In Australia we have an annual "Burn ... Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Discovery » In Australia we have an annual "Burn a Rover Night" (that Nite for my mates in the US!) - I am going to donate my DS1 - please help! « Previous Next »

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Metal fatigue and cracks in front bulkhead/firewall.Jack Messenger10-31-02  09:09 pm
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Scott from OZ
Posted on Thursday, October 31, 2002 - 05:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I recently posted this message:

I am in Australia. I have a 95 Disco. It has done about 60 thousand miles. I had hard start problems - they have now well and truly been rectified. There were a host of things that went wrong at about the same time. I replaced plugs, leads, coil (from Bosh to a new ACEL coil - made in the good old US of A)a new Australian Bosh HEI module (Amplifier), and new rotor button and disy cap. The Sparke out of the new NGK Iridium plugs in absolutely insane. I had an Acel on another vehicle and after 20 years it was still producing a huge reliable sparke! Anyway the problem is that whilst running the thing before sorting out these problems on Liquid Petrolium Gas (LPG) which runs through a carbie (the vehicle when running on Petrol - for my friend in the US thats gasoline! - is fuel injected) it backfired badly blowing the airbox. That has been replaced. The problem is now that since the backfire and rectifying of sparke problems it runs beautifully under acceleration, but will not idle properly. When warm it is worse. It idles down to run on only one bank of cylinders. It is the same whether on LPG or petrol which therefore excludes the fuel injectors or fuel pressure etc. I wonder therefore whether it would be a vacume leak under the plennum chamber where the vac hoses run to. I am going to take of intake manifold and have a look. A have a new gasket set to put it back together. Has anyone had similar problems? If anyone can shed dome light I would be grateful. Thanks All.

I have sinced pulled off Intake Manifold, Plenum and Valley - the thing looks bloody beautiful. I can see no problems, nor a source of a vacume leak. While I was there I connected the injectors back up and turned the ignition on and off 6 times and let the fuel pump pump up the rails to pressure - no leaks at all from the injectors. I will have to put it back together and drag it to the burning night.

Given the number of owners in the US surely someone has had a similar problem. 8 cyls, 4 not firing at idle only. Lifting leads on the dudd bank makes no differce to the idle. Lift leads on the good bank and she dies. At full throttle the think is smooth and even on all 8!!

Thanks all

Scott from OZ



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Daniel Covaciu (Danielcovaciu)
Posted on Thursday, October 31, 2002 - 06:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Let er burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott - OZ
Posted on Thursday, October 31, 2002 - 06:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Daniel - I have just cut a hole in the firewall with my angle grinder and I have re-routed the fuel injection rails (now cut in half) into the front foot well. All I need do is turn the ignition on, stand back and toss a match!

Jack Messenger (Jackm)
Posted on Thursday, October 31, 2002 - 09:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Please read my Note of the metal fatigue in my Disco.

Unlike you, there was no need to cut a hole in the firewall. The Landrover designed firewall fell apart by itself leaving a gap of some 1/4 inch to let the water in.

If you have any information, please contact me.

Jack, back in Adelaide after travelling the Tanami, Canning and Gunbarrel

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