vs bfggp15 09-04-02  09:09 am
Correct prices for QT and MJLEE diff gaurdsAli10 04-08-02  04:18 pm
Correct procedure for damper replacementMTB05-01-02  12:01 am
Corrosion warrantyCurt14 03-15-02  03:25 pm
Cost of a New Windshield for a '01 DII SEBarry07-03-02  01:35 am
Cost of repair parts and accessories?gordon sitts11-26-02  04:27 pm
Cost of replacing head gasket - 97 SE7Dee08-12-02  10:13 pm
Could someone please tell me ...Carter Simcoe10-20-02  08:56 pm
Couldn't find the specs on amp...Shane C.11-19-02  01:45 pm
Coupler for shock extension??John Lee23 02-25-02  06:23 pm
Cpu questionEvan08-20-02  02:43 pm
Cracked DashKJ06-10-02  02:07 pm
Cracked Exhaust ManifoldScott Tschantz03-16-02  10:11 pm
Cracked WindshieldChris Browne15 08-16-02  12:53 am
Cracked Y pipeKyle04-13-02  08:15 pm
Cracked alternatorDisco_Dad03-03-02  10:50 pm
Cracked exhaust manifold!!!!murray06-21-02  08:41 pm
Cracked headlight. best place to find a replacement?Bill Bettridge11-30-02  09:00 pm
Cracking leatherderek05-09-02  04:02 pm
Crane HI 6 in Disco Jerry10-14-02  09:56 pm
Crane camspjkbrit08-09-02  08:59 am
Crank Sensor gone badMichael Noe08-29-02  03:33 pm
Crank or Pan SealArman11-26-02  11:05 am
Crank pulleyBoxerhips09-03-02  10:44 pm
Crap what did I do?brian friend22 02-16-02  09:56 pm
Crappy RoverBlue14 02-15-02  11:31 am
Crazy Disco II Tray under drivers side - What is it?Mud Man02-24-02  11:27 pm
Cross country Disco might need a little help.Leslie N. Bright10 06-30-02  11:20 pm
Cross drilled rotors noise???????????Jose A Cabrera04-04-02  12:27 am
Cross reference for TPSPaul T. Schram06-13-02  10:04 am
Crossbars questionDee Cantrell04-26-02  03:16 pm
Crossed up + CDL - 4Low = Rough NightAl Oliveira08-16-02  12:45 am
Cruise ControlRob Caulfield10-14-02  04:39 pm
Cruise ControlBrian05-10-02  10:15 am
Cruise Controldoug james05-15-02  10:56 pm
Cruise Control Issue.. any ideas?Stephen05-25-02  04:17 pm
Cruise Control Issues (Vaccum Pump says the stealership)kitster11 05-03-02  06:56 pm
Cruise Control Problem ??Joe Still07-11-02  07:00 pm
Cruise Control Questionjerry11 11-23-02  10:38 pm
Cruise Control troubleshooting guide (START HERE)(long)...kitster05-03-02  09:14 pm
Cruise Control troubleshooting guide (START HERE)(long)...kitster05-03-02  09:17 pm
Cruise control not workingdoug james04-18-02  07:51 pm
Cruise control not working -- what could be wrong?Scott A. Keen14 06-07-02  09:58 am
Cruise control on again off again. Help!Greg P04-24-02  09:33 pm
Cruise control on the fritzRobbie08-22-02  05:39 pm
Cruise control problemBruce11-20-02  08:29 pm
Cruise control question.Mark08-25-02  10:13 am
Cruise control switch lightrollins jackson05-03-02  12:52 am
Cruise control won't work after off roadingp m03-22-02  03:38 pm
Crusie control problemjim10-14-02  07:19 pm
Cup HolderDon Collins08-27-02  05:32 pm
Cupping on inside edge of frt tiresMilan16 05-05-02  03:04 pm
CuriousAndy N08-04-02  10:06 am
Custom Made Stuff... know any vendors?Brad08-07-02  02:04 am
Custom Rear Bumper Plansmy96disco04-21-02  07:12 pm
Custom make steering rods?Kyle21 06-13-02  08:39 pm
Cylinders and Compression-found the answer to why she knocks.Paul T. Schram19 05-31-02  11:27 am
D I lights pulsatingGreg French06-12-02  10:11 am
D II / TD5 injectors axle adj/ torqadriaan seunke11-26-02  06:58 am
D ll fog lightsBrian Lewis11-24-02  09:45 pm
D-I drivers door lockJerry Crawford10-31-02  07:08 pm
D-Ring RemovalJohn05-08-02  08:26 am
D.A.P Rock Sliders??Will Bobbitt15 12-02-02  06:38 am
D1 - No start !bryan06-04-02  02:53 am
D1 - Slotted-ventilated rotors / kevlar padsjim macklow10 04-24-02  03:04 pm
D1 ABS pulsep m19 04-04-02  02:43 pm
D1 Alarm going nuts!doug james16 03-07-02  04:27 pm
D1 Cargo Tie-DownJeff Sittler06-22-02  12:33 am
D1 Driver's Side floor badly worn by gas pedal, Wires Exposed..Anon12-03-02  10:44 pm
D1 Electrical/Fuel ? ProblemRobbie09-23-02  09:38 am
D1 FoglightsDonC02-18-02  07:47 pm
D1 Front Air Dam removableMarkd1x209-19-02  10:39 pm
D1 Fuel Injectorsdave t04-08-02  10:21 pm
D1 Gas filling problemsmarty amedeo11-04-02  08:06 pm
D1 Hard StartingRSmokos04-13-02  01:16 pm
D1 Metal Door/Floor panelsTodd Sanders09-10-02  10:48 am
D1 Oil ConfusionKingfish08-12-02  05:11 pm
D1 SOMETIMES TURN ON SOMETIMES NOT. HELPAnonymous03-16-02  01:54 am
D1 Shop Manual on CDRetardriot11-20-02  11:12 am
D1 Stero wiring DiagramDavid Tat10 06-05-02  05:29 am
D1 Trailer lights 7 pin: why are the brakes not w/the signals?muskyman04-24-02  11:09 am
D1 air dam fog lightsDaveB03-14-02  05:15 pm
D1 brakes???Al Oliveira12 09-02-02  08:16 pm
D1 cargo area tie downsRobbie25 10-24-02  09:25 am
D1 dual battery setupCliff Reade04-16-02  02:05 pm
D1 fuel tank ventingIan Lance11-04-02  05:56 pm
D1 maintenanceBruce07-29-02  06:18 pm
D1 or DIIGreg Davis31 06-11-02  10:03 am
D1 or Range Rover?Rob Davison13 08-31-02  05:12 pm
D1 stalls when idling jmon04-16-02  09:16 pm
D1 tools listperroneford09-25-02  03:54 pm
D1 vs D2 SuspensionMilan11 09-24-02  02:10 pm
D1 wheel on a D2?Greg Davis11-14-02  09:11 am
D2 Adventure rack on a D1? Will it work?jay caragay12 07-30-02  01:55 pm
D2 Alarm Gone Crazy !J Mace13 03-04-02  04:01 pm
D2 CDL accessDave06-09-02  09:31 pm
D2 Changer Fun on a Friday NightKJ20 09-08-02  05:37 pm
D2 E CodeJohn Moore11-08-02  03:21 pm
D2 Foglight wire/ relayWill06-20-02  04:31 pm
D2 Frame questionGreg Davis08-12-02  09:26 am
D2 ManualOLIVER CLOTHSOFF25 11-11-02  10:37 pm
D2 Odometer Reading BlinkingAl Oliveira07-27-02  01:59 am
D2 Power for GPSTommy Dougherty18 11-27-02  02:40 pm
D2 Rear view mirror compass scrambled?? Brad08-04-02  08:21 pm
D2 Replacement Speakerstweeterhead04-17-02  05:45 pm
D2 SD Fog Lamp wiringEric Pena07-04-02  04:26 pm
D2 Semi-floating Half Shaft QuestionCurtis04-19-02  06:06 pm
D2 Steering wheel vibrationDon M23 09-16-02  07:51 pm
D2 Tires...gotta get rid of those blasted goodyears!!!!Ho Chung08-23-02  01:29 am
D2 Trailer wiring....please someone help!!!!John Shum09-17-02  05:58 pm
D2 creaking/popping noise around front suspension.Chu Son14 08-05-02  11:37 am
D2 door does not lock- any ideas.BW08-04-02  06:22 pm
D2 for parts on Ebaysdelcam07-03-02  07:44 pm
D2 front prop shaftMichael Noe04-12-02  03:22 pm
D2 gear shift knob removalmongo05-08-02  05:14 pm
D2 hood (bonnet) fit on a D1?Al Oliveira08-27-02  12:59 pm
D2 removal of sway bars creates a new problem: HELPMike Noe15 05-23-02  10:43 pm
D2 rolls while in Park?BMac6613 05-29-02  07:39 pm
D2 seats in a D1Jay07-13-02  10:36 am
D2 tires on a D1?petern1207-31-02  05:48 pm
D2 towed, any concernsp m09-06-02  01:06 pm
D2 wheel bearings - anguishtricky03-13-02  07:32 pm
D2 wheel bearings - anguishtricky03-12-02  03:18 am
D3 sucks vs. Nissan Patrol/Super Safaricartner13 08-12-02  10:32 pm
DAP Disco II Rock SlidersMyktoolbox03-08-02  04:44 pm
DAP EnterprisesEvan10 05-09-02  12:42 pm
DAP Enterprises vs. Atlantic Britishjohn10-10-02  03:38 pm
DAP HD Tie and Track Rods a Great ValueDee Cantrell03-13-02  01:51 pm
DAP SlidersNeal Glessner12 10-12-02  11:13 am
DAP SlidersNeal Glessner06-06-02  09:21 pm
DAP Sliders for $220 Marc26 03-28-02  01:42 pm
DAP sliders for $220 Neal Glessner05-09-02  05:35 pm
DAP, again...Neal Glessner12 06-08-02  05:18 pm
DESERT SAND AND ABSJoe Musmacker04-22-02  04:33 pm
DI $21K vs DII $23KRick Lindgren96 10-05-02  12:33 am
DI / DII Wheel CompatibilityLeslie N. Bright03-17-02  12:41 am
DI 96 - 58000 miles - $12500Rob Davison10-30-02  12:04 pm
DI ROOFRACK ON DII QUESTIONGreg P.25 06-26-02  12:03 pm
DI Sunshade Clipsjec13 05-22-02  03:27 pm
DI clattering relaysPaul T. Schram07-22-02  03:01 pm
DI tire bolt/stud sizeBill Bettridge05-17-02  10:01 am
DI vs DII Adventure Rack...Ho Chung05-16-02  12:43 pm
DI won't startRobert Mann03-25-02  02:12 pm
DIFFERENTIAL FLUID leaking onto wheels..cooper16 06-07-02  05:08 pm
DII - transfer case ratioScott-OZ11-25-02  11:54 pm
DII AC drain onto exhaustGreg P.08-15-02  07:26 pm
DII Brakes Suck! Got your attention yet?PerroneFord14 03-11-02  10:39 am
DII CDL "Poor Man's" Solutioncurquieta10-12-02  10:14 am
DII CDL Handle w/Picturescurquieta11-20-02  12:01 pm
DII Center Diff Lock Handle Installation Pictures/DimensionsPaul D. Morgan20 12-04-02  04:55 pm
DII ColorsJohn Moore22 10-25-02  11:20 am
DII Complete Wiper BladesJohn Friederich10 10-30-02  07:39 pm
DII Cross MemberEmilio03-18-02  04:15 pm
DII Exhaust Reroute through Q-PanelDee Cantrell10 09-24-02  05:37 pm
DII Front Fog LightMichael Noe11-20-02  05:49 am
DII Front door removalRick Lindgren02-22-02  08:11 pm
DII JackingAl Oliveira08-01-02  09:30 pm
DII LR Brush Bar question.Neil07-19-02  03:07 pm
DII New Owner Questions/Concerns Coolant Level & Noisy Ace?Curtis N11-26-02  11:33 pm
DII Owners - do you experience these slight problems?Greg Davis10 03-28-02  10:00 am
DII Prewired for preheated seats?Craig Kobayashi05-20-02  11:56 pm
DII QUICK DISCONNECTS ?????Ali04-08-02  04:10 pm
DII Rear Adjustable Shocks\Mike...08-07-02  04:54 pm
DII Shudder under brakingjoel03-07-02  04:27 pm
DII Spare Tire Rack w/ bigger tires..John Lee03-26-02  08:36 pm
DII Steel WheelsAnonymous04-03-02  03:44 pm
DII Taillights & Trailer Harnessstreak07-26-02  10:06 am
DII Tires: Goodyear or Michelin???steve Fesperman03-18-02  10:10 am
DII V8 sounds like tractor, hlp please.Curtis14 04-15-02  12:28 am
DII adventure rack on a DI?Paul D. Morgan10 09-19-02  10:59 am
DII and ARB air lockersGreg Davis08-07-02  03:36 pm
DII erratic warning lightsAl Oliveira04-07-02  01:20 pm
DII factory wraparound brush bar question????kieran matheson06-21-02  04:50 am
DII for sale...robbery?JP15 03-23-02  09:12 pm
DII front recovery pointRob Davison09-24-02  05:32 pm
DII or Range RoverBW11-30-02  09:30 pm
DII rear door hinge failure!!!Gil Stevens11-27-02  02:42 pm
DII rear end rebuilt and now trac-contr. coming on??! andy jacobs10-17-02  06:52 am
DII seats in a DI?Scott - OZ11-25-02  05:11 pm
DII stock head unit wiring diagramTodd Slater08-07-02  11:54 am
DII transmission prolems?Rene Koesler02-26-02  04:10 pm
DII warranty/dealer questionDave Costner10-21-02  10:25 am
DII wheel questionAl Oliveira04-23-02  01:12 pm
DII workshop manual - PDF format on EbayAnonymous02-19-02  05:32 pm
DII- steering guard with ARB?Dave06-22-02  10:35 am
DII: SLS QuestionsPatrick Kullenberg10 10-27-02  11:13 am
DISCO 1 PROBLEMJeff Conrad15 05-20-02  03:52 am
DISCO II KEY replacement optionsRICH04-08-02  09:51 am
DISCO SERIES II GAS OCTANE RATINGAl Oliveira12 07-16-02  01:18 pm
DISCO THEATERRVR OVR05-22-02  06:43 pm
DISCOVERY AUDIO QUESTION???Craig Kobayashi07-17-02  04:50 am
DISCOVERY MANUALDanno12 04-13-02  12:29 pm
DIY BeadlocksKen Dunnington38 12-06-02  10:05 am
DIY Maintenance ScheduleAndrew Clarke11-28-02  05:02 pm
DL vs TT Timken bearing p/n's?Ron07-30-02  10:02 pm
DOT APPROVED BRAKE EXTENSIONS???Greg Davis04-12-02  09:42 am
DOT3 vs. DOT4SG08-04-02  08:58 pm
DRIVING ME INSANE!!!trevorgriffiths10-15-02  02:00 pm
DSI OME Springs on a DSIIGreg Davis07-24-02  09:15 am
DSII Backspacing ??'sGregory W. Davis20 09-09-02  09:42 am
DSII Diff QuestionGreg Davis03-15-02  03:53 pm
DSII Front Shaft-Part IIGreg Davis07-31-02  09:36 am
DSII Steel Wheel UpdateGreg Davis22 07-26-02  03:17 pm
DSII Tranmission issuesCurt04-23-02  12:59 pm
DVDTommy Dougherty21 03-10-02  07:45 am
DVD players for Series IIAl Oliveira07-05-02  07:46 pm
Damage from slider impactLawrence Tilly83 03-06-02  04:32 pm
Damage when driving on a spare???Kyle12-07-02  04:58 pm
Damn seat won't move!!!SoCalJoe07-22-02  11:30 am
Damnit not again!Leslie N. Bright15 09-13-02  04:12 pm
Dap-inc roof rack?Jarrod12 04-16-02  10:00 am
Dash Board Ungluing?Mig200806-25-02  02:04 pm
Dash LightsShane C.09-06-02  12:46 am
Dash Lights Out '97 DiscoJoey Chong17 05-28-02  12:48 am
Dash board lights on 97 DiscoJesse Lessard12-08-02  08:00 pm
Dash bulb replacementJB03-22-02  01:10 pm
Dash illumination doesn't workjim11 10-30-02  10:03 pm
Dash lights around the AC contolsChris Welch06-04-02  08:18 am
Dash lights come on when I apply brakes!!!trevorgriffiths06-14-02  08:55 am
Dash lights!!Christian10-03-02  05:48 pm
Dash repair kit petern1211 07-29-02  08:44 pm
Dashboard restoration kitRossie05-22-02  10:28 pm
Dashboard/Driving lights are pulsing, your help neededdmc04-10-02  06:30 pm
Daytime running lightsMilan19 02-25-02  08:34 pm
Daytime running lightsEric Pena12-07-02  11:26 am
Dead BatteryBlue41 11-14-02  06:31 pm
Dead Battery and rapid blinker?Joe Still07-21-02  05:04 pm
Dead Disco 1 - Finally Revived: Thank you Roverland!chris sharpe04-02-02  06:42 pm
Dead ShortRob05-01-02  12:12 pm
Dead disco 98jparrott04-05-02  07:55 am
Dealer Gives Me a Deal!petern1208-22-02  10:39 pm
Dealer Service HELP pleaseRon05-14-02  11:58 pm
Dealer Sponsered Valve JobJack04-25-02  01:37 pm
Dealer know what they are doing?Anonymous05-04-02  11:26 pm
Dealer prognosis is in... and it's not good..Marc Ingham19 11-22-02  09:06 am
Dealership $ken04-30-02  11:48 pm
Dealership in Charlotte?Justin10 06-15-02  08:46 am
Dean - Homemade SlidersChris Merritt12 03-20-02  11:33 pm
Decreased MPG after new sparks/wires installed...Chase Fancher16 11-13-02  05:09 pm
Deep WaterRamsay07-30-02  02:19 pm
Defroster fan stopped blowing...Neal Glessner03-25-02  07:44 pm
Delicate starter?ScottP09-05-02  01:53 am
Denied warranty claim based on tire size...Rob Liflander27 05-07-02  06:35 pm
Denver Rover ShopsDouglas McMillan19 08-20-02  02:53 pm
Departure angle for 96 discocurquieta11-19-02  10:01 pm
Desperately Seeking SteelRamsay08-11-02  12:48 am
Desperately in need of a good Mechanic '97 - New York CityJohn05-29-02  02:37 pm
Detent Grub Screw/spring on a DII Transfer case?Ron02-23-02  07:01 pm
Detroit LockerBill R.05-13-02  08:59 am
Detroit in the snowAnonymous62 04-05-02  07:39 pm
Detroit locker how to test?John Lee10 03-05-02  02:07 pm
Detroit locker questionnadim15 10-25-02  06:36 am
Diagnose the RattleJeff08-20-02  12:23 pm
Diagnosing Check Engine Problem on '98 Disco LSEPhillip Miller04-20-02  06:17 pm
Diagnostic display under passenger seatRobbie Donaldson02-21-02  04:21 pm
Diagnostic/Calibration software?Alan Yim11-01-02  02:00 pm
Diamond plate roof rack flooring?Brad10-09-02  07:12 pm
Diamond plating for body?jerry quintana24 05-20-02  10:57 pm
Dico 1 - Idle problems only - sparke fine - vacume leak?Scott Scottish10-29-02  07:59 pm
Did I die and go to heavenDee19 07-19-02  07:43 pm
Did I find my heated seat connectors?Rob Davison10-17-02  12:11 pm
Did I install this correctly?Ho Chung06-01-02  10:33 am
Did the 2000 DII have CDL?Dave_Lucas09-03-02  03:26 pm
Did the CAMEL TROPHY Discovery's have CB Radio'sJoey Chong06-10-02  01:30 am
Diesel DiscoRVR OVR04-16-02  03:52 pm
Diesel Disco's in Canada?JohnL15 10-06-02  10:07 am
Diesel conversion siteChuck31 04-07-02  10:11 pm
Diesel in winterCameron10 09-20-02  12:48 pm
Dif leaks - good? bad? or just ugly?Alex Cabrera11 07-09-02  07:58 am
Diff GuardsAli13 03-07-02  04:29 pm
Diff Guardsken11 09-16-02  01:16 pm
Diff Lock Neutral Chime??SamS05-21-02  05:15 pm
Diff Lock Stress ?Paul T. Schram21 11-07-02  09:28 am
Diff Lock Stuckdrbuck17 03-29-02  10:31 am
Diff QuestionGreg Davis03-18-02  09:22 am
Diff guardseburrows14 04-08-02  08:30 pm
Diff guards and rustDee06-27-02  02:38 pm
Diff lock QuestionLeif02-22-02  02:18 pm
Diff lock not engaging???Frode H�bertz Haalan05-06-02  09:43 am
Diff lock woesCal02-18-02  07:43 pm
Diff play?JB04-17-02  09:51 pm
Diff protection on Discovery II PerroneFord33 02-20-02  05:20 pm
Diff-ratio questionhendrik08-23-02  05:38 am
Diff. Protection InstallDee16 08-06-02  03:31 pm
Difference between an oil leak & seepageJack Quinlan10-16-02  10:30 pm
Difference in these workshop manualsGerm�n R. Gr�ner15 10-02-02  05:38 pm
Differences between 3AM and 5AM MAF unit??bryan09-10-02  10:17 am
Different Locker and diff set upsRob Davison08-26-02  10:17 am
Different shifter possible?Ron03-06-02  10:55 pm
Differential Help!! 3bolt.. I need 4 boltBlue16 11-15-02  04:04 pm
Differential AxlePerroneFord04-10-02  07:01 am
Differential Damage??BMac6606-24-02  07:42 pm
Differential leakingRamsay08-23-02  02:05 am
Difficulty of jump seat swap?dave t04-10-02  05:47 pm
Dimensions of rear cargo area of a D1 and cargo dividers...Nick B08-12-02  11:02 pm
Dinky Roof RackWillie Joubert07-05-02  05:00 pm
Directional Tiresnadim09-28-02  09:17 am
Directions for taking off mud flapsGeorge Clayton11-13-02  09:30 am
Dirty/Bad Injector SymtomsMark & Bev Preston08-22-02  01:11 pm
Disco 1 Aftermarket side and rear window seals, are they available?M. Recke06-18-02  06:08 am
Disco 1 Exhaust Systemperroneford09-23-02  10:29 am
Disco 1 Not Starting...Erik Olson12 03-03-02  12:46 pm
Disco 1 RTE Blade Bumper with winchalhang17 03-08-02  09:59 am
Disco 1 Seat Belt Inertia ReelDisco Dad02-18-02  12:46 am
Disco 1 Sound SystemJRoc03-25-02  09:29 pm
Disco 1 Tire sizesSteve05-09-02  08:07 am
Disco 1 clock removalkid292905-31-02  08:49 am
Disco 1 discs/Ride heighttom fioretti06-01-02  07:01 pm
Disco 1 metal light guard installationRon Ward09-17-02  08:48 am
Disco 1 passenger window troublecharles pastrano11-05-02  08:48 pm
Disco 1 steering damper same as original RR?Craig05-15-02  08:36 pm
Disco 1 vs. Disco II bolt patternJerry11-29-02  06:01 am
Disco 1 wet inside & rustMike B.09-22-02  10:08 pm
Disco 11 Diff LockDave_Lucas12 02-20-02  07:55 pm
Disco 2 CDL questionChu Son18 04-22-02  03:04 pm
Disco 2 CDL questionsCurtis N15 06-27-02  12:26 pm
Disco 2 cup hlder fit in a disco 1? Dave_Lucas03-17-02  10:31 am
Disco 2 recovery pointsScott - OZ16 11-26-02  03:37 pm
Disco 2 tire balancingCraig Kobayashi08-26-02  06:00 pm
Disco CB InstallMike J.16 04-05-02  05:59 pm
Disco Canuck-connect the vac linedoug james05-15-02  04:55 pm
Disco Chassi CarnageRon12-01-02  08:27 pm
Disco Diesel in the USA?? & OME or Bilstien??Olaf Kilthau05-30-02  04:47 am
Disco Gremlins...BACK!Mark Smith08-31-02  10:40 am
Disco I - picture-linkhendrik04-12-02  04:09 pm
Disco I ARB Bar Insallation Mike Cox27 03-13-02  12:26 pm
Disco I Cam Shaft ReplacementWill Roeder09-02-02  02:46 pm
Disco I Door LockDana G10-30-02  10:37 am
Disco I Driveshafts....Ryan08-13-02  09:10 pm
Disco I Electric WindowsJason Shimmin10-01-02  03:31 am
Disco I Exhaust Manifold ProblemsChris72 07-31-02  07:50 pm
Disco I ProblemsPaul T. Schram03-18-02  08:09 am
Disco I Running Board Install Involving Mud FlapDave05-25-02  12:29 am
Disco I Service History?Henry Enriquez07-03-02  06:32 pm
Disco I and Disco II: What's the Diff?Crash18 03-22-02  08:51 am
Disco I body partsRob03-13-02  04:01 pm
Disco I driving lightsJess Brandt11-19-02  10:53 am
Disco I forced inductionJEspelien07-02-02  09:18 am
Disco I trailer wiringjim16 08-04-02  11:00 pm
Disco I upgrade to ventilated rotorsJason Vance05-10-02  11:42 pm
Disco II ABS Modulatorcoakes11-13-02  01:41 pm
Disco II CD PlayerGreg P05-22-02  11:53 pm
Disco II - Burnt oil smellBarry08-29-02  08:01 pm
Disco II 5 to 7 seat conversionderek05-03-02  05:14 pm
Disco II Air-Bag Comp BumperTom Hyslip14 07-02-02  06:31 pm
Disco II Brush Guard mounting kit?Brian Bonham08-27-02  12:56 pm
Disco II CDLchris browne03-01-02  04:46 am
Disco II Driveshaft ConversionErikNC07-23-02  03:32 am
Disco II Factory Brush Bar InstallationCARL08-08-02  03:35 pm
Disco II Fog lightsThinh Thai13 11-19-02  01:35 am
Disco II Glass replacementSteve Vines10-23-02  04:15 pm
Disco II Question/CommentKennith P. Whichard 05-29-02  02:29 pm
Disco II Saudi GrillMikelittle15 07-21-02  11:31 am
Disco II Trim PackagesChris S22 07-25-02  09:16 am
Disco II Wiper Fluid Nozzle ????Steve Vines16 07-12-02  01:26 pm
Disco II Wiring for Mobile PhoneJohn Friederich10-21-02  05:38 pm
Disco II aftermarket CD changerJeffrey Wheeler07-01-02  10:53 am
Disco II brake upgradesMatt Williams10-31-02  10:36 pm
Disco II driveshaft ideasPaul T. Schram11-08-02  08:36 am
Disco II dual battery setup questionsErik G. Burrows07-07-02  08:15 pm
Disco II fender benderErik Olson06-03-02  06:50 pm
Disco II front driveshaftGreg Davis12-03-02  10:12 am
Disco II leaking Trans fluid since newBrian Lewis08-04-02  12:01 am
Disco II leans/sags noticibly to the left????niall forbes15 04-08-02  04:02 pm
Disco II lift and warrantyAxel Haakonsen13 03-29-02  09:39 am
Disco II lighting QuestionCarlT06-15-02  03:09 pm
Disco II replacement speakersDurabutt03-01-02  06:40 pm
Disco II stereo systemJohn Friederich10-31-02  07:32 pm
Disco II stock front shock specsGreg Davis10-30-02  12:07 pm
Disco II tire decisionClif Ashley04-02-02  04:50 pm
Disco II tires 265/70/16Edmond Thomas10 11-14-02  08:40 pm
Disco II tralier harness hookup HELP!!ericburch07-24-02  12:14 am
Disco II... what to pay, what to look for?Anonymous02-16-02  11:26 pm
Disco II...245/75 or 255/70???Erik G. Burrows11 08-09-02  07:18 pm
Disco III at Land Rover Frisco Texas!Lost in the West18 07-01-02  12:31 pm
Disco LSE Winch optionsccdm304-11-02  09:51 am
Disco Ladders?JRoc02-24-02  01:50 am
Disco Mechanic Wanted! Free beer , no drug testingNancy Warfe06-30-02  09:03 am
Disco RadioShane C.10-26-02  03:57 am
Disco S1 V8 - Idle problemsMike B.10-30-02  09:30 am
Disco Series 2 fuel filterDon10-13-02  08:32 pm
Disco Snorkle on the cheapGregory W. Davis18 08-29-02  09:17 am
Disco SteeliesDavid Gage03-23-02  09:45 am
Disco V8 Dual Battery - Where??Robert Mann04-03-02  11:18 pm
Disco Web Decal Perfomance GainsKJ44 11-11-02  01:28 am
Disco acceleration proplemShan Rippey11-29-02  09:27 pm
Disco brush gaurd install/Front bumber removalJavier04-29-02  12:53 am
Disco corrosion and ways to combat it.Todd Sanders10-08-02  10:37 am
Disco fuel filtermark tlumacki09-08-02  01:18 pm
Disco getting hot...helpC. Ross20 06-21-02  12:48 am
Disco goes crazy after some hard wheeling.ed petrush11-20-02  09:53 am
Disco help!!!Jay04-08-02  06:29 pm
Disco is loose as a gooseJeff Price03-22-02  11:29 pm
Disco newbie questionchris11-26-02  12:58 pm
Disco on ThornbirdsPhillip Perkinson10-03-02  02:27 pm
Disco potential purchase......any thoughts???Cabot O'Brien12 08-10-02  09:56 pm
Disco running very hotjp05-08-02  05:17 am
Disco series 1 Year DifferencesPeter Nguyen08-13-02  05:56 pm
Disco stalling ...rough starts.glenh08-18-02  12:45 pm
Disco starting problems.. I'm almost aggrevated nowDee Cantrell10-30-02  11:27 pm
Disco stereo harness diagram!todd17 03-30-02  03:22 am
Disco suspensionFrode H�bertz Haalan04-17-02  07:26 am
Disco takes a ride on the wreckerCarter Simcoe38 11-22-02  12:31 am
Disco test mule spotted in Colorador0ver4x414 02-25-02  09:52 pm
Disco vibration after liftnhfury09-02-02  04:41 pm
Disco virginBill Leek05-16-02  08:09 am
Disco vs. Range RoverBryan Crosby20 04-04-02  05:01 pm
Disco won't move?JEspelien10 02-28-02  04:20 pm
Disco wont shift into fourth gear.danielcovaciu11-29-02  06:44 pm
Disco/ D90 weightsKyle08-07-02  09:44 pm
Disco1 Rear BumperRVR OVR12 05-10-02  09:20 am
Disco2 Front Recovery PointsGreg P.06-19-02  09:38 am
Disco2 Torque Converter LockPhil Piesse03-27-02  12:11 am
Disco2 discreet winch mountingBrian Dickens08-14-02  09:42 am
Disco2 with ACE Warm-upsAlyssa05-20-02  12:04 pm
DiscoII transmission fill questionCrash04-23-02  01:37 am
DiscoII wiper fluid smells permeates into the cabinChris06-15-02  12:36 am
DiscoWeb Rocks!Chuckster07-24-02  10:44 pm
Disconnect for the fan while wadding? Ned Connolly14 12-04-02  06:08 pm
Disconnecting battery?Al Oliveira08-07-02  06:50 pm
Disconnecting the ABS system - which is best?Shane C.09-02-02  11:49 pm
Disconnectiong the batteryBJensen13 03-19-02  03:15 am
Discos and Stuck Defendersniall forbes22 08-27-02  08:14 pm
Discovery 1 Driveshaft Conversion KitMike Fisher08-26-02  04:11 pm
Discovery 1 rust warranty questionBill Leek06-17-02  02:11 pm
Discovery 2 Climate ControlWill07-13-02  02:28 pm
Discovery 2, differentialWill Roeder11-09-02  01:55 pm
Discovery Decal on Brushgaurdsdelcam07-14-02  04:07 am
Discovery Diff-Lock probs\Mike...02-24-02  11:43 am
Discovery HSEFrode H�bertz Haalan07-08-02  07:19 am
Discovery I O2 sensor questionParrish R. Blackmon11 11-14-02  11:30 am
Discovery I fuel pump relayTom in Md11-17-02  08:21 pm
Discovery II SEgreekrover06-24-02  02:04 pm
Discovery II fender flares on a Disco I....G Sanderson10-09-02  02:14 am
Discovery II wiring diagram (for SLS)bret pemberton05-20-02  11:57 am
Discovery Model Year ChangesGreg17 05-15-02  09:56 am
Discovery Rear Cargo BinsSlider27 03-22-02  12:49 pm
Discovery SI seat swap?Joe10-28-02  08:58 pm
Discovery Series II modification questionsCarter Simcoe22 11-15-02  01:23 am
Discovery Water LeakJoe LeGault05-31-02  05:37 pm
Discovery and ham radioJoey Chong04-25-02  08:50 pm
Discovery springs?Jeff Price11-13-02  10:34 pm
Discovery td5 transmission Rona Gitsham11-22-02  07:19 pm
Discovery tiresavelino Oliveira11-21-02  02:57 pm
Discovery's in shipping. Is something done to the transmission duri...Mike B.12-02-02  09:08 pm
Diso Brakes - Full of hot airDavid Dryden05-22-02  04:28 pm
Distributor Cap will not seatEric Brodis05-29-02  01:37 pm
Distributor for cheap?Ron05-14-02  09:24 pm
Distributor lead orderPaul T. Schram05-03-02  01:28 pm
Distributor order??jp06-23-02  05:54 am
Do 98 DII ARMRESTS install on 96 DI Seats (SD) also..........jerry quintana05-02-02  07:24 pm
Do D2's need oil changes every 3K miles?OLIVER CLOTHSOFF20 10-31-02  09:27 pm
Do Discos have Tranny Oil Coolers?jp04-13-02  03:39 am
Do I have valve/rocker arm problems?Dee11-04-02  08:41 pm
Do I need Ghostbusters, or an independent shop in Mont. Co. MD?Bentvictor10 11-25-02  04:43 pm
Do I need a new Transfer Case?Chris Browne11-09-02  02:53 am
Do I need a valve job??John Graham07-18-02  09:26 pm
Do all Discoverys have this vibration problem?jp04-03-02  05:43 am
Do all SALTY Discos have nipples?dad15 10-25-02  07:44 pm
Do i need spring cones or retaining clips???Mike Rupp13 07-17-02  01:33 pm
Do it yourself filter changes and tune up?Jeremy Katka05-24-02  11:01 am
Do the 2003 Disco II headlights fit the 99 Disco II?Carter Simcoe10-29-02  01:36 am
Do you lose the headlight washers if you put an ARB bumper on a DII?Crash03-21-02  12:33 am
Do you think BFGoodrich All Terrian tires are good off road?Eric20 06-10-02  11:39 pm
Do you think the ARB bumper is going to fit the 2003?Anonymous04-11-02  11:52 am
Documentation over setting the Wheel Bearing Pre-loadBill Bettridge13 05-03-02  02:46 pm
Does Fuel grade really matter?Milan44 03-17-02  09:56 pm
Does RTE make front bumpers for the Discovery II???Kyle06-07-02  07:36 pm
Does a DII '01 have a choice on airbag / nonairbag ARB BumperQuint05-09-02  12:44 am
Does a nice rack make you vibrate?Dee19 08-26-02  12:28 am
Does anyone have part # for ARB full length rack and mounts?Dee05-30-02  10:06 am
Does anyone knows how to change Disco I Clock bulb??Leslie N. Bright06-03-02  09:04 am
Does anyone make a rear bumper setup for a small winch?Mike D103-26-02  01:16 am
Does anyone make an after market engine...jmon03-26-02  12:13 pm
Does anyone make...Chuckster05-05-02  08:45 pm
Does anyone see a CDL in the picture? (03 Disco)Keith21 04-09-02  06:48 pm
Does my front axle need this part?Danno09-16-02  02:36 pm
Does new stereo mean loss of dash control buttons?SoCalJoe07-15-02  12:39 pm
Does the CB ANTENNA have to be mounted above the roofline?Paul T. Schram24 06-10-02  06:08 pm
Does the subs in a factory 98 have a brand nameDaveB07-03-02  04:23 pm
Does this really work says 20hp gainjoel03-17-02  10:00 am
Dog Guard Install.Ronnie McKinney05-01-02  11:35 pm
Dog Guard options Michael Villanueva16 07-30-02  10:30 am
Doing OME install this weekend - have questionsTodd Sanders08-07-02  04:18 pm
Don't buy here! You've been warnedgp36 09-11-02  04:43 pm
Door "sticking" from outside (won't open easily) + lock release jam...Mike B.10-15-02  05:45 pm
Door DingerBill Bettridge03-28-02  04:37 pm
Door Lock Problem - 95 DIChuck McGovern12-07-02  03:35 pm
Door LocksShane C.11-19-02  01:39 pm
Door doesn't latchAnonymous06-07-02  11:10 pm
Door handle difficult to openBrian Friend11-05-02  05:51 pm
Door lock problemBill K11-14-02  03:36 pm
Door lock problemsPaul T. Schram08-16-02  09:56 am
Door lock remote troubleJoe Still11-08-02  10:07 pm
Door panel removal....Bob Foster11 03-31-02  10:17 pm
Door piece removal advicecarlT07-12-02  11:11 am
Door rattleAndy08-09-02  10:31 am
Door sealsMike B.07-25-02  10:05 pm
Door won't close and another topicMatt Taylor06-26-02  04:19 pm
Door won't unlock.....Daniel12 03-07-02  10:42 am
Doors need to be re-keyedPatrick Hartigan03-06-02  03:15 pm
Dos the cdl ever need adjusting?Dave_Lucas13 03-08-02  08:17 pm
Double flash of side lights when alarm is turned on/off?Scott05-09-02  08:30 am
Drain Plug WasherBent Victor08-17-02  01:24 am
Dreaded Service Engine LightGary Beckman02-26-02  05:45 pm
Dremel or ? to cut bumper caps? Removing faring.Tate17 07-25-02  02:12 pm
Drive Belt Repl.anon05-10-02  03:46 pm
Drive Flange BoltsBill Bettridge19 03-10-02  05:56 pm
Drive train clunk??Mel A.09-17-02  05:39 pm
DriveTrainRon04-16-02  02:01 am
Driveline - vibrationdmc04-11-02  07:47 pm
Driveline Phasing?Craig McLaughlin08-07-02  11:05 pm
Driver door lock problemsCarter Simcoe10-28-02  12:18 am
Driver's Side Electric Window Failure HELP!Robert Sublett08-20-02  06:57 am
Driver's side heated seat not working, what to check forCarter Simcoe11-24-02  05:05 pm
Driver's window goes really slow...Disco_Dad03-02-02  04:35 pm
Drivers Seat Issues and others....Hank09-20-02  04:52 pm
Drivers Seat Slips Back and Forth.Mike B.04-30-02  10:08 pm
Drivers Side Window Problembw11-25-02  10:39 pm
Drivers seat spring shotJoe Still09-24-02  05:50 pm
Drivers side door detent 99 Disco 1Eric06-15-02  02:04 pm
Drivers side window will not set GreenRover04-10-02  11:09 pm
Drivers' door lock- funny sound?Chris Nuzum11-05-02  12:23 am
Driveshaft - Disco II - in RRC - hitting Cathendrik08-08-02  10:15 am
Driveshaft coatingPaul T. Schram08-07-02  11:16 am
Driveshaft questionmuskyman22 09-26-02  09:56 am
Drivetrain Clunkmongo08-06-02  12:13 am
Driving Lights Anonymous03-14-02  09:51 am
Driving illegal now. Need help.Craig Kobayashi22 07-17-02  04:47 am
Driving lights for discoJoe Cole03-25-02  08:05 am
Driving litesClif Ashley11-09-02  11:01 pm
Driving on 3rdmuskyman02-20-02  06:45 pm
Driving on the beachChuckster23 08-09-02  10:16 am
Driving to Maryland up 301 with no radio!Mark Smith08-30-02  07:49 pm
Driving with wheels inside out?Sean Hanagan09-05-02  11:25 pm
Droopy tailgateMattM03-05-02  09:44 am
Drop Kit ???Brad Bradford03-09-02  12:11 pm
Drum brake screw - thread, pitch, length?Blue10 09-19-02  03:10 pm
Dual BatteryPeter Carey20 08-26-02  05:09 pm
Dual Battery & Snorkel?Jose A Cabrera22 06-05-02  12:37 am
Dual Battery Cables & SwitchesDave04-23-02  08:07 pm
Dual Battery systemsMark Albrecht10 10-14-02  05:23 pm
Dual Moonroof rattling when open...Erik Olson11 03-29-02  06:45 pm
Dual battery cablesPaul04-07-02  12:10 am
Dual battery install under the hood??Anonymous06-18-02  12:23 pm
Dual battery set up...200 Tdi06-27-02  11:27 pm
Dual beam HID conversions are now available.....Jeff Price07-11-02  06:33 pm
Dual shock mounts?!?!ken nishikawa07-01-02  03:52 pm
Duel battery set up picturesPeter Carey08-31-02  02:08 pm
Dumb QuestionBarrett Edwards06-05-02  08:35 pm
Dunlop Radial Rover R/TBrian22 03-27-02  04:04 pm
Dunlop Radial Rover R/T on 8-inch rimsAL28 03-17-02  10:26 am
Dunlop Rover RTBrian05-07-02  12:47 am
Dunlop mud roversLeslie N. Bright03-07-02  10:49 pm
Dunlop mud rovers run small?Mel A.06-11-02  04:59 pm
Duplication, Duplication and again, DuplicationBruce35 08-17-02  01:28 am
Dust CoverM. K. Watson06-08-02  04:46 pm
E Locker..locking Diff???Milan14 03-22-02  10:17 pm
E-Code Lights for DiscoJRoc10 05-11-02  08:25 pm
ECR Discotech - Done, now what do you think?RVR OVR60 04-23-02  05:58 pm
ECU Pic or Diagram?hendrik09-17-02  03:44 am
ECU Wire Fell OutMilan11-15-02  11:32 pm
EE Customer serviceJ21 03-09-02  12:09 pm
ELECTRIC SEAT CONTROLSgp04-01-02  12:21 pm
ELETRICAL SEAT BROKEmbeiergrohslein03-15-02  05:53 pm
EMERGENCY! Help! No Gears to choose from!!!Randall Phelps04-10-02  12:18 am
ENGINE DOWNSHIFT >3000RPMM. K. Watson16 03-05-02  10:43 pm
EQUAL Tire BalancerJames F. Thompson Ja10-16-02  05:57 pm
ERIK S....Your MAF sensor on 96Nancy05-09-02  09:37 pm
ETC and lockerschu49 07-22-02  08:12 pm
EVAP purge valve - incorrect flow fault?Al Oliveira08-31-02  03:38 pm
EXACT SIZE OF DRAIN PLUIG? PLZ HELP.JAugusta26 05-18-02  09:01 am
EXPERTS,PLEASE HELP!!! Norm06-28-02  03:32 am
