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Posted on Thursday, October 31, 2002 - 07:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On my way from Raleigh to Charlotte last week, on the highway my truck started running rough/misfiring over 50 mph. I pulled into a gas stattion and found the 90 degree plastic fitting on the vacuum advance had broken in half. I duct taped it back together and it ran fine for the remainder of the trip.
Once in Charlotte, I bout some 1/8" innder diameter fuel line and replaced the broken 90 degree elbow with it. Everything ran fine unti last night when my Disco started running a little rough again. This time I found that the 90 degree plastic elbow on my plenum had broken.
I replaced the elbow at the plenum with another piece of the 1/8" ID fuel line. This time however my Disco didn't run any better. I figured it could be a problem with the inner diameter of the fuel line I was using, not having the same diameter as the plastic line that runs from the plenum to vacuum advance.
Tonight I went to the autoparts store and bought some fittings that look like they should work, however my engine is still not running well, especially over 50 mph.
Any ideas what could be going on? Is it critical that small diameter of the plastic hose be maintained. I noticed that the 90 degree elbows necked down to this small diameter. Or could my Disco have skipped it's timing due to having been driving with the broken elbows, or maybe my vacuum advance is gone. Is there any way to determine this? Would capping the stems at the vacuum advance and the plenum make any real difference?

Sorry for the lengthy post, Thanks.


Posted on Friday, November 01, 2002 - 04:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Disconnect the vacuum line from the manifold.
With the truck idling suck on the end of the pipe and see if you get the timing to advance, you should see the rpm go up and hear a change in tone.
If this works then at least you know that the pipe and the vaccum advance mechanism is working.
If it doesn't I would suspect the vaccum advance mechanism. If it does then I would check that you have no leaks in the pipe at the ends.

I dont believe the ID of the pipe would make a huge difference.

Hope this helps.

Posted on Friday, November 01, 2002 - 08:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If you have a vaccum gauge, you can see if the diapham in the distributor is holding vaccum, but the diameter of the rubber line you purchased should not effect the truck that way. My Disco had a leaking Diapham for years.... I really did not feel any difference.

Did you replaced the entire PVC line with that rubber fuel line? If so, the vaccum maybe collapsing, sucking shut the rubber fuel line.

my 2 cents,

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