EXPLOSIONGreg P.06-12-02  08:02 am
EXTENDED WARRANTYMike P29 03-20-02  10:05 pm
Ear piercing noise Gregg Smith09-30-02  10:43 pm
Early 90s Range RoversMike M11 08-29-02  02:42 pm
Easiest way to change a belt on 96 disco?Flounder12-03-02  08:02 am
Easiest way to remove the Headlight washersHank04-02-02  01:09 pm
Easy brake bleedingBill Bettridge14 04-18-02  05:03 pm
Edelbrock IAS shocks, anyone using it on there D1?perroneford11-01-02  05:50 am
Electric FanLeslie N. Bright05-01-02  12:21 pm
Electric door lock not working (DII)Carl E. Cedeholm08-02-02  09:43 am
Electric fansclarance03-14-02  11:05 pm
Electric fans to replace engine driven one??Carl08-18-02  11:57 pm
Electrical Help Needed!Anonymous04-23-02  10:08 pm
Electrical Problem - HELP!Joe Still12-05-02  05:41 pm
Electrical gremlinsolered11 02-27-02  03:07 pm
Electrical mysteryAndy05-29-02  09:15 pm
Electrical problem in DII, please helpBrian Lewis07-23-02  09:03 am
Electronics and Engine Steam CleaningHltoppr09-16-02  06:39 pm
Elevated idle?JMcD03-10-02  09:54 am
Email I received from Atlantic British---Is it True??????dave t03-26-02  05:25 pm
Emergency HELP! Stuck out of town!!!Jay Hobbs09-24-02  10:22 pm
Emergency Radiator questions! 7:25 CST 6/20/02Dee10 06-20-02  11:03 pm
Emergency Radiator questions! 7:25 CST 6/20/02Dee16 06-24-02  01:46 am
Emilio - your email bounced back!!Emilio 98 Disco04-01-02  10:44 pm
Engel 35 or 45, can't decideJames F. Thompson Ja35 08-23-02  12:31 pm
Engine 200 Tdigiacomo11-16-02  04:53 am
Engine Additives that help slow Leaks??Jay07-28-02  04:45 pm
Engine Cleaning ???Mike B.04-23-02  09:21 pm
Engine Coolant Temp RisingJroc08-19-02  11:15 pm
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Installation...Rob05-28-02  05:43 pm
Engine Fan Clutch QuestionA.W.07-16-02  03:41 pm
Engine HesitationJay04-03-02  10:45 pm
Engine KnockJohn L02-22-02  03:03 pm
Engine Question...doug james04-16-02  06:43 pm
Engine TimingAnonymous05-30-02  12:14 am
Engine Timing 3.9Paul T. Schram05-30-02  03:56 pm
Engine and Transmission Lifejay caragay09-14-02  12:29 am
Engine damper or motor mounts?zpukajlo07-29-02  09:52 pm
Engine fan ?Bill Bettridge03-11-02  01:42 pm
Engine fan constantly runningJeff D.03-20-02  11:59 am
Engine harness?Erik G. Burrows08-23-02  03:30 pm
Engine hesitationJeoffrey Nathan02-27-02  08:26 pm
Engine idleAnonymous05-17-02  12:13 am
Engine is really Noisy now that it is Hot outsideGreg21 04-22-02  11:20 am
Engine must be OFF to change gear range. ??Axel Haakonsen03-26-02  06:26 pm
Engine noiseJorge10-02-02  03:41 pm
Engine noise in stereoDave Thomas03-08-02  01:28 pm
Engine problem for the prosjp06-01-02  09:19 am
Engine problemsJoe Casey07-07-02  01:56 am
Engine replacement with Toyota 1KZ-GE, 3000cc.Suraporns11-25-02  07:48 am
Engine sounds like crap, what could it bejoel04-26-02  04:28 pm
Engine sputter, some power loss, check engine light...jmon03-28-02  09:47 pm
Engine start problemsbryan06-17-02  10:19 am
Engine sump gasket helpM. Recke10-29-02  04:55 am
Engine tap in 95 DiscoAnonymous02-28-02  11:36 pm
Engine vibration, no fault codes Disco IILee Cunningham10-04-02  08:03 am
Engine whines above 3000 rpm?Anonymous06-05-02  08:54 am
Engine won't startjeff@alexandriainter10 02-19-02  09:32 am
Equal Tire BalancerJroc39 10-26-02  01:12 pm
Erratic Tachometerdavo16 08-12-02  05:24 pm
Error in tech section? Tire sizechris sharpe06-03-02  12:52 am
Europarts - good prices - free shippingniall forbes26 04-04-02  11:01 pm
Europarts Limited - anybody have any experience with them?Brian Lewis11 05-06-02  09:08 pm
European Auto House in California -- ReferencesJorge10-17-02  12:11 pm
European d2 brush barAnonymous03-27-02  07:19 pm
Ex MOD rims: tire size?Chris Browne09-30-02  06:35 pm
Exact outer diameter of stock D1 drag link?p m13 04-19-02  08:02 pm
Exceeding Towing Rating???muskyman15 06-03-02  08:08 pm
Excellent TD5 - US opinion?Matt26 11-16-02  10:46 am
Excessive cranking (my Rover, not my wife)bryan03-25-02  10:43 am
Excessive wind noise at hwy driving speeds (on the driver side)...Andrew Clarke10 12-02-02  04:58 pm
ExhaustRJ Clayton09-24-02  10:42 am
Exhaust Gasket to Engine bolt sizeDChrismon10-26-02  02:15 am
Exhaust Insulating Wrap?Norm12 05-07-02  11:37 pm
Exhaust Shops in MA...?Paul L07-01-02  07:44 am
Exhaust System Upgrades.RJ Clayton11-30-02  11:52 am
Exhaust heat shield - necessary?J Horrobin05-17-02  05:22 pm
Exhaust issues wading?muskyman10-22-02  02:00 pm
Exhaust manifold 'ticking'joel11 04-24-02  03:49 pm
Exhaust manifold bolts...Matt M04-23-02  02:22 pm
Exhaust manifold replacement?weespeed24 06-04-02  06:03 am
Exhaust manifold wrappingDee12 06-28-02  08:15 pm
Exhaust question on Classic Range from College Station, TXBJ Turner03-27-02  04:54 pm
Exhst man. crack: Will LR bumper to bumper cover it?Mike P.04-24-02  11:38 pm
Expected Service LifeRobert Sublett12-06-02  04:53 pm
Expedition roof rackClif Ashley04-16-02  10:02 pm
Expedition/travelling question.Shane20 06-30-02  04:17 pm
Experience with LR Larchmont, N.Y.adtoolco10-30-02  03:24 pm
Experiences with LR Forth Worth (TX)? cody08-25-02  05:46 pm
Explain to me the rear air systemDiscosaurus16 03-05-02  12:51 pm
Exploding Front Driveshaft...Erik G. Burrows43 08-28-02  06:48 pm
Exploding front driveshafts...Dealership updateLeslie N. Bright15 07-30-02  01:22 pm
Extend warranty or not...on disco2Alen05-24-02  09:14 am
Extended BRAKE hoses whats the process???Blake Luse08-05-02  11:40 pm
Extended Brake Line installGreg Davis05-03-02  01:15 pm
Extended Warranty NightmareBentvictor27 12-02-02  12:31 am
Extended Warranty Update and Your Thoughts on Hal Moses... Jack12 07-19-02  04:35 pm
Extended diff breathersMatt Milbrandt07-13-02  02:27 pm
Extending ABS lines Please Help!Dave_Lucas09-03-02  11:05 am
Extending diff breather tubeMatt Milbrandt10 05-24-02  12:25 pm
External Water Cooler MountBrian04-22-02  01:53 am
Extra Air Conditioningjp07-06-02  02:50 am
F'in Back Door Won't Open!Britt Easterly11-17-02  12:12 pm
F/R Diff removalGreg Davis09-18-02  01:01 pm
FAILED Inspection!!! Augh!Markd1x254 03-02-02  12:12 pm
FAQ's for Newbies????Anonymous04-14-02  05:58 pm
FLUCTUATING TEMP GUAGE???tomfransen12-08-02  11:46 am
FMFR? AMFR?Matt Rigby09-10-02  01:25 am
FRAME CROSSMEMBER.....OKAY TO REMOVE??jerry66 10-06-02  10:37 am
FRONT? REAR? BOTH??Buddy08-01-02  02:07 pm
FYI - rear door latch fix!!BJ Turner05-03-02  02:50 pm
FYI on new TJM rear bumpersteveII10 03-07-02  02:44 pm
FYI: key blanks routinely availableJorge P. Gutierrez, 04-02-02  10:21 am
Fabricating...or makin' your own quick disconnects...Carter Simcoe12-04-02  01:01 am
Fabrication of bracketsAnonymous05-09-02  10:02 am
Factory Brush bar ... ok to use its recovery points?Eric N09-13-02  08:04 am
Factory CD Changer Installation Question on 97' DIRichard Dekkard08-05-02  03:14 am
Factory Fog switch on PIAA lightsWill08-17-02  10:36 pm
Factory brush bar installation Disco IIMatthew Hartman06-07-02  11:12 pm
Factory fog lamps (Mini fish tanks)christian03-19-02  10:01 am
Failed clearcoatDChrismon10-25-02  02:57 am
Fairlead QuestionBill Bettridge07-11-02  09:54 am
FanPaul T. Schram08-08-02  02:12 pm
Fan Blower Switch - Access??Paul T. Schram06-19-02  09:21 am
Fan ClutchAnonymous07-21-02  01:33 pm
Fan WhiningDon11-14-02  07:12 pm
Fan clutchgp12 02-28-02  04:00 pm
Fan only works on high! Wazup???Frode H�bertz Haalan05-14-02  01:55 am
Fat LandyDChrismon07-19-02  02:26 am
Fault Code 1317Garrett #209-12-02  02:17 pm
Fault Code 1496ray09-23-02  04:31 pm
Fault Code 15Anonymous05-26-02  12:19 am
Fault Code P1179AL DOLANDOLAN10-19-02  01:01 pm
Fault Code ReadersPeter Carey08-29-02  01:56 pm
Fault code 34James Gall11-11-02  07:39 pm
Fault code 44 O2 sensorjames06-04-02  05:02 pm
Fault code questionErikS03-07-02  07:58 pm
Faulty/Blocked Injector?Nick Williams09-11-02  01:23 pm
Favorite Rear BumperRamsay11-06-02  09:28 pm
Fed Up! ABS HeadachesJim Kemp14 09-28-02  10:38 am
Feed back on: OME springs and stock shocks94Rover06-05-02  12:12 am
Feedback on: OME Steering Stablizer for D2Paul D. Morgan08-26-02  12:12 pm
Fender benderken09-05-02  01:26 am
Field tire changingmarty amedeo05-20-02  10:05 pm
Finally!!!, lifted OME and trail air installed...I'm readyJay03-25-02  08:52 pm
Finally.......more horse power at minimal COST !!!!Carter Simcoe10 09-27-02  11:49 pm
Finding 6 degrees BTDC on 88 RRJohn04-05-02  09:44 am
Finished the Rovertym lift, but have some problems...Rob Davison41 02-19-02  03:05 pm
Fire safety ... Brendan Kearns12 07-15-02  05:20 pm
Firestik Install on ARB Bumper?Jeff Conrad07-18-02  03:23 am
Firing OrderRobert Sublett05-14-02  06:01 pm
First oil changeCarnell07-08-02  05:42 pm
First water crossing!! Now my fog lights are full...DaveB03-19-02  06:13 pm
Fist DYI tune up what do I need to do? '97 Discodheadley05-24-02  08:03 am
Fit 31x10.50sRobert Sublett09-13-02  07:48 am
Fitting range rover springstwodogs03-31-02  08:33 am
Fitting thread size for oil coolant linesAaron10-14-02  02:21 pm
Fix for leaking transfer case boltsMilan11 12-07-02  07:29 pm
Fixed (I hope) CEL problemRoverine05-30-02  12:50 am
Fixed rough idle - more power and economy!Matt M03-19-02  04:51 pm
Fixing non functional rear windows - it works !!!!james22 06-04-02  02:17 pm
Flashing turn signal lights when setting alarmJohn Averett06-29-02  01:59 pm
Flat tow a Disco 1?Will Roeder09-22-02  08:30 pm
Fleecing of LR owners------Paul T. Schram26 08-19-02  02:41 pm
Flickering Lights on DISCO!!!Joe Brittain07-02-02  06:22 pm
Floor for Wilderness Roof Rackgp03-22-02  08:13 am
Floor jack points?PerroneFord04-18-02  06:32 pm
Flooring for Expedition Rack??Markd1x213 03-03-02  12:27 am
Flowmaster in D1Neal Glessner03-03-02  02:14 am
Flowmaster muffler for D1james05-14-02  02:47 pm
Flushing out Engine sludge MarkM12-02-02  08:39 am
Flywheel drain plug location?Leslie N. Bright07-24-02  10:58 am
Fog InstallMark Casey07-18-02  08:40 am
Fog Lamp Kit InstallRich06-24-02  09:11 pm
Fog Lamp Switch.... Only 1 fog works now!Joshua Weinstein11-12-02  12:32 am
Fog Lamp replacementVic Simpson07-07-02  09:36 pm
Fog Light DifferencesJoseph Fawsitt11-22-02  03:36 pm
Fog Light InstallAl Oliveira06-30-02  10:56 pm
Fog Lights - custom fitting?Horness Spencer09-09-02  05:46 am
Fog light hook upnick04-01-02  12:23 am
Fog light switch questionsBrian Lewis05-03-02  09:30 am
Fog light switch wiring info requestscott11-12-02  12:45 am
Fog light woesBill Bettridge03-20-02  01:19 pm
Fog lights for a DIImichael burt10-30-02  01:04 pm
Footwell leak, drivers side, rhdJack Messenger12-05-02  06:33 am
For a 98 disco is 34x10.50's to big......not lift wise but vehicle ...JB06-07-02  05:56 pm
For those of you looking for Rack mount solutions..Kyle76 07-09-02  07:45 pm
Ford Executive Edition D2 at  12:42 pm
Ford to land rover adapterMary B11 08-13-02  10:07 am
Forward sunroof won't shut completely in DISCO I...HELP!!Anonymous04-20-02  08:14 pm
Freaky (expensive sounding) noiseChris Ziegler07-09-02  07:55 am
Free Nuggets... and a busted lock.Paul T. Schram09-09-02  09:27 am
Free Scheduled Maintenancedon_d03-11-02  12:21 am
Free d2 brush barMark07-04-02  05:47 pm
Freon and Sight Glass?bryan07-01-02  10:13 am
Friction Additives-in DiffsMilan05-03-02  07:48 pm
Friday night follies...electricaltodd slater10-04-02  09:31 pm
From Stock to 32" tires - Thoughts?Eric N10-10-02  12:57 pm
Front 3rd Member leaking?Bill Bettridge03-29-02  01:44 pm
Front Anti-lock SensorsBill Bettridge04-22-02  12:34 pm
Front Brake CalipersDonC05-16-02  11:43 pm
Front Cover Gasket repair question..Dee Cantrell10-30-02  12:48 am
Front Crank Seal - DIY AdviceJohn Averett06-08-02  11:35 am
Front Differential Housing 3.9 -> 4.0Brian Friend17 10-04-02  11:53 am
Front Drive Shaft Problem�Pls help!Jose A Cabrera20 05-20-02  01:22 am
Front Hub seal refitClif Ashley04-14-02  08:07 pm
Front License Plate Fell off - need HELP!!!Matthew Hartman06-07-02  11:35 pm
Front Main Seal Leak!!!Jason Johnson12-03-02  11:33 am
Front Passenger Pwr Window motorAndy Nix10-23-02  04:10 am
Front Right Saggp09-19-02  09:54 am
Front Shock Bushings - can they be replaced?Paul T. Schram10-25-02  02:20 pm
Front Shock ReplacementJim Macklow11 05-10-02  05:29 pm
Front Skid Plate for Discovery IIDave03-27-02  05:07 pm
Front Tire "cupping" , any ideas? thank you!tire guy09-01-02  12:10 am
Front Tires 'Cupping'Taryn08-12-02  05:36 pm
Front U-joint replacement intervalPaul T. Schram10-17-02  09:17 am
Front axle articulation questionRandall Smith03-09-02  04:43 pm
Front brake questions and procedureTodd Phenneger11-06-02  06:47 pm
Front bumper trimming...and winch mountingGabriel Guay05-07-02  09:43 pm
Front bumper!Yousef ReD9007-29-02  06:31 pm
Front bumper/spoiler removal?Roverine21 02-28-02  03:28 pm
Front coil spring spacers?????Stephen06-19-02  11:48 pm
Front diff. vibration weightPaul T. Schram08-05-02  07:17 am
Front driver's wheel squeaks after washing!VegasRover04-16-02  01:00 am
Front end clunkjoshchristensen03-16-02  09:40 pm
Front end noises!!!Jason13 04-13-02  01:47 pm
Front end raspy rattle metal noiseMoe05-09-02  11:09 am
Front hitch receiver for Disco IIMarkd1x209-06-02  03:09 pm
Front hub/swivel ball seal replacmentJoe Still09-20-02  07:59 am
Front left hub ....... murray08-11-02  09:10 pm
Front mounted class 3 reciever michael burt03-07-02  09:08 pm
Front recovery point for stock discoFrode H�bertz Haalan05-16-02  04:03 am
Front recovery point?dave t05-21-02  10:17 pm
Front recovery points..Chris Merritt10 03-19-02  04:23 pm
Front seat too closeJP08-04-02  03:47 am
Front skirt on D1sAndrew Clarke18 11-21-02  04:59 pm
Front spoiler/fog light removal questions...???Ross03-27-02  07:56 pm
Front timing cover gasket & sealRon03-12-02  03:47 am
Front valance removal/cutting question.Dean Brown07-23-02  12:03 pm
Front wheel speed sensorstordzy08-30-02  11:54 am
Front window glass regulatorjp05-23-02  04:12 am
Front window regulatorScott MacGregor05-30-02  08:50 pm
Front windshield leakBrad Fringer04-20-02  04:53 pm
Front windshield leakingBrad Fringer05-03-02  11:00 am
Front windshield motor and operationDavid Dryden03-13-02  01:30 pm
Fuel EconomyRobert Sublett10-22-02  04:33 pm
Fuel FilterNorm03-02-02  01:12 pm
Fuel FilterRamsay09-03-02  08:15 pm
Fuel Filter ReplacementBill K12 11-25-02  09:35 am
Fuel Guage problem...need help!Robbie12-05-02  02:03 pm
Fuel Injection cleaner/treatment additives - good or bad?Jason Vance36 05-26-02  01:23 am
Fuel Injector CleanerTom Hyslip10-27-02  07:41 pm
Fuel Injectors/Fuel RailsJason Johnson08-18-02  02:51 pm
Fuel Press GageRSmokos04-18-02  11:23 am
Fuel Pressure Regulator Kingfish04-05-02  07:53 am
Fuel Pressure Regulator...Anonymous06-18-02  03:37 pm
Fuel Pressure Sensor Faultpeter11-07-02  11:20 am
Fuel Pump & Bad Rover KarmaBlue17 04-05-02  04:15 pm
Fuel Pump Relaydavo08-12-02  12:31 pm
Fuel Pump and/or MAF ?Tom in Md11-12-02  07:38 pm
Fuel RequirementsKennith P. Whichard 06-25-02  02:07 am
Fuel Sender and Steering Box on a '97 DiscoveryGregg08-12-02  08:09 am
Fuel Sender for '97 Discoveryjp08-15-02  04:52 am
Fuel System or ignition problems?Leslie N. Bright10-01-02  10:41 am
Fuel filter change?Parrish R. Blackmon12-04-02  03:46 pm
Fuel filter for DIIs - please enlighten me - sg04-18-02  10:20 am
Fuel flooding engine?Anonymous06-12-02  09:56 am
Fuel grade and fillups?Paul T. Schram27 05-06-02  12:41 pm
Fuel pumpbryan03-16-02  11:19 am
Fuel pump died after H2O crossingPeter12 02-26-02  07:00 am
Fuel pump doesent always work 95 discoBrad N09-01-02  09:13 am
Fuel pump fuse???Kyle03-03-02  05:57 pm
Fuel pump install for D1OLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-19-02  09:12 pm
Fuel pump low voltageBrad05-21-02  09:27 pm
Fuel pump or regulator?EricRat05-09-02  10:43 am
Fuel pump or???John Kruger03-08-02  04:20 pm
Fuel pump problems in a 96..dave11 08-12-02  10:20 am
Fuel pump shut off switchBill M.11-23-02  07:41 am
Fuel tank for D1muskyman10-31-02  03:14 pm
Fueling problems?mountain10-22-02  02:45 am
Fun with Hellas :)...KJ09-29-02  11:00 am
Funky problem with electric locks!!John Keeler06-15-02  06:16 pm
Funny AT BehaviorMichael Noe06-10-02  11:01 am
Funny grinding when turned on..Will06-24-02  07:18 pm
Funny wiresJohannes05-17-02  06:16 am
Fuse / Battery has Reset computerTom Hyslip07-25-02  05:57 pm
FuseboxDavid Dryden04-08-02  09:46 pm
Futur rover questionPascal Van Strydonck09-28-02  08:30 pm
Fyi: cheap source for gentex auto-dim mirrorsdave t05-21-02  04:10 pm
Fyi: headliner source...and a sale even...dave t05-07-02  12:45 am
G4 Challenge - what is it going to be?Tom Rowe14 10-30-02  05:31 pm
G4 Challenge DesktopDave M.10-17-02  09:38 am
GARMIN STREETPILOT GPS or GPS III PLUS?gp41 03-04-02  10:58 am
GAS MILEAGE ON 2003 DISCO 4.6????Ron16 07-30-02  10:41 pm
GBR Axle InfoWill Roeder12 06-01-02  04:43 pm
GEM system or not to GEM systemLeslie N. Bright11-09-02  10:18 pm
GGBailey FloormatsAndyLovesDiscos03-20-02  05:49 pm
GPS Black screen of deathRob Davison20 09-11-02  03:47 pm
GPS QUESTION FOR LESLIEgp13 06-13-02  10:31 am
GPS Wiring Question????Dave Smith07-21-02  10:39 pm
GPS speak to radio in Dii?Tom Hyslip10 10-21-02  08:49 pm
GPS use OFF ROADClif Ashley10 12-02-02  12:19 am
Galaxy cb radioAl Oliveira07-19-02  09:18 pm
Garmin 176 mountingBill Bettridge31 02-15-02  03:20 pm
Gas Can CarrierE Snyder02-28-02  09:30 pm
Gas Can Holderscurquieta12-05-02  12:54 am
Gas Tank ProtectionRon04-07-02  10:29 pm
Gas mileage suffering...why?Dudley Harris10 03-27-02  03:47 am
Gas smellBill12 10-18-02  01:20 pm
Gas tankDave03-21-02  02:21 pm
Gear Box Overheat Light95D112-07-02  08:32 pm
Gear Indicator LightJack12-05-02  05:00 pm
Gear lubeBlue11-07-02  02:40 pm
Gear oil pan removalBradN07-17-02  05:50 pm
Gear ratio difference between 5-speed manual & auto?muskyman07-30-02  06:22 pm
Gems Chipping ??Dee Cantrell04-18-02  08:18 pm
Genuine LR trailer wiring harness - where else can I order it?mark08-03-02  02:24 pm
Geolandersrneild06-12-02  10:20 am
Getting New Exhaust, need suggestions/opinions!Mark Albrecht10-04-02  12:51 pm
Getting Towed Blue11-07-02  01:57 pm
Getting a wet footrob04-29-02  03:36 pm
Getting new tireDr. Dirt05-22-02  11:36 am
Getting the subs to work with an aftermarket cd playerDavid Dryden04-21-02  07:39 pm
Gillette MT TiressteveII18 03-23-02  02:11 am
Going axle shoppingRon04-04-02  01:25 am
Going cdl crazy...question on locating 01 cdl shaft...michael burt10 10-02-02  11:58 pm
Going crazy! please help! any ideas?johnb14 12-04-02  09:22 pm
Going on an "expedition" and need long haulers adviceAndy26 07-01-02  12:05 pm
Going rate for 60K servicechris sharpe04-10-02  02:23 pm
Good Idea or Bad Idea?Ron03-04-02  10:29 pm
Good dealership experience-Farmington Hills, MichiganPaul T. Schram05-20-02  05:10 pm
Good ole Rover ElectronicsBrian11-19-02  09:01 pm
Good vibrations!!gp09-20-02  04:50 pm
GoodYear Wrangler MT worth it ?ErikNC11 04-19-02  12:14 am
Goodbye everyone.........FOR NOW!!!!Ross Thoma17 09-18-02  12:54 pm
Goodyear MT/R - Estimated Tread Life: 56,000 miles!Mike B.10 04-22-02  11:59 pm
Goodyear MT/R vs. BFG All T/A ??Paul D. Morgan28 08-21-02  06:24 am
Goodyear MTR 245/75's on D2Michael Villanueva05-07-02  10:27 pm
Goodyear Wrangler HP tires on my D2...Steve Fesperman08-05-02  09:15 am
Goodyear vs. BFG???Ron51 02-16-02  03:41 am
Goodyear wranger AT/Rgp15 05-16-02  04:57 pm
Goopy brake pads??Eric Pena09-04-02  08:04 pm
Got Boggers?Anonymous25 04-18-02  02:19 pm
Got a Land Rover tonightBill M.11 10-01-02  03:22 am
Got a banging sunroof??Jon Bowers10-10-02  07:54 pm
Got a good gremlin...Speed Sensor?MR06-28-02  07:56 pm
Got my '03Ange29 07-05-02  05:51 pm
Got new tires today!!!Wes Legaspi10 09-23-02  06:31 pm
Grease around sunroof.......RVR OVR05-31-02  11:06 am
Grease on rimsRon41 03-16-02  09:29 pm
Great Photos from G4 Challenge WebsiteCoppertop08-15-02  11:14 am
Great basin rovers poor serviceKyle84 09-05-02  12:30 pm
Great shop in central Massachusetts!!!stevie05-22-02  05:42 pm
Green DI in Philly Yesterday, Who was it?Greg P.51 06-21-02  01:07 am
Green hub grease in front diff.Peter02-14-02  06:54 pm
Green monster disco in vancouver/portlandAndy Nix33 11-20-02  02:04 pm
Greetingscartner10-07-02  02:16 pm
Greg DavisGreg Davis57 04-15-02  04:04 pm
Grinding NoiseJack Messenger11-05-02  07:42 am
Grinding Noise in Steering Columnjoeylovela04-11-02  09:21 pm
Grinding and popping noise from left rear wheel area? Neal Glessner11-21-02  01:45 pm
Grinding noise after startNeal Glessner06-08-02  05:16 pm
Grinding noise, any ideas?Ron34 07-27-02  07:55 pm
GroundTom Rowe10-26-02  09:45 am
Gurgling sound comming from behind dash/passenger footwellPeter Thorén09-24-02  05:38 am
Gutting ABSp m51 04-05-02  05:21 pm
HAYNES MANUALchris sharpe05-28-02  11:17 am
HAZARDS MANIAClif Ashley04-23-02  09:08 pm
HD Half Shaftshendrik11-04-02  03:10 pm
HD OME + 32" tires?nadim08-14-02  03:39 am
HD rear axle woes...RVR OVR09-17-02  07:20 pm
HDC warning lightDave02-25-02  08:51 am
HEADLIGHT PROBLEM (96 DISCO)Jose A Cabrera02-17-02  01:46 pm
HEADLIGHT WASHERRob Davison08-17-02  07:14 pm
HELPJeff Anderson06-29-02  11:09 pm
HELP - Jack-All on ARB BumperGreg P.16 06-24-02  09:59 am
HELP . . . stuck at workwisker05-14-02  03:00 pm
HELP Disco I Rotars!Mike B.11-16-02  05:14 pm
HELP Disco has super rough idle then is fine?my96disco03-26-02  09:54 am
HELP HELP...Removal of glazing???chris browne08-10-02  06:18 am
HELP PLEASE READ AND HELP ME JPVT33 06-17-02  02:32 pm
HELP REQUIRED! 98'Disco I Brake PadsBill Bettridge10-03-02  02:09 pm
HELP WITH ROVER PLEASEtravis10-26-02  06:34 pm
HELP electric fan keeps running even when key out of ignitionAnonymous06-11-02  09:52 am
HELP question on shock installation quickp m04-02-02  01:40 pm
HELP when it rains wont startM. K. Watson08-30-02  11:19 pm
HELP! DISCO I Fuel filter replacementBill K10 10-03-02  10:25 am
HELP! I have a puddle in my front passenger side!!!roald31 08-23-02  12:19 pm
HELP! S T E P P E R M O T O R !tdixon06-06-02  01:02 am
HELP! Can't separate the front rotorEugene Samsonov05-14-02  01:29 am
HELP! broken sun roof shade - Disco IIJorge05-20-02  11:18 am
HELP!! ***** I feel a slight rumble in motor ( dealer says steppe...Brad04-05-02  02:41 pm
HELP!! Anti-theft left my wife stranded! How can I disable it?John Keeler15 07-15-02  09:37 pm
HELP!! Ignition Tune Up...Gone Wrong!!blake06-18-02  02:08 pm
HELP!! rear wheel drive gone!john baker17 11-29-02  07:44 pm
HELP!!! Clogged Cat / Starting Problemrandall phelps09-06-02  06:25 am
HELP!!- Anyone ever removed the entire roof rails.Erik Olson12 09-29-02  12:08 pm
HELP, BUYING A DISCO???pete10 09-28-02  03:43 pm
HELP--OBDII System Too Lean Bank 1,2Carl Muckenhirn05-29-02  12:10 pm
HELP--OBDII System Too Lean Bank 1,2Brian Bonham09-01-02  01:01 am
HELP...won't start!Jason26 09-13-02  03:53 pm
HELP: Clicking from front left hubA. Ali06-09-02  10:07 am
HEY Kyle.......Question for you my man!KJ05-23-02  03:10 pm
HID Headlight conversion for DiscoWill06-18-02  08:10 pm
HIGH SPEED VIBEgp10 05-23-02  08:47 am
HIGHER BABY!!!Mike B.21 05-07-02  10:01 pm
HORSEPOWERDee Cantrell04-04-02  01:15 pm
HVAC BulbsHenry Enriquez09-28-02  12:08 pm
Had to grind the rackM. Recke09-10-02  07:32 am
Half Shafts for a D2Greek rover17 07-28-02  03:13 pm
Hand Winches?????Al Oliveira39 08-30-02  12:31 pm
Hand brake light won't extinquishBill Bettridge03-10-02  06:02 pm
Hand brake springshendrik09-29-02  08:05 am
Hanging by a wire, HELP!Aaron12-06-02  10:46 am
Hannibal Roof RackHo Chung03-27-02  12:40 am
Hannibal Roof RackChristian11-02-02  06:35 am
Hannibal Roof RacksAlan Yim11-27-02  08:20 pm
Hannibal Roof RacksBW06-23-02  09:09 pm
Hannibal safari rackRobbie08-12-02  09:38 am
Hard Starting 99 disco 1Mark Smith09-19-02  06:13 pm
Hard Starting when ColdRob Choromokos18 05-13-02  05:26 pm
Hard Starting, STILL Rob Choromokos04-30-02  09:59 pm
Hardware for adventure roof rackDave_Lucas15 09-26-02  09:55 pm
Hardware for running boards disco 2Thinh Thai10-06-02  10:14 am
Has anyone bought the fender flares from ECR Disco Project?Clarance43 03-22-02  04:20 pm
Has anyone eliminated their mufflers? JB26 08-09-02  05:42 pm
Has anyone else had a similar experience with with OME springs? Michael Noe07-31-02  08:32 am
Has anyone purchased from DAP Inc.Carter Simcoe10 09-27-02  02:53 pm
Has anyone replaced carpet?Marc14 05-01-02  09:33 am
Has anyone succesfully adapted a regular Pioneer changer?John10-19-02  01:15 am
Has anyone tried the bilstein 5100 seriesPerroneFord02-18-02  10:36 pm
Has anyone used a factory switch w/Hella wiring harness?Rick Cordova08-18-02  12:03 pm
Hasaanyone tried Xenon headlights? Neal Glessner14 02-19-02  12:26 pm
Hauling a canoeJack03-12-02  09:19 pm
Have thunking noiseBrian11-29-02  09:33 pm
Have you gotten your RECALL letter yet? Disco ll owners read:Kristopher March03-12-02  01:00 pm
Having trouble breaking lug nutsBlake Luse16 04-03-02  11:42 am
Haynes ManualRamsay08-08-02  10:33 pm
Hazy/Milkey looking wood trim on D1gdavis03-24-02  11:41 pm
Head Gasket Repair CostDee09-05-02  12:27 am
Head Gaskets-fiber, vs. steelmuskyman16 12-03-02  11:30 am
Head Unit Removal...David Dryden04-01-02  08:02 pm
Head Unit problemShane C.10-16-02  02:10 am
Head gasket on 94 discoRon05-23-02  12:16 am
Head light is out how do i replace it ?Ho Chung08-01-02  08:14 pm
Headers for Disco'sneil cawley08-26-02  03:13 pm
Headlamp replacement...upgrade???Mike Rupp12-06-02  12:39 pm
Headlamp washers spray when truck is startedNick B10-27-02  09:44 pm
Headlamp/Turnsignal switchjim08-19-02  05:34 pm
Headlamps won't workM. K. Watson05-12-02  04:58 pm
HeadlightLeslie N. Bright10-14-02  09:44 am
Headlight BulbHenry Enriquez10-04-02  06:26 pm
Headlight bulbsButchS11-17-02  10:32 am
Headlight problemM. K. Watson07-08-02  10:10 pm
Headlight removal on the discovery INadir Ali11-09-02  11:01 pm
Headlight replacement- '96 (How?)P_Kennington12-06-02  05:40 pm
Headlight sprayer leaking?Sean J14 02-28-02  10:12 am
Headlight woes Emilio09-10-02  06:27 pm
HeadlightsJames Barrios11 11-26-02  11:22 am
Headliner RipsAnonymous04-02-02  11:54 am
Headliner drooping- fix or remove?Matt Marshall07-19-02  04:19 pm
Headliner needs replacement Marc03-21-02  08:36 am
Headliner problems.rollins jackson05-02-02  02:56 pm
Headliner replacementJorge P. Gutierrez, 09-20-02  01:04 pm
Heat/AC Vent Control impossible to move when cold.EricV12-04-02  03:10 pm
Heat: 12v or alternatives to that Heater CoreKevin Howell14 12-05-02  02:30 pm
Heated Seats InstallGil Stevens07-18-02  08:31 am
Heated seat?Carter Simcoe10-18-02  03:06 pm
Heated seatsDee Cantrell03-05-02  05:38 pm
Heated windscreen for disco series 1Michael Caddy03-05-02  12:22 pm
Heavy Duty bumper question Ned Connolly05-13-02  11:02 am
Heavy High Speed VibrationBrad Russell03-29-02  11:54 am
Heavy duty brake parts?John Moore10-20-02  10:07 am
Height question?Simon E. Arenas04-02-02  09:56 am
Hell yeah!!!!!Kim S09-11-02  08:03 pm
Hella 4000 / D2 QuestionJohn Moore12-07-02  01:46 pm
Hella 4000 Fog LightsCliff Reade02-18-02  07:18 pm
Hella 4000 on ARBBrad Russell05-13-02  07:16 pm
Hella 4000s wiring with a LR factory switch?Jack05-24-02  11:07 am
Hella 4k prob.Greg P.08-29-02  11:07 am
Hella Lamps??doug james03-30-02  05:12 pm
Hella Light ShieldsJRoc03-27-02  10:22 pm
Hella Light relays...suckDee Cantrell05-24-02  06:57 pm
Hella LightsBlake Luse11-18-02  12:48 am
Hella Lights for LR Brush B arBlue03-05-02  11:18 am
Hella Wiring HarnessPaul D. Morgan11-03-02  06:17 pm
Hella headlightsMatt La Frenz11-26-02  08:08 pm
Hella lights - wiring?Chris Merritt03-19-02  12:04 pm
Hello! Just got my new 1996 Discovery!bender203321 06-14-02  10:34 pm
Help ! D2 hood wont open.....streak17 07-13-02  08:42 am
Help - Brakes, Blower Motor, Oil Leak on '97 DiscoWes Legaspi13 03-09-02  08:22 pm
Help - Detent spring / grub screwKyle Beckman09-14-02  06:19 pm
Help - Problem with my DiscoveryPeter D.10-06-02  01:11 pm
Help - w/ overheating D2Marc09-04-02  11:36 am
Help - wiring hella 4000jim08-02-02  12:56 am
Help .. how do I attach an attachment to the paper clip?Mr UK07-11-02  05:23 pm
Help ... Intake manifold gasket replacement. DIY job? Ron04-30-02  04:46 am
Help 96-Disco won�t start!!Jose A Cabrera08-14-02  10:29 pm
Help Diagnose this!Scott Hayes18 03-16-02  07:42 pm
Help Finding Sounds - Brakes?Jared Schnelle10-03-02  11:33 am
Help Needed ASAP...Front Drive Shaft MeasurementsJoshua Weinstein08-28-02  03:01 am
Help Please... Can't get it in to gearBruce18 11-20-02  08:04 pm
Help Please: Someone with a D1 Workshop ManualSteve Andrews08-21-02  10:09 pm
Help Pls Disco II or 03 Radio/Stereo RemovalScott Brady09-18-02  05:51 pm
Help Removing RadioBlake Luse02-22-02  04:47 pm
Help Replacing RotorsPerroneFord11 04-22-02  07:35 pm
Help Wanted For Erratic IdlingBruce Mac Lennan10 07-04-02  11:47 pm
Help Warn Winch mounted in ARB bull barBrian Lewis03-18-02  02:13 pm
Help deciding on a brush guardLeslie N. Bright06-20-02  02:01 pm
Help diagnosing new noise- 96 D1Brad04-04-02  09:12 pm
Help do my front brake calipers really need to be serviced????Newsie25 09-22-02  03:42 pm
Help in Removing Console PArts (Disco I)David05-08-02  08:16 am
Help me decide, I want a disco series IIDavid Marchand10-04-02  11:21 am
Help me find a pic?RJ Clayton11-17-02  11:12 pm
Help me find my bearings.Bill Bettridge09-06-02  02:06 pm
Help mounting driving lights on stock brushbarAndrew Maier03-05-02  11:44 pm
Help need info how to install and remove front rotorscr36710 04-06-02  08:25 pm
Help on Disco II Wheels - Is this "Stratos" 16x8 ?Andy Viloria09-19-02  07:28 am
Help on Rover's North 30k tuneup kitJeff06-28-02  02:32 pm
Help please! I got vibes.Paul T. Schram04-29-02  05:12 pm
Help please, detailed advice/pics for roof rack to gutter mounting...M. Recke11 08-30-02  08:53 pm
Help rear door wont open , WHY ??Ken04-17-02  10:28 pm
Help removing fuel filter ???Dee08-23-02  11:54 pm
Help with Front driveshaft questionMatt Milbrandt10-15-02  10:53 am
Help with Hella light wiring on DII, color of factory wireBrian Lewis04-26-02  09:27 pm
Help with Master-Pull rope installMichael Villanueva11 09-30-02  09:32 pm
Help with Serial Number VINBernardo11-26-02  11:22 am
Help with a shifter on a 98 DiscoShannon Muncy05-03-02  11:50 am
Help with alarmAnonymous03-30-02  04:56 pm
Help with bleeding power steeringKingfish08-13-02  06:54 pm
Help with electric seats, please...Milan12-01-02  06:12 pm
Help with fault code 34James Gall11-18-02  08:30 pm
Help with fog lights-I'm sitting in the garage nowJack14 05-31-02  09:24 am
Help with new project, 305/70r16's on a DILeif05-18-02  12:15 am
Help with part identification/replacementSteve Andrews08-20-02  08:59 pm
Help with removing Front Air Dam and cutting end caps!!B.Bailey06-29-02  01:42 pm
Help with speed transducer DiscoAl11 08-24-02  11:33 pm
Help with steering problem - 2002 DIIRob Vreeland09-11-02  08:43 pm
Help with the wife please.bender203305-12-02  02:06 am
Help! Am I about to get ripped? Pre-Shop questions....JMcD06-04-02  10:28 am
Help! Brake Lights Stuck OnJeremy02-20-02  10:45 am
Help! Engine Whinning!dac03-21-02  07:22 pm
Help! Loss of power, oil & battery lights on...Lester Ray Gerber10-25-02  08:33 pm
Help! Starting / Rough Idle Trouble....Curtis Couch11 04-29-02  12:02 am
Help! brake padsSean J14 03-14-02  02:51 pm
Help! Burried to my axles in a Sandy SloshPeter Matusov34 12-05-02  02:42 pm
Help! How do you add a picture to your message?Grady Huber07-10-02  02:30 am
Help! My WInch Won'tkyle08-01-02  01:49 pm
Help! With removal of tower shock nut.Dee Cantrell25 04-26-02  04:33 pm
Help! my 97 Discovery Coughs burps and Hesitates < 2000 RPMsbryan07-23-02  05:01 pm
Help!! Where are spare 40A fuses on DII??Michael Noe08-23-02  07:16 am
Help!! Exhaust coming out of engine.Robbie09-23-02  09:50 am
Help!! Lucas Prince of Darkness Strikes Again. Disco No GoEvan04-09-02  11:38 pm
Help!! Shifter Stuck!glenh03-18-02  01:46 pm
Help!! Transfer StuckSam12-03-02  10:45 pm
Help!! Which plug to drain and which plug to refill swivel oil??Germ�n R. Gr�ner06-28-02  11:08 am
Help!!!! TC, ABS, HDC lights on!!Al Oliveira10-01-02  09:52 pm
Help!!!!!!!!!! 97 disco wont start after playing in the mud!! murray07-07-02  09:56 am
Help!97 disco runs like crap!!!Tony07-09-02  04:35 pm
Help, Broken Sun Roofdave t05-13-02  12:39 pm
Help, Hazards Stuck Onjec03-18-02  07:31 pm
Help, I don't think my 4.0 has a turbo....Chris Welch06-30-02  10:58 pm
Help, I think I broke my axleJose A Cabrera12 07-12-02  11:15 pm
Help, T-case beep while driving (shrill)!!Blue05-21-02  07:35 pm
Help, WTF is Code 61?????bryan08-30-02  10:50 pm
Help, my AC wont work and its HOT out...ken06-05-02  07:16 pm
Help, need part # for "body mounts"Carl Muckenhirn03-08-02  09:40 am
Help- L/H rear tail light keeps going out - Cops love itcartner10-03-02  09:14 pm
Help- New noise, from what?ErikS03-17-02  01:20 pm
Help-98 Disco will not startPeter J Blatt11 11-24-02  07:51 pm
Help. High pitch noise from the right front wheelAxel Haakonsen12 08-24-02  08:58 am
Help. Speed Sensorcharles pastrano11-10-02  11:25 am
Help... Disco stalled in water crossing...Glenn Guinto26 07-01-02  09:53 am
Help... stock fog light problemBill Bettridge09-10-02  09:21 am
Help.......ABS acting up very bad!!Bill K10-04-02  11:37 am
Help.....I know not what I do....Diff Lock????????Al Oliveira12 06-24-02  02:44 pm
Help....clunk,clunk,clunksandrod09-03-02  07:31 am
Help...Stranded in IowaKevinW12-03-02  02:57 pm
Help...anyone know the wrench size for water pump removal?PerroneFord11 04-07-02  02:03 pm
Here come the redneck jokes...Greg Wallace13 02-19-02  12:11 am
Hesitant DSIwarrenl03-11-02  11:52 am
Hesitationjmon03-20-02  12:32 pm
Hesitationcharles pastrano15 09-12-02  11:51 pm
Hesitation/misfire when AC is on?titan807-24-02  03:01 am
Hey GIL!Sus07-02-02  01:51 pm
Hey Kyle!KJ77 03-30-02  11:14 pm
Hey Snorkel People......Paul D. Morgan49 10-12-02  09:46 am
Hey all!!Alen15 09-23-02  09:28 am
Hey! got a rattle!danno05-18-02  08:43 am
HiCarter Simcoe04-12-02  10:56 am
Hi lift and shovel mount on a Adventure rackAnonymous03-25-02  12:12 pm
Hi lift and steel rimsAl Oliveira13 09-13-02  11:03 pm
Hi lift jack and the hitchclem08-01-02  09:25 am
Hi miles anyone?Gabriel Guay37 11-22-02  12:20 am
Hi-LiftHorness Spencer04-08-02  10:22 am
Hi-Lift QuestionAl Oliveira12-02-02  10:01 pm
Hi-Lift Brush Bar Mount???brian friend05-15-02  06:31 pm
Hi-Lift or Jack-All??????RVR OVR13 08-26-02  06:00 pm
Hi-Lift, Shovel and Axe Brackets for the ADVENTURE RACK??Jeff Anderson06-22-02  12:10 pm
Hi-lift jack F#$KED UPmongo17 11-23-02  12:20 pm
Hi-lift or Jack-all?Ron02-23-02  05:15 am
HiClone, Do any of youguys use one?Greg Davis06-18-02  01:18 pm
HiLift Mount on spare tire DIIJCC03-21-02  11:56 am
High Beam Replacement BulbsErik G. Burrows26 05-08-02  07:41 pm
High IdleDarren Jones10-15-02  09:27 am
High Idle 97 DiscoveryB Nyholm10-31-02  11:20 pm
High Lift Clif Ashley11-03-02  09:37 pm
High MilesJon Williams27 04-29-02  01:14 pm
High Miles on 4.0Robert Sublett10-29-02  06:45 pm
High Output AlternatorsLeslie N. Bright13 03-04-02  10:07 pm
High idle at startupBrian Friend03-02-02  10:32 pm
High idle?Buddy07-25-02  04:39 pm
High pitch whine above 80mphKent Westbrook21 07-16-02  11:42 pm
High-Pitched Whining Engine Noise - 2002 DiscoveryJoekeither10 07-15-02  09:04 pm
Higher StillHo Chung09-11-02  06:56 pm
Hinged radius arm reliabilityRandall Smith02-26-02  11:58 pm
History Channel: Ultimate AutosLeslie N. Bright07-30-02  12:36 pm
Hitch Receiver 7'700 lbs ?Chris09-20-02  12:14 pm
Ho , has a little something new.....Paul T. Schram44 06-05-02  04:18 pm
Hog-rings vs Zip-Ties in seating upholsteryCraig Kobayashi10-23-02  07:22 pm
Hole in mufflerSteve04-18-02  11:48 pm
Holiday Special on videosDiscoWeb Team12-02-02  01:29 pm
Hollister hills pics question bout gold roverF.J.06-08-02  05:06 pm
Home repair....D2 vs D1cyson27 02-19-02  11:51 pm
HomelinkEd09-20-02  06:57 pm
Homelink???jerry quintana10 05-20-02  11:13 pm
Hood (bonnet) release cableDiscosaurus02-26-02  05:11 pm
Hood DecalBill K11 10-31-02  12:38 pm
Hood PaintMike B.06-23-02  09:28 am
Hood Release Won't Release!streak07-29-02  01:37 pm
Hood mounted tireMohan08-18-02  09:13 pm
Hood, or rather, bonnet louversHolger04-26-02  05:58 am
Hope this doesn't sound dumb...light installEric Pena11-16-02  12:47 pm
Horn doesn't work-alarm relatedPaul T. Schram06-23-02  01:45 pm
Hot Air for the Driver...Nice cool air for the passenger?retro7804-08-02  04:45 pm
Hot Brakes and Stupid Wheel NutsJack12 11-06-02  03:45 pm
Hot and wheezyRob Ellins05-26-02  04:05 am
Hot gear selector...KJ04-13-02  11:24 pm
Hot tanking brake calipers?Disco Dad15 02-22-02  11:58 am
Hot topic!!muskyman06-26-02  10:02 pm
Hot water all over my feet!!Rona Gitsham10 11-22-02  06:58 pm
Houston, we don't have ignition....Robert Sublett06-19-02  09:18 pm
How About A LR Service Directory?Al Oliveira09-14-02  12:51 pm
How Hard is it to Change Rear Window Seals?David Dryden05-22-02  07:53 am
How To ? ? ? Remove GLAZIN' from the front ! ! ! ! !skaramunga08-09-02  03:58 am
How To Check For Bad U-JointBob13 11-12-02  05:44 pm
How about this stepchild?Al Oliveira45 07-30-02  08:35 pm
How best to realign the transfer case and front differential??Ken Dunnington11-13-02  11:26 pm
How big are these nuts?Lawrence Tilly08-12-02  11:58 am
How big of a einch will do? What do you all run?Carter Simcoe04-11-02  11:56 pm
How can I replace my O2 Sensors myself, I got 2 out.....Anonymous05-28-02  01:50 pm
How can I transport this on a disco?Dean Brown14 02-25-02  10:23 am
How can I wire the alarm to flash the rack lights?Dean Brown30 07-12-02  09:11 am
How can i tell if my 2001 discoSD is CDL ready...Greg Davis13 07-10-02  12:40 pm
How can this be for sale?lisa johnston21 05-25-02  03:36 pm
How can you buy the Trek Discovery modified?Anonymous05-25-02  02:45 pm
How can you tell if your u-joint and rear shaft need a lub job?Ed H11 03-21-02  12:04 pm
How come d-web wont refresh or is no one postingAnonymous03-01-02  08:33 am
How difficult to replace '95 D1 steering box?Joe Still10-30-02  11:59 am
How do I adjust Hella 4000s?Matt02-19-02  03:16 pm
How do I check transmission fluid on DII?Lee Cunningham11-06-02  08:45 am
How do I remove the passenger side door panel...Paul T. Schram11-08-02  09:52 am
How do I tighten the right downpipe??Matthew Seems07-04-02  01:08 am
How do I water proofPeter03-29-02  09:59 pm
How do Land Rovers perform in crashes??brad11 11-02-02  11:47 pm
How do i fix my dash?Kevin Howell11-26-02  08:28 am
How do i get the fog light wires off when i'm takin my front air da...Blake Luse02-23-02  03:57 pm
How do i remove the drivers side headlight bulb? Neal Glessner03-05-02  09:16 pm
How do i remove the thin bars from the front grill guard?Shawn McKenzie11-27-02  03:18 pm
How do i stop these leaks coming from front and rear interiorJess Brandt11-16-02  09:26 pm
How do you change your auto transmission oil? 96' DiscoAnonymous05-04-02  09:49 pm
How do you disconnect the ABS sensor??????Bill Bettridge05-17-02  10:05 am
How do you extend the sway-bar ?Cameron D07-03-02  11:23 pm
How do you get homelink wired up?Carter Simcoe07-23-02  04:03 pm
How do you get the SLS light to go out?Al Oliveira12-02-02  04:52 pm
How do you get the headlight washers to workken knebusch03-01-02  07:45 am
How do you keep the water out?Bruce10 02-26-02  07:37 pm
How do you remove and reseat an abs sensor?Alex Schubow02-15-02  12:47 pm
How do you remove clock from '96 disco, Help plz.M. Recke05-15-02  06:45 am
How do you remove the ignition cylinder?Hammerhead04-14-02  03:01 pm
How do you wire something to your Fuse Box (sorry i`m a noob at th...Shane C.10-16-02  02:02 am
How does acceleration effect u-joint/pinion angles??muskyman12-07-02  01:51 pm
How does removing sway bars affect my static roll-over angle? Brian Jackson02-14-02  01:21 pm
How easy is it to lower the TC on a DII?Ho Chung02-19-02  12:15 pm
How easy to fix this leak?Paul L04-10-02  02:48 pm
How exacting do i have to get when replacing the rotor...scubaman9909-20-02  08:10 pm
How far can I drive with a leaking intake manifold?Ed H04-30-02  03:23 pm
How full should the coolant Res. be?Jay Hobbs11-12-02  12:59 pm
How good are these ???ErikNC10 06-07-02  08:12 pm
How hard is it to replace exhaust manifold gasket?Blue11 04-16-02  12:19 pm
How hard is it to switch seats?Daniel Rork10-06-02  11:39 am
How hard is it?Ron Ward02-24-02  07:07 pm
How large are the axle shafts?Will Roeder07-14-02  01:10 am
How long do pads and rotors last??Al Oliveira04-26-02  10:30 pm
How long should this take???todd slater15 11-11-02  09:53 pm
How long to replace rear rotors?jmon06-07-02  06:28 pm
How many amps does a stock D2 battery have? Diesel09-26-02  04:29 pm
How many miles on one tank of gas??disco71 06-08-02  04:15 am
How much body damage can I expect if I go through Sledge/Jack/Claw ...jerry10-06-02  01:47 am
How much cutting really neededKyle03-06-02  10:38 pm
How much did I save on DIY maintenance?Mike B.07-25-02  10:35 pm
How much diff oiledward petrush10-09-02  09:59 am
How much does AC kill the gas mileage?Matthew Seems07-29-02  03:28 pm
How much does a 245/75 tire weigh?John Cinquegrana10-29-02  08:21 pm
How much does a TDI weigh?Markd1x234 03-03-02  12:45 am
How much does a stock Disco 1 weigh?Markd1x209-22-02  09:32 pm
How much for ARB and Ramsey 12k winchM. K. Watson11-19-02  09:37 pm
How much for a 03 DIIRon Ward27 07-11-02  01:45 pm
How much gas?David Dryden05-16-02  03:57 pm
How much greater chances of vibes from 3" to 2"E Snyder02-26-02  10:12 pm
How much height does the adventure roof rack add?Alen04-27-02  10:24 pm
How much is this truck worth???Dee06-22-02  02:10 am
How much is your fuel ... $ American per litre?Greg P.33 07-15-02  09:22 am
How much lift on disco 1 for 32" BFG'sted chestnut10 08-01-02  06:11 pm
How much weight can the original Roof Rack for a D1 hold?Keith Armstrong33 06-27-02  08:52 am
How often should I replace my oxegen sensor? Disco_Dad21 03-02-02  04:38 am
How to change brake master cylinder?Ron06-22-02  10:51 pm
How to check if the two ac fans workcharles08-18-02  03:21 pm
How to fix the peeling dashjp05-25-02  02:08 am
How to flush coolant Mark Meyer06-29-02  11:35 am
How to get TD5 injector codes?Andy Linton03-10-02  02:15 pm
How to get drivers door glass out? (seal replacement)derek04-01-02  06:09 pm
How to keep thieves the hella-way from my hellas?Greg French06-08-02  08:48 am
How to mount lights on AB safari rackDean Brown04-16-02  08:10 am
How to prep rust spotderek04-08-02  06:22 pm
How to put in CV moly grease in .Ron04-08-02  10:46 pm
How to replace a Speed SensorJeff Price06-25-02  08:54 am
How to replace shift plate- the one the shift lever goes thruJoe Still07-22-02  08:21 pm
How to ship a truck from the UK?David Gage10 05-14-02  01:08 pm
How to wire Hella 4000streak07-25-02  04:33 pm
How wide id a stock rim (98 disco)Randall Smith03-28-02  12:00 am
How would you handle this?Bruce03-14-02  06:25 pm
Howling Like a BansheeKyle08-13-02  05:04 pm
Howling...Paul T. Schram06-20-02  01:22 pm
Hs9500i---brake questionMilan05-12-02  10:40 pm
Hub Boltshendrik06-25-02  03:34 am
Hub DisassemblyDee Cantrell10 09-13-02  06:31 pm
Hub Nut Bearing AdjustmentsDee07-16-02  12:05 pm
Hub Nut ToolNathan Hindman08-09-02  07:09 pm
Hub cap to fit dark grey stock magsJaco de Klerk12-01-02  04:39 pm
Hub nut socketEugene03-26-02  01:44 am
Humming/vibration at 55-70mph..Scott04-13-02  03:50 pm
Husband out of town and the disco died...Mike Rupp10 07-16-02  11:28 am
Husky 10K winch.. yay? or nay?Kyle21 03-31-02  08:59 am
Hydraulic transmission oil temperaturevalobo06-12-02  12:42 pm
Hydrolic winchesAsphaltGypsy10-14-02  03:08 pm
Hypothetical Catalytical TheoryParrish R. Blackmon12 10-22-02  10:08 pm
I Just got a magnaflow and eliminated the rear muffler...Jason Vance08-20-02  05:45 pm
I Need More Power.........Craig M. Highland12 07-22-02  11:43 pm
I am hearing that a certain Disco made it to Seatle ?KJ34 07-18-02  02:48 pm
I changed a power steering hose and now my disco runs like crap...helpScott Hayes20 07-01-02  10:07 pm
I completed my OME suspensionRob Vreeland05-19-02  09:10 pm
I do stupid stuff with my truck.muskyman127 11-13-02  01:47 pm
I hate to ask, but I have a suspension situmation.Brendan Kearns13 07-16-02  10:40 am
I have to tell you a story...muskyman13 06-11-02  05:04 pm
I just recieved my Cobra 75 WXST CB radio and need some Ideas on wh...Greg Parden13 10-10-02  11:57 pm
I just washed and waxed my Disco...won't start!!!Jason Vance06-25-02  07:20 pm
I keep going through steering boxes . . . .why?Paul T. Schram09-10-02  10:42 am
I know i'm not crazy but I can't find Aurora tires on the internet...Blake Luse11-06-02  02:17 am
I need a Light Bulb for an '01 D2 Before MAR!!!Matt Milbrandt10-03-02  04:11 pm
I need a cargo curtain on a discovery 1Anonymous02-20-02  07:14 am
I need help with the Brush Bar................sg04-29-02  11:58 am
I need the A team problem fixers on this one!OLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-25-02  10:41 pm
I need the BEST CB and the BEST ROCK Please!Paul D. Morgan25 04-18-02  09:56 pm
I need wiring diagram for Disco IIDon05-21-02  07:14 pm
I only have one problem...but I know it's early!bender20311 06-04-02  05:37 pm
I posted this last night and it was cutJay Hobbs52 11-04-02  03:12 pm
I refuse to accept this can't be fixed...2001 SEDon Morin18 07-24-02  10:00 am
I think I blew out my rear diff?JMcD05-01-02  05:31 pm
I think I broke something...a different edh28 08-27-02  10:36 pm
I think we all dig the new colors and banner and layout, right?Michael Villanueva22 02-15-02  09:41 pm
I thought I saw a...Ross Thoma11 10-03-02  06:34 pm
I want MORE BASS, so i got a pioneer amp/10 sub....WHAT NEXT???DChrismon10-10-02  12:05 am
I want a Discovery or D90Steve09-13-02  05:59 pm
I want this.!!!!Ali25 04-01-02  01:38 pm
I was rear ended!!Douglas Jones20 08-15-02  11:38 am
I'm BURNING UP!!SoCalJoe07-21-02  02:33 am
I'm a Yuppie now!!!!Blue99 09-06-02  05:36 pm
I'm hoping it's the VSSMike B.10-07-02  07:16 pm
I've been's what I've been building::Peter Carey08-23-02  10:44 pm
I've got a leanerJeremy Hamilton11-13-02  01:25 pm
I've got a stiffy!KJ11 09-01-02  11:55 pm
I've got to replace muffler...chuckster08-06-02  03:37 pm
I´ts the 4.2 a good engine for a disco 1Roland Kutasi12-02-02  02:05 am
IAC for 97SE7mark gomez04-27-02  08:43 pm
IAT sensorJohn Cocker11-28-02  04:46 pm
IPF "Mouse" SwitchSimon E. Arenas03-28-02  11:01 am
IPF Light InstallAndy05-20-02  12:57 pm
IPF Light Relay Problem, HELP!!!!drbuck06-03-02  11:45 am
IS MY 4 WHEEL DRIVE WORKING ( 97 Discovery I )Iain sword15 05-18-02  04:59 pm
Ideas on were to get break rotors..gp13 05-29-02  08:17 am
Idle problem 95 discoglenh07-15-02  01:26 pm
Idle speed on 97 discoRandall Smith03-12-02  09:43 am
If Using Synthetic Oil, What Filter, Disco Stock?Paul T. Schram05-06-02  11:37 am
If i made this - would you buy it?E Snyder32 11-04-02  05:48 pm
If i want subs , what would i need to buy to fit my rover?Robert Mann11 03-27-02  10:30 am
If you are thinking about a valve job due to sticking exhaust valvesgp04-15-02  01:30 pm
If you lock your only key inside your Disco...jeremy patrissi19 03-22-02  07:02 pm
Ignition CoilHenry Enriquez09-03-02  11:49 am
Ignition Coil Help...!!! :(...Nick B03-01-02  06:36 pm
Ignition Coil Replacement Questionbryan02-28-02  02:17 am
Ignition Interlock RelaysScott Harrington03-28-02  12:36 pm
Ignition ProblemTony08-12-02  09:58 am
Ignition coil packs??Don07-13-02  10:14 am
Ignition cylinderHammerhead04-14-02  02:51 pm
Ignition switch problem?Jerre Killingbeck08-30-02  12:24 pm
Ignition switchs dont lastShane C.10-16-02  09:36 am
Im in an electrical shite stormSteve09-24-02  01:56 pm
Importing an LR from CanadaR. B. Bailey19 12-03-02  11:20 am
Improving radio receptionDaren06-27-02  08:13 am
In Australia we have an annual "Burn a Rover Night" (that Nite for ...Jack Messenger10-31-02  09:16 pm
Inconsistent Cooling - 95 D1Brian17 08-16-02  03:55 pm
Increased Air FlowThrough Grill=Cooler Engine?Kingfish20 07-11-02  10:58 am
Independant Susp.Mel A.28 03-21-02  05:19 pm
Independent Service in Tulsa/OKC?James F. Thompson Ja10-01-02  12:15 pm
Independent shops in Seattle? Jeremy Katka07-09-02  07:59 pm
Inexpensive dual battery isolator?thom mathie11-20-02  04:26 pm
Info on 2005 Disco IIIBlake Luse10-29-02  12:35 pm
Inner and Outer Seal questionumang03-09-02  06:49 pm
Inner ceilingKyle06-09-02  01:03 pm
Inside dimensions (cargo area) of a DII adventure rackDave_Lucas05-30-02  11:36 pm
Inspecting a Disconiall forbes03-04-02  04:58 pm
Install Hella 500 Fog lights on front bumper ?Curtis Couch03-30-02  11:07 pm
Installation of 5.7 GM engine into 1997 Discovery with manual trans...Norm18 09-07-02  01:11 am
Installed New battery today and now SRS light is on!Robert Sublett06-03-02  07:28 am
Installing Brush Bar on Disco IIAnonymous03-05-02  09:36 pm
Installing D2 running boardsSTephan05-04-02  11:33 pm
Installing DII fender flares on a D1Mel A.06-11-02  09:57 am
Installing Hella 4000s this week.-HELPJack06-03-02  01:23 pm
Installing JUMP seats into a 99 Disco 1... help!!Ed H06-11-02  11:45 pm
Installing OME - The Fun BeginsLawrence Tilly08-12-02  03:50 pm
Installing Range Rover seats in a '95 Disco?Chris browne05-08-02  08:44 pm
Installing Running Boards Disco IMilan11-23-02  02:54 pm
Installing TJM Bumper on d2? Tom Hyslip07-05-02  08:29 am
Installing a DetroitAlexander Braalovich10-27-02  11:23 am
Installing a PS box, any pointers?Dee13 07-15-02  07:18 pm
Installing a fuel pumpCal05-16-02  01:11 am
Installing cd playerDobie Disco08-07-02  08:35 pm
Installing electric brakes on a D1Jay Hobbs05-12-02  10:43 am
Installing sunroofs on a 96 DIJohn C.07-11-02  10:00 am
Installing the new Disco II cupholders in a Disco IDave Smith08-17-02  08:18 pm
Installing the second batterycharles phu03-19-02  04:48 pm
Instrument panel and gear selector lightsSoCalJoe07-22-02  11:44 am
Intake Manifold Gasket LeakMike C06-03-02  10:27 am
Intake valley gasket leakingbryan09-07-02  09:38 am
Intake valley gasket was leaking ?????jp05-08-02  05:25 am
Inter year spring and shock swap...Craig M. Highland04-10-02  06:28 pm
Interesting findKingfish03-19-02  11:16 am
Interesting note on DII brakesPaul Long03-15-02  08:48 am
Interior lightsrollins jackson05-02-02  09:15 pm
Interior lights 'n' stuffJames F. Thompson Ja04-11-02  11:23 am
Intermiten missing problem and no power half the time.Daniel Rork10-14-02  04:50 pm
Intermittant heat - 94 D1gp11-06-02  05:14 pm
Intermittent Central Locking RemoteDon Collins08-24-02  12:58 am
Intermittent Cruise ControlRon10-30-02  10:46 am
Intermittent Noiserobert rubenzik06-01-02  01:16 am
Intermittent a/c shut offShane C.08-13-02  01:34 am
Intermittent check engine lightJoe Iozia05-03-02  12:59 pm
Intermittent loss of engine power and vibrations??Richard Dekkard17 07-31-02  04:48 pm
Intermittent whistling sound while AC is on.Mark Albrecht10-28-02  02:50 pm
Internet Site in AU for 35sNadim02-26-02  03:56 pm
Interstate Shifting ProblemsScott Hood07-14-02  02:28 pm
Irritating Dash RattleJoe11 07-30-02  10:00 am
Is Bearmach Crap??????Ron05-09-02  07:55 pm
Is a 95 Discovery OBD-I or OBD-II? More w/in---->Paul T. Schram09-19-02  04:27 pm
Is a 99 Disco a good purchase?Sean J11 02-20-02  05:39 pm
Is an added 1 inch of lift worth it ???ErikNC05-13-02  09:40 pm
Is anyone using FRAMX2 oil filters?PerroneFord05-09-02  09:41 pm
Is it just me?Chris Browne09-22-02  05:36 pm
Is it normal for a 96 Disco IBruce Mac Lennan07-07-02  09:19 pm
Is it ok to mix synthetic and dino?Milan07-11-02  11:34 am
Is it possible for the Radio Antenna..?Rob Caulfield10-14-02  10:11 am
Is it possible for the radio antennaBruce10-18-02  11:32 am
Is it possible to after market jump seatsAl Oliveira07-03-02  11:18 pm
Is it possible to get scorpion products in the statesJeremy Katka10-22-02  05:18 pm
Is it possible to make an Adventure Rack?Ned Connolly11-18-02  01:56 pm
Is it really true?p m07-31-02  11:34 am
Is it the radio or something else?zpukajlo06-24-02  06:06 pm
Is it the wheel bearing?Jim08-30-02  02:07 pm
Is it worth getting this HAND WINCH?Wendell26 04-10-02  03:10 am
Is my diff in trouble?Roger Fastring11 04-01-02  12:15 pm
Is my transmission terminal?Jay Bute12 11-22-02  01:55 pm
Is the 96 disco differential interchangeable with 93 110?Bruce Mac Lennan09-13-02  12:09 am
Is the Alternator going...going...gone? Need Advice...Brian07-06-02  12:18 pm
Is the MAF the same in the 1995 and 1996 models?A. W.04-07-02  04:39 am
Is the genuine LR ladder for looks or actually useful?Danno13 11-27-02  05:04 pm
Is the rear door just broken?Steve Andrews08-24-02  10:10 pm
Is there ANYWHERE i can get a mounting kit for cheapRatherpusharoverthat04-18-02  10:21 pm
Is there a fog light install explanation on DWeb? Complete with wi...Olered04-04-02  04:34 pm
Is there a plug for foglight switch in 99 Series 1 SD?Greg French06-10-02  02:21 pm
Is there a way to turn down sensitivity on motion sensors?alyssa03-12-02  01:20 pm
Is there a website with materials list for a RTI ramp??Craig M. Highland02-15-02  09:33 pm
Is there an end?Matt Marshall10 07-19-02  10:28 am
Is there equipment to change a tire in a disco Jeff Bieler02-26-02  06:27 pm
Is this Normal? A/C Fan Stays on.Evan07-18-02  12:18 pm
Is this a bow wave?Marc Ingham32 11-06-02  08:59 am
Is this a problem?Eugene Elin10 10-10-02  12:23 pm
Is this a true statement about my rover V8? Ricky Smart12 07-27-02  03:20 am
Is this crazy?gayle bryant13 08-27-02  04:12 pm
Is this enough articulation?Ho Chung77 04-19-02  11:38 am
Is this the Resonator or Muffler?????????????Moe15 06-12-02  05:12 pm
Is this what is claims to be?Carter Simcoe16 11-08-02  09:04 pm
It's gonna BLOW!!!!muskyman12-08-02  08:07 pm
It's just aesthetic...but....Sus18 07-19-02  09:32 am
JCCJCC03-25-02  09:39 am
JMcD - Are you out there?Ken04-14-02  10:43 pm
JP Mate AirJackAl Oliveira08-01-02  05:41 pm
JUMP SEATS WITH REAR AIRPhillip Miller05-18-02  11:08 pm
JUst wondering about my drive shaftsRonLF10 12-03-02  01:25 pm
Jack All v/s Hi-Lift JackTroy13 06-17-02  05:04 pm
Jack..Al Oliveira09-04-02  03:21 pm
JackAdaptRob Liflander03-02-02  10:57 am
Jacobs Ignitionjerry05-20-02  02:47 pm
Jate rings and the front air damHank Shank02-21-02  02:53 pm
Jerk Keyed My Disco...Lance Leverette12 11-27-02  02:01 am
Jerry cans, heat and safetyBill Molnar14 08-27-02  07:03 pm
John Bradley SmithChris Browne11 07-30-02  03:07 am
Jump Seat Removal?jp07-31-02  04:16 am
Jump Seatsgil03-28-02  01:52 pm
Jump seat questionTom in Md11-24-02  06:11 pm
Jump seatsJames M. Eaglesome11-20-02  07:53 am
Just Dumped CoolantAndy Nichols08-03-02  04:12 pm
Just Installed OME MD Springs & Shocks, but have Concernsgp17 12-05-02  02:44 pm
Just Installed RTE 1" spacers...Mike B.04-15-02  11:58 pm
Just Missed Out on DII !Bob02-28-02  07:42 pm
Just added Magnecor Plug Wires..........Crash12 05-23-02  09:05 am
Just bought a 93 disco mpi and need advice here!!noom of thailand09-11-02  06:12 am
Just bought my new - used disco!Ho Chung07-16-02  01:36 am
Just cleaned the engine and now she wont start!?!rob08-18-02  11:27 pm
Just curiousLeslie N. Bright05-06-02  12:45 pm
Just did Rear Pads, Still Squeling, any other ideas?muskyman05-16-02  07:15 am
Just fit 265/75r16 Truxus with no triming AT ALL !!Emilio 98 Disco04-15-02  06:18 pm
Just found a CDL Linkage for my DSII!Ron16 05-25-02  02:24 am
Just got 99 Disco 1Alyssa57 05-24-02  03:36 pm
Just got a levo-gauge...where to put it?Eric N40 11-18-02  08:28 pm
Just installed RTE LiftJohn C.04-10-02  03:12 pm
Just purchased an extended warranty for Tommy Dougherty25 07-12-02  09:36 am
Just trying to be safe...Camille18 08-25-02  02:37 pm
K & N Air Filterbryan07-21-02  05:34 pm
K&N Filter 97 Discoverymuskyman11 09-21-02  12:31 am
K&N Filter?Mark & Bev Preston53 05-28-02  03:42 pm
K&N Filters, Junk or NotGrady31 03-12-02  10:44 pm
KVT bumper for HuskyHo Chung15 04-23-02  01:13 pm
KVT vs. ARBRon44 06-15-02  12:43 am
Kayak Adapters for Adventure Rack???Peter Carey17 07-30-02  01:12 pm
Kaymar &/or TJM rear bumperJohn Graham11 08-19-02  01:57 pm
Keep blowing fuel pump fuses!!!!Mike Rupp10-06-02  10:55 am
Keeping Castors Cleangp07-09-02  11:26 am
Kelly tires ?Dave M.09-24-02  01:00 pm
Kent Pollock's Rear BumperClif Ashley06-21-02  01:02 am
Kevin Howell .. Are you onlineKevin Howell11-26-02  12:09 pm
Kevlar Winch Ropemongo22 03-29-02  11:30 pm
Key - sticks - WON'T TURN!!! Normal? Cureable?Angelos Loizou11 05-06-02  05:28 am
Key cannot be removed from the ignitionJim08-30-02  02:52 pm
Key not turning ignition..calling all locksmithsmuskyman14 08-15-02  07:47 am
Key stuck in ignition......Mark Meyer02-24-02  09:14 pm
Key stuck in the ignition help!!muskyman06-05-02  10:00 am
Key stuck in the ignition help!!Rich Peterson08-03-02  02:24 pm
Key switch works...sometimesRobert Sublett12-03-02  07:14 pm
Keyless Entry, have to stand inside to lock/unlock...Robert Sublett10 05-13-02  07:25 pm
Keyless Remote BatteryM. K. Watson12-02-02  12:19 pm
Keyless Remote Keeps DyingMatt05-27-02  09:45 pm
Keyless Remote Programjosh08-07-02  01:56 pm
Keyless entryMark Alexander08-07-02  08:07 pm
Kickdown cable?Paul T. Schram10 12-05-02  01:20 pm
Killing that stupid beeper when the door is openedjp06-17-02  06:28 am
Klune-V "Extreme Underdrive" Brandon ORear09-08-02  05:47 pm
Knock KnockBard_N11-03-02  03:33 pm
Knock sensorJohn Houseman11-23-02  07:38 pm
Knock under drivers floor during braking.Mike J.13 04-24-02  09:36 am
Knocking sound when driving but gone when stepping brakesUsername11-21-02  11:32 am
Know how to test PS pump pressure?Frode H�bertz Haalan06-10-02  04:33 am
Know where to find Disco1 front blinker clearout kit...? Saw it in VTWarren07-08-02  01:45 am
Kyle + Steel + RE12000 = Styl'in, Bad Ass DSII BumperCurtis107 03-22-02  01:25 am
Kyle and Ho, the ultimate Land Rover accessory you don't have yet.....Craig M. Highland04-13-02  11:49 pm
Kyle's Modified T-Case Lever for Body LiftsRob Davison02-24-02  11:17 pm
Kyle's bumper is OUT THE WINDOW!!!Ron L34 03-28-02  04:19 pm
Kyle: Bumper?\Mike...05-10-02  10:18 pm
LATCHING RELAYS?Greg P.09-13-02  11:33 am
LH side mirror glass part number?Jaco de Klerk10-28-02  01:13 pm
LIFTED NOW WHAT ABOUT TIRESBlake Luse25 05-08-02  11:43 pm
LIft and front/rear driveshafts concerns...Paul T. Schram05-29-02  02:55 pm
LR / Hella Trailer HarnessJohn Moore11-30-02  11:19 am
LR Dog Guard Installchrisvonc06-08-02  04:18 pm
LR HD Springs - Are they really?dkfrizzell06-12-02  02:46 pm
LR MECHANIC IN SURBURBAN PHILLYtodd slater10-22-02  03:52 pm
LR Mechanic In Philadelphia AreaAnonymous05-19-02  05:58 am
LR Repair Manuals on CDjohnny528 04-26-02  01:13 am
LR Steel RimsEd15 09-06-02  03:04 pm
LR Wiring harnessRoverON03-17-02  03:55 pm
LR mechanic in HoustonSean J03-13-02  05:49 pm
LR steel wheelsTodd Sanders08-16-02  01:02 pm
LSDCarter Simcoe11-29-02  10:47 am
LSE - Consol Panel Removal??CJ SZPILA11-25-02  03:36 am
LWB Drivers Power Seat and both mirrors quit when coldLarry Grubbs11-26-02  01:45 pm
LWB ride better than doscovery?Carter Simcoe11-12-02  11:33 pm
Ladder installJack Quinlan12-04-02  05:15 pm
Land Rove Global ChallengeKeith Armstrong07-23-02  09:11 am
Land Rover Center Off-Road in Manchester VTKent Westbrook03-05-02  12:52 pm
Land Rover Colorado Springs Kicks ButtSean Hanagan10 11-07-02  01:57 pm
Land Rover North America's phone #??Carl E. Cedeholm06-10-02  03:51 pm
Land Rover North American 55th Birthday Bash!Chris Browne08-15-02  03:45 am
Land Rover PartsPhillip Perkinson10-09-02  03:15 pm
Land Rover Special OfferPaul Pruden09-22-02  07:57 pm
Land Rover Starting Helpoffrovn10-01-02  03:29 pm
Land Rover Top 5 List of the Most Expensive Items to FixKent12 04-26-02  07:58 pm
Land Rover videossowhat07-02-02  12:43 am
Land rover north point rocksJack11-15-02  09:07 am
Land rover salvage yards?Gary Taylor10 09-27-02  02:55 pm
LandRover = SnobRover???? KJ189 07-20-02  03:56 pm
Laptop mount for IBM Thinkpad in Discovery 1\Mike...49 02-25-02  09:42 pm
Largest Winch in ARB for Disco Inadim12-04-02  05:49 pm
Largest size tire for stock D1?Alan Yim12 09-22-02  07:37 pm
Largest tire size without having a lift?Brian Baker03-05-02  01:35 pm
Largest tires with 2" OME lift and no cutting and Plastic removal f...Greg P.13 05-29-02  01:11 pm
Largest tires, best look, no rubbing DII?????tricky20 03-12-02  03:20 am
Late Model Disco I or a Disco II ?Brian Dickens12 08-24-02  11:33 pm
Leak of rear differentialEd H04-16-02  01:10 pm
Leaking 97 Disco - Valve Covers and Rear mainDisco_Dad10 03-02-02  12:40 pm
Leaking Green FluidAndy15 06-06-02  11:57 am
Leaking Power Steering fluidPaul T. Schram15 09-13-02  10:08 am
Leaking Wheel HubAnonymous05-29-02  03:10 pm
Leaking from I don't know...derek04-12-02  03:15 pm
Leaking front sealJon D04-16-02  07:20 pm
Leaking hub sealgp06-24-02  02:24 pm
Leaking radiator fluid from head???John Graham09-03-02  11:09 pm
Leaking sunroofs on td5 series 11 discoveryrichardmumford11-24-02  10:58 am
Leaks and more leaksluc04-24-02  02:57 pm
Leaky T-caseMark Smith10 08-27-02  11:21 pm
Leaky windshield washer jets (or not)Al Oliveira12-06-02  04:22 pm
Leaning Disco! Trim tabs?Anonymous12 04-11-02  09:14 pm
Leased Disco and modificationken03-10-02  01:47 pm
Leather Seats in a D1john vigg12-02-02  05:59 pm
Leather cleanerDan Gura10-16-02  06:32 pm
Left sun roofs open in rainKingfish39 04-11-02  07:50 pm
Legal advice?Dee Cantrell10 09-28-02  12:04 am
Les Schwab TiresSteve11 10-05-02  11:34 pm
Lets Get Ready to Rumble (Winch bumpers)Dave_Lucas50 09-28-02  12:09 am
Lets say I live in Northern NH, where the hell can I get serviced (...Dave M.11 09-16-02  12:57 pm
Licence plate screwJeremy Katka12 03-06-02  11:52 am
License plate lightsRubin Dhillon11-11-02  10:06 pm
License plate securityGerm�n R. Gr�ner30 09-02-02  04:57 pm
Life cycle of tires / changing tiresJohn Moore11-24-02  05:47 pm
Life expectancy of '98 disco, 112k milesEric06-29-02  04:38 pm
Life of a cat?cartner08-28-02  03:31 pm
LiftRon Ward11-28-02  10:39 am
Lift Photos?Glenn Guinto15 07-13-02  10:42 pm
Lift questionCarter Simcoe06-26-02  04:54 pm
Lift questionsRVR OVR05-08-02  01:29 pm
Lift questions on a D1Brian Dickens36 08-14-02  09:49 am
Lift/tire fittingRetardriot15 11-09-02  02:28 pm
Lift?Dee11 06-23-02  08:19 pm
Lifters & 100k tune-upErik Geagan29 11-01-02  08:00 am
Lifting a 98 discoB.Bailey07-01-02  12:27 pm
Lifting my 95 Disco any suggestionsalhang03-20-02  08:59 am
Light Bar above BumperDave03-14-02  05:27 pm
Light Wiring...Clif Ashley04-23-02  04:26 pm
Light bulb holder !! Turn signal/flashersR. B. Bailey08-06-02  12:20 pm
Light coversPaul T. Schram03-05-02  09:08 am
Light relays questionJon Williams04-04-02  01:30 pm
Light saying i'm locked doesn't come onRobbie Donaldson04-18-02  04:37 pm
Light weight adventure roof rack flooringErik Olson08-03-02  01:07 pm
Light went out on Transmission gateChris08-14-02  01:06 pm
Lightforce lightsPerroneFord21 04-06-02  08:06 pm
LightingCameron09-06-02  12:35 pm
Lighting Questionpwp05-07-02  09:42 pm
Lighting quetionCarter Simcoe08-18-02  03:43 pm
Lights Like George Saintanisjay caragay02-18-02  08:08 pm
Lights on the AC & Recirculation buttonsJay Hobbs11-20-02  01:29 pm
Lights?Clif Ashley04-23-02  09:13 pm
Limb RisersJess26 04-20-02  12:27 pm
Limb raisers questionMatt Milbrandt11 03-05-02  12:57 pm
Limb riser ideas? Neal Glessner11 10-16-02  05:07 pm
Limb riser questionGarrett #204-04-02  05:22 pm
Linear Actuator For DSII CDLCrash13 05-10-02  08:53 am
Link for changing rotor on D1Anonymous03-28-02  06:48 pm
Link to 60,000K Service Sitebadams07-11-02  11:25 am
Link to an articulation testf0de98 08-25-02  03:23 am
Little Rubicon?Not the original ano34 04-09-02  09:38 pm
Live in CT and looking for LR friends and trails!!Jim Ingarra10-19-02  11:11 pm
Load Space Cover Size QuestionCarter Simcoe12-02-02  02:29 pm
Loadspace floor replacement due to rustjerry08-03-02  03:55 pm
Local Rover Club in NJAxel Haakonsen12-06-02  08:49 am
Location of Number 1 Cylinder help pleaseM. Recke10-27-02  01:57 am
Locked out! HelpPaul T. Schram08-12-02  08:52 am
Locker Install ?'sPhillip Perkinson06-01-02  10:18 pm
Lockers w/o a cdl?scott35 10-29-02  01:14 pm
Locking a Hi-Light jack to Thule RackKim S11 06-02-02  11:55 pm
Locking/Unlocking Diff-ProblemsCarter Simcoe12-05-02  03:13 pm
Long fielding?GregH11-23-02  04:52 pm
Long term storage tips?doug james03-21-02  03:50 pm
Long travel suspension for a Disco 2David Summers10-09-02  09:13 pm
Longer rear shocks?Blake Luse09-20-02  12:14 pm
Longer travel shocksPeter09-17-02  10:38 pm
Longest Shock ??Brad Bradford03-12-02  05:19 pm
Longest Shock on Rockware Kit?Craig M. Highland06-18-02  12:57 am
Looking for Disco mechanic in Mass...any suggestions?chuckster05-18-02  05:29 pm
Looking for Help Re the CDL (In the garage right now)JMcD03-30-02  09:47 am
Looking for Thread: Winch Comparison Discussiongp57 08-13-02  09:59 am
Looking for a durable interior coating...maybe rubberized??me07-06-02  07:46 pm
Looking for a good Mechanic in the NYC areadheadley04-17-02  12:31 pm
Looking for a hood!Eric Ratermann11-06-02  09:02 am
Looking for a mechanic in Silicon ValleyRich Lee11 05-15-02  12:52 am
Looking for button top rubber matJeff06-26-02  01:58 pm
Looking for missing "winch kit" bracketsRob Davison06-14-02  06:34 pm
Looking for privacy screen for D1Blake Luse09-16-02  11:43 pm
Looking for the original CT brush barspec10 07-11-02  11:00 pm
Looking for the part # for a heated windshield for D1??slider11-09-02  10:41 pm
Looking into Discos...Have some quesitons.M. K. Watson09-20-02  10:14 pm
Looking list of owners......Clif Ashley06-23-02  11:23 pm
Looking to by a Tyrepliers. Who has the best price? ThanksEhsu11-24-02  06:03 pm
Loose Electric Drivers Seat.Mark05-13-02  04:46 pm
Loose HeadlightDobie Disco08-07-02  08:37 pm
Loose fit - cigarette lighterAnonymous14 04-16-02  09:38 pm
Loose front swivel ballJack Quinlan10-24-02  09:51 am
Losing Power UphillHenry Enriquez08-11-02  11:54 am
Losing Timing Belts (Part II)Mike Cox06-28-02  06:13 pm
Losing Timing Belts!Mike Cox14 06-25-02  08:41 pm
Losing power when going uphill....BrianL05-09-02  10:30 am
Loss of power at high speed... suggestions??Leslie N. Bright11 10-26-02  11:58 pm
Lost antenna/sunroof repairKen07-03-02  01:38 am
Lost fogs and low beam, Connection?MarkM05-20-02  08:58 am
Lost in Jacksonvilleperroneford10-02-02  03:16 pm
Lost powerMoe08-07-02  11:08 am
Lost stereo codeChris08-04-02  11:14 am
Lotsa Similarities between BFG Krawler & Michelin's XMLNadim10-26-02  04:08 pm
Loud Belching NoiseAlan09-16-02  02:31 pm
Loud Engine Ticking Noise Mike J.15 04-19-02  05:48 pm
Love your Disco & its air bagsDee08-27-02  10:48 am
Lovin the michelin xl's where to get them what sizes fitpaul30 09-15-02  12:37 am
Low Resonate Sound in Front EndJustin Day12-06-02  09:09 am
Low brake pad level warning light in Disco 97Frode H�bertz Haalan04-29-02  07:27 am
Low range and pinion gear ratiosRoss Thoma08-17-02  03:40 pm
Low rpm tach bouncingvegaslr08-15-02  02:16 am
Lube pointsAxel Haakonsen04-16-02  11:33 pm
Lubrication...Robbie11-21-02  05:38 pm
Lucas 3rd brakelightKyle10-11-02  09:57 pm
Lucas Power Steering Leak Stopderek05-08-02  08:56 pm
Lucas Strikes Again - Am I Going Crazy?Al Oliveira12 07-19-02  03:42 pm
Lucas Weirdnessbrian kluge04-05-02  03:50 pm
Lucas strikes - Now what?Anonymous03-16-02  06:09 pm
Lucas strikes againCameron12 08-11-02  07:58 am
Lucus ProductsMichael Noe04-21-02  10:44 am
Lug Nut SizeAnonymous02-25-02  03:48 pm
Lug NutsDisco_Dad34 02-28-02  12:50 pm
Lug nut wrenchLeslie N. Bright02-28-02  08:49 am
Lug nuts for D1 steel rimJeff Price08-22-02  10:47 pm
Lug nuts for steel wheelsM. K. Watson06-23-02  03:23 pm
Lugnuts - Do they have a cover?Bill Bettridge19 09-27-02  12:48 pm
Lugnutz...Where to buyPaul04-07-02  12:14 am
M/T vs A/T in the snow... is there a clear winner?Rich Lee20 08-19-02  09:49 pm
M12000 questionPetros05-31-02  02:42 pm
MAF Sensor Causing Transmission Codes?Michael Noe07-09-02  11:43 am
MAF/Electrical Problem Please HelpPaul T. Schram09-06-02  12:13 pm
MAS or VSS help?Todd Juneau11-01-02  03:25 pm
MJ Lee Diff Guards on DIIMilan10 02-25-02  08:26 pm
MM WinchM. K. Watson07-23-02  07:36 pm
MORE WINDOW ISSUES - 97 DISCOlee deloach11-23-02  08:13 am
MPG averages with 235/85/16'sGlenn Guinto22 08-09-02  12:36 pm
MPG whats the real scoop.niall forbes17 04-18-02  09:14 am
MT tire choices for RR 4.0AlanB04-10-02  11:10 pm
MYSTERY, now gone!!Al Oliveira08-27-02  05:22 pm
Mad metal chirping and squeeking coming from the front axel area...Rob Choromokos06-28-02  12:25 am
Mag Light Mounting PicsSteve Vines14 11-27-02  09:38 am
Mag lite mountingTom Rowe35 10-25-02  09:51 am
Mag-Lite Mount for D1...nadim25 07-13-02  03:15 am
Magnecor 8mm spark wirediscofever09-17-02  10:12 am
Magnecor wiresJroc12 11-28-02  10:48 am
Magnecor wires and waterDisco Dad02-25-02  11:37 pm
Magnecor wires-plug connectors pulling off. Am I the only one?Dee08-22-02  11:20 pm
Magnecore spark plug wiresmateu02-20-02  01:14 pm
Mainshaft replacementRon09-09-02  09:15 pm
Maintenance after going off-road?PerroneFord03-21-02  10:39 am
Maintenance scheduleMarc04-04-02  11:17 am
Maintenance schedule - a little advice pleaseRon04-03-02  02:46 am
Maintence & RatioOfer Livni03-18-02  04:45 pm
Major Problems with D1Ron10-21-02  10:41 pm
Major gurglemuskyman11 05-16-02  05:38 pm
Major problems with my D2 (towed twice)todd slater10 10-08-02  01:50 pm
Make my own sliders? Mike J.03-18-02  01:16 pm
Making a V8 Disco more fuel effecient(?)p m29 07-31-02  03:30 pm
Making sense of tire #'sjp08-04-02  06:03 am
Mantec Snorkel Suppliers in USA?Dave04-11-02  05:19 pm
Manual Mode . . . huh?Brian11 04-12-02  12:00 pm
Manual Transmission ReplacementDouglas McMillan12 08-20-02  02:42 pm
Manual tranny "shakes" on select hillsjp04-04-02  02:28 am
Manual: press unlock button if car fails to start.Craig Kobayashi07-05-02  04:36 pm
Map lightN cooper12 10-03-02  04:12 pm
Mass Air Flow QuestionA. W.04-09-02  05:39 pm
Mass air-flow sensorDean Brown02-23-02  08:17 am
Mass airflow sensor - where to buy ?????bryan11-04-02  11:24 pm
Master Cylinder Fix???Norm12-04-02  12:21 pm
Max Tire size, and body lifts!!RVR OVR04-11-02  07:04 pm
Max miles...Al25 07-24-02  07:07 pm
Max tire size with no radius arm rubbingChris Browne12 11-09-02  03:24 am
Maxi-Drive PTO with hydraulic pumpMike Rupp12 08-21-02  12:05 pm
Maxidrive vs. Underdrive - which is better?Phillip Perkinson10-18-02  03:15 pm
Mean green starter any good?cr36706-24-02  08:14 am
Mechanic needed in JAX-FloridaMike B.06-26-02  07:32 pm
Mechanical spares to carry?Mike B.17 06-07-02  10:58 pm
Mechnical vs. Solenoid CDL for Disco IIGreg Davis13 06-15-02  11:58 pm
Melted rear lense assy.Paul T. Schram08-09-02  02:29 pm
Melting tail light housingnick12-06-02  08:30 pm
Message for Normniall forbes05-22-02  04:50 pm
Metal fatigue of the firewall in a 300TdiJens Stoermer11-10-02  12:31 pm
Metric hardware-where can i get a 18mm - 1.5 left hand nut?Bill Bettridge18 04-12-02  10:41 am
Michelin 8.25 xzlRobbie11-13-02  09:37 am
Michelin Cross Terrain vs. LTX vs. Wrangler HPjim03-11-02  08:14 pm
Michelin Cross Terrain's on a DIIAl P09-18-02  10:53 am
Michelin XL/XZL tiresDavid Gage04-04-02  09:46 am
Michelin XPC or Goodyear Wrangler HP???Leslie N. Bright03-27-02  09:00 am
Mickey Thompson tires?Joe02-25-02  03:01 am
Mike Ku's Spring spacersjames08-25-02  03:24 pm
Mile Marker Winchmuskyman14 04-24-02  11:39 am
MileMarker electric WinchesJames Spiroff38 11-25-02  10:43 pm
Milemarker electric????muskyman14 04-21-02  03:36 pm
Milemarker question - attn: Muskymanmuskyman11-08-02  08:37 am
Millermatic 135 comments or criticisms?muskyman10 04-21-02  10:54 pm
Minor Issues?doug james04-28-02  07:07 pm
Miraculous healinghendrik08-11-02  06:58 am
Mirror Glass replacementRob Davison07-16-02  12:20 pm
Mirror compatabilityPunchy09-11-02  07:47 pm
Mirror questionPunchy06-04-02  03:06 pm
Mis-fires, plug wires, and Evil EngineersGreg French07-19-02  10:20 pm
Miss at idle when warm 94 D1TCarr02-20-02  10:28 am
Missing ARB instructions/parts??? Please helpScott Tschantz06-30-02  07:45 pm
Missing Radio Code, what now??MAX12-04-02  02:56 pm
Missing on three cylinders, Flashing Check Engine Light?!?thanks..07-11-02  07:43 am
Mixing Dexron IID and III and just how bad are t-case shavings?Kingfish06-24-02  07:42 am
Moab...Solihull Society Rally Dave_Lucas09-06-02  10:20 am
Mobile RefrigeratorsRob Davison03-27-02  03:15 pm
Mods to Adventure RackAnonymous05-01-02  11:28 pm
Mongo & Greg D. - Driveshaft questionMatt Milbrandt15 08-30-02  01:48 am
Moody alarmDChrismon10-16-02  08:53 pm
More Bumper QuestionsCarl Tsigakis17 06-06-02  02:54 pm
More Horsepower!!MR50 06-15-02  04:39 pm
More Rear Droop Please!CEJB07-14-02  09:00 pm
More Vibes?!?!?!?!Don1319 02-21-02  09:01 pm
More axle fodder...Ron11-25-02  09:50 pm
More mystery driveline vibrationmark08-27-02  03:50 pm
More on the extended warranty. . .Erik G. Burrows12-05-02  04:36 pm
More on the extended warranty. . .elr12-05-02  09:56 am
More shocks...Michael Cavender02-26-02  06:26 pm
More smoke than usualmuskyman09-09-02  06:46 pm
More tire selections for 255/55/18FrmrJeepDriver12-06-02  07:42 pm
More trailer wiringstecz05-29-02  09:39 pm
Morning HesitationHunter Louis11-07-02  11:58 am
Motor Mounts Replacement?Rich Lee07-31-02  03:07 am
Mount a high-lift, shovel or ax to an adventure roof rack? Ron05-20-02  01:33 am
Mount propane? Anonymous10 04-12-02  05:13 pm
Mount snow skis on adventure roof rack John Moore12 11-24-02  02:24 pm
Mounting Ideas for Cobra 75 WX ST??Jeff Anderson10-16-02  02:54 pm
Mounting a winch Eric N02-20-02  08:58 pm
Mounting my Cb antenna to my front bumper , what lenght/brand shoud...Blake Luse09-16-02  12:56 pm
Mounting rear roofrack lightCarter Simcoe11-05-02  09:21 pm
Mounting tire insidenadim09-23-02  03:26 am
Moving cd changerGreg Davis19 04-11-02  10:35 am
Moving fender outPugsly12-08-02  10:45 pm
Moving my seats back? Jay12-04-02  03:14 pm
Moving the CD Changer under Driver's/Left SeatOlered04-16-02  11:35 am
Mud FlapsBill K13 10-09-02  09:54 am
Mud flapsgp31 07-22-02  08:21 am
Mud in InteriorChris Merritt10 04-26-02  12:16 pm
Mud puddle bob10-09-02  03:49 pm
Mudflap HelpGreg P.76 06-10-02  10:16 am
Muffler Help... Trying againBrian04-27-02  01:54 am
Muffler input/output diameter?PerroneFord04-22-02  05:02 pm
Mufflers other than flowmaster?JP08-03-02  05:44 pm
Multiple questions for DIY projectsMateu13 03-06-02  11:37 am
Muskyman - re: MM winchessteve h09-27-02  06:05 pm
Muskyman, wheelin this weekend?muskyman11-12-02  06:19 pm
Must fit 32x11.50 BFG's...PLEASE HELPBlake Luse10 10-10-02  03:48 pm
My 2" RTE springs and FOX Resevoir Shox Install Experfox shocks04-03-02  09:03 pm
My 96 D1 Sputters....helpKevin Howell11-26-02  09:29 am
My DII accessorized for city/highway driving??Munjii09-08-02  12:00 pm
My Disco keeps reving itself???stephen west11-09-02  01:14 pm
My Dog Ate It !! For Real!Dee13 10-27-02  01:33 am
My Engine just died!!! HelpIMx-211-06-02  10:12 pm
My Heater ('95) is Not Working: Ideas??jwarner12 02-28-02  11:06 pm
My Jack is dead, any ideas?my96disco06-17-02  05:16 pm
My Pics of Cow Mt. with Bill Burke have been posted. Anonymous07-01-02  09:18 pm
My Shock Nuts !Kennith P. Whichard 06-30-02  09:51 pm
My afternoon at the Land Rover Driving Schooljay caragay16 06-05-02  10:36 am
My cb won't pick up much helpPaul T. Schram24 10-08-02  02:40 pm
My dealer experience with rust removal..Kyle05-01-02  12:33 pm
My front drive shaft has a little bit of playPaul T. Schram11-20-02  08:04 am
My front sunroof is a piece , any advice on how to close itKC08-17-02  12:55 pm
My new 96 Disco....Ho Chung12 07-20-02  02:14 pm
My new front digs... finally done!E Snyder16 10-23-02  04:32 pm
My rover's making a squeeking noise when turning slightly between ...grayson07-21-02  08:57 pm
My screwy logic on extended warranty - opinions wantedjohnb12-04-02  07:49 pm
My sister bought a Discovery - I have questionssteveII02-18-02  03:02 pm
My spare tire carrier has rounded bolt endsPaul D. Morgan11-06-02  07:37 am
My sunroof is a piece, heard this before? We need to band togeth...joyjimmy10 12-03-02  11:29 pm
My tailgate is stuck!Neal Glessner02-28-02  09:30 pm
My truck doesn't accelerate smoothly!Andrew Clarke17 11-20-02  05:42 pm
Mysteriously lost control of my 2002 Discoverymuskyman35 10-29-02  10:08 am
Mystery Driveline Vibration - HELP!!Kyle07-30-02  09:10 am
Mystery yellow wire behind binnacleStephen05-29-02  10:19 am
NATO wheelskevin06-10-02  10:18 pm
NEW Discovery!Dave M.03-19-02  01:05 pm
NEW NOISE THIS MORNING - NEED ADVICEKingfish43 06-15-02  10:40 am
NRP exhaust?Chris Lessard12 05-07-02  01:24 pm
NW ChallengeJeremy Katka10-19-02  09:01 pm
Name that NoiseJason T. Barker10-22-02  11:09 pm
Ned Connolly's BumperNed Connolly11-20-02  12:23 pm
Need Advice on what CB and Antenna to get Al Oliveira07-27-02  11:19 pm
Need Carfax - Can anyone help?Jeffeddy08-04-02  06:19 pm
Need Haynes Disco repair manual ASAP! where in Bay Area, CA?petern1207-25-02  08:15 pm
Need Help Installing Running Boards!!Ariel Amoranto09-11-02  06:19 pm
Need Help Understanding OBDII Diagnostic ResultsPhillip Miller05-18-02  02:17 pm
Need Help with gear shifterbryan07-03-02  08:57 pm
Need Help, Looking for a good Disco Mechanic in New Yorkdheadley04-30-02  10:28 am
Need Help: Leaking DII when AC is on???Al Oliveira10-07-02  10:30 am
Need Immediate Help!!!charles pastrano12-02-02  11:44 am
Need Injector HelpGreg French16 07-07-02  10:05 pm
Need Input on Tire Load Ratings ... jmon14 09-11-02  12:50 am
Need Side Marker Lamp SocketMike B.03-29-02  07:18 pm
Need Trek Roofrack Infochrisvonc23 07-12-02  06:42 pm
Need US Wheel Info Please!Dee10-20-02  05:40 pm
Need a decal...Maneesh Kumar10-15-02  02:06 pm
Need a good Mechanic '97Matt05-08-02  08:00 pm
Need a rubber coupler for the driveshaft asapAxel Haakonsen06-19-02  11:26 am
Need advice, how much would you pay for........?Ron10 02-14-02  11:38 pm
Need any 16" Disco spare with some rubber in San Diego areaJack Quinlan10-16-02  07:35 pm
Need auto shifter diagram! bad stuck.petern1207-25-02  10:15 pm
Need cheap seat covers for a Disco IITom Jurta11-04-02  09:15 pm
Need diagram for rear latch and lock assembley in 95 discoChuck10-05-02  02:45 pm
Need expertise with '97 fuel managment system John Graham07-15-02  08:21 am
Need firewall helpDavid Dryden06-03-02  02:28 pm
Need good OME supplierJames Gall57 10-19-02  03:11 am
Need hardware for ladderWes Legaspi05-07-02  12:01 am
Need help installing serpintine belt on 98 discoBlake Luse09-04-02  10:05 pm
Need help quick, lots of water on drivers side matSuraporn11 11-22-02  09:30 am
Need help with best wheel sizegp07-31-02  10:34 am
Need help with electrical gremlins!!M. K. Watson03-13-02  12:12 pm
Need help with ranchos D2herky02-15-02  11:39 pm
Need help with tires!!Kevin Ta15 09-10-02  10:56 pm
Need help, 96 Disco loses powerJason Pipes04-09-02  11:35 pm
Need help. Loosing mind. Wiring Harnesses.Paul T. Schram08-06-02  03:53 pm
Need info about Exhaust hardwareOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-20-02  06:58 pm
Need lessons learned on Spring InstallGreg P.60 03-30-02  12:19 pm
Need longer brake lines and here's my dumb questionJohn Lee07-22-02  12:06 pm
Need master cylinder 96 DiscoRobert Sublett06-20-02  07:15 am
Need more HP, get your bids in NOW!!!Robert Sublett08-21-02  10:12 pm
Need more detailed Ladder install instructionsema11-16-02  11:42 pm
Need new seat switches.....gp08-02-02  04:32 pm
Need part numbers for U-JointsGregory W. Davis09-04-02  01:21 pm
Need pic of an RTE offset rear tire mounting plate.Greg Davis19 10-16-02  03:33 pm
Need plans for making sliders RVR OVR03-02-02  01:32 pm
Need rear door help.Rob05-01-02  11:39 am
Need replacement battery for D2John Moore10-19-02  10:52 pm
Need snorkel template Brian Lewis03-18-02  06:03 pm
Need some HELP on a skid plateBill Bettridge02-20-02  09:56 am
Need some advise on oil - Mobil 1CARL10-29-02  07:14 pm
Need some advise.Zak Ruck18 08-19-02  09:53 am
Need some expert opinions..OME springsCurtis N87 07-27-02  10:57 pm
Need some good reasons to do or not to do this....C. Ross19 07-13-02  12:14 am
Need some help on tires OME HD and R.tym body lift how bigBlake Luse09-10-02  12:31 pm
Need some water pump ASAPKingfish04-25-02  03:22 pm
Need stereo wire ID helpDavid Dryden06-06-02  05:27 pm
Need suggestions about vibration problemEric N10-24-02  09:56 am
Need suspension upgrade to support ARBGregory W. Davis11 08-22-02  01:19 pm
Need to add distributor to 4.0Norm07-12-02  02:50 am
Need to confirm before buying...Henry Enriquez07-13-02  02:27 pm
Need to locate dealership of previous owner...Leslie N. Bright05-01-02  10:30 am
Need to make a new key...eric08-15-02  01:44 pm
Need to program a remote...Leslie N. Bright08-14-02  08:29 am
Need to pull thermostat.. need helpRobert Sublett26 08-01-02  11:33 pm
Need to remove front passenger fender....need some helpRobert Sublett06-11-02  11:38 am
Need to replace brakes...Paul D. Morgan08-13-02  10:27 am
Need tro know what to torque the plenhem toGreg French07-04-02  11:19 am
Need wiring help from someone with a 96/97Tom P.08-20-02  04:38 pm
Needed: One mounting bracket for expedition rackjrov08-09-02  04:00 am
Needs Book(s)Carter Simcoe10-08-02  08:54 pm
New '97 Disco Owner...Remote Alarm Programming Help NeededDanno10 09-10-02  01:15 pm
New (to me) 98 D1... WTF? OBD cable?Bill Molnar05-29-02  10:37 pm
New 03 Disco overheatingjim11-06-02  09:18 pm
New 4" to 8" adjustable bolt on coilover lift for Rovers (read on)...Craig M. Highland02-22-02  07:32 pm
New Adjustable Spring Spacers????Greg10 05-23-02  09:32 am
New Amps...New Noise!!!!David Dryden04-17-02  08:05 am
New Battery Needed...Optima Red or Yellow (and Problem)David03-18-02  07:33 am
New Battery Needed..Optima Red or Yellow & ProblemAL03-23-02  07:12 pm
New Bumper QuestionAl Oliveira29 07-01-02  12:55 pm
New D1 owner needs tips on first offroad acc to buytom14 08-21-02  07:35 pm
New D1 owner...Need Maint. AdviceManeesh Kumar07-09-02  11:29 pm
New D2 Q's (tires & suspension)Rich Lee10 11-06-02  10:58 pm
New D2?R. B. Bailey09-10-02  02:45 pm
New Disco 1 owner - questionsandy turner12 06-17-02  02:43 am
New Disco Problems streak07-13-02  08:27 am
New Disco body style (or front end at least)Javier Velador25 03-28-02  02:45 pm
New Disco owner requestJeff Bieler04-09-02  03:48 pm
New DiscoWeb video availableAxel Haakonsen51 11-11-02  04:31 pm
New Dusicon threadGreg Davis40 10-03-02  01:55 pm
New Exhaust RouteTom OConnor19 11-25-02  12:03 am
New Here - Buying a '98 Disco - Need your valueble inputsphil dguzmann11-11-02  03:49 pm
New KeyBrian Baker03-08-02  01:17 pm
New Lift- Need advice!!!Clif Ashley04-16-02  10:32 pm
New Muffler - "Ravin" from Midas ... my opinionSimon E. Arenas10-21-02  10:18 am
New OME setup is leaning after a wheeling tripPaul07-22-02  02:01 am
New Owner Needs Wiring Info for Seat SwitchesDanno09-05-02  02:44 pm
New Range Rover + Ford ExplorerJess Brandt03-26-02  09:03 pm
New Rims for Rover/ DiscoGlenn Guinto13 07-15-02  11:42 am
New Rockford Fosgate subwoofervwta05-19-02  09:12 am
New Rovers with BMW engines?Al Oliveira17 07-24-02  09:38 pm
New Shcoks and Springs, which onesClif Ashley07-02-02  12:59 am
New bumper in the worksFrode H�bertz Haalan08-22-02  02:02 am
New car Break-in advise neededJerry10 06-10-02  09:30 am
New coolant leakdoug james04-19-02  07:09 pm
New custom steel DII Rear BumperCurtis N13 09-18-02  01:57 am
New diffs?Curtis Newkirk91 05-03-02  05:28 pm
New fram oil plug...JMcD11 05-14-02  09:20 pm
New front bumper mateu03-25-02  01:54 pm
New gears?Rob Davison18 11-01-02  04:04 pm
New or Used Discovery ???R. B. Bailey14 11-20-02  09:45 pm
New problem with disco 1Paul T. Schram20 05-23-02  10:38 am
New rear bumper in progressgp02-27-02  04:55 pm
New rear bumper in progressCheap Bastard37 03-04-02  04:00 pm
New serp belt on but it sounds funnyBill K36 09-09-02  08:04 am
New service bulletin regarding trans filter change ONLY @30k?RonC05-11-02  12:30 am
New shocks soon - brake extnesions REQUIRED?Chris Browne08-03-02  05:43 am
New soundMoe05-19-02  03:57 pm
New springs for existing shocksDee Cantrell03-01-02  04:07 pm
New tiresDave12 08-30-02  02:12 pm
New tiresRamsay08-11-02  09:40 pm
New tires for the D2Craig Miller13 07-13-02  07:53 pm
New tires, any goodones for less than dealer recomended michelins???Steve11-20-02  12:55 am
New tires? Anything cheaper than the stock Michelins?Ho Chung08-21-02  02:06 am
New to Discovery's...need help with lift.Greg French29 05-22-02  09:28 am
New to discos, Need help with tiresAlan Yim10-10-02  02:00 pm
Newbie Question about Gear Shift LeverPhillip Perkinson10-13-02  03:22 pm
Newbie Question, Range Rover wheels?Chris Browne11-14-02  09:26 am
Newbie Questions...M. K. Watson07-07-02  10:50 pm
Newbie fan belt questionBill Molnar07-13-02  11:22 pm
Newbie left the parking brake on...Bill Bettridge03-22-02  08:58 am
Newbie needs helpMark Rinkus09-06-02  10:40 pm
Newbie needs help with leaking sunroof please??David Frizzell11-25-02  09:31 am
Newbie! Please help! : )Gil Stevens08-09-02  02:59 pm
Nice D2 in Target/ BBB parking lot in WarringtonZak Ruck08-11-02  11:53 pm
Nice Italian wheel travelErikNC05-16-02  04:39 pm
Nice people in the world.gp79 07-03-02  08:36 am
No Manual , How To operate DIFF LockCarter Simcoe11-20-02  07:18 pm
No RPM's when cold?Ken05-26-02  10:11 pm
No RoverSolutions Orders til the 24th??gp17 09-11-02  04:41 pm
No brake lights...No SHIFTERGregg G.07-22-02  07:52 pm
No coolant leak from a disco that has a puddle of coolant after use?jstill12 03-15-02  04:39 pm
No dash or rear running lights?dheadley06-02-02  12:14 pm
No lights!Dave Thomas03-09-02  09:03 pm
No more vibesBill Bettridge07-29-02  02:54 pm
Noise DiagnosisAnonymous04-12-02  04:06 pm
Noise diagnosisMattt M17 04-13-02  05:48 pm
Noise due to windTony Box03-24-02  11:23 pm
Noise from T-boxJavier Velador06-22-02  04:00 am
Noise from steering...B.Bailey06-16-02  02:44 am
Noises on D2 & ACCarl E. Cedeholm07-08-02  01:45 pm
Noisy Transmission?CEJB14 07-23-02  12:42 am
Noisy beltG. Gr�ner04-19-02  10:10 am
Non air bag bumpersBrian Dickens08-21-02  12:42 pm
Non-Reflective Paint on BonnetCurtis C.13 04-16-02  04:01 am
Northeast British Parts ???? Have you used them?Stephen Grindol15 05-17-02  10:14 pm
Northern Cal Rover garage?eric10-09-02  04:00 pm
Not a Disco, but...Jim Kemp15 11-20-02  10:15 pm
Not broken axle, but rather a broken...niall forbes12 07-11-02  09:21 pm
Not downshifting at the right times?Mike g.08-12-02  03:29 pm
Not tech at all...Robert Sublett05-14-02  10:45 pm
Novice trail in S.California, info please. Neil l04-09-02  06:34 pm
Now my Rover is making up fault codes :-)Jon Williams02-18-02  01:28 pm
Number of Grease Nipples and Locations??Dee07-16-02  12:07 pm
O2 Sensor Change!! any assistance out there, specs, walkthrough????Ron06-12-02  01:41 am
O2 Sensor SymptomsLawrance Lee06-23-02  07:57 pm
O2 Sensors, Which is WhichRVR OVR07-25-02  11:00 am
O2 install. questionsGarrett #204-05-02  11:50 am
O2 sensorMike B.03-28-02  08:03 pm
O2 sensor #chris12-06-02  07:11 pm
O2 sensors..were to get em?Murray03-17-02  03:05 pm
O2 sensors? anyone actually know anything about them?????gp05-17-02  08:21 am
O2's , vuccum ,or plugs and wires ! 4x4ken12 07-03-02  09:22 pm
OBD 1- How the he11 does it work?Chris Lessard06-24-02  09:53 am
OBD II CodesAxel Haakonsen05-07-02  09:00 pm
OBD II Codes?Santo Nucifora11-02-02  07:44 am
OBD and Oxygen sensorsRVR OVR08-28-02  04:27 pm
OBD code #48Wes Munch07-08-02  06:05 pm
OBD code P1316Curtis02-25-02  05:52 pm
OBD-II Codes P0300 and P0420Alex Moore03-20-02  11:16 am
OBD2 Code helpgordon sitts11-03-02  10:41 pm
OBD2 code = P3999 , anyone know what that means?Carl Muckenhirn14 03-17-02  09:52 pm
OBDII 1317 - ABS Rough Road Line Low FaultArthur10-14-02  05:22 pm
OBDII Code p1590chris lomonico09-01-02  08:03 pm
OBDII Codes P1178 and P0441Dave Smith08-14-02  05:19 pm
OBDII codes P0171 & P0174Peter Carey09-02-02  07:54 pm
OBDII readers-what's everybody using and which is the best?Peter Carey08-15-02  03:15 pm
OE hydraulic jack, can they be refilled with hydraulic oil?HOW?M. Recke11-11-02  03:14 am
OEM bumper ,can it be modified to take a winch???M. Recke09-17-02  07:00 am
OF THE TWODiesel04-09-02  05:08 pm
OK, can somebody explain to me what this burning smell is?John09-26-02  10:54 pm
OME 2" Lift Question?Anonymous02-18-02  04:12 pm
OME 3" lift...???Al Oliveira09-24-02  07:37 am
OME HD lift on 98 discoted08-23-02  06:26 pm
OME Lift -- Before & AfterBJ Turner03-27-02  10:30 pm
OME N76 shock for rear endNadim03-06-02  01:17 am
OME SpringsGarrett #202-19-02  03:27 pm
OME SpringsBrian Jackson02-19-02  03:57 pm
OME and bump stopsGreg Davis08-07-02  03:34 pm
OME or Bilstein ?muskyman15 06-04-02  06:23 pm
OME or Bilstien w/ 2" Rovertym Springs???Mike B.03-20-02  10:37 pm
OME or RoverTymjay caragay06-05-02  12:30 am
OME sinking sidewaysDee16 06-28-02  12:31 am
OT, Drove an NissanXterra last w/end...flexy flyer. Bad.Mike B.07-15-02  11:00 pm
Occasional stall after warm-upjoyjimmy12-03-02  11:42 pm
Octane for Series Ihendrik06-27-02  04:30 am
Odd idea....thoughs....could it work? Carter Simcoe12-07-02  10:00 pm
Odometer quit on 95 LWB.Larry Grubbs06-06-02  01:17 am
Odometer stoppingMichael Villanueva02-22-02  09:42 pm
Of the two, which should I get?Rans10-22-02  01:33 pm
Off Balanced DiscoGreg05-15-02  05:25 pm
Off road driving with a manual transDave M.08-06-02  10:23 am
Off road lightingAndy04-26-02  11:50 am
Off throtle whine???Al Oliveira08-29-02  10:31 am
Off-Road Tiresperroneford46 11-09-02  05:03 pm
Offset Rims QuestionEric Brodis03-05-02  01:54 pm
Offset radius arms and a two inch liftDaniel Rork09-06-02  04:15 pm
Oh and what about my torque??? what should that be as well??????RJ Clayton11-24-02  09:41 pm
Oh bummer, DII recall notice in today's mailgp24 03-13-02  09:03 am
Oil Burning Question Jake03-02-02  08:35 pm
Oil Filler Cap StuckSteve04-14-02  03:19 pm
Oil FilterTom Rowe10-26-02  09:29 am
Oil Filter BrandsMike B.11 07-08-02  09:38 pm
Oil Filter Dripping Oilanton05-24-02  12:22 pm
Oil Leak from Cylinder?Robbie Donaldson04-26-02  02:48 pm
Oil Leaks?bob03-27-02  09:25 pm
Oil Pump gears part number questionA.W.07-08-02  01:32 pm
Oil addativesmuskyman03-27-02  09:03 am
Oil and Fluid Changesgp16 05-15-02  03:57 pm
Oil change timePaul T. Schram26 04-11-02  03:46 pm
Oil change?Carter Simcoe08-20-02  11:43 am
Oil drain plug thread sizePaul L05-30-02  09:02 am
Oil drain washerPaul T. Schram10 11-05-02  03:03 pm
Oil dripping somewhere underneath the middle of the axleBill Bettridge07-18-02  08:31 am
Oil leak after valve jobDobie Disco11-24-02  11:14 pm
Oil leak at diff seals.....Frode H�bertz Haalan03-18-02  04:58 am
Oil leak in vacuum pump, what to do?G. Gr�ner04-18-02  02:41 pm
Oil leaksRJ Clayton57 09-24-02  10:39 pm
Oil light STILL, still flickering!!??PerroneFord05-22-02  10:46 pm
Oil light and lifter noiseDACorbisiero12-02-02  08:23 pm
Oil light still flickeringErikNC13 05-07-02  04:21 am
Oil on top of enginejp04-03-02  03:58 am
Oil pressure gaugegordon sitts11 10-19-02  06:45 pm
Oil pressure guage for d1Bill Bettridge10-18-02  07:51 am
Oil pressure switch gone bad-anybody else?Ron09-01-02  08:33 pm
Oil sending unitJoe Still10-05-02  05:29 pm
Oils aint Oils SolJason Vance11-03-02  03:40 pm
Ok -I cleaned the Stepper what??Jay Martin04-01-02  02:16 am
Ok I'm past the additive stage and will be replacing heads - Paul T. Schram16 07-29-02  09:32 am
Ok dash pealing, now whatAlyssa03-16-02  01:18 pm
Ok, so what is a cheap bastard lift???Rob Davison28 09-18-02  07:55 pm
Ok...32x11.50...on 15'  11:49 pm
Ok...ya know that service engine light?Randall Phelps04-08-02  11:30 pm
Okay Kyle, a great use for bridges even you will like...MD111 06-06-02  11:58 pm
Oklahoma Dealers?Anonymous07-06-02  08:03 pm
Old Man Emu Lift Info- Where to BuyBlue04-18-02  03:34 pm
Old Man Emu set-up question Ron02-23-02  05:08 am
Old Warm Winch questionRon09-16-02  10:12 pm
Old question from newbie, What is the best oil?Paul T. Schram10 11-06-02  03:03 pm
OmeCarter Simcoe12-05-02  12:04 am
Ome or rovertime or blue hd rover shocks ? springs and shocksPerroneFord05-15-02  01:39 pm
On Board Air for a disco?RVR OVR08-02-02  12:11 pm
On road pressure with Dunlop RT'sDave03-01-02  01:32 pm
Onboard air Ali14 09-28-02  05:39 pm
One Quick New Owner Question!!Greg French06-09-02  06:55 pm
One lousy alloy?Simon E. Arenas10 03-22-02  11:04 am
One man brake bleeding systemGreg H10 11-04-02  04:29 pm
One more dilemma...a/c switch, no more jiggling to fixPaul T. Schram08-17-02  02:11 pm
One more reason to hate my local dealership... and now LRNA?John27 10-19-02  01:49 am
Online Parts SupplierNeal Glessner11-01-02  10:09 pm
Online SWITCH suppliers? Looking for different accessory switches.Petros06-08-02  05:05 am
Only 1 of 2 electric fans working-can it cause overheating?brian mckeon14 03-21-02  01:02 am
Oooh...tune-upJason Vance05-03-02  06:51 pm
Ooops! Sorry for posting 3 times!nadim09-05-02  06:41 am
Oops!! Hit the fence with my bumperPalomino06-21-02  07:19 pm
Opinion on Snorkels: Mantec vs. ARB?M. K. Watson91 05-01-02  02:39 pm
Opinions on buying D2??Jarrod04-08-02  04:04 pm
Optima batteriesMilan16 07-08-02  12:31 pm
Optima versus Exide sealed batteriesMilan03-22-02  10:03 pm
Orange fluid leakKevin Howell12-03-02  09:51 am
Other than LR, what is the RIGHT type of oil filter?Todd PHenneger22 06-12-02  03:13 am
Outer Pinion Bearing ReplacementDiesel05-23-02  01:54 pm
Over head dvd displayDavid Dryden04-12-02  03:41 pm
Over heatingFelix Caratini13 02-26-02  06:23 pm
Overheated How Much Damage?Mahn England16 12-07-02  12:51 am
Overheated engine....dchrismon06-23-02  11:44 pm
Overheatingcoolcat05-10-02  09:13 am
Overheating ProblemJoe Still06-13-02  01:49 pm
Overheating ProblemsJorge P. Gutierrez, 04-02-02  09:43 pm
Overheating TransmissionJoe STill07-20-02  07:43 am
Overheating after water pump change?Bill K15 09-18-02  07:50 am
Overheating due to electric fan??Dino Martini26 09-02-02  05:55 pm
Overheating even after new Thermostat & FlushE Snyder10-14-02  09:20 pm
Overheating while offroadBW10 07-27-02  07:32 pm
Overheating...trevorgriffiths07-28-02  10:00 pm
Owners ManualsDavid Dryden05-22-02  08:19 pm
Ox Trax LockerKyle68 07-11-02  09:53 pm
Oxygen Sensor QuestionJake Hartley07-28-02  01:24 pm
Oxygen sensorClif Ashley09-04-02  09:35 pm
Oxygen sensor sourcep m29 04-26-02  04:33 pm
P0150 Fault Codeperroneford09-26-02  04:00 pm
P0441 Fault code?Hugh08-28-02  01:43 pm
P1138 Engine CodeAl Oliveira08-31-02  04:02 pm
PAINTLESS DENT REMOVAL?Dave Roberts11 12-04-02  09:28 am
PArt number for light switch plugJack10 10-24-02  02:40 pm
PIAA 1100XT Driving Light InstallPaul L Schexnayder07-29-02  11:36 am
PLEASE help with seats! Kyle J06-15-02  02:42 pm
PO 451Marty koning10-23-02  04:53 pm
PROLONGsimon06-26-02  10:25 am
PSI for BFGs??Mark Albrecht11 10-04-02  04:20 am
PTO? WTF?Leslie N. Bright09-10-02  08:33 am
PaintWill Bobbitt11-05-02  03:03 pm
Paint Question after vandals had som fun...weldkid10-14-02  04:31 pm
Paint for bull barJEEPETR03-05-02  11:48 am
Paint for rock slidersJRoc14 06-13-02  10:18 pm
Painting PlasticCEJB07-14-02  08:25 pm
Painting a roof rackNeal Glessner07-28-02  10:56 pm
Pan was clean - woohoo!Bill Bettridge08-27-02  08:12 am
Panhard Rod/Diff protectors and torque DIIbarry11-08-02  10:28 am
Parking Brake Ratchet not workingMichael Noe07-25-02  07:26 am
Parking at an angleAl Oliveira04-02-02  10:57 am
Parking brake fix?Ron02-21-02  10:13 pm
Parking lights not working~!!glenh13 06-20-02  06:06 pm
Part # for Timken bearings on ARB RD56?Bill Bettridge08-05-02  09:33 am
Part Number For Those Bosch Platinum +2 Plug WiresSoCalJoe04-29-02  04:29 pm
Part number for >97 stepper motorTate09-10-02  11:43 pm
Part number/where to get brass bushings for reseating ABS sensors?AB03-25-02  11:11 am
Part# for runningboard attachment?Ho Chung06-06-02  04:58 pm
Parts Catalogue for 2000 Disco IIEric Pena10-26-02  01:38 pm
Parts cross reference needed-cam gear/crank gear/cam chainAli09-29-02  07:50 am
Passenger side electric front seat (2002 Disco2)Brad S. Chuy08-06-02  12:12 pm
Passenger side sagging??RJ Clayton19 11-29-02  07:24 pm
Pedal Position Problemgp02-19-02  04:04 pm
Pencil or euro beamsRon Ward05-30-02  11:04 am
People say she sounds like a diesel...Kennith P. Whichard 07-02-02  01:35 pm
Performance ChipsDee Cantrell15 09-12-02  05:18 pm
Permatex Disc Brake QuietMike B.05-29-02  09:35 pm
Pic of seat covers Neal Glessner02-20-02  09:02 pm
Picking up my new 2002 Westminster Disco today!!!!!!!!!Will06-23-02  11:24 pm
Pics of DII's ( 265's no lift)Jack10-31-02  06:12 pm
Pics of your custom Rear bumpers!Brian Dickens17 10-01-02  10:09 pm
Pictures from my Land Rover School dayDave M.06-19-02  01:32 pm
Pictures of Truxus Mounted?Ho Chung10 03-07-02  11:42 am
Pierce WinchesRobbie Donaldson03-13-02  05:27 pm
Pinion AnglesKyle08-31-02  05:59 pm
Pinion seal mud shieldScott04-14-02  12:50 pm
Pirelli Scorpion A/T Anyone??Mark & Bev Preston11 08-18-02  11:39 am
Pirelli Scorpion AT VS Mich4x4 XPCtodd slater13 11-13-02  04:40 pm
Pirelli Scorpion AT's vs. BFG AT'sTDBKC15 10-11-02  08:54 am
Pirelli Scorpion S/T on a 98 Discovery ? ?? ?Germ�n R. Gr�ner11-26-02  06:53 am
Pirelli ScorpionsSuperJ02-22-02  09:29 pm
Pirelli Tires for 96 DiscoJose A Cabrera05-15-02  01:52 am
Piston Slap on DII'sEric10 03-09-02  02:34 am
Pittsburgh LR Mechanics???John Hook02-27-02  06:11 pm
Place in Knoxville that works of Land Rovers?Leslie N. Bright13 07-14-02  11:44 pm
Place to get power steering pump?derek07-02-02  07:28 pm
Places to mount aftermarket aux. light switchesBrian Lewis07-07-02  07:36 pm
Planning to put on suspension myself any adviceFrode H�bertz Haalan02-28-02  06:33 am
Planning trip to the UKAndy Nichols17 08-04-02  08:05 am
Platinum Spark Plugs...Danno09-28-02  08:37 am
Play in steering wheelErik G. Burrows06-14-02  01:58 pm
Please HELP, Alarm ProblemAnonymous06-03-02  07:24 am
Please Help Fast!!!!!!!!!!!!Carter Simcoe08-16-02  08:33 pm
Please Help!Bill Bettridge05-13-02  09:16 am
Please check "EVENTS" for the latest S.F. Bay Area off road trips...Tom03-16-02  02:22 am
Please help me build a discoJohn Kruger24 07-28-02  10:25 pm
Please help me with my winch problem.............Kyle08-18-02  09:38 am
Please help, frustrated Disco ownerAnonymous02-21-02  03:26 pm
Please help.....bad vibration noisesparhawk12 07-02-02  11:04 am
Please help...wont start in the coldJMcD10 03-05-02  05:23 pm
Please...i need help with these 32x11.50Danno09-06-02  03:57 pm
Pls help front windows and sunroof stop workingDanno09-09-02  09:18 pm
Pls help with radioShane C.08-30-02  01:39 am
Plug wire advisePhillip Perkinson11-04-02  09:11 pm
Plug wiresccdm304-29-02  10:02 pm
Plugging truck ingreekrover26 11-14-02  11:48 pm
Plugs and Hard Cold Start / Erratic IdleJMcD04-05-02  02:57 pm
Plugs/champion/ngkjp08-31-02  06:56 am
Poll on Yahoo! Groups lr-discovery - cylinder headsTripp Westbrook13 09-04-02  06:18 pm
Poly BushDougC03-28-02  07:43 pm
Popping noise when turning wheel to lock!!!sirrobin05-06-02  09:06 pm
Popping noise while turningButchS03-18-02  11:29 pm
Possible Purchase of 1998-99 D1, Any Advise?Todd Sanders07-31-02  03:50 pm
Possible purchase of Disc II-any suggestions?Al Oliveira08-01-02  02:34 pm
Possible to have air in fuel linesDaniel Rork10-15-02  09:55 pm
Posting Pictures in DiscussionsJoshua Smith10-15-02  02:08 pm
Posts on Pirates about eXtreeeeme DiscoshitEric120 06-19-02  10:34 am
Powder coating alloy wheelsTodd Phenneger03-27-02  03:48 pm
Power Steering Change Over KitRob Davison26 09-20-02  03:21 pm
Power Steering FluidRon06-17-02  02:51 am
Power Steering Gear Box?Ron06-11-02  03:29 am
Power Steering Hosechad Mayes09-25-02  11:09 pm
Power Steering Issue...Jeff Price06-04-02  08:51 am
Power Steering Leaking somewherePaul T. Schram11 10-24-02  09:42 am
Power Steering PumpRobbie10 11-11-02  10:24 am
Power Steering PumpDave Thomas03-05-02  08:59 pm
Power Steering PumpBlue02-18-02  05:14 pm
Power Steering Pump Noise?P_Kennington15 12-05-02  05:52 pm
Power Steering Pump Rebuild...Paul T. Schram09-04-02  09:25 am
Power Steering Pump ReplacementDee Cantrell16 09-29-02  11:56 pm
Power Steering Pump ReplacementAnonymous02-27-02  09:20 am
Power Steering coming and going... whats the deal?p m05-09-02  09:38 pm
Power Window "disconnected"jpitman03-02-02  08:34 am
Power Window Regulator Partcharles pastrano09-19-02  09:20 am
Power Window is no more...Robert Sublett14 08-17-02  01:36 pm
Power Windows L_Tilly06-17-02  05:39 pm
Power seat problemsMarkd1x204-16-02  03:01 pm
Power seat problems with 98dchrismon04-27-02  06:57 pm
Power seats driving me nuts!doug james05-03-02  04:10 pm
Power seats on manual rails, can it be donedanrork07-14-02  05:41 pm
Power steering hoses, bumper caps, and other ?'sPaul T. Schram09-06-02  09:51 am
Power steering leakPaul T. Schram09-24-02  12:14 pm
Power steering leaks? Is the hoses or something else? Ed H10 06-17-02  11:57 pm
Power steering problem?Al Oliveira08-07-02  02:51 pm
Power steering probsSteve Smith03-03-02  12:23 pm
Power steering pumpPaul T. Schram16 05-15-02  12:08 pm
Power steering pump or ?Frode H�bertz Haalan05-13-02  09:05 am
Pre-Oiler experience? perroneford10-01-02  12:50 am
Pressure wash under hood - D2John Friederich10-20-02  04:29 pm
Preventative repairs @ 100k+miles?Mike B.11-20-02  07:29 pm
Price for 99' Disco SD - certifiedJason Kozma08-17-02  08:05 pm
Prices/based on the pinzgauer storyPerroneFord12 07-15-02  12:15 pm
ProComp Air Intakes Combo's to increase gas milage?Anonymous12 05-16-02  03:44 pm
Problem after problem...are Disco II's as money draining as Disco I...Jason Johnson18 08-18-02  02:45 pm
Problem with 2nd Gear (94 Disco)Kyle07-03-02  05:42 pm
Problem with Diff Lock Daniel J. Simas11-12-02  06:13 pm
Problem with differentials?Jose A Cabrera07-12-02  11:13 pm
Problem with electric...Chris Voelz07-05-02  02:58 pm
Problem with lights on right side of vehiclecartner09-22-02  08:27 am
Problems with front left hub, maybe bearings , prob won't go awayBlue10 08-23-02  07:59 pm
Problems with town fair tire installing tires, please helpKim S09-04-02  01:59 pm
Procedure for Antennae RemovalJAugusta10 06-17-02  03:57 pm
Procomp Monotube Adjustable ShocksRVR OVR24 02-15-02  01:22 pm
Programing the Keyless entry for a 98 discoRobert Sublett08-04-02  12:27 am
Programming Disco 1 RemoteDon08-08-02  07:32 pm
Project discojay caragay09-08-02  08:30 am
Prop shaft upgrade?Norm03-26-02  12:24 pm
Proper T-Case Shifting ProtocolMike Rupp05-21-02  07:36 pm
Proper Tire Pressure for Dunlop R/T - Ride Sucks!JRoc16 06-04-02  09:36 pm
Proper Tire pressurenadim07-10-02  03:07 am
Proper jacking with Hi-lift?Frode H�bertz Haalan11 04-17-02  10:06 am
Pros & Cons About 03 Disco with ACEJohn Moore11-22-02  01:47 pm
Proud new owner of a 1998 Discovery LSE...God04-10-02  08:19 pm
Pull PalJeff Price21 07-11-02  06:30 pm
Pulleys Bill K09-30-02  10:31 am
Pulling the plug on the ABS....bender203306-28-02  11:03 pm
Pulling to the right when applying Brake Non Rovertodd slater11-16-02  10:13 pm
Pulls left when brakingBill Bettridge13 09-27-02  03:23 pm
Purchasing Adventure Roofrack (Safety Devices)Greg Davis09-16-02  09:07 am
Purchasing a G500.......BW10 11-29-02  10:32 pm
Purge Valve in Emission system??Craig McLaughlin14 06-13-02  08:38 pm
Put in power steering fluid in instead of ATF how should I flush it...cartner10 08-12-02  10:28 pm
Q for those who have installed springs on a D2....Ali05-09-02  12:26 pm
Q regarding wet passenger side floorboard??????11 07-23-02  06:10 am
Q: about DII tire size.Greg Davis03-13-02  09:29 am
QT Diff GuardsRVR OVR12-02-02  12:14 pm
QT Servicesjames04-16-02  08:36 pm
QT Services.Ned05-09-02  04:55 pm
QT diff guard install helpbertofcsa11-18-02  08:59 pm
QT diff guardsGreg Davis10 10-08-02  03:36 pm
QUESTION ABOUT PLUG BEHIND HEADLIGHTGlenn Guinto10 08-17-02  09:42 pm
Qt Services diff guards kick ass.Ned16 06-03-02  05:20 pm
Question I have never seen on this BBMike D111 05-30-02  06:46 pm
Question about 255/85-16 tiresDanno12 05-27-02  09:06 pm
Question about 6-disc CD changerRich Zellmer12 11-23-02  12:15 pm
Question about Aftermarket Warranty ProviderLarry Grubbs05-08-02  12:30 pm
Question about Kyle's no trim tire fitGarrett #204-23-02  02:33 pm
Question about TREK Rock SlidersteveII03-14-02  06:29 pm
Question about aftermarket headunit Alpine CDA-7998 Willard Lee06-24-02  08:21 pm
Question about big blues & CB lift...Clif Ashley06-27-02  01:31 pm
Question about brakes...Neil Flanagan16 09-06-02  02:22 pm
Question about changing brake pads on a DII?Dave03-16-02  11:54 am
Question about hi lifht jacksGreg P.07-30-02  07:04 pm
Question about installing SS brake linesdoug james04-22-02  05:19 pm
Question about installing air compressorjames07-16-02  03:07 am
Question about lockersScott-OZ24 11-25-02  11:50 pm
Question about running rims and tiresMilan04-05-02  10:12 am
Question bout body liftGreg Davis02-26-02  09:38 am
Question for Greg DavisDave_Lucas11-06-02  10:57 pm
Question for dual battery users in DIIBrian Lewis12 07-19-02  07:59 pm
Question on Jate Rings specsJay Hobbs08-27-02  11:17 pm
Question on connecting a Heater Core (Matrix) on D1Ron03-25-02  02:03 am
Question on shockschrisvonc92 05-18-02  04:12 pm
Questions about 2000 Disco IIAnonymous10 03-25-02  09:16 pm
Questions about SG relocation kitRonLF06-12-02  07:31 am
Questions about the DiscoWeb Moab VideoJohn Lee20 03-22-02  11:43 pm
Questions about welding on something attached to my DIIgordon sitts14 11-26-02  04:06 pm
Questions from a luck guy (or spoiled child)Ron23 11-14-02  04:30 pm
Questions from a new Disco II owner....Willard Lee05-28-02  03:48 pm
Questions on adding OME shocks and springs and 265/75/16 tires on 2...Paul D. Morgan11-08-02  07:32 am
Quick Question: GEARING200 Tdi04-08-02  11:34 pm
Quick Question: PLEASE HELP!!!!!Erik G. Burrows04-20-02  04:34 pm
Quick Wheel bearing question - do I have the right parts?Paul T. Schram12 11-12-02  09:26 am
Quick questions on cdlmuskyman09-03-02  09:54 pm
Quick-release kit for rear seatLance03-08-02  12:00 pm
R380-ZF tradeTCarr03-01-02  06:38 pm
RADIO RECEPTIONJoe Musmacker12 04-05-02  12:05 pm
REAR WINDOW HAUNTEDSoCalJoe07-09-02  01:52 pm
REMOVABLE HITCH RECEIVERcurquieta09-22-02  03:12 pm
REMOVING INSTRUMENT PANELGreg P.08-16-02  06:51 pm
REPLACING HUB SEALS REAR 97 DISCOcooper06-18-02  07:58 pm
REPLACING STOCK MICHELINSrobert gaspar04-19-02  09:34 am
RMS Power Ken Tipton11-13-02  09:05 pm
RPM's at high speedJB03-20-02  07:53 am
RPMs drop / engine stalls during brakingbryan03-07-02  10:49 am
RR Classic exhaustp m10 04-01-02  10:25 pm
RR air suspension on a Disco?????Ali14 09-19-02  09:09 pm
RS 9000 or OME HD ? Kyle, Ho, Axel ?Ron116 02-22-02  09:46 pm
RTE 1" lift questionsTodd Phenenger23 09-10-02  01:41 pm
RTE 2 inch springs w/ OME shocks?Cam D04-30-02  03:50 pm
RTE SP-2 springsJohn02-22-02  05:04 pm
RTE Sagging?Scott26 06-07-02  06:20 pm
RTE Slider Install Complete - Seat Belts Wont Release.....Ron Ward02-16-02  09:31 pm
RTE Slider Install Disco 1Ron02-14-02  11:43 pm
RTE SpringsGarrett #204-17-02  10:46 am
RTE SpringsHo Chung16 04-22-02  06:05 pm
Rack Lights. 2nd battery?OTTO02-22-02  02:48 am
Radials vs Bias PlyDisco Dad40 02-19-02  04:14 pm
Radiator Cap split apart...need help fastJorge P. Gutierrez, 22 04-23-02  10:05 pm
Radiator fan runningTommy09-12-02  02:53 pm
Radiator questionPerroneFord04-21-02  01:02 pm
Radiator recore/rod/replaceDee06-20-02  01:08 pm
Radiator replacementMike Cox05-14-02  11:53 am
Radiator, rod?,recore?,or just replace?Dee09-06-02  10:38 am
Radio / Clock / Dome lightKevkor04-14-02  05:16 pm
Radio AlternativeRob10-18-02  10:45 am
Radio Antenna Remove Fender!?Bill Molnar05-28-02  09:54 pm
Radio Codederek08-07-02  02:23 pm
Radio Code again and again and again....Ron Ward06-03-02  06:06 pm
Radio Code for the DiscoveryMig200804-10-02  11:05 am
Radio Harness Kit now available?Bruce03-15-02  12:26 pm
Radio Just Stopped.........Will07-26-02  11:24 pm
Radio Keeps Losing Power - Please HelpRob Davison08-07-02  12:23 pm
Radio RemovalAndy Russell02-27-02  11:14 am
Radio Replacement in a 96 DiscoKevin Howell11-13-02  09:59 am
Radio Reset CodeDee Cantrell03-01-02  02:29 pm
Radio Security codederek05-16-02  12:51 am
Radio Wiring DiagramJason T. Barker10 10-26-02  09:21 pm
Radio Works, but no sound??Gary Taylor11-25-02  09:00 am
Radio ampgtaylor07-25-02  03:50 pm
Radio codeMark Meyer02-23-02  01:01 am
Radio code doesnt work?!?!?!?!scubaman9910 12-03-02  04:50 pm
Radio codes - helpMarty koning11-18-02  06:52 pm
Radio has stopped activating CD changerRich Lee14 04-09-02  11:49 pm
Radio interference on AMPaul T. Schram10-14-02  10:15 am
Radio is not happyjim09-09-02  05:47 pm
Radio problemDon09-01-02  11:09 am
Radio problemTommy Dougherty03-18-02  11:35 am
Radio removalDean Brown11 04-04-02  07:17 pm
Radio removal: I saw it here and now can't find it...Bill Molnar04-08-02  07:40 pm
Radio-Right Code, Still NO GO.Matt05-19-02  03:24 pm
Radion Removal for Disco IAndy05-25-02  06:16 pm
Radius Arms?Disco_Dad02-27-02  11:51 pm
Radius arms, Panhard rod bushings replacementBill Bettridge05-13-02  09:07 am
Radus arm bushersandrew03-05-02  07:04 am
Rainwater on passenger side floorGreg P.06-07-02  04:52 pm
Raised Air Intake Brand Preferences?steveII36 02-20-02  01:03 pm
Raleigh, NC Shopted chestnut08-22-02  07:56 pm
Ramsey on ARB no airbag DIrunnerma04-17-02  04:26 am
Rancho 9000Greg Davis06-18-02  02:14 pm
Rancho RS9000 part numbers for Disco Series IIJohn05-30-02  11:00 am
Random Clunking Under Passenger SeatAl Oliveira07-24-02  06:09 pm
Random Starting ProblemsJoe Casey02-19-02  06:55 pm
Random brake pedal pulsation? Rob Davison03-24-02  11:28 am
Random rear electric windows !Matt M03-14-02  12:13 pm
Range RoverPerroneFord05-22-02  11:36 pm
Range Rover QuestionGil Stevens08-19-02  10:23 am
Range Rover brakesStephan04-09-02  01:18 am
Range Rover bull bar on a DiscoPaul03-26-02  05:47 am
Range Rover manualsPerroneFord04-03-02  11:12 pm
Range Rover takes on the competition (long)p m06-17-02  05:38 pm
Range Rover wheels on a Disco I?Chris Browne10-21-02  09:52 pm
Rangie Dog Guard To Fit Disco1?Ron Ward09-17-02  11:34 am
Rangie seats for a 1997 DiscoveryChris Browne08-05-02  08:49 pm
Rangie/ Disco wheel swap, what will fit??One_bad_rover08-12-02  02:08 pm
Rattle!Ron Ward08-18-02  08:14 pm
Rattling Squeeling BrakesBill Bettridge12 06-06-02  02:23 pm
Rattling catsDisco Dad12 02-18-02  11:08 pm
Rattling noise coming from my suspensionJustin Green09-03-02  01:00 pm
Rattling underneath...Jim09-04-02  03:04 pm
Re-installing in-dash cup holder;ash traytodd02-28-02  12:44 am
Re-wired my fog switches-answers needed...Eric Pena08-07-02  03:02 pm
Re: Bonnet black tint.Dave M.14 07-12-02  08:28 am
Re: Diesel engineFrode H�bertz Haalan05-23-02  03:04 am
Re: Dual shocks front and rear.Raul Pena05-18-02  10:11 pm
Re: New distributorLopez Raul05-22-02  11:48 pm
Re: radiator fanAnonymous05-22-02  11:12 pm
Reading CodesPaul T. Schram10-11-02  04:38 pm
Really, Has Anyone Had Problems with SLS & ACE???Kent Westbrook07-23-02  11:37 pm
Rear Access Ladder: Which one?BW11 07-28-02  06:43 pm
Rear Air...Mike B.06-13-02  08:09 am
Rear Brake PadsDee Cantrell09-11-02  08:11 pm
Rear BumperAL13 02-23-02  11:46 pm
Rear Bumper for Disco II?Greg Davis26 07-01-02  09:51 am
Rear Bumper with existing Trailer Hitch??Greg Davis09-26-02  10:03 am
Rear Bumper????Patrick10-16-02  03:17 pm
Rear Bumpers for D1 besides TJM?jay caragay08-03-02  02:54 am
Rear Disco Brush GuardsCarter Simcoe12-01-02  04:05 pm
Rear Door Inner Pannel, Available without Subwoofer Cabniet?Chris browne03-29-02  04:02 pm
Rear Door ProblemsJerry Crawford11-07-02  12:07 pm
Rear Driveshaft installvon Munchausen10-10-02  12:58 pm
Rear Fender RelocationAndrew Clarke15 11-27-02  03:19 pm
Rear Link Nut size.Bill Bettridge08-15-02  07:36 am
Rear Main Oil SealKyle09-04-02  07:34 pm
Rear Passenger Window Stuck Down...Erik Olson11-10-02  03:06 pm
Rear Passenger WindowsJim Burns06-20-02  11:30 am
Rear Spacer DiameterHank Shank03-20-02  09:25 am
Rear Step installPeter Carey11-02-02  06:55 pm
Rear Sunroof issuesPaul T. Schram05-06-02  10:19 am
Rear Suspension: Long travel shockschrisvonc16 02-17-02  09:13 pm
Rear View Mirror Oil Leak...What in the hell???joshua16 04-01-02  10:36 am
Rear Window Motorken knebusch02-24-02  08:38 am
Rear Window QuestionRob03-05-02  05:50 pm
Rear Windows Don't Roll Down- Window Lift ECURob Davison04-01-02  05:32 pm
Rear Windows Dont WorkGregory06-05-02  10:44 am
Rear Wiper switch weirdness?David Connelly04-11-02  08:19 pm
Rear a-frame ball joint renewalDisco_Dad03-01-02  07:39 pm
Rear axle leaking???Grady Huber11-16-02  03:29 pm
Rear axle questionRon05-07-02  06:58 pm
Rear bilstein washer/bushing order??Moe08-02-02  12:01 am
Rear brakesDuke Walters03-14-02  06:52 am
Rear bumper Disco IIGreg Davis08-01-02  12:05 pm
Rear bumper end caps.....Kyle04-16-02  09:32 pm
Rear bumper for D2Al Oliveira13 04-23-02  12:15 am
Rear bumper for discoveryRVR OVR03-03-02  12:05 am
Rear bumper lights D IIKen08-10-02  03:51 pm
Rear bumper with no lightsMarc07-19-02  08:32 am
Rear buzzing sound ......?jmon02-23-02  11:32 am
Rear doorLance02-27-02  06:04 pm
Rear door panel - How to adjust it?G. Gr�ner06-10-02  05:57 pm
Rear door squeakAnonymous04-10-02  03:56 am
Rear drive shaft fun!!! gp51 09-03-02  09:06 am
Rear endHo Chung11 10-02-02  12:53 pm
Rear hatch won't open...Chase07-15-02  03:34 pm
Rear lamp guards bolt sizemuskyman12-03-02  01:05 pm
Rear load cover and rear airScott Hayes03-20-02  04:08 pm
Rear lower shock washer up or down?Moe12 05-08-02  09:48 pm
Rear main seal leak - what am I looking at?Marc03-25-02  08:52 am
Rear passenger door lock not working - electrical ???Emmanuel Carpodinis06-14-02  01:36 am
Rear shock mountsJCC03-25-02  09:44 am
Rear side lights problemMandotim09-24-02  05:31 am
Rear speakers causing vibration...gp48 03-07-02  03:32 pm
Rear springsAl Oliveira08-06-02  10:15 am
Rear sunroof leakin what do i dojwarner03-05-02  10:20 pm
Rear sunroof messing upTed Chestnut10-09-02  05:21 pm
Rear sunroof not openingB.Elrod07-25-02  11:50 am
Rear sunroof still leakingDavid Frizzell09-23-02  09:12 am
Rear sway bar removal... I know I knowRamsay08-24-02  09:05 pm
Rear view mirrorKyle04-02-02  04:16 pm
Rear whiper, electric mirrors and cruise control wont work...helpAnonymous03-03-02  06:40 am
Rear winch?Moe04-22-02  12:27 pm
Rear window seals going outderek03-27-02  12:54 am
Rear wiper malfunctionSterling02-13-02  10:13 pm
Rear work lamp mounting bracketJerry Crawford10-04-02  07:45 am
Rear-View Mirror AdhesiveWes Legaspi10-29-02  01:31 am
Rearview Mirror HelpGreg Mayhue15 12-04-02  05:35 pm
Rearview mirrorBruce12 02-22-02  06:01 pm
Rearview mirrorBruce03-25-02  04:41 pm
Rearview mirror Leaking?!! What??? yep it is.gp04-25-02  08:11 am
Reasonable cost for a Disco I valve job?Jake Hartley03-29-02  08:48 am
Rebuilding tranny and t-case the CB wayKyle03-07-02  08:44 am
Rebuld or Replace a 4.0l ?bender203305-06-02  08:17 am
RecallSus15 07-02-02  09:44 am
Recall Notice on D2streak09-11-02  03:49 pm
Recall on brake system ECU for 99 disco ll- What and where is the E...Jim Murphy13 03-25-02  09:46 pm
Recall?Eric N11 03-09-02  06:09 pm
Recalls on a 99 D2?ken11 02-26-02  11:56 am
Recap on mods with a budgetBruce29 02-21-02  09:56 pm
Recommendations for OEM parts over teh web?Craig Kobayashi12 07-17-02  03:12 pm
Recommendations for fuel filters?Anonymous05-27-02  05:47 am
Recovering your DiscoveryAl Oliveira08-07-02  08:46 pm
Recovery HooksDaveB04-23-02  12:07 pm
Recovery PointPaul T. Schram08-26-02  09:36 am
Recovery PointsRob Davison49 08-17-02  11:43 am
Recovery PointsAl Oliveira11 07-05-02  12:26 am
Recovery and jacking question on DIIMichael Noe06-10-02  08:20 am
Recovery kitsMike B.03-15-02  10:29 pm
Recovery point mountingDale Farr26 02-28-02  05:47 pm
Recovery points of the KVT Ron21 04-05-02  01:09 am
Red Covered Lockout Type SwitchRob Davison12 11-06-02  12:09 pm
Red Top Optima Battery and Tires at CostcoMilan24 09-26-02  01:40 pm
Red Top Optima battery doesn't hold chargeBoris G05-28-02  10:47 am
Relay 96 D1Darren Jones06-25-02  10:59 am
Relays?ken10-07-02  03:40 pm
Relieving Fuel Pressure The Easy WayPhillip Miller12 06-01-02  08:03 pm
Remember my posts on coins in the gear mount housing and removal of...Paddy11-23-02  08:31 am
Remington Tires?Erik Olson06-25-02  12:48 pm
Remote Battery Replacement?Jeremy Donefer09-09-02  12:15 pm
Remote Door LocksDaveB12-06-02  02:56 pm
Remote LocksBill K11-20-02  07:30 am
Remote Starter???Milan12-07-02  12:29 pm
Remote door actuator?Joe Still10-04-02  05:32 am
Remote not functioningcanotuna03-21-02  04:28 pm
Remote not working properly?Wes Legaspi03-27-02  09:49 pm
Remote starter on DII ?irish_nv11-28-02  05:06 pm
Remote starter?herky02-22-02  12:01 am
Remote/Key Fob ProgrammingAnonymous06-19-02  06:07 pm
Remove D2 back door interior panel HOW?Dean Brown10 11-12-02  12:42 pm
Remove inner brake dirt shield?Don Collins04-22-02  10:35 pm
Remove resonator??Tommy15 11-05-02  11:42 am
Removing "LAND ROVER" decal from bonnetgp31 04-18-02  04:11 pm
Removing CrossMember on D1 Todd Phenneger10-09-02  02:44 am
Removing D1 roof rails - how hard?Jake Hartley11-12-02  11:15 am
Removing RotorsPerroneFord04-10-02  11:33 pm
Removing Styrofoam From Under Steering WheelJack05-31-02  09:28 am
Removing Wood Dash KitMTB05-08-02  01:49 am
Removing center console trim on LSE discoAlex Schubow11-20-02  10:00 pm
Removing door panel??Bryan Daniel11-24-02  04:25 pm
Removing door panelsSteve Andrews08-19-02  09:23 pm
Removing flange assembly on front Diff (D1)Richard Yeomans10-05-02  06:50 pm
Removing front air damchris sharpe19 03-15-02  02:30 pm
Removing front bumperMike M12 03-06-02  04:19 pm
Removing front bumper for 99 D1Michael Talley11-25-02  10:31 pm
Removing instrument binnacle etcBill Bettridge10-22-02  02:14 pm
Removing key while in Drive mode. Is this possible? My 2001 Discove...EricV44 10-28-02  12:30 am
Removing my front bumperWill Roeder14 11-17-02  01:42 pm
Removing running boards - simple? aesthetics?Glenn Guinto07-16-02  06:55 am
Removing steering wheel!!jp14 06-25-02  08:23 am
Removing the Door PanelCarter Simcoe12-01-02  05:27 pm
Removing the flange on the rear differential- need Land Rover tools?Greg Davis06-21-02  09:39 am
Removing the oil pan on a DIIOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-25-02  10:59 pm
Removing tint from windows?Danno08-30-02  02:10 pm
Removing turn signal switch!!glenh06-11-02  05:50 pm
Removing water tankPetros06-05-02  02:01 pm
RepaintingWarren17 05-23-02  02:58 am
Repair Manual for 99 D1Leslie N. Bright05-08-02  09:49 am
Repaired Pan oil leak and found small Unidentified nut in inside pa...M. Recke11-06-02  03:58 am
Replace Vent GlassAnonymous05-29-02  11:08 am
Replace clutch? Dee06-25-02  10:30 am
Replace heads on a 3.9- Are Buick heads an option? GregH12-04-02  01:33 am
Replaced wheel bearings - question on lock washer re-installMilan16 08-16-02  06:11 pm
Replacement bulbs for D2 fogsAnonymous06-26-02  11:03 am
Replacement for XPC 4x4 tireHo Chung05-01-02  02:15 am
Replacement for radiator fill plugDee27 08-09-02  11:03 am
Replacement of Rear Window Seals?Jeff Price07-18-02  11:20 pm
Replacement of sunroof shadesRobert Sublett07-02-02  08:28 pm
Replacement seats/shifter - 98LEJim Senior07-26-02  12:45 pm
Replacement timing gears in lieu of rubber belt.Johannes05-31-02  08:49 am
Replacement tires for Michelin XPC - without white lettering?Axel Haakonsen07-03-02  07:01 pm
Replacing A starter Need a Little HelpKyle06-26-02  12:50 pm
Replacing AlternatorEd Petrush10-19-02  02:54 pm
Replacing Ball JointsJohn03-26-02  08:08 am
Replacing Bumper End CapDee06-26-02  11:58 pm
Replacing D1 CaliperPaul T. Schram11-07-02  03:27 pm
Replacing Disco front padsPerroneFord03-30-02  07:09 pm
Replacing ECU and cost.John04-13-02  03:10 pm
Replacing Rear Door SpeakersDisco Dad02-15-02  02:41 am
Replacing Rear End caps on D1Coop03-02-02  12:56 pm
Replacing RotoflexTCar06-14-02  10:26 am
Replacing Speed Sensor on 97 DiscoveryJerre Killingbeck02-22-02  12:08 pm
Replacing belts-newbie hereRick Lindgren09-30-02  02:38 pm
Replacing door sealsDee11-04-02  10:52 am
Replacing front bumperJay07-29-02  09:42 pm
Replacing front rotorsMike J.04-24-02  09:29 am
Replacing front wheel bearings - need advicealhang10 08-08-02  11:36 am
Replacing head unit in D1. Will I lose the buttons on the dash?Marty Disco211 12-01-02  10:48 pm
Replacing high pressure power steering line ?BW10-16-02  06:01 pm
Replacing hub seals.Moe06-12-02  10:04 am
Replacing radio button lights Robert Rubenzik10-17-02  12:41 am
Replacing rear rubber coupler.Blue05-13-02  03:37 pm
Replacing rear view mirrorPunchy32509-17-02  03:26 pm
Replacing tires on 99 Disco SEKristopher March03-05-02  09:53 am
Replacing weatherstrip on rear windowF.J.05-13-02  11:36 pm
Replacing windshield...Shane C.09-04-02  12:30 am
Reprogramming keyless remoteTad02-17-02  09:50 am
Request: replacement stock tires adiveRobert Sublett06-19-02  09:11 pm
Reseated abs sensors and still have antilock light onAndy05-17-02  02:54 pm
Reservoir Repair?Jeff Price05-13-02  01:46 pm
Reset computer in a 98?Robert Sublett09-22-02  04:32 pm
Reseting check engine lightKen Newman02-25-02  07:57 pm
Reseting the Emission Maintenance Reminder Kristopher March20 03-15-02  10:34 am
Resetting Check Engine Light - 95 DiscoOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-25-02  10:57 pm
Resetting Service Engine Lightareil amoranto10 08-21-02  02:42 pm
Resetting Service Light...Greg P04-26-02  10:09 pm
Resetting the check engine light Ken06-28-02  01:50 am
Resinator or muffler, one vibrates and makes rattle, sometimes loud???Erik Olson07-07-02  01:17 pm
Resolved -- OBD-II codes 300 and 420 -- and good dealership service...gp04-19-02  01:45 pm
Resonator removalWill Roeder25 03-04-02  08:05 pm
Resonator: problemJohn Kruger05-13-02  09:58 am
Retrofit '03 disco headlamps???Jason T. Barker05-05-02  04:18 pm
Retrofit '03 disco headlamps???Anonymous11 05-09-02  11:27 am
Retrofit a series/defender body on Disco chasis - possible?Norm17 07-16-02  05:27 am
Retrofit sunroof motors & controls?Hax09-10-02  08:07 pm
Retrofitting factory fog lights in 2002 Disco II SD......??scott12-08-02  05:29 pm
Revisiting the D2 heated seats questionstreak10-03-02  08:36 am
Rhino Rack BarsChris DeJesus08-20-02  02:08 pm
Rhino liner inside....Jeff10 07-18-02  10:29 am
Right Rear Power Windowken knebusch06-14-02  01:38 pm
Right front quarter damage when hit by a Civic at 25mph.Patrick Hartigan02-15-02  02:11 pm
Right of WayM. Recke31 11-02-02  06:23 pm
Right side running lights and dash lights out?Mike08-09-02  04:39 pm
Rim widthPerroneFord05-19-02  06:43 pm
Ring & PinionGreg Davis24 05-31-02  09:20 am
Ring and Pinion 4.1:1Kyle07-08-02  08:41 pm
Rock & Roll DiscoRandall Smith04-08-02  05:51 pm
Rock slidersGreg P.06-08-02  07:26 pm
RockWare diff slidersRon02-21-02  02:06 am
Rocker shaft torqueAl Oliveira07-04-02  09:56 pm
Rocking seats! HELP...Ron08-05-02  09:16 pm
Rockville LR servicePatrick Hartigan15 03-14-02  08:56 am
Rockware CAT skid and AB Trans skid questionEric N02-17-02  01:35 pm
Rockware Disco winchguardNed05-01-02  10:10 am
Rockware rear diff guard?Dave_Lucas03-14-02  12:20 am
Rod bearings from rear/front axlesDee06-21-02  12:38 pm
Roll cage?Will Roeder07-21-02  12:51 am
Rollover Angle D1Leslie N. Bright26 04-30-02  09:34 am
Rollover at 5,000 ft Chris Browne19 10-08-02  09:22 pm
Roof PlugsGreg Davis02-20-02  11:23 am
Roof RackMarkd1x202-27-02  09:24 pm
Roof Rack ?Greg P.12-03-02  05:06 pm
Roof Rack Bar Removal?Leslie N. Bright10-11-02  09:09 am
Roof Rack Flooring Question...Clif Ashley22 07-02-02  10:54 pm
Roof Rack Light WiringDean Brown03-02-02  08:49 am
Roof Rack Lights...M. K. Watson25 04-14-02  08:43 pm
Roof Rack MountsCarl E. Cedeholm08-23-02  04:40 pm
Roof Rack Plans, Charlotte, NCBrad Russell10 07-07-02  03:56 pm
Roof Rack Storage BagZinhead41 03-21-02  09:40 pm
Roof Rack lights - Adding switch to dash on a D2ken33 09-05-02  12:47 pm
Roof Rack. Which one?Nick Bellistri11-26-02  08:55 pm
Roof Racks??Brad Bradford33 02-22-02  09:20 am
Roof RailsJim Murphy04-26-02  04:26 pm
Roof rackAnonymous06-08-02  10:03 pm
Roof rack option.Jeff44 10-25-02  09:34 pm
Roof racks that don't bend the gutters off roadkennith27 05-07-02  12:27 am
Roof rak ideas - mounting a hi-lift, sand ladder etc Kyle07-02-02  11:47 am
RoofTop Tents and Racks...christian03-11-02  12:23 am
Roofrack LightingGreg P.55 11-27-02  06:45 pm
Roofrack damage.....Dave08-20-02  11:32 am
Rotate SpareBent Victor22 08-17-02  01:51 am
Rotating cv jointsMilan29 06-19-02  05:17 pm
Roto flex part number, and good place to buy good shop manual for a...Conor07-10-02  04:50 pm
Roto-Flex Driveshaft-bushing for centering pinPaul T. Schram16 07-29-02  05:03 pm
Roto-Flex Part Two... revenge of the vibrator!M. K. Watson07-02-02  07:14 pm
Rotoflex Q...gp40 07-03-02  08:15 am
Rotoflex coupling vs U-Jointblue17 10-09-02  03:00 pm
Rotoflex on '98s?Blue05-08-02  07:24 pm
Rotoflex to U-joint Conversion ArticleLeslie N. Bright20 11-08-02  08:34 am
Rotoflex vs U-Jointgp09-17-02  08:30 am
Rotor Replacement Need help ASAP!! Por FavorRobert Sublett07-04-02  04:55 pm
Rotorsjoshua04-20-02  08:01 pm
Rough Idle on StartRobert Sublett06-19-02  07:28 am
Rough idle and a code 45?jmon04-22-02  07:13 pm
Rough idle when starting hotjay martin04-19-02  12:46 am
Rough riding - yours too?Christopher10-02-02  09:33 am
Rough running after washderek09-13-02  01:09 am
Round Headlights Mohan09-13-02  03:48 pm
Rover Dealers, love to fix stuffgp27 07-01-02  08:20 am
Rover Gremlins, looking for a wonderful diagnosisAnonymous26 05-26-02  02:38 am
Rover Is Sinking . . . . . . .Leslie N. Bright12 04-17-02  01:57 pm
Rover died after off roading please helpBill Bettridge03-22-02  08:35 am
Rover vs. CruiserTony24 08-08-02  03:51 pm
RoverTym A-Arm extension InstallRVR OVR08-09-02  09:47 am
RoverTym Slider install, anyone care to lend a handTed Chestnut75 09-09-02  05:50 pm
RoverTym Slider install, how hard?Markd1x237 09-01-02  01:39 pm
Rovertym BumpersGreg Davis05-10-02  09:52 am
Rovertym Cones or EE Spring Retainers Blake Luse11 10-02-02  08:45 pm
Rovertym Radius ArmsEric N62 08-09-02  04:35 pm
Rovertym Sliders.... no rivnut toolRans10-26-02  08:12 pm
Rovertym Spring QuestionsMark03-16-02  08:01 pm
Rovertym Spring's Free Lengths?Anonymous04-04-02  09:05 am
Rovertym body liftCurtis78 02-28-02  12:05 am
Rovertym body lift install. How tuff is it?John C.07-16-02  08:49 am
Rovertym front bumper install questionEric N11 02-19-02  06:37 pm
Rovertym or OME ?RVR OVR35 05-17-02  11:57 pm
Rovertym or Safarigard Bumperpeter11 03-03-02  08:21 am
Rovertym parts in EuropeRon02-20-02  12:32 am
Rovertyme spacersAl Oliveira10-01-02  01:12 pm
Rubber Floor MatsMTB04-02-02  09:35 pm
Rubber boot for distributor?Jeff04-18-02  11:10 am
Rubber cargo mat DIINeil13 03-21-02  03:54 pm
RubbingEric N03-15-02  11:22 am
Rubbing with 285's on a DIIGreg Davis11-12-02  11:07 am
Rugged Rover?Rob Davison25 03-07-02  03:45 pm
Running board and mud flap removal questionsRamsay07-29-02  11:21 pm
Running boards install. Please help!!Mike B.05-14-02  08:59 pm
Running coolstordzy12-07-02  06:14 pm
Running richAnonymous06-18-02  12:08 am
Running richRon10 06-06-02  07:55 pm
Running rich how to adjust?JMcD06-08-02  09:16 pm
Running wires through firewall?Paul T. Schram10-09-02  09:36 am
Rust Stain on leather seatMike09-17-02  04:59 pm
Rust control...........Anonymous06-19-02  09:56 pm
Rust on alpine windowsluc02-19-02  05:01 am
Rust or No Rust?Blake Luse04-03-02  11:41 pm
Rust under alpine windowalyssa05-14-02  02:18 pm
Rust!!! Awe crap -- Any suggestions?David Dryden14 04-03-02  04:33 pm
Rusty Fuel RailJMcD05-17-02  06:32 pm
S.O.S HELP My D1 doesnt turn on all the time.Scott03-25-02  09:19 am
SAGGY REAR BUMPERBrad Russell05-13-02  05:02 pm
SD 96 DISCO 1, want to install 2 armrests from D2, hate blind drill...bigarm05-18-02  05:34 pm
SE, SD..SE7...what?!Barry14 12-02-02  08:10 pm
SEAL IT UP????Dee07-24-02  01:28 pm
SES light: "Fuel Adaptation" codeDean Brown08-02-02  09:54 am
SG highlift mount....Miike D106-16-02  11:50 pm
SLABS?Al Oliveira04-06-02  11:12 am
SLS LiftAl Oliveira06-12-02  04:20 pm
SLS and lift?Curtis N08-18-02  11:27 pm
SLS bottoms out on shutdownCarlT07-10-02  03:47 pm
SLS not workingGwie11-17-02  08:29 pm
SLS sensor sheared offAxel Haakonsen03-18-02  11:28 am
SLS-coils done,shocks /longer travel neededDarryl03-25-02  01:40 pm
SPEED ALARM????Pugsly10-13-02  10:03 am
SPEEDGLASS RACING WINDSHIELDSRichard Dekkard14 03-26-02  03:24 pm
SRS FuseTommy09-14-02  09:36 pm
SRS LightRobison Service10-10-02  09:05 pm
SRS Light OnTommy09-12-02  04:28 pm
SRS Light Ondino martini09-08-02  07:46 pm
SRS and Service Engine Lightsjec07-08-02  01:20 pm
SRS lightTommy12-06-02  10:25 am
SRS light on!! helppolofella2610 09-22-02  06:09 pm
SRS light problemAnonymous04-07-02  07:54 am
SRS lights onUsername11-21-02  04:25 pm
STARTING FROM STOCKM. K. Watson26 04-03-02  03:11 pm
STICKING DOOR LOCK?Shane C.08-03-02  03:44 am
Safari 5000 Safari Lamps.Brad Russell03-29-02  11:29 am
Safari Gard Front Bumper - Need Help ASAPRob Vreeland15 09-09-02  06:07 pm
Safari Gard QuestionWill06-23-02  11:25 pm
Safari Gard Shipping ProtocolAlan Yim14 10-04-02  01:42 pm
Safari Gard products??Anonymous17 03-13-02  04:47 pm
Safari Gard vs. Trek OutfittersLawrence Tilly08-11-02  09:04 am
Safari GuardSteve Sherman16 11-26-02  12:52 pm
Safari Guard Suspension systems?John Lee10 08-23-02  12:26 pm
Safari Snorkel InstallJeff Price06-25-02  09:03 am
Safe Front recovery points for a D2Alyssa03-16-02  01:15 pm
Safety Devices D1 Expedition Rack Greg Davis12 10-18-02  11:31 am
Safety Devices Roof Rack FlooringAl Cruz22 11-27-02  04:36 pm
Safety Devices Roofrack Where to buy?Leslie N. Bright08-12-02  08:50 pm
Safety Devices roof rack, should I purchase?John King08-27-02  04:12 pm
Safety v. General Recalls?Anonymous04-27-02  08:08 pm
Sagging headlinerBrian Dickens09-26-02  10:13 am
Sagging headlinerGreg French08-13-02  09:00 am
Saggy ceilingSG06-17-02  11:42 pm
Sailboat towingTripp Westbrook10 10-11-02  02:12 pm
Salvage or normG. Gr�ner04-22-02  11:23 am
Salvage yards in Colorado?Richard Dekkard08-28-02  08:42 pm
Sand Ladder mountsHo Chung04-09-02  02:48 pm
Sand bridges or waffle bridge matsEd H14 02-28-02  02:33 am
Saudi Grill Install on a D1Jay Hobbs76 08-21-02  08:29 pm
Saudi Grille-CB styleDee35 07-24-02  05:53 pm
Saw a new '03 disco...and some questions on the DIIDeepthroat07-21-02  05:34 pm
Scary stuff -or- Is my tranny dying?brian kluge11 04-17-02  12:47 pm
Scene from Poltergeist - Gauges going wacko!Kyle08-28-02  08:38 am
School me pleaseRon10 05-04-02  11:26 pm
Scoop: 2003 Disco2 CDL mechanismZinhead31 06-30-02  09:15 pm
Scorpion Racing SuspensionRick05-15-02  01:33 am
Scorpion suspension/lift???Brad05-13-02  02:18 pm
Scorpion vs. Synchrone 18" tiresWill Pace11-04-02  10:45 pm
Scraped metal on sensorSoCalJoe08-12-02  03:47 pm
Screw hole on the front of the bell housingRob Davison19 11-21-02  10:03 am
Searching for Idle SpeedDisco_Dad02-28-02  04:14 pm
Searching for idle speedGary Beckman02-27-02  05:47 pm
Searching forTires and Rims for 99 Disco[email protected]08-04-02  10:09 pm
Seat Belt ChimeDonald Ziolkowski09-17-02  07:43 pm
Seat HeaterRob Davison07-29-02  10:52 pm
Seat heater element installationKoby25 02-19-02  08:48 pm
Seat noises...anyone taken the cover off?michael burt04-02-02  11:06 pm
Seat swopmichael burt10-20-02  03:11 am
SeatsBill K08-26-02  04:33 pm
Second Windsheild In a Year - Crack from Rear View MirrorTCarr10 07-02-02  06:25 am
Security codeMike Talley05-13-02  12:07 pm
Security systemKevkor03-26-02  08:19 am
See Few Pelican CasesEric N65 10-18-02  02:54 pm
See front and rear dif protection for $99? Disco Dad19 02-21-02  02:41 pm
Self leveling unitPerroneFord04-01-02  12:07 am
Sell our D1 or put money in the friggin POS???? Opinions needed/wan...Milan18 07-03-02  09:06 pm
Semi HornWendell Cotton21 02-20-02  09:13 pm
Series 1 vs. Series 2 and other newbie questionsRick19 03-14-02  03:24 pm
Series II Sesnor problems?Keith09-11-02  09:08 pm
Series II climate controlLawrence P. Muscente10-29-02  06:34 pm
Series wheels on Disco?Ron05-01-02  09:43 pm
Seriously considering a 1995 Discovery, any caveats?Erik Olson23 12-02-02  12:42 pm
Serpentine Belt ReplacementBlue02-19-02  04:20 pm
Serpentine Belt ReplacementRob Davison14 11-19-02  08:26 pm
Serpentine Belt replacement?Mike Rupp06-26-02  05:39 pm
Serpentine belt idler bearing replacement-easydoug james04-08-02  10:58 pm
Serptine BeltBlue12-04-02  06:39 pm
Service Engine LightBrandon Chitpanya08-02-02  12:16 am
Service Engine Light /Atlanta Dealersanys06-18-02  04:20 pm
Service Engine Light, - My Red Relay is missing so I cant resetTodd PHenneger06-26-02  01:44 pm
Service Engine Soon LightRobbie Donaldson14 02-19-02  09:45 am
Service Engine Soon light problem resolved!!!!Brian Bonham09-13-02  02:00 pm
Service Engine Soon light resetting?Ariel Amoranto17 09-05-02  12:32 pm
Service Engine light - reset switch not there! 97D1Patrick Hartigan08-19-02  02:00 pm
Service Light reasonGarrett #205-30-02  11:42 am
Service Schedule95D108-13-02  12:28 am
Service SchedulesFrode H�bertz Haalan11-27-02  03:42 am
Service engine light onPeter Carey09-07-02  01:32 am
Service engine light!!glenh06-13-02  09:10 pm
Service engine light....ken04-05-02  06:26 pm
Service in Northern Virginia area?Anonymous06-14-02  11:27 pm
Service lightbob05-02-02  09:22 pm
Service loanersPhillip Perkinson51 03-18-02  09:18 am
Service recommendations?Dave B02-14-02  01:25 pm
Service reset not as in tech instructionssimon06-10-02  12:31 am
Service/repair records from the dealerDavid38 03-20-02  09:05 am
ServicingBill Hogan04-03-02  07:52 am
Servicing X9 SuperwinchKyle05-14-02  01:35 pm
Setting Swivel Ball PreloadTodd Phenneger10-27-02  06:24 am
Several Issues...Disco Dad02-21-02  08:00 pm
Several Problems, One PostJim09-17-02  03:40 pm
Several questions about tiresaclarke09-16-02  11:47 am
Shaking badDisco Dad10 02-22-02  01:15 pm
Shift Lever Wierdnessjp05-08-02  05:06 am
Shift knob problemBlake Luse03-06-02  11:57 pm
Shifter Button stuck !!!Dominik Chrzan04-22-02  03:15 pm
Shifter lights went outpetern1207-27-02  08:49 pm
Shifting Panel, Help Please!Rob Davison11-24-02  12:20 pm
Shipping chargesTodd Sanders13 07-31-02  06:09 pm
Shipping from Aus to USRussell Smith04-10-02  08:10 pm
Shock Nuts from HELL - Please Help :-(Glenn Guinto10 08-14-02  10:20 am
Shock Part #s...Jroc09-17-02  12:08 am
Shock absorber comparisonJohn Lee11 02-15-02  08:12 pm
Shock absorbersnick04-20-02  01:16 pm
Shock absorbersbob05-05-02  01:57 pm
Shock and spring questionRon03-05-02  11:34 am
Shock lenghtnick02-26-02  12:36 pm
Shock questionPerroneFord05-06-02  01:28 pm
Shock question.Arthur10 05-27-02  08:38 pm
Shock replacement without new springs?Jack15 06-28-02  02:25 pm
Shocksperroneford08-06-02  01:56 pm
Shocks 9in?Ron09-09-02  09:21 pm
Shocks Clunking?Mal07-24-02  06:04 pm
Shocks Question Al Oliveira07-05-02  02:57 pm
Shocks for a 2000 DII with ACEJoe Cole11-04-02  06:04 pm
Shocks/springs upgradePaul T. Schram06-20-02  04:56 pm
Shop Recommendations around Los Angeles?aclarke07-22-02  01:53 am
Short and Long Oil Filters, What's the Difference?Leif02-23-02  11:34 am
Short hose from water inlet to heater hose is cracked...Kingfish04-01-02  09:02 am
Shoud I buy this Pinzgauer (Unimog) or not?Rob Davison17 07-14-02  01:09 pm
Should I buy a 99DiscoII SE7?[email protected]11 08-01-02  02:44 pm
Should I trade in my 97 Disco for a new Freelander?Ho Chung59 08-23-02  11:24 am
Should I worry?Bob J07-13-02  02:24 pm
Side MirrorRobbie12 05-20-02  10:47 am
Side Mirror remote...DChrismon07-22-02  01:31 am
Side lights not workingtrevor griffiths12-07-02  09:58 pm
Side marker light replacementBill Molnar06-25-02  10:56 pm
Side moldingjohnvigg02-22-02  10:23 am
Side/Running lights and Foglights Only?Eric Pena11-17-02  11:05 pm
Sidelights in front headlampsRick Lindgren05-07-02  04:55 pm
Signal bulb switch?eburrows03-02-02  11:05 pm
Signal lights problemgordon sitts11-02-02  09:28 pm
Silencing the BorlaTodd Phenneger03-23-02  08:46 pm
Similar site for toyota p/u like dweb?Phillip Perkinson11-15-02  08:31 pm
Simple Anti-Lock/ABS Questioncooper05-06-02  07:49 pm
Simple Anti-lock/ABS QuestionDavid Dryden05-06-02  08:05 pm
Siped and grooved tireschu13 12-06-02  08:28 pm
Size of Rear Diff Guard Bolts Frode H�bertz Haalan06-10-02  04:35 am
Size of the bolts for '99 Disco IJoseph John Fulay05-09-02  09:09 pm
Skid PlateRob Davison12-04-02  06:27 pm
Skid PlatesDean Brown10-25-02  09:40 am
Skid plate pros/conscartner13 09-29-02  09:20 pm
Skid plates, etc.Rick Lindgren08-06-02  05:57 pm
Skidding in the UKLeslie N. Bright10-22-02  02:59 pm
Skis and Adventure rackMitch20 03-25-02  04:34 pm
Skylight off track helpJason D Gustavson11-26-02  08:46 pm
Sliced my brake line, help me!Blue05-26-02  05:19 pm
Slick 50 engine treatment and unknown vibration under gear selectorChris09-20-02  03:49 pm
SliderDavid in Boston02-25-02  05:57 pm
Sliders at Thatched Roof.. Leslie N. Bright16 08-06-02  08:55 am
Slight wear on inside of front tires (more than outside)Brian Dickens12-07-02  07:28 pm
Slimline or StandardScott Tschantz05-14-02  02:31 am
Slotted Brake rotor quality differencesTodd Phenneger06-27-02  02:36 am
Slow idle speed at startup, Any clues how to fix?M. Recke11-18-02  04:26 am
Slow up hilldoug james12 05-14-02  03:47 pm
Small favorM. K. Watson04-01-02  08:18 pm
Small rust spot inside rear door...Mike B.10 07-25-02  10:32 pm
Smell FuelYaroslav07-29-02  12:22 am
Smoking @ full throtle ?!?!?!Jon Williams13 04-12-02  08:27 am
Smoking Rover -Bad for It's Health?Kyle08-27-02  01:05 pm
Snap, Krackle, & Pop......My Rover's sounds like a bowl o' cereal??...JC04-24-02  01:09 pm
SnorkelRJ Clayton09-22-02  09:58 pm
Snorkel kitMTB05-16-02  02:09 am
Snorkel on a gas engineDean Brown05-13-02  02:35 pm
SnorkelsNeal Glessner04-21-02  04:16 pm
So what large socket sizes are needed....PerroneFord04-08-02  08:55 pm
So, when will CDL be available in the 03's ???Al Oliveira21 07-11-02  12:37 pm
So. Cal. ShopsNeil08-21-02  12:44 pm
Socket size for removing lug nutsBlue11 08-05-02  08:09 pm
Socket size of the nuts holding on the mud flap bracketsBlake Luse11-14-02  06:55 pm
Solid steel wheel question...Ron08-27-02  08:37 pm
Solution to noisey roof rackBlake Luse04-26-02  01:15 am
Some dif-lock dis-assembly help?Cal02-28-02  08:01 pm
Some good O2 sensor info for 95 DiscoPaul L09-10-02  07:26 am
Someone teach me about gears to LOLWill Roeder11-21-02  07:05 am
Somethings wrong, either my battery or alternator or something here...gp08-27-02  04:10 pm
Sometimes it worth it to pay a pro.JayXD03-09-02  09:26 am
Sometimes its working sometimes it notBert02-22-02  11:32 am
Son does it againDa man04-23-02  07:33 pm
Sorry Gard Bump stopsDiscosaurus12 03-19-02  09:30 am
Sorry for the multiple stupid questions, but...........Al Oliveira06-25-02  10:54 am
Sorry, what is castor?muskyman09-03-02  09:27 pm
Sound System ProblemMike Fisher08-26-02  04:32 pm
Sound insulation for road noise?John Lee05-07-02  11:36 am
Sound of water/coolant behind the radio areaEd H04-28-02  04:45 pm
Sounds like birds in the back of the discoIIAnonymous04-23-02  09:11 pm
Sounds like the fan is on-robbing powergp04-19-02  01:22 pm
Sounds of silence when trying to start D2Craig Kobayashi06-07-02  09:38 pm
Source a MAF Sensorjustin07-12-02  04:16 pm
Source for 85w H3 bulbs?Mike B.10-14-02  09:47 pm
Source for D1 DS Inertia Reel Seat BeltPaul T. Schram11-04-02  11:04 am
Source for Hella 4000'sBrian Lewis04-03-02  08:51 pm
Source for Steel Wheelsdrbuck04-23-02  03:49 pm
Source for new radiator?M. K. Watson04-28-02  06:32 am
Source for viscous fan unit???p m04-23-02  12:17 pm
Sources for SLS Spacers?Rick Lindgren09-13-02  06:21 pm
Southdown Axel/Diff guard, how hard to install????Chris von Czoernig12 12-04-02  01:05 pm
Southdown axle guardJay Hobbs03-16-02  10:22 pm
Southdown fuel tank guard install questionBrian Lewis04-20-02  10:49 pm
Southdown rear dif guardMike J.03-22-02  10:48 am
Souther Cali RoversJoe Musmacker04-15-02  04:05 pm
Spacer Question for D2Greg Davis09-30-02  02:33 pm
Spare Tire On Roof?Anonymous05-28-02  04:34 pm
Spare WheelR. B. Bailey08-26-02  03:19 pm
Spare keys for discovery 95-02eric07-07-02  12:26 pm
Spare tire compatabilitymichael burt10-22-02  09:52 pm
Spare tire mountclem08-02-02  07:56 pm
Spare tire mount?Ho Chung05-15-02  11:37 am
Spare tire on bonnet?Michael Villanueva66 07-14-02  02:40 am
Spare tire sizemuskyman05-18-02  12:29 pm
Spark Plug GapHenry Enriquez07-15-02  05:49 pm
Spark Plug Install, Suggestions?Joshua Weinstein15 09-06-02  01:02 am
Spark Plug Wire power leakmuskyman03-18-02  10:32 pm
Spark Plug WiresHolger04-26-02  05:53 am
Spark PlugsLeslie N. Bright09-20-02  12:38 pm
Spark Plugs Organization QuestionPerroneFord45 04-28-02  10:25 am
Spark plug gapJoel Dorfan03-04-02  08:36 am
Spark plug gap for a '95 RRC LWB 4.2Ldoug james05-13-02  08:37 pm
Spark plugsLeslie N. Bright03-04-02  12:47 pm
Spark plugs - cross over brands?Jacob07-29-02  07:43 am
Spark plugs/wiresRich Lee05-14-02  11:25 pm
Sparkplug wires '00 Disco IIErik G. Burrows09-23-02  01:26 pm
Speaker question Chad Meyer10-08-02  09:42 pm
Speaker sizes for 99D1 including depth if possibleJack09-11-02  02:56 pm
SpeakersJo04-05-02  03:12 pm
Speaking of recalls...Disco Dad02-22-02  01:19 pm
Speaking of removing your resonatorPaul T. Schram08-12-02  10:38 am
Special Tool for removing Centering Peg - Rear Diff.gp14 08-29-02  09:43 pm
Speed Locking Feature on D2Jim Murphy04-09-02  06:26 pm
Speed Sensor - Desperately needs help.John Kruger04-30-02  11:16 am
Speed sensorJim Kemp12 10-08-02  10:03 pm
Speed transducer for 97 Disco?Tim09-12-02  04:09 pm
SpeedometerDisco Dad02-21-02  07:21 pm
Speedometerdheadley02-20-02  11:23 am
SpeedometerBill K09-06-02  08:01 am
Speedometer AdjustmentErik G. Burrows06-09-02  11:02 pm
Splicing CB CablePaul T. Schram16 06-26-02  09:59 am
Split cooling reservoir tankdoug james05-21-02  03:59 pm
Spongy Brake & Clutch pedalsNorm22 11-06-02  02:10 am
Sport Mode Steve Vines25 06-11-02  02:18 pm
Spring Question...Carter Simcoe05-26-02  03:30 pm
Spring RetainersJarrod06-13-02  01:10 pm
Spring Retainers??al h.04-11-02  10:43 am
Spring Spacer Diameter?Rob Davison15 08-30-02  12:04 pm
Spring and shock install questions...derek08-01-02  10:06 pm
Spring conesAnonymous03-19-02  12:03 am
Spring install questionGreg P.07-17-02  03:06 pm
Spring ratesJo Matthews11-27-02  05:27 pm
Spring retainer vs. coneEric N09-12-02  12:24 pm
Spring spacer cause vibes too??Will Roeder07-21-02  12:40 am
Spring/Shock questionJohn Lee08-23-02  11:50 am
Squeak When Starting Out From StopJEN STOLEN10-29-02  10:01 pm
Squeakingbryan03-07-02  04:40 pm
Squeaky WheelMike Talley05-13-02  11:58 am
Squeaky brakes...need advice Paul D. Morgan17 10-16-02  08:30 pm
Squek found, now how to fix??Ron05-04-02  08:53 pm
Squeky Disco... any ideas?Dee18 06-20-02  10:50 pm
Stainless Steel Break Lines Bill Bettridge08-28-02  08:02 am
Stainless vs. Something ElseClif Ashley17 10-24-02  10:16 pm
StallingAsphaltGypsy10-29-02  11:05 pm
Stalling 1996 Disco 1JB10 04-17-02  06:21 pm
Stalling at end of failed hillclimbsRob Liflander05-13-02  02:40 pm
Stalling on steep inclines...idle speed?brian friend11 02-22-02  12:34 am
Stalling problem...jmon11 06-25-02  07:17 pm
Starter ProblemsDarren Jones06-25-02  03:55 pm
Starter Removalbryan02-23-02  02:36 pm
Starting ProblemJohn Moore26 10-27-02  12:12 am
Starting on the second try.Bill Molnar04-27-02  06:41 pm
Stealth Steel WheelsGreg Davis21 11-01-02  10:23 am
Steel Lug Nuts?Keith Armstrong05-10-02  10:50 am
Steel Rims and TiresChris Browne10-21-02  07:32 pm
Steel WheelsRon03-15-02  04:20 am
Steel or Al-loooo-min-iumJason T. Barker10-08-02  01:32 am
Steel or Aluminium?Randall Smith10 05-11-02  11:35 pm
Steel rimsDavid10-07-02  06:23 pm
Steel wheel lug nut thread size?Rob Davison13 10-17-02  03:48 pm
Steel wheelsnadim10-09-02  03:43 am
Steel wheels vs. alloy?Bruce18 08-09-02  05:07 pm
Steering AdjustmentAnonymous14 04-19-02  12:43 pm
Steering Box Leak? Try This!derek12 04-09-02  07:35 pm
Steering Box sourcedave t15 04-25-02  11:59 am
Steering Component Failure? Also a speaker question.Todd Phenneger08-22-02  03:48 am
Steering Dampener Relocation Help?John02-25-02  06:04 pm
Steering DamperMike B.09-04-02  07:51 am
Steering GroanJavier Velador03-05-02  12:41 am
Steering Guard/Skid PlateAl Oliveira04-10-02  11:36 pm
Steering QuestionRob Davison10-31-02  09:47 am
Steering Stop BoltsPaul T. Schram09-19-02  11:41 am
Steering Stops and TiresTed Chestnut19 09-26-02  10:42 pm
Steering Wheel Adjustmentccdm307-14-02  05:41 pm
Steering Wheel BadgeGreg P.07-10-02  12:51 pm
Steering Wheel noiseKen Dunnington12 11-26-02  10:56 am
Steering Woesbrian friend27 08-10-02  12:40 pm
Steering box seal kit?Anonymous05-21-02  11:01 am
Steering damper questionp m19 04-23-02  08:53 pm
Steering damper relocation/tie rod replacementBill Bettridge05-20-02  10:58 am
Steering geer box leaking...What to do???Dee12 07-17-02  07:33 pm
Steering problemsChad Meyer07-31-02  02:47 pm
Steering pump rebuild questionFrode H�bertz Haalan07-01-02  02:40 am
Steering squeaks in the cold[email protected]03-07-02  07:17 pm
Steering stabilizer relocation kitMike Cox05-20-02  12:08 pm
Steering stiff on '95 discobryan04-04-02  10:53 am
Steering stopsRick Lindgren09-06-02  11:45 am
Steering wheel crookedderek57 04-26-02  02:36 am
Steering wheel damaged by solar radiationG. Gr�ner05-07-02  12:34 pm
Steering wheel playMike B.11-08-02  09:07 pm
Steering wheel play, eventually...Erik G. Burrows11-08-02  02:17 am
Steering wheel wobbles at 50 MPH and higher, any fix???Javier Velador20 06-15-02  01:04 am
Stepper motor from napaBrad04-30-02  03:05 am
Stepper motor operationRob Davison07-22-02  10:06 am
Stepper motor part number....Jon02-28-02  09:16 pm
Stepper motor questionjmon05-31-02  06:44 pm
Stepper motor where is it? Second problem please readKevin Novakowski08-30-02  11:21 am
Stepper motor?Anonymous06-04-02  02:00 pm
Stereo AmplifierBill K15 09-13-02  08:13 pm
Stereo FunDavid Dryden02-15-02  04:31 pm
Stereo Question Amplifier BypassAnonymous06-25-02  02:45 pm
Stereo display flashingDobie Disco05-31-02  12:08 am
Stereo replacement amplifiersDavid Dryden06-16-02  09:08 am
Stereo speaker staticMark08-24-02  11:09 am
Stereo swap outs,,,Jeremy Katka03-27-02  12:05 pm
Stero questionjim08-26-02  12:04 am
Stero systemEvan08-22-02  10:51 pm
Sticking valves on my disco???Dee07-14-02  04:16 pm
Stiff Hi/low level?Brian14 11-19-02  08:27 pm
Stiff steering questionsJoe Still11-10-02  07:48 pm
Stikersgp05-21-02  08:36 am
Still have Disco 1 problemjp05-21-02  05:25 am
Still having alarm troublesTravis05-20-02  10:29 pm
Still having warn winch brake problemsjerry05-20-02  02:13 pm
Still squeking!! Other suggestions please.Mike B.04-16-02  12:05 am
Still stumped?? need a guru.jim33 10-03-02  02:23 am
Stock Battery - how many amps?Pete09-03-02  06:14 pm
Stock DI 265/75R16 Tire RubbingEmilio10-16-02  10:09 pm
Stock Discovery 1 Gearing?Chris Browne09-30-02  12:07 pm
Stock Fog Lights on D2Will06-25-02  06:27 pm
Stock Tire Preasure for MudTodd Sanders11 08-23-02  05:31 pm
Stock ampYaroslav10-14-02  10:12 pm
Stock fog light relay Greg French07-14-02  02:46 pm
Stock light switchAnonymous05-06-02  11:35 pm
Storage on back doorJohn Kruger42 06-24-02  07:43 am
Strange "Prince" activities in my lightsMark09-25-02  06:08 pm
Strange "clunk/click" when coming to a stop?Tom Snurka25 04-20-02  11:01 am
Strange Discoweb.orgEd H03-11-02  10:14 am
Strange click or clunk when shifting in 5spd 96 discoFrank Barbanente03-13-02  05:44 pm
Strange electical problem (can you believe it?)Bryan Weiss05-06-02  01:11 am
Strange electrical problem? Help needed.Michael Noe12-04-02  08:01 pm
Strange knocking under my DiscoB.Bailey05-30-02  12:29 am
Strange leak, what do I do now?Steve05-01-02  10:39 pm
Strange lights !Ken 95 disco10 10-20-02  10:24 pm
Strange sound when acceleratingT10-14-02  03:11 am
Strange starting problemCraig Kobayashi06-29-02  05:17 pm
Strange vibesAnonymous04-29-02  11:09 pm
Strange, 1 qt as opposed to 3 qt!derek09-09-02  09:52 pm
StressRamsay14 08-19-02  01:20 am
Struts or steering damper?Ryan Lawrence02-24-02  06:52 pm
Stuborn Seat.....Rob Davison07-29-02  10:30 pm
Stuck !!!Kennith P. Whichard 06-28-02  02:02 am
Stuck Door LocksMatt M03-22-02  11:54 am
Stuck Gear Shift Lever - Automatic[email protected]15 05-31-02  09:34 pm
Stuck Head Rest, D1 Power Front SeatRon Ward06-24-02  09:12 pm
Stuck in 'Park'Andy Nichols06-17-02  10:10 am
Stuck sunroof Bruce03-19-02  12:29 pm
Stuck with my winchDave M.27 08-21-02  12:21 pm
Stupid Cupholder Yanked OUT...Bent Victor08-17-02  01:20 am
Stupid DII Cupholder QuestionGreg P.06-14-02  10:43 am
Stupid Door HandleButchS03-23-02  11:20 am
Stupid QuestionRon21 05-20-02  01:55 am
Stupid hand brake leverJMcD03-24-02  02:11 pm
Stupid question the transmission fluid dipstick there are 2 holes..tim jess11-22-02  08:26 am
Stupid questions about aftermarket front bumpers...Crash19 04-03-02  07:44 pm
Subject: Newbie and, BTW, great message board!gp19 03-13-02  01:18 pm
Substitute Series 11 panels on a series 1Al Oliveira06-26-02  12:35 am
Subwoofer/Speaker Help NeededEvan12 09-20-02  02:08 pm
SubwoofersAnonymous05-28-02  06:43 pm
Sudden Loss of Power at Highway Speeds - 1997 Disco 1Leslie N. Bright10-07-02  11:07 am
Suggestion for small liftmuskyman15 11-22-02  05:53 pm
Suggestions for Cat Back or Exhaust???Will06-16-02  12:28 pm
Suggestions for Lights on ARB Bull BumperHo Chung03-27-02  12:42 am
Suggestions for more lighting!Ramsay14 09-02-02  06:14 pm
Summit Racing Cat???Don Collins20 08-06-02  07:28 pm
Sun Roof Install-How difficult?Andrew Vick11 06-21-02  08:05 am
Sun Roof Rattle and Cruise ControlBen Sliwka07-31-02  05:08 pm
Sun Roof Sun ShadeHo Chung02-15-02  05:54 pm
Sun roof installment or removal?cr36711-06-02  07:50 am
SunRoofErik Geagan10 10-30-02  06:59 pm
Sunroof Drain??? Aaron Richardet12-04-02  08:57 pm
Sunroof installMarc Ingham10 10-29-02  08:18 am
Sunroof off it's trackScott10-10-02  04:01 pm
Sunroof railsErik Olson04-09-02  03:53 pm
Sunroof replacement questions...Tomo09-13-02  08:36 am
Sunroof sealing/leaking in D1Matt11-08-02  12:45 pm
Sunroof trim cap??CJ SZPILA12-05-02  05:10 am
Super Swamper LTB's 34-10.5 anyone?Ron14 04-02-02  12:43 am
Super Swamper SSRs on stock Disco Series II?Greg Davis07-15-02  09:24 am
Super Swamper TSL Radial?nadim67 10-08-02  03:50 am
Super charger on a Disco? jim14 10-31-02  12:43 pm
SuperchargerRoland Kutasi38 11-26-02  08:40 pm
Superwinch or WarnRon11-23-02  10:22 pm
Superwinch solenoid making a "popping" sound? and not workingErik G. Burrows08-16-02  09:14 pm
Sure hope someone here speaks Italian.....[link]\Mike...05-02-02  12:42 am
Surfing and watching tv, turn on TNN....Gil Stevens07-29-02  10:45 am
Surpintine belt routing...Mike Cox12 07-26-02  12:13 am
Suspected Sticking Exhaust ValveBruce03-07-02  04:58 pm
Suspension 101???hard or not?Eric12-04-02  11:59 pm
Suspension Install HELPGreg Davis11 07-11-02  03:01 pm
Suspension NoisesMoe04-19-02  12:06 pm
Suspension clunk--ideas?brian friend12 05-28-02  10:51 pm
Suspension kitsFell for that one12 04-05-02  04:12 pm
Suspension liftBill Bettridge15 05-03-02  08:11 am
Suspension liftmuskyman29 10-30-02  04:31 pm
Suspension lift/ castor adjustment on Disco IIGeoff Bailey03-17-02  12:51 am
Suspension noise??Blake Luse09-10-02  12:29 pm
Suspension question Disco IIDave02-18-02  08:53 am
Suspension upgradeGeoff04-06-02  01:16 am
Suspension upgradeHo Chung04-06-02  01:48 am
Suspension/Body LiftGreg Davis21 11-21-02  11:55 am
Swamper TSL 34 x 9.50RVR OVR13 03-27-02  02:40 pm
Swap to defender xfer case200 Tdi11 08-27-02  11:44 pm
Swapping pinoin flangeBlue08-13-02  06:50 pm
Sway Bar Quick DisconnectAxel Haakonsen03-18-02  03:43 pm
Sway Bar Quick DisconnectMurray03-18-02  02:31 pm
Sway Bar Quick DisconnectsNeal Glessner04-11-02  10:49 pm
Sway Bar Quick Disconnects - Any kits available?Dave_Lucas41 09-30-02  12:13 pm
Sway Bar disconnectsMike B.07-24-02  12:00 am
Sway Bars for 02 DiscoWill06-16-02  02:26 pm
Sway bar removal after OME lift installedBrian Lewis02-26-02  11:10 am
Sway bar removal?Greg Davis35 06-21-02  10:00 am
Sweaty Shocks??Willie Joubert07-05-02  05:14 pm
Switch LightsMike B.10-04-02  09:40 pm
Switch diagramCraig Kobayashi07-17-02  04:25 am
Switch from dino to synthBill K22 10-17-02  02:21 pm
Switching from Air bags to Springs?Al Oliveira21 12-01-02  11:41 pm
Swivel Hoist Ring Size, Part Number??Bill Bettridge10 03-01-02  02:16 pm
Swivel Housing GreaseMarc08-17-02  12:47 am
Swivel Pin Lube Drain/FillAnonymous03-18-02  05:00 pm
Swivel Seal?Robbie Donaldson18 05-02-02  10:15 am
Swivel ball adjustmentPeter B09-26-02  09:20 pm
Swivel ball grease - how do I get it out?Gregg Smith13 08-14-02  11:34 pm
Swivel ball questionPaul T. Schram10-17-02  09:22 am
Swivel oilp m45 04-18-02  09:11 pm
Swivel oil levelKevin Novakowski06-26-02  01:04 pm
Swivel pin bearing preloadPaul L Schexnayder09-18-02  12:00 am
Swivel seal leaking badlyDee21 06-24-02  02:01 am
Symptoms of a failing fuel pump?bryan22 06-07-02  11:55 pm
Synth oil & filter changes - recommendationsRamsay08-04-02  09:29 pm
Synthetic Brake fluid and Which Brake pads???Axel Haakonsen07-14-02  11:52 pm
Synthetic Oil or Dino based oil?Michael Noe15 06-15-02  07:16 am
Synthetic Oil?Jason Vance59 05-06-02  02:58 am
Synthetic Winch LinesSHERROD17 11-06-02  08:37 pm
Synthetic in Tranfer Case/DiffsMichael Noe12 11-12-02  08:12 am
Synthetic oil, when do you use it?PerroneFord03-29-02  11:38 pm
T-Box whineJavier Velador08-01-02  07:19 pm
T-Case Bearingsgiacomo03-02-02  03:51 am
T-Case bearing problemAlan Stuart03-04-02  02:13 pm
T-case output shaft bearingJeff Swanson02-25-02  11:02 pm
T4 diagnostic software David Gage06-08-02  01:07 pm
TC P0441?Robert Mann04-02-02  02:26 pm
TC and ((ABS)) lights both came on at the same time...mustache08-23-02  12:36 pm
TD5R. B. Bailey10-10-02  12:07 pm
THANKSccdm305-27-02  06:20 pm
THANKS, Greg Davis!Greg Davis11-12-02  11:07 am
THE SECRET'S OUT!Greg P.06-15-02  10:52 pm
TIP - Tensioner Pulley BearingRick Lindgren17 09-28-02  03:26 pm
TIRESAlan Yim10-14-02  02:13 am
TIRESdavid- syd Aus08-22-02  08:33 am
TJM Rear BumperMark11-29-02  08:10 pm
TJM vs ARB Bull BarBrian04-28-02  12:16 am
TO BUY OR NOT TO BUYMike B.10-07-02  07:21 pm
TO LOCK.......or NOT TO LOCKpwp05-09-02  02:16 pm
TPS, Stepper or MAF???Jeff Conrad07-24-02  02:20 am
TRANSMISSION QUESTIONMichael Noe11-14-02  06:04 pm
TRC -DIFF LOCKAl Oliveira12-01-02  10:52 pm
TReK specs?Craig Kobayashi03-28-02  03:01 pm
TT front and rear or TT front Detroit rear???Randall Smith03-18-02  09:08 am
TURN IT OFF!!!!Brendan Kearns11 08-11-02  09:50 am
TYPE OF AC REFRIGERANT ON 94 DISCO?Bill Molnar05-27-02  09:40 pm
Tach/alt and seat covers...jmon08-23-02  04:31 pm
Tachometer going crazy, new alternator 4 weeks ago!!!bryan15 09-23-02  01:37 pm
Tail Door lock actuator acting up - is there a fix?Ted Haug07-17-02  05:56 pm
Tail Lights, What Gives?Leslie N. Bright10-28-02  04:04 pm
Tailgate AlignmentBruce09-04-02  07:18 pm
Tailgate lock relay?Mike J.04-19-02  09:00 am
Taillights "rapid blink"Axel Haakonsen10-14-02  07:05 pm
Talk me outta thisDonald21 11-24-02  12:04 pm
Tapping into rear speakers for amp install?rollins jackson05-03-02  12:08 am
Tapping noise from engine when acceleratingjperera11-08-02  04:33 pm
Tcase front output/castor corrected armsBrian Jackson02-20-02  02:53 pm
Td5 and waterjerry10 06-03-02  04:23 pm
Teacher on a budget--should I buy a Discovery?Stephen Frawley47 11-09-02  03:53 pm
Tech ArchivesLeslie N. Bright02-14-02  01:31 pm
Tech: rough idle/no power/stalls on hillsjp14 07-13-02  02:17 am
Telephone mute / audio on DII radioTommy Dougherty03-05-02  07:34 am
Temp GaugeKingfish18 03-05-02  08:25 am
Temp Gauge Needle Problems?Chris Marcel12-02-02  05:27 pm
Temp gauge hot when startjim10-01-02  10:22 pm
Tension for beltBill Bettridge05-13-02  09:48 am
Tentative: Disco shoppingLeslie N. Bright07-25-02  10:48 am
Terrain MasterErikNC14 07-22-02  04:29 am
Terrain Master JackPoint...Jason Kozma07-05-02  03:56 pm
Terrain Master Winch Bumpers???Ho Chung16 04-26-02  05:38 pm
Test driving a used Disco -- What should I be looking at?Bruce03-14-02  06:07 pm
Test procedure for Cruise control brake switch? (Newbie)kitster05-03-02  07:55 pm
Testing CDL on Disco 1?JMcD06-23-02  02:37 pm
Thank you Gary SchroederEd H11-09-02  05:46 pm
Thank you!chris sharpe04-21-02  01:28 pm
Thanks GuysDean Brown03-16-02  08:42 am
Thanks to every one... no codes from obd2gordon sitts11-22-02  08:08 pm
That check engine light i hear so much aboutRichard Chin09-04-02  05:52 pm
That darn sub!David Dryden04-29-02  09:01 am
Thatched Roof GarageShawn Peterson11 11-28-02  11:55 pm
Thatched roof diff gaurdsNeal Glessner13 08-09-02  10:49 am
The Best After Market WarrantyJose A Cabrera02-16-02  02:39 pm
The Camel is back!Chris von Czoernig11 09-05-02  01:20 pm
The ECR ROX Project: DISCOTECH--Discusschris browne28 02-22-02  12:20 pm
The EE boys on TV!Carter Simcoe11-29-02  06:57 pm
The Fisher Price "My first Discovery" q and a session.Paul T. Schram11-14-02  10:14 am
The Other CD Changer...Shane C.14 09-11-02  06:06 pm
The Ultimate Subwoofer in a DIIHorness Spencer13 04-09-02  04:54 am
The best $45 i ever spent!Ho Chung13 10-08-02  03:46 pm
The best shocks???Gil Stevens24 12-02-02  04:31 pm
The greatest thing in the world.Michael Noe18 09-07-02  07:42 am
The little orange lightsSteve Vines07-18-02  09:55 pm
The much repeated tire debate...Tony DiFranco12-01-02  06:16 pm
The new Discoweb videoRobert Sublett44 06-25-02  06:02 am
The new JST-BumperGreg Hirst14 11-13-02  05:10 pm
The results are in. CB Lift vs. OME HD SpringsAndy Nix09-27-02  01:50 pm
The sheer guts and feel of a Land RoverPaul T. Schram60 11-14-02  07:31 pm
The truck says wheeeeeeee!Clif Ashley07-13-02  12:00 am
The water pump's off, now for the fan - help neededAndy Nichols08-03-02  12:25 pm
There is a bell ringing / tapping sound coming from the center of m...Russell Camper04-23-02  09:41 pm
Thermostat Install?Joe Still08-31-02  07:47 am
Thermostat Replacement HelpRuss Perry11-11-02  12:18 pm
Thermostat going...or somethin' else? lil' helpBlue13 11-18-02  05:37 pm
Thickness of shet metal on Disco?Jerry Crawford, 98 D04-05-02  04:28 pm
Thinking about 235/85'sp m21 04-10-02  02:35 pm
Thinking of participating, need more infoRobert Mann10 04-01-02  11:12 pm
Third Try-Diff QuestionGreg Davis03-18-02  12:57 pm
This could get uglyJason T. Barker40 10-22-02  10:50 pm
Thoughts on DiscoII brakes / Aftermarket brakesLeslie N. Bright24 02-28-02  09:32 am
Thoughts on retread tires? Anyone have experience with them?Blue29 10-31-02  10:58 am
Thoughts on the AirForce One Air Intake System...bigelectricduck09-05-02  02:21 pm
Thread pitch on axle housing?Troy03-24-02  11:27 am
Throttle ProblemWarren05-13-02  12:26 pm
Throttle potentiometerdave t04-10-02  04:59 pm
Thule or Yak attachments that work with factory crossbars.screenap09-25-02  01:26 pm
Thumping noise at idlesteveII02-22-02  01:01 pm
Thunk problem solved...Greg Davis07-26-02  10:10 am
Thunk when shifting into gear...mongo07-24-02  01:54 am
Tick Tick Tick....Don11-07-02  07:45 pm
Tick, Tick, Tick Tick, Tick, That is all I hearShane C.17 08-31-02  12:07 am
Tick, Tick, Tick, etc.....JEEPETR07-10-02  11:45 am
Ticking NoiseErik Geagan10-22-02  12:49 pm
Ticking noise from the udersideErik Geagan10-08-02  08:33 pm
Ticking noise in EngineKen Rountree10 11-19-02  09:54 pm
Tie Rod / Drag Link clamps?Greg Davis05-17-02  09:01 am
Tie Rod End AlternativeGreg Davis04-02-02  01:26 pm
Tie Rod End Removalpk15 10-09-02  11:52 pm
Tie Rod QuestionGreg Davis05-16-02  10:13 am
Tie rodsAnonymous03-19-02  05:19 pm
Tie-down for roof rack w/ expanded steel floorNeal Glessner07-12-02  01:39 pm
Tierodends??? i need them, how much??? and how easy to install????jrov10-30-02  05:47 pm
Tilt angle site? I thought I saw it here...Randall Smith06-03-02  09:27 am
Tilt steeringLeslie N. Bright05-09-02  09:08 am
Timing Chain or Timing BeltCraig M. Highland06-12-02  08:39 pm
Tips on replacing p/s return hose & oil cooler linesjmon03-28-02  04:29 pm
Tire Chains (Snow/Mud)Bill Bettridge14 11-21-02  02:53 pm
Tire IronPaul T. Schram19 11-07-02  05:26 am
Tire Pressure?Milan10-13-02  11:24 am
Tire Questionmuskyman06-18-02  10:48 am
Tire Rotation for Discovery II (99) & Where to buy partsgp17 02-18-02  04:57 pm
Tire Rotation?robert ross08-19-02  07:05 pm
Tire SizeAnonymous03-08-02  03:47 am
Tire Size ChangeGreg Mayhue12-03-02  04:27 pm
Tire again... on stock D2Milan35 04-19-02  09:48 am
Tire and Shock Questions- Anyone with experience??jay caragay02-18-02  01:30 am
Tire carrier bracket boltsJerry Crawford10-30-02  12:46 pm
Tire choices?????Charles Fok05-22-02  02:57 pm
Tire clearance and body/susp lift.Steve05-17-02  08:06 am
Tire info?Greg Davis11 02-21-02  04:00 pm
Tire lift Questionme07-02-02  01:47 am
Tire preasurejp07-31-02  04:23 am
Tire pressureMilan15 11-25-02  08:06 pm
Tire pressure mathematics (or am I missing something else?)Bill M.11-23-02  08:14 am
Tire pressures - normal load/maximum load ?Tonym06-04-02  12:45 pm
Tire rack system like a J##PWendell04-10-02  02:36 am
Tire rub on one side only.Ned04-15-02  03:24 pm
Tire sidewall damageJake Porter12 05-20-02  06:14 pm
Tire size ?Eric N07-31-02  04:47 pm
Tire size and rimsPalomino07-30-02  10:39 am
Tire size and spring choice for my discoPaul T. Schram05-21-02  03:40 pm
Tire size conversion?RJ Clayton11-28-02  11:08 pm
Tire size pros and consWill Roeder21 12-09-02  06:49 am
Tire size question. Leslie N. Bright08-13-02  02:05 pm
Tire sizes for Disco 1Glenn Guinto07-15-02  11:29 am
Tire type questionLeslie N. Bright03-08-02  11:15 pm
TiresBlake Luse09-07-02  12:55 pm
Tires - put the POS Michelin on, get used, or wait?Todd Sanders10 09-13-02  10:58 am
Tires -- the dreaded subjectMilan20 03-09-02  11:14 pm
Tires Won't Fit??Eric Pena20 08-19-02  07:20 pm
Tires questiondanno04-04-02  09:04 am
Tires...?Mark Albrecht30 10-04-02  01:14 pm
To Buy or not to BuyAl10-08-02  09:05 pm
To Coils? Potts put my SLS down.Ho Chung03-19-02  11:58 am
To Diesel or not to Diesel. That is the question ???Ian H42 08-28-02  07:50 am
To buy or not to buy?Jaco de Klerk10-08-02  04:41 pm
To keep or not to keepDavid Dryden04-26-02  12:28 pm
To turn or not to turngp05-20-02  02:56 pm
ToeAnonymous14 04-09-02  05:36 pm
Toe-out or Toe-inBill Bettridge12 11-06-02  09:45 am
Too much rain!! Must clean sunroof drainage before I drown.TOdd PHenneger06-27-02  08:20 pm
Torn side lugCarter Simcoe09-11-02  08:31 pm
TorqueRonLF08-12-02  09:06 am
Torque Specs 1997 D1 Suspension BushingsFrode H�bertz Haalan03-18-02  05:08 am
Torque Wrenchperroneford09-21-02  03:39 am
Torque Wrench Purchaseperroneford08-11-02  02:42 am
Torque ratings?Deron11-27-02  05:56 pm
Torque sequence and specks for 3.9 intakeDoug Madeira09-20-02  06:20 pm
Torque spec questionzpukajlo04-25-02  08:31 pm
Torque specs for front hub/rotor assemblyDee15 06-20-02  06:22 pm
Total Steering Failure/ 98 DiscoveryKyle08-10-02  08:33 pm
Tow Chain question???Rob19 10-25-02  09:22 am
Tow Wood Driveshafts.. Roger Fastring03-24-02  04:28 am
Tow pointsAlan Yim10-23-02  08:35 pm
Tow/recovery strapsJavier Velador06-15-02  12:42 am
Towing a car trailer behind a Disco-she went for the new shocksccdm305-09-02  12:43 pm
Towing a vehicle across the state - is it worth it?Kiem06-10-02  06:12 pm
Towing car trailer with a DiscoPaul T. Schram13 05-09-02  11:29 am
Towing stuff/movingJustin18 04-30-02  01:59 pm
Towing w/DSII questions...pjkbrit02-15-02  11:30 am
Toyota 4 runner....yea rightWill Bobbitt19 11-01-02  11:37 pm
Track rod ball joints - time to replace?Bill Bettridge08-14-02  08:05 am
Track rod disassemblyjp10-06-02  04:59 am
Tractech Gearless LockerJRoc03-20-02  12:22 am
Tractech Gearless LockerPhillip Perkinson03-21-02  06:49 pm
Traction control behaviour??Al Oliveira04-24-02  12:08 pm
Trading 88RRC for Disco, Need advice.John Moore10-11-02  11:39 pm
Trail Ride in Raleigh/Durham NC on March16thken knebusch03-13-02  10:08 am
Trail-Air CO2 Tank Refill?Simon E. Arenas13 04-02-02  10:32 am
Trailer Harness CorrosionAl Oliveira07-04-02  02:10 am
Trailer Harness....again!Rick Lindgren03-16-02  12:43 pm
Trailer Hitch testRVR OVR14 03-08-02  10:41 am
Trailer Wire HarnessJeff Price05-22-02  04:47 pm
Trailer Wiring, HelpRick Lindgren05-07-02  12:06 pm
Trailer Wiring????EricBurch10-09-02  10:20 pm
Trailer connection for 95 Disco questionsCarter Simcoe06-26-02  07:54 pm
Trailer light on D02Scott-OZ12-04-02  02:57 am
Trailer towing question Al Oliveira06-27-02  12:35 am
Trailer wiring?bryan02-28-02  04:20 pm
Trailing Arms (would this work?)Larry Grubbs05-02-02  09:38 pm
Trails in austin texas?michael burt04-10-02  12:49 am
TrannyChris Browne03-11-02  05:15 am
Tranny Heat!?jp04-13-02  03:56 am
Tranny problems - Help!!JEspelien11 04-09-02  02:40 pm
Trans fluid change - quick replies pleaseJ Horrobin08-22-02  01:38 pm
Trans service questionJoe Still07-10-02  05:40 pm
Transfer Box FluidBrian06-18-02  12:07 am
Transfer Box Very Hard to Shift Until Engine is OFF. Why??Ron03-26-02  02:04 am
Transfer Casehendrik09-07-02  02:48 pm
Transfer Case Fill PlugAnonymous04-17-02  04:53 pm
Transfer Case LeaksRon05-28-02  09:35 pm
Transfer Case QuestionBill Bettridge11 03-05-02  12:06 pm
Transfer Case WhineAnonymous24 05-09-02  01:46 am
Transfer gear problemguru prasad09-05-02  05:01 pm
Transfercase oil leak, easy to fix? Advice pleaseM. Recke11-06-02  04:06 am
Transm.oil temphendrik06-27-02  04:38 am
Transmission Filter!!Javier Velador07-10-02  01:35 am
Transmission ProblemKyle04-16-02  04:45 pm
Transmission Problems in 4th Gear Highchris browne04-15-02  12:05 pm
Transmission WhineArmando18 11-12-02  01:28 pm
Transmission fluid change in a manualKingfish05-14-02  08:40 am
Transmission fluid leveljec08-15-02  02:31 pm
Transmission fluid type and brandSoCalJoe08-13-02  12:42 pm
Transmission misadventure... maybe?Ron05-25-02  10:46 pm
Transmission oil temperature warning lightB-Mc11-25-02  04:57 pm
Transmission problemsBill Hammond07-11-02  05:08 pm
Transmission probs, Kyle, what do you think?Javier Velador14 07-06-02  03:35 pm
Transmission rattleClif Ashley07-26-02  11:58 am
Transmission slip? HELPMVDisco04-07-02  04:59 pm
Transmission temperature warning lightGeoff Wakefield12-05-02  10:03 pm
Transmission, clutch??johnbaker12-05-02  03:42 pm
Transmission????sg12-06-02  02:05 pm
Transmition whistle type noiseMatt M04-23-02  12:26 pm
Transporting a Kayak ( Disco II )Al Oliveira05-22-02  07:10 pm
Traveling?p m07-31-02  03:35 pm
Trek Outfitters Light Bar Pictures?Dee41 09-13-02  09:26 pm
Trek Outfitters vs. ARB (airbag) bumpers.....Justin H134 06-12-02  12:02 am
Trek Outfitters?Moe03-01-02  11:37 am
Trouble with the Diff Lock ken03-18-02  05:08 pm
Troubleshooting help - wandering idlejp07-06-02  04:56 am
Truck pulling to different sidesRob Davison10 11-05-02  06:56 pm
Truck wont shift into overdrive on highway??Hank04-02-02  01:42 pm
Truetrac lockerRVR OVR12 04-10-02  11:32 am
Trying againAnonymous06-18-02  03:12 am
Tuning my CB antenna???p m50 04-03-02  12:04 pm
Turn , hazard, park lights!!!Joey Chong06-09-02  12:55 pm
Turn Signal LightsBW06-26-02  08:50 pm
Turn ignition key and nothing happens....Dixie Normous08-02-02  02:13 pm
Turn or replace rear rotor?Robert Sublett42 07-09-02  02:47 pm
Turn signal swap aroundRamsay11-22-02  02:00 pm
Turn signals not workingJoe Still12-05-02  09:51 pm
Turning a disco into a right hand drivedaren11-30-02  06:46 am
Tv installDee13 06-11-02  01:52 pm
Two batteriesscreenap09-26-02  05:50 pm
Two wasted space.michael burt23 09-17-02  04:13 pm
Two obscure Disco-II questions...InHiding08-26-02  08:06 am
Two questions on a 60K miles servicePerroneFord10 04-13-02  03:52 pm
Two unrelated questions.Ron03-12-02  12:23 am
Two-wire ConnectorCraig Kobayashi03-27-02  08:12 pm
Tyres - How big on stock axlesCraig M. Highland05-16-02  12:32 am
U Joint QuestionPaul T. Schram11-01-02  12:12 pm
U Jointschu10 11-19-02  12:40 am
U joint question....Ed H06-06-02  11:06 pm
U-JointMilan11 09-15-02  02:11 pm
U-Joint for Disco I, Can I get it in the local shop ? Ed H06-10-02  06:31 pm
U-jointWill Bobbitt12-04-02  05:25 pm
U-joint #'sMike B.02-26-02  09:24 pm
U-joints are shot!!Paul T. Schram08-05-02  02:38 pm
URGENT brake help, pleaseJ Horrobin04-18-02  01:35 pm
US Source for Hammerite Paint?jerry06-05-02  11:42 pm
US WHEELSRJ Clayton09-07-02  10:45 pm
Ugly Vibration...Why?Paul T. Schram05-15-02  12:29 pm
Uhwarrie SafariGarrett #204-23-02  02:40 pm
Ultimate Suspension Bangkok makes 6" liftBrad18 03-27-02  01:19 am
Un-drivable - please help!Paul T. Schram16 10-22-02  03:57 pm
Unable to Fill Up Fuel Tank when weather is hotrwcmick10 08-23-02  07:37 pm
Unable to run idle after run for 3-4 hrs.Bill Bettridge11-22-02  02:31 pm
Unable to run idle after run for 3-4 hrs.Kevin Howell11-22-02  09:30 am
Under body light ideas?ken06-21-02  12:36 am
Under bonnet/hood insulationKennith P. Whichard 12 06-19-02  11:42 pm
Under bumper winchesTripp Westbrook13 08-21-02  09:57 am
Under hood lightAnonymous03-05-02  12:50 am
Underbelly protection for D2adtoolco08-21-02  05:24 pm
Underhood weldersnadim09-05-02  06:06 am
Underhood weldersnadim09-05-02  06:10 am
Underhood weldersNadim09-05-02  06:24 am
Uneven wear on rear rotorsDee Cantrell02-27-02  04:36 pm
Uniroyal mud terrain or dunlop rover mud terrain?Andy Nix03-05-02  11:10 am
Universal Joints !! help!!Paul T. Schram04-06-02  02:18 pm
Universal Joints v. rotoflexAnonymous03-14-02  10:32 pm
Universal jointandrew10 02-21-02  05:55 pm
Unused auxillary wireJorge P. Gutierrez, 05-16-02  10:42 am
Update to drive line vibration problem & a questionDon Morin07-29-02  10:47 am
Upper engine tickingHenry Enriquez07-19-02  12:49 pm
Use a laptop as a GPS? RVR OVR14 07-23-02  02:08 pm
Use for overhead cargo nets? Jason Vance05-19-02  11:57 pm
Use of Amsoil - need some adviseBruce10-18-02  10:48 am
Use of Inner TubesDean Brown20 02-18-02  08:11 am
Used D1 with mods and issues.Paul L Schexnayder26 07-15-02  01:30 pm
Used Disco Buyer's GuideTodd Sanders08-10-02  03:48 pm
Used Disco II - Which???Al Oliveira09-02-02  08:12 pm
Used Discovery v. OutbackKJ45 10-13-02  01:10 am
Used goodies?Ron04-12-02  01:56 am
Used parts . coms?Anonymous06-06-02  09:54 am
Used parts and accessories?Andy Nix02-21-02  05:24 pm
Useful life of a rotor arm?Dee07-11-02  12:52 pm
Using CO2 in a Power Tank type apperatiePugsly24 10-17-02  02:03 pm
Using Trailer Wiring Harness for 12V install...Help PleaseStephen06-19-02  11:39 pm
Using a jackall/highliftp m03-18-02  05:23 pm
Using the Auto 'box in town....Clif Ashley04-18-02  03:41 pm
V8 Tdi transplantDee Cantrell03-04-02  01:50 pm
VACANT SPOT ON TOP RIGHT OF DII ENGINE???Paul Long03-18-02  09:25 pm
VHF vs CB handheldsp m40 03-15-02  07:33 pm
VIBESjohnb12-03-02  01:01 pm
VIN # detailsKoby17 02-15-02  02:09 pm
VSS WireTommy Dougherty02-16-02  09:40 pm
VSS problem can I get some inputDee06-18-02  03:05 pm
Vac pump 1993 200TDIJohn pulman07-09-02  05:12 pm
Vaccuum lines/air leaks/stepper?jp08-27-02  05:20 am
Vacuum Advance / Timing IssueDisco94Jason11-01-02  08:37 am
Valve Cover Gaskets For 96 DiscoDee11-04-02  12:13 am
Valve Cover gasket oil leakBrian11 10-30-02  04:39 am
Valve Job?doug james10 04-24-02  06:25 pm
Valve job?mantaray55 07-18-02  05:44 pm
Valve job???Randall smith18 12-07-02  11:43 pm
Valve problems with DIIs?DChrismon07-20-02  12:27 am
ValvesPaul Long04-23-02  10:11 pm
Vancouver / Vancouver Island Land Rover mechanics?Andrew Clarke11-20-02  10:28 pm
Vehicle Shipping questionsJames F. Thompson Ja04-11-02  02:02 pm
Vehicle speed sensor or fuel pump? any thoughts!John Hook06-06-02  10:23 am
Vehicle wiring and electronicsJerry Crawford10-27-02  04:28 pm
Vehilce ID Markingsgp04-03-02  09:58 am
Vendor with best 30k service kits?Matt Richards06-05-02  12:39 pm
Vented Rotors and Caliper SpacersStephen10 06-09-02  11:04 am
Vented Rotors for a D1???alhang19 04-24-02  09:27 am
Vented brakes, bearings, and RT rear links installalhang08-01-02  10:53 pm
Vented front brake rotors from Jagworks.comStephen06-09-02  01:34 am
Very Loooose SteeringKevin Novakowski06-26-02  12:50 pm
Very rough running engineDanno05-21-02  02:28 pm
Vibe/driveshafts/steering dampenersmooth16 03-17-02  04:23 pm
Vibes go away when turning?Eric N03-22-02  10:53 am
Vibrationgp03-01-02  10:06 am
VibrationEric N72 03-15-02  10:25 am
Vibration blues.......Scott04-14-02  08:52 am
Vibration dampener on a DIICraig M. Highland02-22-02  06:57 pm
Vibration issuesmuskyman11-22-02  05:58 pm
Vibration when I give a little gas at slow speedsAnonymous06-17-02  10:17 pm
Vibration.Ned03-29-02  11:27 am
Vibration/Rough idlejohnb11 12-03-02  08:30 pm
Vibrations... What damage has been doneMike B.10-08-02  11:23 pm don't have to replace the shocks!!!Eric N09-10-02  04:34 pm
WARN 9.5tiRoss Thoma11-20-02  02:32 pm
WATER IN REAR DIFFJoe Still11-10-02  07:41 pm
WATER LEAKRob03-11-02  11:24 am
WEIGHT QUESTION?Kent03-19-02  02:04 pm
WEIGHT QUESTION?Kent03-19-02  01:12 pm
WHAT NOW?????dmc04-11-02  07:49 pm
WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!Jay Hobbs13 08-27-02  11:30 pm
WHAT'S IT WORTH??Peter Carey10 08-17-02  12:22 pm
WHAT'S WRONG WITH RANCHO?Kyle28 03-27-02  05:07 pm
WHATS MORE RELIABLE? RANGE/DEFENDER/DISCO2????Anonymous05-28-02  11:49 am
WHEEL REMOVALGarrett #214 04-19-02  10:40 am
WHERE IS SERIAL LINK MATING PLUG?Jeff Price06-25-02  09:11 am
WHO DOESN'T HAVE AN EXHAUST MANIFOLD LEAK??Jerry Crawford15 10-18-02  09:14 pm
WHO MAKES THIS?Greg Davis240 03-28-02  09:55 am
WHere is speedo/odo cable on DiscoveryJeff Price08-16-02  11:05 pm
WTFAnonymous06-01-02  07:02 am
WTF I'm denied new tires!!!CarlT16 06-12-02  06:31 pm
WTF NOW??????????????buddy07-21-02  02:26 am
WTF? ... Happened To My Hood?Rob Davison14 09-24-02  05:22 pm
Wa, Id and Mt owners.Todd Sanders07-22-02  12:06 am
Wacky DI Door Lock Problem - Need a guru!!!Peter12-08-02  02:49 pm
Wading PlugsOLIVER CLOTHSOFF11-08-02  07:11 pm
Wading in a DiscoBruce14 10-04-02  05:20 pm
Waffle Bridges (GRP and steel)??!! all's fair in love and rovers...nadim14 12-04-02  05:47 pm
Wanna lift my disco 2" need some help decidingMarkd1x233 02-23-02  10:51 pm
Want To Join Disco Party!!Bill K10 09-21-02  01:52 pm
Want some opinions - overall mileage on DIIs - how long can they go?Mud Man02-26-02  07:25 pm
Want stereo install pix!Neal Glessner21 03-15-02  10:23 pm
Wanted some info on suspension/bumper/shocks etc...lil' help...Paul T. Schram05-30-02  03:34 pm
Waranty infolee99discoII04-11-02  09:54 pm
Warn 8000Neal Glessner04-10-02  06:07 pm
Warn HS9500 installation on ARB Bumper, DI non-airbagJRoc10 03-14-02  06:03 pm
Warn HS9500i Fit an ARB?Ron Ward11-25-02  02:49 pm
Warn Multi-mount w/9000lb: Any good?Marc03-22-02  02:25 pm
Warn Winch Supplier and Model?Ron06-07-02  02:06 am
Warn or Hella?Dee179 10-19-02  01:55 am
Warned not to use which synth fluid?PerroneFord22 05-22-02  11:16 am
Warning LightsYo!Adrian02-23-02  12:48 pm
Warning Lights on Disco IIAl Oliveira06-04-02  09:55 pm
Wash Boards & Flashing LightsGermán25 03-05-02  05:00 pm
Washer and bushings for front bilsteins...?derek08-05-02  01:13 pm
Washer fluid bottle relocation on DIIGreg Davis11-27-02  01:01 pm
Washer resevoirBill Bettridge08-05-02  09:27 am
Washing the engine...?Dee Cantrell03-13-02  05:18 pm
Wasted Motor! Help!JB13 07-18-02  08:04 am
Water CrossingRJ Clayton17 11-19-02  06:50 pm
Water Ingress InfoMatt11-13-02  04:41 pm
Water and Rust in FootwellAnonymous03-08-02  10:15 am
Water damage helpAnonymous21 05-28-02  01:23 pm
Water drain plugs on engine block Bill K11-25-02  07:48 am
Water in ExhaustCraig Kobayashi04-29-02  08:38 pm
Water in front Passenger Floorboard, Disco IIDurabutt04-01-02  01:58 pm
Water in turn signalsM. K. Watson06-26-02  10:02 pm
Water leak in cargo areabill wright10-19-02  08:37 pm
Water leak through ventilation systemDudley Harris08-20-02  02:03 am
Water leaks insideSean Butler-Lee03-30-02  07:10 am
Water leaks...NOT its ok to postJess Brandt12-05-02  10:38 am
Water problems...Dave_Lucas13 10-03-02  05:19 pm
Water pump changeBrian Jackson10 02-17-02  03:55 am
Waterproofing discosEric N08-02-02  01:15 pm
Waterproofing or Relocating the ECUMoe05-20-02  01:50 pm
Waterpump cross referencePaul T. Schram14 10-15-02  02:02 pm
Ways not to break an axleEric N14 10-14-02  07:21 pm
Ways to increase horsepower?Jason Vance20 10-15-02  12:56 pm
Weak brakesJon Williams15 10-01-02  06:37 pm
Weak tailgate lock?Mike J.03-28-02  08:24 am
Weather BandJimKemp09-09-02  06:15 pm
Website for the cheap steel wheels!F.J.03-31-02  11:18 pm
Websites with downloadable GPS coordinates for Garmin'sLarry Grubbs06-12-02  12:13 am
Weight of LR Disco Brush Guard?Blue10 05-10-02  02:54 pm
Weight of adventure roof rackWill Roeder07-04-02  04:35 pm
Weird Clicking When Turn Heat or AC on highPaul T. Schram06-05-02  04:21 pm
Weird Steering ProblemsRob Davison09-09-02  08:42 pm
Weird clunk/pop/snapMoe03-29-02  08:43 pm
Weird orangeish color gunk on inside of oil capDave M.12 10-03-02  12:27 pm
Weird problem with my disco, already rulled out lotscharles pastrano12 09-25-02  06:36 pm
Weird question...Hltoppr10-04-02  06:53 pm
Weird sound in idleJason Lord10-18-02  11:18 pm
Welding on frameKent06-06-02  11:26 am
Welding questionHo Chung12 02-28-02  05:46 pm
Wet CD player (yes, believe it)Grant Lawson10-12-02  01:26 pm
Wet carpet ?!Kai Dussling09-09-02  03:09 pm
Wet floor from ACJim Ingarra09-14-02  10:21 pm
Wet floorboard for oliver clothesoffKevin Howell11-27-02  10:10 am
Wet thud . . . brakes?Jim C.04-11-02  01:32 am
What I learned on Dusy Ershim TrailSteve Andrews251 10-28-02  08:27 am
What LR will these rims fit on?Chris06-07-02  09:43 am
What Lockers?Olaf Kilthau06-18-02  03:01 am
What PSI should I run on beach?Carl E. Cedeholm05-23-02  02:32 pm
What a wonderful hobby.Ramsay08-15-02  02:17 am
What am I? When Temp is warm and i veer rgt/lft, & make a skreetchy...Anonymous06-10-02  12:35 am
What am I? When Temp is warm and i veer rgt/lft, & make a skreetchy...Anonymous06-12-02  01:15 am
What are Wheel Spacers for?Eric N07-30-02  03:29 pm
What are the 5 things every Disco owner should have in their tool box?Greg Davis42 10-23-02  09:44 am
What are the odds? A "key" questionDon08-06-02  06:19 pm
What are the specs on a 300 tdi engine?200 Tdi06-12-02  12:19 am
What are the top 10 things to do to your disco to prepare it for wi...Robert Sublett10-16-02  09:08 pm
What are you guys using to stop rust?E Snyder04-30-02  10:02 pm
What can I use to clean my wheels.Thomas17 03-06-02  04:34 pm
What can you tell meTom06-24-02  09:36 am
What causes the T-Case to Whine?CarlT11 06-24-02  12:17 pm
What choice of rims i have for my 99 disco1?Andy29 05-29-02  05:08 pm
What constitutes a D2 SE model?Anonymous16 04-01-02  06:04 am
What did I just do?Buddy08-14-02  10:27 am
What do I look for when buying a used winch?Ron16 05-31-02  09:08 pm
What do I need???Kevin Ta02-15-02  10:27 pm
What do these Codes mean???Brian A21 06-10-02  04:53 pm
What do we think about this winch system?Kyle37 02-16-02  04:46 pm
What do you tall guys and gals do?Roger Fastring29 04-16-02  11:11 pm
What do you think of my rear storage box?Andrew Carter13 04-17-02  09:17 pm
What do you use to jack if you dont have a high lift?Anonymous03-19-02  05:23 pm
What does 'Lubricate Chassis' involve?Ron08-06-02  09:25 pm
What does a disco weigh?Anonymous04-20-02  02:32 pm
What does the CDL do?RJ Clayton11-28-02  11:35 pm
What does your disco weigh?Markd1x203-11-02  09:48 pm
What exactly is the 'rocker'...thanksPugsly12-08-02  01:10 am
What fits...Ho Chung07-11-02  01:11 am
What grade Engine Oil and type to use Al P08-01-02  10:52 am
What happened to Kyle's No Trim method??? Mike Rupp05-05-02  10:20 pm
What is 3-link suspension ???Anonymous05-09-02  06:15 pm
What is Waxolyled used for???Anonymous03-14-02  02:20 pm
What is a cb lift?Shane C.09-13-02  03:58 am
What is it ?!?Pugsly12-07-02  10:30 pm
What is it for?Jack05-30-02  01:45 pm
What is leaking at the rear diff and how do i stop itmuskyman14 11-04-02  09:15 am
What is right P/N for BILSTEIN shock for 96 D1????John11 05-29-02  05:18 pm
What is the " T/C shifter" p m23 08-02-02  11:45 am
What is the Landrover / VW Audio Adapter?jim08-31-02  11:51 pm
What is the MAX size bolt that will fit into a hi-lift jack beam?Mike Cox10-17-02  10:37 pm
What is the best motor oil?Milan03-14-02  06:14 pm
What is the biggest tire you can go with on a d1Zak Ruck23 08-29-02  08:06 am
What is the black NAPA paint ROVERTYM uses???Paul D. Morgan07-06-02  04:33 pm
What is the common brand name?Bill Molnar08-03-02  08:42 am
What is the lamda sensor for?Anonymous03-15-02  01:43 pm
What is the largest size intercooler for 200tdi?andi04-14-02  04:17 am
What is the name of this alloys?Erik Olson18 06-29-02  03:02 pm
What is the top speed of a 95 3.9 discoScott25 07-02-02  10:19 pm
What is the weekest link?Will Roeder13 12-03-02  04:39 pm
What is this button?steveII10 02-14-02  03:11 pm
What is this noise?Jay Hobbs04-29-02  08:18 pm
What is this part?DavidS10 03-07-02  09:24 pm
What is this thing?Blue20 03-18-02  12:30 pm
What kind of ABS problem is this?cooper06-29-02  01:20 am
What kind of Diff. Oil??Bruce14 02-27-02  11:35 pm
What kind of Grease should I use when servicing a Warn winchJohn03-30-02  07:50 am
What kind of changes...Wes Legaspi06-10-02  05:42 pm
What kind of deal have you made on an '03 DiscoSeanJ08-19-02  04:26 pm
What kind of electrical problem is this? HELPTodd McArtor08-01-02  11:08 am
What kind of grease in the swivel pin housing?Leslie N. Bright28 04-01-02  10:31 pm
What kind of range rover can i get for $20k...looking for one serio...Jess Brandt11-25-02  03:52 pm
What kind of springs/shock to get & where?Jeff Wheeler03-30-02  02:52 am
What kind of tires are these?Rick Lindgren34 11-03-02  10:13 pm
What kinda diesel engine will you guys suggest to put in a Disco 1?Leslie N. Bright26 03-04-02  09:39 pm
What make of spark plugsHenry Enriquez09-25-02  11:54 am
What next? diagnostic of code 171/174Crash05-31-02  08:28 pm
What next??Bruce70 03-04-02  04:41 pm
What now-ABS-light is on!!!!Bill Bettridge03-26-02  03:00 pm
What oil and Filter should I useMark & Bev Preston35 08-23-02  10:20 am
What parts are in a Flange Kit (STC3432)Mike B.06-06-02  08:26 am
What purchase next?Ho Chung12 03-07-02  10:46 am
What shocks for drop conesMike B.03-28-02  07:44 pm
What size ?Ron04-14-02  06:42 pm
What size bolts will work on a series 1 disco brush guard?dave t03-22-02  06:55 pm
What size grease nipples?hendrik08-12-02  09:33 am
What size is my receiver on a discoCarter Simcoe09-26-02  01:01 am
What size is the rear end of a Disco 1Keith Kreutzer11-22-02  11:41 pm
What size is the stock exhaust going into mufflerPerroneFord04-29-02  08:36 pm
What size is the stock lug nuts?Kennith P. Whichard 09-30-02  10:57 am
What size rims and what is the lug pattern Leslie N. Bright03-28-02  12:04 am
What size would you fitBlake Luse06-04-02  08:57 pm
What spark plug?Matt Milbrandt11 04-27-02  11:17 am
What speed should the overdrive kick in on a D1Jess06-24-02  10:13 pm
What the @#$% is wrong with my Disco?Brian17 06-18-02  12:32 am
What the HELL is WRONG????Mike B.37 02-17-02  08:20 pm
What the hell has been on TV with Rovers lately?Ron Ward24 06-28-02  03:35 pm
What tires recommendedKen Rountree11-19-02  10:21 pm
What tires to get???Blake Luse06-06-02  08:46 pm
What to do to change a 3.9 v8 for a chevy 5.7 on a 95 disco1, pleas...Shane46 11-19-02  07:19 pm
What to do with a sitting spare tire???Will Roeder12-05-02  03:45 pm
What to use for PS Fluid in 95 Disco?muskyman11-08-02  02:48 pm
What type of Filters and fluids to use?Maneesh Kumar07-15-02  12:10 am
What type of PAS fluid?Lawrence P. Muscente10-14-02  11:08 pm
What type of engine flush does everyone recommend?RJ Clayton10-18-02  04:13 pm
What type of grease for driveline?Kingfish06-24-02  07:38 am
What will happen if you ride on a spare tire lug nutEd H06-07-02  09:20 pm
What will rust on a Discovery SI?Milan17 11-02-02  11:21 am
What winch size for a discoHo Chung40 05-23-02  08:17 pm
What would cause a random cylinder misfire? OBD II Code PO300 and ...Mateo04-12-02  06:17 pm
What would happen if the fuel filter goes on backwards?Bill K10-14-02  04:39 pm
What year rrc or disco for roto-to-ujoint rear ds conversion?Rob Davison11-23-02  11:37 am
What years D1 should I getZak30 06-05-02  08:02 am
What your opinion of the available shocksMax Thomason11-23-02  02:35 pm
What's a fair price - 96 Disco SD?Blue16 07-30-02  07:30 pm
What's a normal MAF reading?Carl Muckenhirn06-07-02  05:18 pm
What's better for off-road '95 D1 vs '00 D2?Curtis32 04-03-02  12:57 am
What's going on with my brakes?PerroneFord12 05-20-02  04:53 pm
What's going on with my windows?!?!drakosfire08-02-02  08:10 am
What's involved with removing radio?Al Killebrew11-18-02  12:03 pm
What's that thing on the rear dif of the '03 Disco?Greg Davis19 12-04-02  11:45 am
What's that yellow wire?Kyle04-25-02  01:26 pm
What's the going rate for an adventure roof rack? Warren03-10-02  12:14 pm
What's the serpentine secret?derek09-12-02  06:01 pm
What's torque for oil drain plug???David Dryden13 05-13-02  06:58 am
What's underneath the floor behind the center console?Al07-09-02  07:52 pm
What's wrong with my alarmWilliam Turner02-26-02  12:02 pm
What's wrong with the word: T.R.A.N.N.Y ????Brian09-10-02  08:56 am
What's wrong with this?Shane C.15 10-16-02  01:29 am
What's your take on this?gp16 04-30-02  09:41 am
Whats a VSS?????Jeff Price04-13-02  11:12 am
Whats it take to put a new body on?>joshua15 04-22-02  11:57 pm
Whats my disco 2's limits?Paul D. Morgan11-09-02  03:15 pm
Whats so good about steel wheels?Ron34 03-25-02  11:14 pm
Whats the best hand winch on the marketDean Brown13 03-07-02  09:09 am
Whats the best way to clean a disco's engineMichael Noe06-30-02  10:14 am
Whats the most you've squeezed into your Disco..Al Oliveira43 06-04-02  10:09 pm
Whats the proper way to reset onboard diagnostic...bender203306-05-02  05:39 pm
Whats wrong if anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ron02-19-02  05:12 am
Whats your alternator failure rate?Keith12 03-28-02  10:29 am
Wheel Bearings SourcePaul T. Schram09-04-02  09:13 am
Wheel Source.....JMcD03-19-02  08:53 am
Wheel Well TrimmingDee05-20-02  07:43 pm
Wheel alignment on a Disco.Bill Bettridge05-17-02  10:06 am
Wheel and Tire RecommendationAndy Nix11-13-02  07:37 pm
Wheel arch mouldingsGabe11 08-22-02  10:23 am
Wheel arch protectors?Ed H11 05-25-02  02:03 am
Wheel bolt pattern size, where to buy 16x8 wheels?Ho Chung05-18-02  01:27 am
Wheel offset?justin12-07-02  03:02 pm
Wheel offsets - Disco 1?Troy06-04-02  01:34 am
Wheel removalmuskyman06-19-02  12:53 pm
Wheel spacersHo Chung06-10-02  02:44 pm
Wheel upgrade via LR dealer ($$)?todd slater09-06-02  10:29 am
Wheelbase questionLeslie N. Bright03-29-02  12:51 pm
Wheeler (tire?) Dealer?Leslie N. Bright13 08-14-02  08:35 am
Wheels and Tire Size?Michael Noe05-24-02  06:54 am
Wheels, bolt pattern and such for Disco'sBill Gilmore07-29-02  11:34 am
Wheezing noise at engine shutdown.Bruce06-06-02  04:32 pm
When and why did LR go to open knuckles?Al Oliveira16 04-22-02  12:27 am
When dif's are locked is it always the right side?Axel Haakonsen08-20-02  11:09 am
When do trouble codes show? Robbie Donaldson02-23-02  05:53 pm
When does 2003 Discovery model year start?Zinhead10 06-02-02  09:06 pm
When i throw my 95 disco automatic into reverse i get very loud cha...LR newbie11-23-02  08:35 pm
When is hot "Overhot?"Paul T. Schram17 08-15-02  12:26 pm
When yall trip your discos to see your gas mileage..................Tommy Dougherty21 02-28-02  05:54 am
Where Do You Mount Yours? (hands free kits)Erik Olson13 12-02-02  10:24 pm
Where are the 5-speeds?Leslie N. Bright13 04-02-02  01:01 pm
Where can I buy 4:1 underdrive gearbox for my atuomatic D1?Bill Davis11-14-02  12:30 am
Where can I buy coolant temp sensor for 96 (NOT DEALER)dave t05-03-02  05:38 pm
Where can I buy a 52mm or 2-1/16 socket to remove the hub nut? ? muskyman11-12-02  12:07 pm
Where can I find a shop manual for a 2000 D2?Lee Cunningham14 12-03-02  04:50 pm
Where can I find an OEM chrome rear bumper for my '98 LSE?brian kluge04-03-02  09:34 am
Where can I find tons of used RANGE LWB anything cheap with high mi...brian kluge09-25-02  12:08 pm
Where can I get a......Peter Carey07-17-02  01:51 am
Where can I get new wiper blades besides the dealer?Curtis N33 09-18-02  01:29 am
Where can I get riv-nuts?p m06-04-02  08:41 pm
Where can i get black steel wheels for best price?Wes Legaspi28 03-13-02  08:42 pm
Where can i get the "land rover" hood decals?Will Roeder06-26-02  10:58 pm
Where can i get the code for my radio?Ron Ward05-24-02  11:18 am
Where did all the Extended Warranties Go?Mike B.09-28-02  08:13 am
Where do I begin?Barry11-14-02  09:15 am
Where do I buy bushings?Dee Cantrell02-27-02  05:17 pm
Where do I find a guage for checking fuel pressure?Larry Grubbs06-02-02  03:31 pm
Where do I read fault codes on a '95?derek09-13-02  02:23 pm
Where do i get a set of black steel wheelsJose A Cabrera04-04-02  12:22 am
Where do i get aedofab quick disconnects?RVR OVR12-04-02  01:09 pm
Where is the "drag link" on a '95 disco?derek06-15-02  06:12 pm
Where is the Schraeder fitting on the fuel rail ?tdixon11 06-18-02  07:47 pm
Where is the transfer case fill plug?Blue10-20-02  03:40 pm
Where to Find inexpensive Fr. DriveshaftPaul T. Schram12-04-02  01:51 pm
Where to begin searching for coolant leak?Ed Petrush10 11-07-02  11:31 am
Where to buy Disc Brake Quiet made by Permetex?Matt06-06-02  11:59 am
Where to buy aluminum pieces ?pwp06-27-02  03:25 pm
Where to buy......superj05-06-02  10:06 am
Where to find metric drill bits??Leslie N. Bright02-15-02  10:30 pm
Where to find short rubber antenna?Circekat03-17-02  05:05 pm
Where to find used tires????Scott08-11-02  11:08 am
Where to get Front Diff Guards and Pinion Guards for a D2 ??Jeff Anderson06-15-02  11:07 pm
Where to get a new engine breather filterjmon03-25-02  09:36 pm
Where to get a remote for cheapManeesh Kumar08-16-02  08:51 pm
Where to get aftermarket cats?Anonymous03-18-02  09:29 am
Where to get cool stickersCraig M. Highland04-13-02  12:08 am
Where to get deep sounding airhorns?Tony DiFranco10 12-04-02  08:49 pm
Where to get flares to fit 33" tiresKyle30 02-23-02  07:41 pm
Where to get new brake rotors?jmon06-04-02  06:50 pm
Where to get steelie for DII???Dave03-21-02  08:56 am
Where to get this small part from???trevorgriffiths06-14-02  08:34 am
Where to get tires siped in N. VAEric N03-20-02  10:18 am
Where to mount arb locker buttonsMike D105-05-02  08:55 pm
Where to purchase the heavy duty U-joint for Disoc?Norm06-09-02  02:35 am
Where to put the palPhillip Perkinson09-14-02  12:04 pm
Where to service LR in georgia?kekule03-22-02  10:46 am
Where to source a used transmission?Kevin Novakowski07-02-02  12:21 pm
Where's the antenna?Santo Nucifora09-10-02  05:28 pm
Where's the current best deal for ARB air lockers???Disco Dad03-06-02  01:34 am
Whhhrrrrrr on the radiodrbuck16 02-21-02  09:37 am
Which 4000 Hella's are these?Al Oliveira06-24-02  05:37 pm
Which AT trans service kit?Greg Hirst11-20-02  07:42 pm
Which Bilsteins for 4 inch lift?James Gall13 12-03-02  02:20 pm
Which CB?PerroneFord18 05-11-02  10:13 pm
Which CD Player for a '99 D1?Mike08-08-02  01:25 pm
Which D1 is best for me?RVR OVR07-22-02  05:21 pm
Which Front Bumper is best?RVR OVR03-10-02  01:29 am
Which Lucas Oil for Transfer Case leaks?Norm09-19-02  12:32 pm
Which O2 Sensor for 98 Disco LESteve10-05-02  01:20 pm
Which O2 sensor?RVR OVR07-23-02  01:34 pm
Which PS fluid?M. K. Watson07-15-02  06:34 pm
Which RS9000 shocks go on D1 rear with RT upper mounts only?Mike Rupp09-16-02  11:05 am
Which RockSliders to getGreg P.18 06-28-02  10:03 am
Which Steel WheelsGL38 09-06-02  11:31 pm
Which Steering Stabilizer to buyDee14 07-09-02  02:04 pm
Which books are worth buying??hendrik10-28-02  06:21 am
Which engine is better?G. Gr�ner04-10-02  03:53 pm
Which flowmaster muffler is best?Dan Rork04-17-02  06:24 pm
Which is a better off road vehicle?Greg French12 06-04-02  07:53 pm
Which oil???Bryan03-03-02  10:57 pm
Which one Super swamper thornbird or trxus nadim10 09-20-02  05:10 pm
Which protection / guards firstDave_Lucas09-27-02  03:30 pm
Which rack has the best mounting system?Leslie N. Bright05-06-02  01:32 pm
Which shocks?Mel A.29 03-01-02  10:08 pm
Which shocks?Dee17 09-20-02  09:37 pm
Which slider?Brian Dickens128 10-27-02  01:41 pm
Which spring is which?Cal03-11-02  07:44 pm
Which to start with when upgradingKim S22 08-25-02  09:38 pm
Which winchSean Hanagan09-14-02  01:54 pm
Whining Noise Related to Speed but not tiresCal16 03-15-02  07:38 pm
White connector under passenger dash???Shane C.09-07-02  08:12 pm
Who Stole My LR Valve Stem Covers Today?Greg P.25 04-22-02  09:02 pm
Who all's plannin on Uwharrie this weekend?Greg Davis04-25-02  01:17 pm
Who else is from Calgary, AlbertaKevin Novakowski09-08-02  12:15 pm
Who has a TJM front bumper?Anonymous03-27-02  07:20 pm
Who has the best prices on Warn Winches?Neal Glessner13 05-19-02  11:58 pm
Who is this...?Gregory W. Davis26 08-26-02  09:32 am
Who makes OEM head unit and cd changer for LR?Chris Lessard13 06-21-02  09:26 am
Who makes good bolt on diff guards for the Disco IIJeff Anderson27 03-20-02  10:47 pm
Who makes the LR stock shocks that I'm buying from LR-RichmondK. March17 08-30-02  11:42 am
Who makes the best Clutch kit?Jack H15 10-15-02  09:23 am
Who makes this steel wheel?jp03-12-02  04:41 am
Who makes winch bumpers without the brush bar welded on?Marc04-04-02  09:15 am
Who said that LR brush guards weren't strongKJ04-06-02  07:32 pm
Who secretly replaced Discoweb with Folgers Crystals?cartner10 02-14-02  01:48 pm
Who sells dash switch bulbs?bryan02-27-02  10:23 am
Who sells the cheap bastard damper relocation kit ?Blue02-21-02  11:43 am
Who's done a Bilstein flush?Bill K11-01-02  07:31 am
Who's got 2" body lift...i want some picsBlake Luse09-10-02  11:17 pm
Why cant we have a Land Rover Rubicon?Chris08-12-02  12:34 pm
Why does disco need diff-lockscott10-02-02  01:59 am
Why doesn't Land Rover..........jp04-05-02  07:26 pm
Why is my Xmission temp light on?jec04-13-02  09:11 pm
Why skinny tires?Moe22 04-15-02  02:23 pm
Why springs AND shocks??Bill02-16-02  12:31 am
Why would rear locker do this?Curtis N30 05-09-02  01:26 pm
Why would the fluid out of the front diff be grey?200 Tdi15 04-08-02  11:13 pm
Widest tire size for a 98 disco lse? TIAtrucker04-22-02  09:40 am
Wierd "stalling" at high speedsMarkM10-03-02  10:30 am
Wierd question maybe but seems to me to much coincidence _experts p...Blake Luse31 06-24-02  10:30 pm
Wilderness Rack Questiongp02-27-02  04:28 pm
Wilderness system roof rack brackets.E Snyder12-02-02  02:50 pm
Will 15X8 Wheels fit?alhang04-09-02  04:07 pm
Will 255/70-16 fit the stock DII spare tire carrier?ravensjk17 04-11-02  10:24 am
Will 255/70-16's fit a stock D1?wildcountryil10-27-02  10:12 pm
Will 265/75 fit on spare mount?Ho Chung27 06-21-02  05:31 pm
Will 275/55r18 tires fit on a stock Disco II?Willard Lee11-18-02  08:17 pm
Will D2 adventure rack fit D1jay caragay15 11-10-02  11:24 pm
Will DII Axle Drain Plug Fit DI?Bill Bettridge07-08-02  03:28 pm
Will DII bumpers fit on DI??Leslie N. Bright03-26-02  08:17 am
Will Disco I lugs for alloys fit on a 90 RR?PerroneFord04-22-02  11:16 am
Will Prolong hurt your engine?Dave M.10-03-02  12:30 pm
Will a '00 D2 Factoy Brush Guard fit an '03?George Clayton10-02-02  03:20 pm
Will a '98 disco air dam fit a'96 discoSG02-28-02  09:55 am
Will a D2 roof rack fit a D1Dave_Lucas10 03-17-02  10:05 pm
Will a d2 adventure rack fit a d1?Steve12-07-02  07:37 pm
Will be converting to 24 spline axles soon...Ron14 04-05-02  07:52 pm
Will defender 90 drive shafts fit on disco 1Bill Davis11-13-02  10:43 am
Will it still work?Eric N03-11-02  02:56 pm
Will stock D2 tires fit on 7" D1 rims?Dean Brown11-20-02  09:11 am
Will there ever be another Camel Trophy?Jon Bowers51 07-15-02  11:38 am
Will these work?zpukajlo10 10-05-02  10:33 am
Will this make a good rear recovery pointJohn Lee04-17-02  06:12 pm
Will this work?Peter Matusov13 11-20-02  01:59 pm
Will using 245/75 R16's raise the height of my D2Jim Murphy04-09-02  06:53 pm
Winch VS Sand ladders and/or Sand bridges...opnions pleaseKJ03-28-02  12:29 am
Winch Bolt Patterns...Clif Ashley14 07-19-02  10:54 am
Winch Install on ARB AirbagBrian Lewis05-01-02  03:41 pm
Winch Lock????Carter Simcoe10-12-02  05:45 pm
Winch Problem IdentifiedKeith Armstrong08-05-02  02:02 pm
Winch Wiring...?Clif Ashley10-18-02  04:34 pm
Winch and Brush Bar question....advice please!jp04-06-02  09:30 pm
Winch and suspensionCharles Phu02-27-02  05:09 pm
Winch bumperRoss Thoma11-25-02  02:54 pm
Winch bumper questionJeff Bieler05-13-02  03:03 am
Winch front springs?Carter Simcoe07-18-02  10:23 pm
Winch installNeal Glessner04-03-02  07:04 pm
Winch on stock bumper?michel20 03-04-02  11:56 pm
Winch power cable gauge?Emilio04-15-02  09:44 pm
Winch remote disconnectMoe03-22-02  11:19 am
Winch troubles Need inputJeff03-05-02  01:00 am
Winch useRJ Clayton50 11-21-02  08:10 pm
Winch wiring HELP...David Marchand11-01-02  11:46 am
Winch wont feed out cable?Mike Rupp19 11-18-02  09:14 am
Winches for a D2 ARB Bull Bar Al Oliveira08-06-02  12:55 am
Winches waterproofEd H07-21-02  03:27 pm
Winching Correctly??? need to learnTom Rowe38 10-25-02  09:37 am
Wind noise from A-pillar at high speeds....Kyle07-09-02  09:45 pm
Window Blowout!!!!!!!Chris Merritt04-16-02  02:59 pm
Window Lift ECU or Window Motorjp10-23-02  03:18 am
Window ProblemsPaul T. Schram11-04-02  11:42 am
Window StuckTom Hyslip11-25-02  08:14 pm
Window TintCarter Simcoe10-26-02  01:54 pm
Window TintingJenniferLopez06-22-02  05:59 pm
Window molding/rubber is crackingR. B. Bailey10 09-10-02  02:50 pm
Window poltergeistsjec10-29-02  02:55 pm
Window won't roll to get the door panel off?alhang15 07-30-02  09:09 am
Windows Won't Roll UpDavid Dryden04-23-02  06:46 pm
Windscreen options for roof rackEric Pena11-21-02  11:54 am
Windshield WipersLeif R.04-06-02  06:38 pm
Windshield and window gasket replacementRon03-12-02  11:24 pm
Windshield in Cali Bay areacharlie10-23-02  08:17 pm
Windshield washer jets DIIgabe08-10-02  10:14 am
Windshield wipersPaddyG08-27-02  10:10 pm
Winter TiresMilan18 11-07-02  11:51 am
Winter Tires?Milan23 10-10-02  01:03 am
Winter Wiper Blades on Disco 1Craig M. Highland04-11-02  12:54 am
Winter Wipers for a D2 because stock sucksCurtis N09-05-02  11:54 pm
Winterizing Disco II for AlaskaDee08-29-02  11:56 pm
Wipac or Ring lights?Matt M03-16-02  04:37 pm
Wiper Blade Chattercleanglassisacleanmi08-29-02  01:17 pm
Wiper Blade replacement disco IIHenry Gould02-18-02  03:47 pm
Wiper Blades ReplacementAnonymous04-17-02  10:45 pm
Wiper TroubleJeff Price06-25-02  09:00 am
Wippers and light on shifter?jerry quintana, co s06-26-02  01:11 pm
Wippers not working correctly.Nathan Cooper11-07-02  12:56 am
Wire routing for Work LightMike B.10-04-02  09:24 pm
Wiring A Rear Work Lamp-Shane C.21 09-12-02  03:37 pm
Wiring CD ChangerTommy Dougherty11-29-02  05:31 pm
Wiring DiagramMichael Cavender03-20-02  09:34 pm
Wiring Diagram for SubwooferDavid Dryden04-04-02  08:03 am
Wiring Harness HelpWill10-07-02  02:17 pm
Wiring Hella's... please help.streak05-15-02  01:17 pm
Wiring Hellas on da roof ???Jon Bowers09-11-02  08:59 am
Wiring a flat 4E Snyder07-31-02  05:52 pm
Wiring around the factory amp. How to......jim11-12-02  05:45 pm
Wiring connector on roof?Erik Olson02-18-02  05:14 pm
Wiring diagram for jeep cherokeeJeremy Hamilton11-22-02  10:33 am
Wiring for Rack Lights????jay caragay05-09-02  11:08 am
Wiring for additional lighterCarter Simcoe05-28-02  08:46 pm
Wiring harness in left rear cargo area, what's it for?Erik G. Burrows10-06-02  12:34 am
Wiring in a new CB (or) What's the Orange Wire For??Ramsay13 08-23-02  02:14 am
Wiring in lights on the expedition basket.....i know there is an an...Nick B02-18-02  12:42 am
Wiring of remote antenna on roof of Disco IIBrian Lewis11-12-02  06:50 pm
Wiring the Hellas to a factory switch-Carl E. Cedeholm06-06-02  01:43 pm
Wish the archives were here. Refresh my memoryBrian Jackson02-19-02  03:56 pm
With mixed emotions, 2001 SE model for saleDon Morin10-28-02  11:21 am
Won't idledoug james05-22-02  01:55 pm
Won't start wetJMcD03-13-02  12:23 pm
Wont start some timespaul stafford06-11-02  10:11 pm
Wont start..please help!Bill K12-01-02  12:14 pm
Wood TrimNeal Glessner11 02-21-02  04:14 pm
Worklamp as a backup light?Greg Davis19 11-22-02  03:34 pm
Workshop Manual: Is it comprehensive?Al Oliveira10 07-15-02  04:09 pm
Workshop manualsDisco Dad02-24-02  04:16 pm
World RadioBill Molnar07-20-02  07:21 am
Would 2002 Range Rover Wheels fit a 1999 D1?Chris Browne10-26-02  03:47 pm
Would a discoII leak oil ?R. B. Bailey45 09-13-02  11:38 pm
Would windows deflectors prevent water drop?Blue09-09-02  11:21 am
Would you buy a retired service loaner from dealer?Alyssa19 03-15-02  06:51 pm
Wow... interesting V8 info....Dee Cantrell11 04-04-02  01:36 pm
Wreck w/ ARB bend frame? Kennith37 05-07-02  12:43 am
Wrecking yard(s) in ColoradoTcar05-10-02  12:20 am
Wrong Oil Filter Hurting the Engine?A.W.05-04-02  10:58 am
Wurtsboro VIDEOPhillip Perkinson02-18-02  09:45 am
Www.roversolutions.comJeff Anderson69 08-02-02  09:08 pm
X-9 Winch Workings QuestionClif Ashley07-26-02  12:06 pm
X-Treme ArticulationPaul D. Morgan21 11-28-02  08:09 am
XD skid plateJohn Lee03-07-02  05:05 pm
XZL's ???muskyman76 11-24-02  03:21 pm
Xenon & clear lenses for DII??Craig M. Highland03-15-02  12:27 am
Xenon Headlight BulbsNeal Glessner06-20-02  04:50 pm
Xenon headlights on a Disco?Paul T. Schram19 03-30-02  09:28 pm
Xtreme Steel Wheels??Dee12 09-19-02  10:13 am
Yakima Rack questionsRobbie10 09-27-02  02:56 pm
Yellow XD Spotted at BMW dealerHo Chung08-16-02  01:34 pm
Yet Another Lighting Question...Alyssa20 06-15-02  09:46 am
Yet another DIF LOCK questionPhillip Perkinson02-21-02  04:11 pm
Yet another electrical questionAsphaltGypsy07-06-02  06:41 pm
Yet another stepper question...(long)~~~~~ mack06-25-02  09:32 pm
Yet another tire and trimming questionNadim02-23-02  04:49 pm
Yokohama Geolander AT II 245/75-16Jason Lord13 12-03-02  04:42 pm
You ain't heavy, you're my oil...Paul D. Morgan07-09-02  07:34 pm
You guys know anything about winches?JRoc148 03-01-02  04:35 pm
You have got to see this!Craig M. Highland04-03-02  06:12 pm
Your opinions of RTE lower shock mounts.......pleaseJake Porter16 05-07-02  12:12 pm
Youv heard of the CB lift...heres the CB shockNeal Glessner06-10-02  08:54 pm
Youv heard of the CB lift...heres the CB shockmuskyman06-10-02  10:19 am
ZBarHo Chung04-07-02  07:40 pm
ZF governor valve?David Connelly04-08-02  06:30 pm
Zebra-LookAnonymous13 06-24-02  09:22 am
`98 Disco cuts off at Idlebryan07-12-02  01:13 pm
Idle to fastPugsly12-09-02  02:16 pm
My air impact wrench wore out?Alex Cabrera12-09-02  02:12 pm
Hooking up a homelink in a disco 1Jim C12-09-02  12:56 pm
Service Engine LightDanno12-09-02  11:54 am
D1 MufflerDanno12-09-02  11:52 am
Fault code help please: P1193Randall Smith12-09-02  10:36 am
Rear Door LatchRon Ward12-09-02  08:22 am
DC machine shoptrevor griffiths12-09-02  08:18 am
Head machining is it possible?Paul T. Schram12-09-02  08:03 am
How to remove wood dash trim?Jack12-10-02  05:12 pm
Help ABS not workingAl Oliveira12-10-02  04:28 pm
Tips for replacing ECU for Cruise Aaron12-10-02  03:40 pm
Discovery 2 alternatorsCL12-10-02  01:35 pm
Parts for vavle job... Any alternative sources, or Domestic generics?todd slater12-10-02  01:16 pm
FREELANDER HEATED SEATS Alyssa12-10-02  01:07 pm
Stubborn head boltsPaul T. Schram31 12-10-02  12:58 pm
95 DI - vac advance unit $320Jess Brandt12-10-02  11:50 am
New 2003 Disco Suppose to Sit Low in The Rear?John Davies12-10-02  11:11 am
My 2001 DiscoII update - what's yours??Greg Davis42 12-10-02  09:05 am
Fitting electric cooling fan - Disco 1Russian Landy12-10-02  08:13 am
The Tow Truck DESTROYED my Rover!!!Matt Rigby57 12-10-02  01:08 am
Death of RedTop Battery?E Snyder12-10-02  12:15 am
Running a lil' cool....(continued)Jess Brandt12-09-02  09:46 pm
Tips and or Tricks for Disco 1?? muskyman12-09-02  09:00 pm
O2 sensorJason D Gustavson12-09-02  08:49 pm
What did you guys pay for 90K SERVICE ON 96 D1Jason D Gustavson12-09-02  08:38 pm
Broken rear door bottom hinge repair....P_Kennington12-09-02  06:52 pm
'97 Disco right front popping soundParrish R. Blackmon31 12-09-02  05:48 pm
Broken cruise control cable...Bill M.12-09-02  05:42 pm
Which brand of Winch to get?Tom Hyslip11 12-09-02  04:46 pm
265 / 75 R16Tom Hyslip12-09-02  04:44 pm
Check Engine came on in the Snow??cartner12-09-02  03:56 pm
Rim offset/lug spacingBlake Luse12-09-02  03:51 pm
Tracing shortsed petrush12-09-02  03:23 pm
Part #s for oil cooler hoses...Paul T. Schram12-12-02  06:05 am
Installing D1 $orry Gard Bumper: Easy as it looks?marc olivares11 12-12-02  02:36 am
Dashlights out... ABS light on... Stuck in Park... Can't get key ou...Corey Wells12-11-02  11:51 pm
Increase of Service Fees from DealerRon13 12-11-02  10:39 pm
Totally unreliable part on D2Brian Dickens16 12-11-02  10:23 pm
Questions about Dusy ErshimRich Lee62 12-11-02  09:05 pm
KC Lighting Products?Peter Carey12-11-02  06:55 pm
Disco2 RTE slider installPaul D. Morgan12-11-02  04:49 pm
Various LeaksKen Dunnington12-11-02  04:17 pm
Creaking Front Seat FixJack Herman12-11-02  04:16 pm
O2 SENSORBrian A12-11-02  02:58 pm
Need help with brake problemBlake Swafford12-11-02  01:51 pm
How Long do the Disco II's Last Anyway?ChuckB17 12-11-02  01:47 pm
Passenger door breaking...Chuck McGovern12-11-02  09:41 am
Techs Washington DC AreaBill Bettridge12-11-02  09:22 am
Wooden DashboardK.C.12-11-02  08:45 am
Battery ligh on after ignigtion turned offwalker12-11-02  06:45 am
Windshield leakageTitus12-11-02  05:23 am
O2 Sensor problem? D1 runs roughTitus16 12-11-02  04:01 am
Whats the average life of the stock DII brake pads?Rich Lee31 12-11-02  01:51 am
4.9 litre stroker kit or 4.6 short engine??.Mike Shoemaker11 12-11-02  12:05 am
Discovery I or II?Rich Lee14 12-10-02  11:00 pm
Two questions on two lockers...Eaton & DetroitEric N12-10-02  08:57 pm
Cleaning up a used bumperMark Albrecht12-10-02  08:23 pm
Is the Extended Warranty Recommended?Chris von Czoernig16 12-10-02  06:51 pm
Clock replacement??Chris Browne12-13-02  07:55 pm
Package and Ship a Roof RackChris von Czoernig14 12-13-02  05:58 pm
Anyone here with an aftermarked deck in a D2?Tommy Dougherty12-13-02  05:41 pm
Vibe help with new OME HD springs?Username12-13-02  03:30 pm
Coolant water boiling,temp guage normal after off road lo gear drivingGeoff Wakefield12-13-02  03:00 pm
Any modification for a 300TDIMahn England12-13-02  02:24 pm
Antifreeze film on windshieldKevin Howell12-13-02  01:20 pm
DI rear bumper upgradeChris Browne12-13-02  01:19 pm
D1 Power Seat QuestionRob Davison12-13-02  10:01 am
My DII rear bumper is doneken knebusch44 12-13-02  09:56 am
Air Con kills D1 !!Paul T. Schram12-13-02  08:59 am
How is Toyota Tacoma?Todd W. McLain31 12-12-02  11:13 pm
Heater/AC fan making tickingcharles pastrano11 12-12-02  09:57 pm
Lockers bad on snow & ice - why??E Snyder77 12-12-02  09:05 pm
Shop in IndianapolisAlen15 12-12-02  07:52 pm
Newbie questionsAl12-12-02  07:30 pm
Help for DiscoBud & Disco Damsel in distress.Peter Matusov12-12-02  06:14 pm
Bumper to bumper waranty is about up, What to check??gordon sitts12-12-02  06:07 pm
Bent trailing linkRVR OVR12-12-02  04:57 pm
Help!! Throttle stuck openBill K10 12-12-02  01:02 pm
Chains on a discoKevin Novakowski14 12-12-02  10:44 am
Ski Rack/Boulder ServiceFromage12-12-02  10:34 am
"Hercules" brand tiresGrant Lawson12-12-02  10:15 am
Heated WindscreenMatt Milbrandt12-12-02  10:08 am
Arizona Local stuck in the cold nortwest with NO HEATBrian12-12-02  09:48 am
Streetpilot III advicePugsly12-15-02  09:24 pm
Where to find amp location on 98 LEPatrick Hatcher12-15-02  08:59 pm
D2 LR Brush Bar QuestionJohn Moore12-15-02  04:45 pm
DISCOWEB OUTAGEgp41 12-15-02  03:19 pm
Picture of D2 factory roof rail extensions w/cross rails anyone?Greg B12-15-02  02:11 pm
Locker questionWill Roeder12-15-02  12:31 pm
Hardware specs for mounting the DII hitch assyJason Bard12-15-02  12:23 pm
Disco 2003Mud Man27 12-15-02  10:56 am
DS2 rolls forward a little when in 'P' with parking brake on?Tom V11 12-15-02  08:17 am
What is your favorite/most useful modification/accessory?L_Tilly51 12-15-02  08:07 am
'96 Gas cap cover- Can't open it!Garth12-15-02  12:45 am
2002 Disco II, funny noise during ATC, I think,,,Al Oliveira12-15-02  12:32 am
Anti-lock on...any ideas?Axel Haakonsen12-14-02  11:52 pm
Goodyear Wrangler MT/RMax Thomason39 12-14-02  11:05 pm
Trailer addaper for a DIITom V12 12-14-02  08:17 pm
Transmission swapchris browne12-14-02  06:18 pm
Anyone replace the sls bags in the rear of a DII?Al Oliveira12-14-02  05:59 pm
Besides oil changes and brake jobs whatelse can a novice do?Al Oliveira13 12-14-02  02:38 pm
Service Engine Light on @ 84KCorey12-14-02  01:51 pm
Decent deal?Corey11 12-14-02  01:42 pm
DVD update, overseas playbackAxel Haakonsen12-14-02  10:41 am
Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revo ??Todd W. McLain12-14-02  05:18 am
Cold Start Engine Clicking (DII)Craig Kobayashi15 12-13-02  10:44 pm
HELP PLEASE, temperature transmission oil warningOLIVER CLOTHSOFF12-13-02  08:41 pm
It's about time...I'm ordering my stuff!!!Blake Luse13 12-13-02  08:19 pm
Removing front air damTodd Sanders12-16-02  02:30 pm
Problem starting but a little gas startsGreg French12-16-02  02:17 pm
D1 Head Gasket ReplacementPaul T. Schram12-16-02  01:53 pm
Rear set removalAndrew Mogol12-16-02  12:24 pm
Driver seat relocation?Kevin Bennett12-16-02  12:06 pm
Rear 6x9's in corner molding?Kevin Howell12-16-02  11:43 am
DII circa MY99 springs and dampers etcdanny otter10 12-16-02  11:41 am
Wiring Help...?Carter Simcoe12-16-02  11:33 am
Removing Factory Brush Bar from a DII...Rans12-16-02  11:31 am
Very old subject---seat switchesBrian Friend12-16-02  10:53 am
OBD II HandheldsCarter Simcoe12-16-02  10:50 am
Charcoal Canister and Emission HosesParrish R. Blackmon12-16-02  09:10 am
24 volts?Russian Landy12-16-02  08:48 am
CDL placard in '03 DiscosAl Oliveira20 12-16-02  08:42 am
Two broken headlights...ema11 12-16-02  08:30 am
Is the Discovery Workshop Manual from British Leyland worth getting...Newbie12-16-02  08:16 am
TIRES TIRES TIRESBrian Dickens12-16-02  08:15 am
Door handle adjustment- How?Greg French12-16-02  08:10 am
Relocating the washer bottleRans12-16-02  07:27 am
Eratic idle and a whine/groan coming from 95 Disco...Corey11 12-16-02  12:58 am
Low subwoofer volumnCorey12-15-02  11:32 pm
Bad bulb light- ?????Jess Brandt12-15-02  10:52 pm
Crazy ARB Locker QuestionRon34 12-15-02  10:41 pm
Check engine light is on?Corey12-15-02  10:01 pm
Radio Code???Corey12-15-02  09:39 pm
Hub ToolBrian Friend12-17-02  07:50 pm
Can I fix this with JB Weld?muskyman44 12-17-02  07:35 pm
ABS diagnosticsLarry Grubbs12-17-02  04:58 pm
Ignition/Key Problem Help Neededdiscondixie12-17-02  04:54 pm
Mechanic in Denver, CO?Mike Holmes19 12-17-02  04:35 pm
Cool Australian spec sheet with line drawings and photosScott-OZ12-17-02  03:20 pm
Coolant in D2Paul T. Schram12-17-02  03:07 pm
Car and Driver 10 Best Issue - 10 Best SUVsKJ59 12-17-02  02:29 pm
DII CDL Handle Feedbackcurquieta12-17-02  01:05 pm
Rear seat removalAndrew Mogol12-17-02  12:09 pm
ARB BUMPER AND HELLA 4000'Srob depiazza11 12-17-02  11:42 am
Tires questionJorge12-17-02  11:41 am
Parts for seat switchBrian Friend12-17-02  10:29 am
Best place for second battery?daren12-17-02  07:36 am
Panhard rod removalRon12-16-02  11:28 pm
Need new impact gun---best priceRon12-16-02  11:26 pm
Four wheelin' near the polar circlePeter Matusov12-16-02  11:05 pm
Alternative air compressor to run ARB locker/air up tires?Ron A12-16-02  10:41 pm
Brake lights! Help!!polofella2612-16-02  07:40 pm
Looking at '94 RRC LWB w/ "body damage" today - any tips?Rob Davison15 12-16-02  06:56 pm
Keyless entry question...ed petrush12-16-02  06:51 pm
Blank climate controlBrian O'Neal12-16-02  06:15 pm
Disco or FJ60/62?todd slater12-16-02  04:21 pm
Reset check engine lightDean Brown24 12-16-02  03:46 pm
Popping/clunking sound and vibrationParrish R. Blackmon12-16-02  03:45 pm
Transfer case stuck in High.. thinking of removing interlock soleno...Nick Bellistri18 12-20-02  12:17 am
Will this odyssey never end?Norm12 12-20-02  12:10 am
This is an unsolicited testimonial for Equal.Norm16 12-19-02  11:38 pm
Cargo door rattleEd Petrush12-19-02  11:04 pm
Selectable Side LockersBrian Friend12-19-02  10:00 pm
Full IS is Better Than Solid AxlesMilan54 12-19-02  07:31 pm
30K service at dealer = $700!Chris Reed17 12-19-02  05:54 pm
Shop ManualsRob Davison12-19-02  04:37 pm
Exhaust system on 97Parrish R. Blackmon12-19-02  04:30 pm
Good Source for new enginesRandall Smith33 12-19-02  03:58 pm
Disco vs (Oh No!!) Model T FordGreg Davis21 12-19-02  02:18 pm
Weird bad noisePrescottj12-19-02  12:24 pm
Rear air suspensionAl Oliveira12-19-02  12:14 pm
Fogged up (alpine?) windowBlue20 12-19-02  11:52 am
BrakesJ E Robison Service 12-19-02  10:46 am
Altenatorsed petrush12-19-02  10:45 am
Reset for SRS..I know it's been asked before, but...bcroz12-19-02  08:30 am
Rear winch daydreamingPeter Carey26 12-19-02  04:57 am
Ignition short - how to fix - where to look - what the hell?muskyman12-19-02  12:48 am
OBD II code readerCorey10 12-19-02  12:16 am
A rear view mirror question...Corey15 12-18-02  11:39 pm
Emergency Brake Light on right turns?Ted Chestnut12-18-02  11:06 pm
Ice and ABS "failure"Norm73 12-18-02  10:32 pm
Rovertm 2" bodylift and ARB snorkelTimothy Riccardi12-18-02  10:16 pm
Tire TalkBrian Dickens12-18-02  09:41 pm
Front power seat not workingDave Smith12-18-02  09:12 pm
So what do we know about Borders to Borders?mongo50 12-18-02  08:02 pm
Purpose of kickdown cableKyle10 12-18-02  07:24 pm
Low cost cruise control on TD5pete mason12-18-02  06:25 pm
What are the best speakers for rear door?Jack19 12-18-02  05:09 pm
Engine Code 1316Randall Smith12-18-02  04:57 pm
New ROVER dealership in Kittery, ME??? bs i think???jrov12-18-02  04:41 pm
Got my BFG AT's today, i love em so far! thanks for the suggestions...jrov12-18-02  04:28 pm
Any Mechanics - question about datytime running lights on an 03.Sean J12-18-02  04:15 pm
Trail use of pneumatic toolsPeter Matusov33 12-18-02  04:02 pm
Body partsEric N12-18-02  12:46 pm
How to tell if your steering damper is hosed?Brian Dickens12-18-02  11:51 am
D1 Speaker Sizesjames12-18-02  11:07 am
CV JointsPaul T. Schram12-18-02  08:37 am
Hinged Radius Armlingyang wu12-18-02  07:16 am
VIN# websitenadim12-18-02  03:27 am
AFTERMARKET COILSnadim12-18-02  03:16 am
Sound Proofingshawn peterson12-18-02  01:40 am
Rear door sealAl Oliveira12-18-02  01:36 am
Just got my new SG rear bumper..only 1 week late!!KJ12-18-02  12:54 am
Anybody replace cross seals on rear main cap?Geoff 93 RRC12-17-02  10:38 pm
Auxiliary Backup lights in SG bumper.....Coppertop12-17-02  10:32 pm
OBD II Codes- Check Engine LightPeter Carey11 12-17-02  09:19 pm
1999 Disco II Door Lock StickingMartin L. Cavassa12-17-02  08:56 pm
Can I put skiis on my adventure rack?what have you guys done?`joshua10 12-17-02  08:16 pm
Problem or typical Disco behavior?Alan Yim10 12-22-02  07:50 pm
Help!! on Transmission Fluid ChangeBill M12-22-02  05:33 pm
Rust in chassis of my Disco, What to do ?John Moore12-22-02  01:49 pm
Check engine light flashing???charles pastrano12-22-02  11:45 am
Codes PO300, and P1316?Don12-22-02  10:22 am
Goodyear Wrangler HPs free to good home...(Florida)John Keeler12-22-02  09:07 am
DISCO I Gas Tanknadim12-22-02  01:49 am
Can't Keep Battery Charged over 12 hrs- New Battery, Rebuilt Altern...Joe Still10 12-21-02  08:31 pm
Urgent electrical help needed!Joe Still12-21-02  08:27 pm
Noisy transmissionPhillip Perkinson12-21-02  07:55 pm
Discovery purchase questionsJeffry Scott13 12-21-02  05:42 pm
Shimmy help?John Cinquegrana12-21-02  08:59 am
How to get bolts off T.Case side Fr. driveshaft flange?James Gall12-21-02  12:43 am
Six foot three any poosible seat adjustments?Keith Kreutzer15 12-21-02  12:14 am
No cruise, rear wiper or mirrors but fuse is not blown...Eric Ratermann10 12-20-02  11:11 pm
Help!-Dap Industries Brushguard!Larry Grubbs12-20-02  07:29 pm
Electrical Failure?Larry Grubbs18 12-20-02  05:14 pm
Code 1193Matt Rigby12-20-02  04:47 pm
Antena Replacementandy Coleman10 12-20-02  03:35 pm
Overhaul Recomendation & Good supplierandy Coleman12-20-02  03:31 pm
Roverland in san franciscokcjones12-20-02  02:18 pm
Cargo door leakCorey Shuman12-20-02  12:42 pm
Rechargeable MaglitePeter Matusov14 12-20-02  12:04 pm
Odysseus nears the portDean Brown12-20-02  11:25 am
LR off Road Course in Lanham, MDGil Stevens12-20-02  08:46 am
LPG or Propane conversionM. Recke12-24-02  07:34 am
Just bought! Need help! Curtis N12-24-02  01:44 am
Disco 99 - ignition locking issuerobert12-24-02  01:30 am
Vibration under driver & passenger side foot wells?Craig McLaughlin12-24-02  12:57 am
Just dropped off the 99 D1 for some warranty service at Manhattan L...KJ11 12-23-02  11:14 pm
Slotted and drilled rotors...Hype for D1 or not?GregH33 12-23-02  11:03 pm
Loss of power /poor running Help please!!!M. Recke13 12-23-02  10:24 pm
Gas Gauge Issues on a D2Jack12-23-02  08:45 pm
SG Rear Bumper questionsMatt doc17512-23-02  06:46 pm
Mending BracesCarter Simcoe12-23-02  06:10 pm
"Emergency" caliper replacement - help / tips?Lawrence Tilly12-23-02  06:07 pm
Pro Comp Tire QuestionJohn Cinquegrana12-23-02  03:43 pm
Changing My Brake Pads????greggo21 12-23-02  01:05 pm
Larger tires vs ABS, HDC and TCSAl Oliveira12-23-02  12:33 pm
Who made the wind fairing for thier aventure rackcurquieta12-23-02  11:26 am
Heated seats installed!!!Brandon Baisden12-23-02  10:32 am
Where are the drain holes for the sunroofs?gjones12-23-02  06:10 am
Sun Visor ClipsLance12-22-02  10:49 pm
Stock disco II tires, is it possible to go any bigger?John Friederich15 12-22-02  10:15 pm
Disco is easy to fix but why few shops accepts themShawn Peterson12-22-02  10:13 pm
Strange behavior, Idle "sticking"Shawn Peterson12-22-02  10:00 pm
Squealing brakes help?Eric N12-22-02  09:56 pm
Thumb srews on brushbarbruce12-22-02  09:44 pm
Engine timing (aftermarket cam)Brett12-22-02  09:23 pm
How much for Disco2 rear bumper?Paul D. Morgan13 12-22-02  08:10 pm
QT Services Diff Guard InstallMike B.12-26-02  09:33 pm
Resting Battery drain traced to 20 a trailer light fuse.Joe Still12-26-02  08:34 pm
Wiring for a freezer/fridge on D1Ted Chestnut12-26-02  05:17 pm
AWD vs. Four Wheel DriveChris von Czoernig11 12-26-02  04:32 pm
Snorkel helpchrisvonc12-26-02  04:09 pm
Dock Lock SolenoidsJake Hartley12-26-02  04:04 pm
Anyone know where to buy Kaymar???Bob Foster12-26-02  03:25 pm
Cup HoldersGreg P.12-26-02  10:28 am
Driving in Snow - Help!Rob Davison12-26-02  09:53 am
Correct tire air pressureAl Oliveira12-26-02  09:10 am
Parking brake handle /cable problemRicardo Palomino12-25-02  06:55 pm
Discoweb not too friendly to FreelandersCarter Simcoe102 12-25-02  06:52 pm
Repairing / repainting a D2 brush barRicardo Palomino12-25-02  06:37 pm
To Paint or Powder Coat??Ricardo Palomino13 12-25-02  06:24 pm
Td5 disco transmission lightsPhil12-25-02  04:39 pm
Dif won't lockEvan12-24-02  10:16 pm
Starting Trouble & Temp Senderguru prasad12-24-02  09:02 pm
Starter on Discovery - OEM, Mean Green, Rebuilt, other?john vigg16 12-24-02  08:02 pm
Radio Problem. 95 Disco,low output sub,no output othersandy12-24-02  03:57 pm
Lifting a S2 Disco, OptionsDave_Lucas12-24-02  02:58 pm
Play in the steeringandy Coleman12-24-02  02:29 pm
Head gasket on 99 disco 2Scott Tschantz12-24-02  02:24 pm
Rear bumper choices?Al Oliveira31 12-24-02  09:41 am
Windshield Wipers Not WorkingMike Rupp12-24-02  09:33 am
Leaking rear axle seal: Are any special tools needed for repair?Paul T. Schram12-24-02  09:07 am
Land HO! The odyssey continues...John Moore12-29-02  01:17 pm
Any chance of LR or Goodyear giving a credit on the defective Wrang...Ray16 12-29-02  03:11 am
Thoughts on Bearmach Big Blues\Mike...20 12-29-02  02:28 am
Another Brake problem on a D1Brad12-29-02  12:01 am
DiscoWeb Tshirts are hereKJ73 12-28-02  11:01 pm
Loud Whine at 45-55 MPHDouglas McMillan12-28-02  08:59 pm
Any need for panhard drop brackets w/ DI lifts?Joe M.12-28-02  07:04 pm
Christmas Tool DilemmaAlex Cabrera12-28-02  06:26 pm
Steering Vibrationstreak12-28-02  02:38 pm
Fuel Filling Problemjoe12-28-02  10:39 am
How do I stop this thing?nick12-28-02  09:57 am
Disco 1 Central Locking ProblemM. Recke12-28-02  01:17 am
Load Range E tiresNate Jedinak12-27-02  10:10 pm
18" off-road tire?Ron13 12-27-02  09:02 pm
Ahhhhhhh another tire question......Carter Simcoe12-27-02  08:01 pm
Gap in door seal after cross-axle action...OLIVER CLOTHSOFF12-27-02  07:35 pm
What are the problem areas?Richard12-27-02  04:53 pm
Driver Seat Squeaksjohn12-27-02  03:52 pm
SOLAROS.......where'd the website go?!Ronnie McKinney12-27-02  02:25 pm
One thing fixed, another one breaks!Alex Cabrera12-27-02  02:11 pm
Code 48??? Jess Alvarez12-27-02  12:37 pm
Melty ARB Bumper Amber Lenses...johnb12-27-02  12:35 pm
Body Lift on a D1, any experiences??Eric N12-27-02  10:26 am
Performance... Oh no!!.. A can of ????/John Moore12-27-02  10:08 am
Disco I, ARB with Warn XD9000 WinchMike Lawson12-26-02  11:43 pm
97 D1 Sputtering up hills...?Todd Juneau01-02-03  04:04 pm
Where can I find...shawn peterson01-02-03  03:51 pm
FusesCarl01-02-03  02:54 pm
Has anyone found a replacement Master Cylinder for D1Bill Bettridge01-02-03  02:11 pm
Things looked so simple and then... (where does this wire go?)Don Z.01-02-03  01:25 pm
ExhustScott Hayes01-02-03  12:25 pm
Brake Rotor ReplacementBrian01-02-03  12:23 pm
Which u-joints on 95 DI driveshafts?Brian01-02-03  12:17 pm
Anyone seen a better price on a Safari Snorkel?Alex Cabrera01-02-03  11:51 am
Engine light on after using carb cleanerRJ Clayton01-02-03  10:38 am
Interesting CDL info ???Al Oliveira01-02-03  09:27 am
Book(s) Reviewnadim01-02-03  08:41 am
Fuel Unload 87, 89 or 91 ?Leslie N. Bright01-02-03  08:31 am
I have no problems with my D2!!??Greg21 01-02-03  03:18 am
Disco 1 Warranty ServiceRon01-02-03  12:52 am
Air Compressors (For the garage, not onboard)Curtis N16 01-02-03  12:42 am
Misfire on #8, loose plug, now I've got more problemsRon12 01-01-03  11:54 pm
Sun roof problem...but not a leakCHRIS FILLINGAME13 01-01-03  10:56 pm
Disco I rear drive shaft conversion to D90Adam01-01-03  07:30 pm
D1 Propane ConversionAaron01-01-03  07:13 pm
95 Disco Intermittant wipers not working welljoe01-01-03  05:06 pm
Radio - AM dead, FM ,CD, WB Working Finejoe10 01-01-03  05:02 pm
Is the PAS pump on a D2 same as on a D1?joe01-01-03  04:53 pm
Got a factory grill guard, want a new front bumperjoe01-01-03  04:51 pm
Analog Clock to replace digital ?James F. Thompson Ja12-31-02  09:42 am
Need advice after changing front and rear axel lube.Kelly Harris12-31-02  09:36 am
Woodgrain on the gear selector-easy removal or PIA?Jack12-31-02  09:20 am
Antilock light won't go offted walkley10 12-30-02  11:32 pm
This erratic idle will be the end of me!!! Please help!!!Joseph E. Pineda12-30-02  10:27 pm
Aftermarket CD player tracked to battery drain!Aaron Richardet12-30-02  09:52 pm
Bad vibrations around 50 mphTony12-30-02  09:46 pm
Programing Key RemotesGeorge Brett12-30-02  08:37 pm
Battery questionCarter Simcoe12-30-02  08:00 pm
Discos Playing in the Snow. What are the limits? What are your expe...Mike12-30-02  07:36 pm
CRACKED HEADER????Mike B.12-30-02  07:16 pm
Stock Window tint %Robert12-30-02  06:31 pm
1996 clock light bulb replacementDavid Willis12-30-02  04:47 pm
Difficulty removing sway bar remnantsSteve12-30-02  04:22 pm
Driveline vibration... will it ever go away?Kelly Fristoe14 12-30-02  03:10 pm
Transmission/Transfer case issue...mongo12-30-02  01:32 pm
Good Duel Purpose Tire??Dave M.31 12-30-02  01:30 pm
4 Bolt Pinion Flange QuestionTommy12-30-02  11:47 am
High lift jackBrendan Kearns24 12-30-02  11:17 am
Cd install problems on my d1Brendan Kearns12-30-02  11:01 am
Look at my transmission mount!Alex Cabrera12-30-02  10:45 am
Whine coming from aftermarket stereo headunitWillard Lee12-30-02  10:10 am
SG 'Drop Kit' Questions for D2Greg Davis12-30-02  09:26 am
Gear basket for factory rails?John Moore12-30-02  07:39 am
Hella fog lights install - is there a factory plug?Kristen PETILLON23 12-30-02  04:04 am
Roversland inc, Saudi grillAlex Cabrera26 12-31-02  12:34 pm
ANYONE RUN 245/70 R16....BFG AT' much PSI do ya run?Dean Brown12-31-02  12:19 pm
Engine knockEricV12-31-02  11:47 am
Snorkel install tipsDean Brown16 12-31-02  09:55 am
Clock LCD Screen - Real quick questionCraig Kobayashi12-30-02  01:18 am
Dual Battery QsTom Hyslip12-29-02  11:02 pm
Heated seats relay?Aaron Richardet12-29-02  07:42 pm
United Nations Disco's for saleTony D12-29-02  02:54 pm
New Transmission????Chris Browne01-01-03  04:29 pm
Power window problemsNadir Ali01-01-03  01:46 pm
NEW AIR COMPRESSOR - ANY THOUGHTSErik G. Burrows15 01-01-03  05:50 am HELP!Shawn Peterson01-01-03  12:55 am
95 Disco wont turn overJared Schnelle12-31-02  10:49 pm
ARB air-bag comp bumper / winch ?Tom Hyslip12-31-02  10:46 pm
Headlight washers?? are they toast??Al Oliveira12-31-02  10:15 pm
New shocksmatt williams12-31-02  10:01 pm
Gearing for TiresTodd W. McLain12-31-02  09:54 pm
Electrical troubleshootingPeter L. Wenger12-31-02  08:29 pm
Grinding NoiseMike B.12-31-02  07:12 pm
Drive Shaft RemovalBrian12-31-02  06:23 pm
Riadiator Concerns with 96 4.0 DiscoveryBrad_N12-31-02  05:24 pm
Serpentine Tensioner / ReplacmentDee Cantrell12-31-02  05:02 pm
Found a 2003 D2 with CDL lock lever at dealership!!!!!Chu30 12-31-02  03:53 pm
3 problems that are driving me nuts!!!larry Devore10 12-31-02  01:18 pm
Disco vs Oh No!!! Landcruiser?!?!Tom60 12-31-02  12:50 pm
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